IBM® WebSphere® Everyplace® Access Update Installer README

for WebSphere Everyplace Access Version 5.0


Last update: October 7, 2004

This document describes the WebSphere Everyplace Access update installer application, which can be used to install or remove interim fixes and fix packs for selected features on the WebSphere Everyplace Access Version 5.0 product. This document includes examples of the command syntax used by the update installer and information on tracking product version and history information that the WebSphere Everyplace Access product maintains whenever you install or remove an interim fix or fix pack.

This document should be used as a reference for the updateWEA command and its parameters. However, for detailed instructions on using the update installer to install an interim fix or fix pack, always refer to the README file provided with the interim fix or fix pack.


Using the updateWEA command

This section describes the updateWEA command and its command-line parameters.

Do not launch multiple copies of the update installer at one time The update installer cannot be launched concurrently with itself. Performing more than one update at the same time can lead to a failed or faulty installation.

Installation roots
The symbol wea_feature_home represents the directory where a WebSphere Everyplace Access feature is installed. This varies for each feature and operating system:
Features Windows default home AIX default home
DB2 Everyplace drive:\Program Files\WebSphere\DB2Everyplace81 /usr/WebSphere/DB2Everyplace81
Device Manager drive:\Program Files\WebSphere\DMS16 /usr/WebSphere/DM16
Everyplace Access Services drive:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS /usr/WebSphere/EAS
Everyplace Synchronization Server drive:\Program Files\WebSphere\IBMSyncServer /usr/WebSphere/IBMSyncServer
Intelligent Notification Services drive:\Program Files\WebSphere\INS /usr/WebSphere/INS
Location Aware Services drive:\Program Files\WebSphere\LAS /usr/WebSphere/LAS

Space requirements
Space requirements vary depending on what you are installing. The size of each download is available on the Support site. After unpacking the ZIP file you download, delete the ZIP file to free space.

Space is also required for backup files in the wea_feature_home/config/version/backup directory.

Command name and updateWEA.bat

Prerequisite environment setting
The Java environment setting.

Set up the Java environment for the update installer:

  1. Open a command line window.
  2. Change directory to the was_home/bin directory, where was_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Application Server that is associated with WebSphere Everyplace Access.
  3. Issue the appropriate command:
    • . ./ (source the command on AIX platforms)
    • setupCmdLine.bat (Windows platforms only)

    Note: When running this command in an AIX shell, be sure to use the syntax ". ./". If you do not precede the command with the period and space, the Java environment will not be properly set for the active shell.

Download to
The default location for unpacking the update installer file is the WebSphere/WEA_updater directory. Interim fixes can be downloaded to the WebSphere/WEA_updater/fixes directory, and fix packs can be downloaded to the WebSphere/WEA_updater/fixpacks directory. The location of these directories is arbitrary. If you want to use a different directory, adjust the instructions in this section accordingly.

On Windows platforms, the pkunzip utility might not decompress the download image correctly. Use another utility (such as WinZip) to unzip the image.

The following files are associated with the update installer:

Location of extfile.jar, weaproduct.jar
WebSphere/WEA_updater/lib (or WebSphere\WEA_updater\lib for Windows platforms)

Location of EveryplaceAccessUpdateInstaller.jar,
WebSphere/WEA_updater (or WebSphere\WEA_updater\update for Windows platforms)

Location of fix Java archive (JAR) files
WebSphere/WEA_updater/fixes (or WebSphere\WEA_updater\update\fixes)
WebSphere/WEA_updater/fixpacks (or WebSphere\WEA_updater\update\fixpacks)

Files in
Files in the package include:
Location of log and backup files

The update installer records processing results in log files in the wea_feature_home/config/version/log directory. Backup files created during the installation of interim fixes and fix packs are in the wea_feature_home/config/version/backup directory. The files are required to uninstall an interim fix or fix pack.

Syntax examples

Depending upon the parameters you choose, the updateWEA command:

The following examples describe the syntax of various uses of the update installer. In each example, optional parameters are enclosed by brackets ([ ]). Values that you supply appear in italicized font. Choices are denoted by the pipe symbol (|).


updateWEA  -help | -? | /help | -usage

Fix processing

updateWEA -installDir "fully qualified WEA feature installation directory"
             -fixDir "fully qualified fix directory" 
             -install | -uninstall | uninstallAll
             -fixes space-delimited list of fixes
             -fixJars space-delimited list of fix JAR files
             -configProperties "property file name and path"

View applied fixes

updateWEA -fix 
             -installDir "fully qualified WEA feature installation directory"

View available fixes

updateWEA -fix 
             -installDir "fully qualified WEA feature installation directory"
             -fixDir "fully qualified fix directory"

Fix pack processing

updateWEA -installDir "fully qualified WEA feature installation directory"
             -fixpackDir "fully qualified fix pack directory" 
             -install | -uninstall
             -fixPackID fix pack ID
             -configProperties "property file name and path"
             -includeOptional space-delimited list of components

All other valid arguments are ignored, such as the prereqOverride argument, which is for fix processing only.

View applied fix packs

updateWEA -fixpack 
             -installDir "fully qualified WEA feature installation directory"

View available fix packs

updateWEA -fixpack 
             -installDir "fully qualified WEA feature installation directory"
             -fixpackDir "fully qualified fix pack directory"


Use the following parameters for the updateWEA command:

Shows command usage.

Shows command usage on Windows platforms only. Not supported for AIX-based platforms.
-configProperties <propertyFile>.properties
Specifies an externally supplied properties file containing WebSphere Application Server properties and values. Using a properties file enables you to set property values that will be used during the installation of the interim fix or fix pack. You can also share the properties file across multiple installations of WebSphere Everyplace Access, where appropriate for your environment. A default properties file is included with the updater tool called The values must be updated prior to running the updater tool.

You can use the following properties in this file:

When specifying properties in a file, the following conventions should be observed:

Interim fix only: Identifies the update as an interim fix update.

Interim fix only: Displays interim fix detail information.

Interim fix only: Specifies the fully qualified directory where you download interim fixes.

Interim fix only: Specifies a list of space-delimited interim fixes to install or uninstall.

Interim fix only: Specifies a list of space-delimited interim fix JAR files to install or uninstall. Each JAR file has one or more interim fixes.

Fix pack only: Identifies the update as a fix pack update.
Fix pack only: Displays fix pack detail information.
Fix pack only: Specifies the fully qualified directory where you download and unpack fix packs.
Fix pack only: Specifies the ID of a fix pack to install or uninstall. The value you specify does not include the .jar extension. The value is not the fully qualified package file name, but is the name of the individual fix pack within the JAR file.The current WebSphere Everyplace Access strategy for fix pack JAR files is to use one JAR file per fix pack. The fix pack ID is the name of the JAR file before the Jar extension. For example:

Shows command usage.

Shows command usage.

Fix pack only: Specifies a space-delimited list of features. The installer applies any service for the components, if present in the fix pack. Otherwise, the installer does not apply the service.

Installs the update type.

Specifies the fully qualified installation root of the feature being updated.

Interim fix only: Overrides any installation and uninstallation prerequisite checking. The update installer does not log missing prerequisites.

Specifies to uninstall the identified fix.

Interim fix only: Specifies to uninstall all applied interim fixes.

Shows command usage.


The following examples are based on Everyplace Access Services and assume that:

Examples in this section include:

Most of the examples are split into more than one line, for clarity.

Getting help for the command

To get help for the updateWEA command:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -help 

Installing interim fixes

To install a collection of interim fixes:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fix 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixes" 
          -fixes Fix1 Fix2  

To install a collection of interim fixes and display interim fix details:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fix 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixes" 
          -fixes Fix1 Fix2 

To install a collection of interim fixes and use a separate properties file:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fix 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixes" 
          -fixes Fix1 Fix2 
          -configProperties .\

To install a collection of fixes and override prerequisite checking:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fix 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixes" 
          -fixes Fix1 Fix2 

To install interim fixes from a Java archive (JAR) file:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fix 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixes" 
          -fixJar Fix1

To install interim fixes from a Java archive (JAR) file and display interim fix details:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fix 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixes" 
          -fixJar Fix1 

To install interim fixes from a Java archive (JAR) file and override prerequisite checking:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fix 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixes" 
          -fixJar Fix1 

Uninstalling interim fixes

To uninstall a collection of interim fixes:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fix 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixes" 
          -fixes Fix1 Fix2  

To uninstall a collection of interim fixes and display interim fix details:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fix 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixes" 
          -fixes Fix1 Fix2 

To uninstall a collection of interim fixes and use a separate properties file:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fix 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixes" 
          -fixes Fix1 Fix2 
          -configProperties .\

To uninstall a collection of interim fixes and override prerequisite checking:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fix 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixes" 
          -fixes Fix1 Fix2 

To uninstall interim fixes in a Java archive (JAR) file:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fix 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixes" 
          -fixJar Fix1

To uninstall interim fixes in a Java archive (JAR) file and display interim fix details:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fix 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixes" 
          -fixJar Fix1 

To uninstall interim fixes in a Java archive (JAR) file and override prerequisite checking:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fix 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixes" 
          -fixJar Fix1 

Viewing information about interim fixes

To view a list of installed interim fixes:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fix 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 

To view a list of interim fixes available in the repository:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fix 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixes" 

Installing fix packs

To install a fix pack:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fixpack 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixpackDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixpacks" 
          -fixpackID Fixpack1

To install a fix pack, and display fix pack details:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fixpack 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixpackDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixpacks"
          -fixpackID Fixpack1 

To install a fix pack and use a separate properties file:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fixpack 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixpackDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixpacks"
          -fixpackID Fixpack1 
          -configProperties .\

Uninstalling fix packs

To uninstall a fix pack:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fixpack 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixpackID Fixpack1

To uninstall a fix pack, and display fix pack details:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fixpack 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixpackID Fixpack1 

To uninstall a fix pack, and use a separate properties file:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fixpack 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixpackID Fixpack1 
          -configProperties .\

Viewing information about fix packs

To view a list of installed fix packs:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fixpack 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 

To view a list of fix packs available in the repository for WebSphere Everyplace Access:

C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater> updateWEA -fixpack 
          -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\EAS" 
          -fixpackDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater\fixpacks"

Product version and history information

The wea_feature_home/config/version directory in the installation directory for each feature contains important data about the WebSphere Everyplace Access features, such as the build version and build date. This information is included in [feature].feature file.

The wea_feature_home/config/version/history directory in the installation directory for each feature contains a collection of records for installed fixes fix packs. This information is included in [interim fixID].efixApplied, [interim fixID].efixDriver, [fix packID].ptfApplied, and [fix packID].ptfDriver files.

A driver file has useful information about the entire contents of an interim fix or fix pack. The applied file has relevant information about the fixes or fix packs that are currently applied.

Event.history files contain a detailed log about updates you have applied, either successfully or unsuccessfully. Time-stamped, detailed logs record each update process in the wea_feature_home/config/version/log directory of the installation directory for each feature.

This topic describes the XML data files that store product information for WebSphere Everyplace Access features. By default, the document type declarations (DTDs) for these files are in the wea_feature_home/config/version/dtd folder of the installation directory for each feature. See the Storage locations section for more information.

This topic includes:

Product information files

There are two kinds of product information files:

XML files in the wea_feature_home/config/version directory that store version information

The following file indicates that a WebSphere Everyplace Access feature is installed:

This file indicates that a WebSphere Everyplace Access product is installed. An example of the file follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE websphere PUBLIC "websphereId" "websphere.dtd">
<websphere name="IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access" version="5.0"/>

The following XML files represent installed items and installation events:

These component files indicate the presence of an installed component, which is part of the product. Data in the file indicates the component build date, build version, component name, and product version. For example, the file might be the EAS.config.component file, which indicates that the Everyplace Access Services configuration component is installed. An example of the file follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE component PUBLIC "componentId" "component.dtd">
<component build-date="2004-08-27" build-version="" name="EAS.config" spec-version="5.0"/>

These fix files indicate the presence of an installed interim fix.

These files indicate the presence of an installed fix pack.

XML files in the wea_feature_home/config/version/history directory

This file stores version history information:

This file lists update events that have occurred. An update event is an operation that installs or uninstalls an interim fix or fix pack. The file is sorted by the date and time of the events that are listed.

The following XML files in the wea_feature_home/config/version/history directory describe fixes and fix packs that are currently installed. These XML files are related to installation items by the primary ID information, which is shown here by <angle brackets> and italicized text.

Fix-driver defining information

Fix installation details

Fix pack-driver defining information

Fix pack installation details

Logs and component backups

WebSphere Everyplace Access products use two other directories when performing update operations, for logging and backups. By default, the two directories are relative to the product version directory, as follows:

Product updates log directory.

WebSphere Everyplace Access products store log files to document component, interim fix, and fix pack operations and updates.

Product updates backup directory

WebSphere Everyplace Access products back up components before applying interim fixes or fix packs. If you uninstall an interim fix or fix pack, WebSphere Everyplace Access products restore the backed-up component JAR file.

File naming convention

Time stamp

For example: 20020924_211832 is 24-Sep-2002, 9:18:32 pm, GMT. All time stamps are in GMT.

Interim fix ID or fix pack ID

For example: PQ77683_EAS50_iFix is an interim fix ID; EAS_PTF_5001 is a fix pack ID.

install | uninstall

Interim fix log file names

For example: wea_feature_home/config/version/log/20040915_144857_PQ77683_EAS50_iFix_install.log and wea_feature_home/config/version/log/20040915_162140_PQ77683_EAS50_iFix_uninstall.log

Interim fix component log file names

For example: wea_feature_home/config/version/log/20040915_144857_PQ77683_EAS50_iFix_Config_install.log and wea_feature_home/config/version/log/20040915_162140_PQ77683_EAS50_iFix_Config_uninstall.log

Fix pack log file names

For example: wea_feature_home/config/version/log/20040915_144857_EAS_PTF_5001_install.log and wea_feature_home/config/version/log/20040915_162140_EAS_PTF_5001_uninstall.log

Interim fix component log file names

For example: wea_feature_home/config/version/log/20040915_144857_EAS_PTF_5001_Config_install.log and wea_feature_home/config/version/log/20040915_162140_EAS_PTF_5001_Config_uninstall.log

Backup JAR file names
<timeStamp>_<ptfId>_<componentName>_undo.jar or <timeStamp>_<fixId>_<componentName>_undo.jar

For example: 20030915_144857_PQ77683_EAS50_iFix_Config_undo.jar

Do not delete a backup Java archive (JAR) file. You cannot remove a component update if the corresponding backup JAR file is not present.

Update processing might also use a temporary directory, if necessary. A Java property specifies this directory as described in the next section.

Storage locations

Product information files are located relative to the WebSphere Everyplace Access feature installation root.

Default file paths and Java properties that set them are:

Version directory

History directory

Updates log directory

Updates backup directory

DTD directory

Temporary directory
Specified by the Java system property


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(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1994, 2004. All rights reserved.
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