Intelligent Notification Services Version 2.2 Interim Fix 3 README

Last updated: February 3, 2005

This Readme provides specific installation, verification, and uninstallation procedures for Intelligent Notification Services Version 2.2 Interim Fix 3. This interim fix updates the following Intelligent Notification Services components:

Notice there are no updates to the database server. You do not need to install this interim fix on the database server. You do need to install it on the computer where the Intelligent Notification Services servers are installed and configured.


This Readme includes the following information:

What's included


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Installing Intelligent Notification Services Version 2.2 Interim Fix 3

Use the WebSphere Everyplace Access update installer to install the Intelligent Notification Services interim fix files (INS_EFIX_5001_IF3.jar). You need to run the update installer for every installation of Intelligent Notification Services.


You must have already installed the following:

  1. WebSphere Everyplace Access Version 5.0 Fix Pack 1 (WEA
  2. WebSphere Everyplace Access Version Interim Fix 1 including the prerequisites

Before you install this interim fix, verify you have enough disk space:


To install the interim fix:

  1. Copy the INS interim fix file, INS_EFIX_5001_IF3.jar, to the update directory, for example
    cd C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater

    cd /usr/WebSphere/WEA_updater
  2. AIX only: Open a command prompt and change to the WEA_updater directory. (You might have already performed this step when applying another interim fix, in which case you can skip this step.) Use the following command to change the file permissions of the file:
    chmod +x
  3. Set the WAS_HOME environment variable. Each time you open a new command prompt, you need to set the WAS_HOME environment, so if you are performing these steps on multiple computers, remember to set the WAS_HOME variable.
    1. Open a command prompt window.
    2. Change directory to the was_home/bin directory, where was_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Application Server on the computer
    3. Issue the appropriate command:

      . ./

      Note: When running this command in an AIX shell, be sure to use the syntax " . ./ ". If you do not precede the command with the period and space, the Java environment will not be properly set for the active shell.

  4. Stop the Intelligent Notification server. Change to the was_home/bin directory, where was_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Application Server is running and run the following command.
  5. Change to the update directory, for example
    cd C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater

    cd /usr/WebSphere/WEA_updater
  6. Ensure that the values in the file are correct for your environment. If these values are not set or are incorrect, the interim fix installation will fail.
  7. Run the update installer to apply the interim fix. If you receive a message that indicates the WAS_HOME is not set, the Java environment might not be properly set. Note: The command shown below might span multiple lines for clarity, but the command begins with updateWEA and should be entered on a single line.
    updateWEA -fix -installDir "ins_home" -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater" -install -fixes INS_EFIX_5001_IF3 -configProperties

    Where ins_home represents the full path to the installation directory of Intelligent Notification Services. For example:
    updateWEA -fix -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\INS" -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater" -install -fixes INS_EFIX_5001_IF3 -configProperties


    ./ -fix -installDir "ins_home" -fixDir "/usr/WebSphere/WEA_updater" -install
    -fixes INS_EFIX_5001_IF3 -configProperties

    Where ins_home represents the full path to the installation directory of Intelligent Notification Services. For example:
    ./ -fix -installDir "/usr/WebSphere/INS" -fixDir "/usr/WebSphere/WEA_updater" -install -fixes INS_EFIX_5001_IF3 -configProperties


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Configuring Intelligent Notification Services Version 2.2 Interim Fix 3

After you have installed the interim fix, you need to configure the server components and verify the update. This section provides instructions for configuring the Intelligent Notification Services server. This interim fix does not update the database or portlets.

Configure Intelligent Notification Services servers (Notification Manager)
  1. Ensure that you have run the update installer on the computer where Notification Manager is installed.
  2. Backup the ins_home\config\xml\notificationManagerConfig.xml file.
  3. Update ins_home\config\xml\notificationManagerConfig.xml:
    1. Add the following text to the end of the "Mail" channel adapter just prior to the line containing: </channelAdapter>.
                <property name="fromEmailAddress" value=""/>
      The resulting Mail Channel Adapter configuration text should be similar to:
                  retryPeriodBackOffDelayPercent= "0"
                  failServiceStartOnFault= "none"
                  pauseWorkFlowOnFault= "true"
                  pauseWorkFlowDelaySeconds= "0"
                  adapterRestartPeriodSeconds= "15"
                  activePoolSize= "1"
                  activePoolSingleUse= "false" >
                      <transcoderClassName value="" />
                      <property name="fromEmailAddress" value=""/>

    2. If you have configured the Mail Channel Adapter you must enter a value for the "fromEmailAddress" property in the text you just added. The value entered for the "fromEmailAddress" should be a valid e-mail address. This must be a fully-qualified address (i.e., userid@domain).

  4. Run the server status command to make sure the dmgr or server1 server is started.


    ./ -all -username user -password password


    serverStatus -all -username user -password password
  5. If the dmgr or server1 server is not started, run the start server command.

    If Intelligent Notification Services is installed in a Network Deployment environment, run the following command on the Network Deployment node to start the dmgr server:
    startServer dmgr
    ./ dmgr

    If Intelligent Notification Services is installed on a single computer, run the following command to start server1 on the Intelligent Notification Services computer:
    startServer.bat server1
    ./ server1
  6. Back up the existing version of the ins_home/config/ file.
  7. Update ins_home/config/ as follows:
    1. Set instNMConfig=true
    2. Set instSMConfig=false
    3. If you are running Mail and Calendar Services on AIX with Lotus Domino mail databases, set instMCSDomino=true; otherwise, set instMCSDomino=false
    4. Set instMCSConfig=false
  8. Remove the configuration for Notification Manager Refer to the WebSphere Everyplace Access InfoCenter for further information related to removing Intelligent Notification Services components.
  9. Configure Notification Manager: Note: The INSServer is started automatically when you run the configuration task. Refer to the WebSphere Everyplace Access InfoCenter for further configuration information.
  10. AIX only: If you are running Mail and Calendar Services with Lotus Domino mail databases, the above configuration step may fail with the following error:
    [startServer] ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file
    [startServer] /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/INSServer/startServer.log
    [startServer] ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: INSServer
    [startServer] ADMU0111E: Program exiting with error:
    [startServer] Erro
    r creating
    [startServer] new process. 013: Permission denied
    [startServer] ADMU0211I: Error details may be seen in the file:
    [startServer] /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/INSServer/startServer.log
    ption.Server] ADMU1211I: To obtain a full trace of the failure, use the -trace o
    [trycatch] Caught exception: Java returned: 111
    [logmsg] 2004.12.07 13:36:11.535 ins-stop-start-server
    [logmsg] INSC3043E WAS Server: "INSServer" did not start.

    [if] Error in class net.sf.antcontrib.logic.IfTask


    If you receive this error, perform the following steps to continue the installation:

    1. Specify user and group ID values for the Run As User and Run As Group settings for a server (the correct values may already be set):
      1. From the WebSphere Administrative Console, click Servers > Application Servers > INSServer > Process Definition > Process Execution to go to the Process Execution page for the INSServer.
      2. Change these values:
        Property Value
        Run As User insadmin
        Run As Group insgroup


      3. Stop the server using the stopserver command, where username and password represent the WebSphere Application Server administrator ID and password. INSServer -user username -password password
      4. As the root user, use operating system tools to change the file permissions. The following examples assume that the WebSphere Application Server installation root directory is /usr/WebSphere/AppServer:
        chgrp insgroup /usr/WebSphere
        chgrp insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/config
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/wstemp
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/installedApps
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/temp
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/tranlog
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/cloudscape50
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/cloudscape51
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/DefaultDB
        chmod g+w /usr/WebSphere
        chmod g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/config
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/wstemp
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/installedApps
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/temp
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/tranlog
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/cloudscape50
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/cloudscape51
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/DefaultDB
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/INS 
      5. Run the following command:

        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/mqm/bin

      6. Log into the system using the non-root ID, such as insadmin.
      7. Change directory to /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin, where /usr/WebSphere/AppServer is the location where WebSphere Application Server is installed.
      8. Start the INSServer using the the startServer command:

        ./ INSServer
  11. Restore the original version of the ins_home/config/ file
  12. Next, verify the installation of the interim fix for Intelligent Notification Services. Instructions are provided in the next section.

Verifying the installation of the interim fix for Intelligent Notification Services

After you have applied the interim fix and configured Intelligent Notification Services, you can verify that the interim fix was installed.

After you have applied the fix, you can verify it was installed successfully.

  1. Set the WAS_HOME environment variable. Each time you open a new command prompt, you need to set the WAS_HOME environment, so if you are performing this procedure on multiple computers, remember to set the WAS_HOME variable.
    1. Open a command prompt window.
    2. Change directory to the wea_updater_home/weabin directory, where wea_updater_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Everyplace Access update tool, such as C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\weabin or /usr/WebSphere/WEA_updater/weabin
    3. Issue the appropriate command, where was_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Application Server: Note: When providing the path for the WAS_HOME environment variable, you should not place quotes around the path.

      export WAS_HOME=/was_home

      set WAS_HOME=was_home

  2. Set the WEA_PRODUCT_HOME environment variable using the following command, where ins_home is the installation directory of Intelligent Notification Services: Note: When providing the path for the WEA_PRODUCT_HOME environment variable, you should not place quotes around the path.

    export WEA_PRODUCT_HOME=/ins_home

    set WEA_PRODUCT_HOME=ins_home

  3. Run the following command to display the current version of Intelligent Notification Services:


    ./ -fixes

    WEAVersionInfo.bat -fixes
  4. Look for the Installed Fixes section of the information that is printed to the screen. Verify that INS_EFIX_5001_IF3 is listed.


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Removing this interim fix

To remove the interim fix, remove the interim fix files and then configure the components. When removing the interim fix, you will perform the following steps:

  1. Remove Intelligent Notification Services interim fix files using the WebSphere Everyplace Access update installer. You need to run the update installer for every installation of Intelligent Notification Services.
  2. Configure the Intelligent Notification Services servers (Notification Manager)

To remove the Intelligent Notification Services server (Notification Manager) updates made with interim fix 3 do the following:

  1. Set the WAS_HOME environment variable. Each time you open a new command prompt, you need to set the WAS_HOME environment, so if you are performing these steps on multiple computers, remember to set the WAS_HOME variable.
    1. Open a command prompt window.
    2. Change directory to the was_home/bin directory, where was_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Application Server on the computer
    3. Issue the appropriate command:

      . ./

      Note: When running this command in an AIX shell, be sure to use the syntax " . ./ ". If you do not precede the command with the period and space, the Java environment will not be properly set for the active shell.

  2. Stop the Intelligent Notification server. Change to the was_home/bin directory, where was_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Application Server is running and run the following command.
  3. Change to the WebSphere Everyplace Access update installer directory, for example
    cd C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater

    cd /usr/WebSphere/WEA_updater
  4. Ensure that the values in the file are correct for your environment. If these values are not set or are incorrect, the interim fix installation will fail.
  5. Run the update installer to remove the fix files and restore the original files.
    updateWEA.bat|sh -fix -installDir "ins_home" -uninstall -configProperties -fixes INS_EFIX_5001_IF3 -fixdetails

    Where "ins_home" is the full path to the directory where Intelligent Notification Services is installed. For example:
    ./ -fix -installDir "/usr/WebSphere/INS" -uninstall -configProperties -fixes INS_EFIX_5001_IF3 -fixdetails

    updateWEA.bat -fix -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\INS" -uninstall -configProperties -fixes INS_EFIX_5001_IF3 -fixdetails

  6. Run the server status command to make sure the dmgr or server1 server is started.


    ./ -all -username user -password password


    serverStatus -all -username user -password password
  7. If the dmgr or server1 server is not started, run the start server command.

    If Intelligent Notification Services is installed in a Network Deployment environment, run the following command on the Network Deployment node to start the dmgr server:
    startServer dmgr
    ./ dmgr

    If Intelligent Notification Services is installed on a single computer, run the following command to start server1 on the Intelligent Notification Services computer:
    startServer.bat server1
    ./ server1
  8. Restore the original version of the ins_home/config/xml/notificationManagerConfig.xml file
  9. Back up the existing version of the ins_home/config/ file.
  10. Update INS_install_home/config/ as follows:
    1. Set instSMConfig=false.
    2. Set instMCSConfig=false.
    3. Set instMCSDomino=false.
    4. Set instNMConfig=true.
  11. Remove the configuration for Notification Manager: Refer to the WebSphere Everyplace Access InfoCenter for further information related to removing Intelligent Notification Services components.
  12. Configure Notification Manager: Note: The INSServer is started automatically when you run the configuration task.
  13. AIX only: If you are running Mail and Calendar Services with Lotus Domino mail databases, the above configuration step may fail with the following error:
    [startServer] ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file
    [startServer] /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/INSServer/startServer.log
    [startServer] ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: INSServer
    [startServer] ADMU0111E: Program exiting with error:
    [startServer] Erro
    r creating
    [startServer] new process. 013: Permission denied
    [startServer] ADMU0211I: Error details may be seen in the file:
    [startServer] /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/INSServer/startServer.log
    ption.Server] ADMU1211I: To obtain a full trace of the failure, use the -trace o
    [trycatch] Caught exception: Java returned: 111
    [logmsg] 2004.12.07 13:36:11.535 ins-stop-start-server
    [logmsg] INSC3043E WAS Server: "INSServer" did not start.

    [if] Error in class net.sf.antcontrib.logic.IfTask


    If you receive this error, perform the following steps to continue the removal of the fix:

    1. Specify user and group ID values for the Run As User and Run As Group settings for a server (the correct values may already be set):
      1. From the WebSphere Administrative Console, click Servers > Application Servers > INSServer > Process Definition > Process Execution to go to the Process Execution page for the INSServer.
      2. Change these values:
        Property Value
        Run As User insadmin
        Run As Group insgroup


      3. Stop the server using the stopserver command, where username and password represent the WebSphere Application Server administrator ID and password.

        stopserver INSServer -user username -password password
      4. As the root user, use operating system tools to change the file permissions. The following examples assume that the WebSphere Application Server installation root directory is /usr/WebSphere/AppServer:
        chgrp insgroup /usr/WebSphere
        chgrp insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/config
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/wstemp
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/installedApps
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/temp
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/tranlog
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/cloudscape50
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/cloudscape51
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/DefaultDB
        chmod g+w /usr/WebSphere
        chmod g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/config
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/wstemp
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/installedApps
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/temp
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/tranlog
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/cloudscape50
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/cloudscape51
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/DefaultDB
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/INS 
      5. Run the following command:

        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/mqm/bin

      6. Log into the system using the non-root ID, such as insadmin.
      7. Change directory to /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin, where /usr/WebSphere/AppServer is the location where WebSphere Application Server is installed.
      8. Start the INSServer using the the startServer command:

        ./startServer INSServer
  14. Restore the original version of the ins_home/config/ file
  15. Verify the interim fix was removed.

    1. Set the WAS_HOME environment variable. Each time you open a new command prompt, you need to set the WAS_HOME environment, so if you are performing this procedure on multiple computers, remember to set the WAS_HOME variable.
      1. Open a command prompt window.
      2. Change directory to the wea_updater_home/weabin directory, where wea_updater_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Everyplace Access update tool, such as C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\weabin or /usr/WebSphere/WEA_updater/weabin
      3. Issue the appropriate command, where was_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Application Server: Note: When providing the path for the WAS_HOME environment variable, you should not place quotes around the path.

        export WAS_HOME=/was_home

        set WAS_HOME=was_home

    2. Set the WEA_PRODUCT_HOME environment variable using the following command, where ins_home is the installation directory of Intelligent Notification Services: Note: When providing the path for the WEA_PRODUCT_HOME environment variable, you should not place quotes around the path.

      export WEA_PRODUCT_HOME=/ins_home


    3. Run the following command to display the current version of Intelligent Notification Services:


      ./ -fixes

      WEAVersionInfo.bat -fixes
    4. Look for the Installed Fixes section of the information that is printed to the screen. Verify that INS_EFIX_5001_IF3 is not listed.

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