IBM® WebSphere® Everyplace® Access Version 5.0 Fix Pack 1 README

Last updated: October 29, 2004

This document provides information about WebSphere Everyplace Access Version 5.0 Fix Pack 1 and how to apply it. Fix Pack 1 includes fixes for Device Manager, Everyplace Access Services, Everyplace Synchronization Server, and Intelligent Notification Services. The fix pack doe not include fixes for the databases. Therefore you only need to install the fix pack on your WebSphere Portal Server and WebSphere Application Server computers. Do not install the fix pack on the database server.

The WebSphere Everyplace Access update installer is used to install the fixes on each server. The update installer helps you track the fix packs that have been applied to WebSphere Everyplace Access Version 5.0.

This document provides an overview of what is included with the fix pack and how to apply it. It also provides information that is common to all of the features, such as preparation steps. A readme for each feature is also included in the fix pack ZIP. The readme for each feature includes information about how to install, configure, verify, and remove the fix pack for that feature.

Note that during the application of this fix pack the WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Portal Server and some feature serves my need to be stopped and then started. Take this into consideration when planning for the fix pack installation.

Here is an overview of the steps needed to apply this fix pack:

  1. Download the fix pack. For instructions see the Download instructions section in this document.
  2. Review the fix pack documentation. This includes this readme and the readme for each feature.
  3. Complete any required preparation steps. Refer to the Preparing to install the fix pack section of this document for instructions.
  4. Apply the fix pack on the Everyplace Access Services computer(s). You should apply the fix to Everyplace Access Services before updating the other features. Refer to the EAS_PTF_5001_README.html file for instructions.
    1. Create the version documents
    2. Install the fix pack.
    3. Configure the features.
    4. Verify the fix pack is installed.
  5. Apply the fix pack on the Everyplace Synchronization Server computer(s), if you are using it. Refer to the ESS_PTF_5001_README.html file for instructions.
    1. Create the version documents
    2. Install the fix pack.
    3. Configure the features.
    4. Verify the fix pack is installed.
  6. Apply the fix pack on the Intelligent Notification Services computer(s), if you are using it. Refer to the INS_PTF_5001_README.html file for instructions.
    1. Create the version documents
    2. Install the fix pack.
    3. Configure the features.
    4. Verify the fix pack is installed.
  7. AIX only: Re-configure the portal to run as a non-root user. Refer to the Reconfigure the portal to run as a non-root user section of this document for instructions.
  8. Apply the fix pack on the Device Manager computer(s), if you are using it. Refer to the DMS_PTF_1601_README.html file for instructions.
    1. Create the version documents
    2. Install the fix pack.
    3. Configure the features.
    4. Verify the fix pack is installed.


This README includes the following information:

What's included

WebSphere Everyplace Access Version 5.0 Fix Pack 1 includes fixes for the following features:


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This fix pack requires the following software and disk space:

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Download instructions

These instructions assume you installed WebSphere Everyplace Access features in the default locations. However, if you installed to a custom location, modify the instructions as needed. You can extract the contents of Fix Pack 1 to a custom location. Since the commands used to create the version documents and apply the fix use full directory paths, you have more flexibility about where you extract the fix pack. The fix pack should be extracted on the same computer as the feature you will be updating. If the features are on different computers, perform the following instructions where Everyplace Access Services, Everyplace Synchronization Server, Intelligent Notification Services, and Device Manager servers and portlets are installed.

  1. Download the file to your local drive.
  2. Extract the contents of the zip file to the following location. Modify this location as needed.
  3. Delete the, or if you need to update another computer copy it to the other computer.

Note: If you have Websphere Everyplace Access features installed on multiple computers, you need to update each computer.

You should have the following directories and files in the WEA_updater directory:


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Preparing to install the fix pack

The information in this section does not apply to all WebSphere Everyplace Access configurations. Review this information if WebSphere Everyplace Access has any of the following configurations:

An overview of the procedures needed to prepare for this fix pack:

  1. Configure the portal to run as a root user. Only perform this procedure on AIX operating systems where the portal server is installed and the portal has been configured to run as a non-root user.
  2. Update the file if the Portal Server has been added to a Network Deployment Manager cell.
  3. Update the file if the WebSphere Portal Server has been clustered.
  4. Apply the fix pack.

Configure the portal to run as a root user

If WebSphere Everyplace Access is installed on AIX and the WebSphere Portal Server is configured to run as a non-root user. If you installed Intelligent Notification Services, you should have configured the WebSphere Portal Server to run as a non-root user as required by Intelligent Notification Services. However, when you apply this fix pack, you have to configure the portal to run as a root user. Therefore, you need to configure the portal to run as a root user, apply the fix packs, and then reconfigure the portal to run as a non-root user.

Be sure to run these commands as the root user.

  1. Open a browser and login WebSphere Application Server administrative console using administrative user ID.
  2. Click Servers > Application Servers > WebSphere_Portal > Process Definition > Process Execution to go to the Process Execution page for WebSphere_Portal.
  3. Delete the values for the following properties:
    Property Value
    Run As User  
    Run As Group  
    (the fields should no longer contain values)
  4. Stop the server using the stopserver command. You need to use the user and password option with the stopserver command. Run this command from the Application Server bin directory, such as /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin.
    ./stopserver WebSphere_Portal -user username -password password 
  5. Start the server using the startServer command:
    ./startServer WebSphere_Portal
  6. Apply the fix pack or complete the additional preparation steps as needed.

Preparation steps if the WebSphere Portal Server is configured as part of a Network Deployment cell

On the WebSphere Portal computer, edit the cell name in the file, located in the wp_home/config/file directory, to match the CellName listed in the Network Deployment console. If the WebSphere Portal Server has been clustered, then you must do this for every machine on which WebSphere Portal Server is installed.

Preparation steps if the WebSphere Portal Server has been clustered

Each WebSphere Portal node must be told the name of the cluster in order for portlet deployment to work correctly. On each node, modify the file, located in the wp_home/shared/app/config/services/ directory, and set the property to the name of the cluster you defined.

Note: Each node in the cluster should have the same synchronization settings to ensure consistency between WebSphere Portal server configurations. By default, automatic synchronization will occur between every node when a change is made to the configuration of the cell, which is checked for updates once per minute.


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Install the fix pack

The WebSphere Everyplace Access update installer is used to install this fix pack for Everyplace Access Services, Everyplace Synchronization Server, Intelligent Notification Services, and Device Manager. The fix pack should not be applied to the database server. The update installer will create a backup of your configuration in case you need to remove the fix pack later. In order to track fix pack and interim fixes applied to the WebSphere Everyplace Access features, you need to create a version document for each installed feature. The version document will track the application of this fix pack and future fix packs and interim fixes.

The Everyplace Access Services fix pack should be applied first. If you did not install a feature, you do not need to apply the fix for that feature. If you installed features on multiple computers, you need to update each computer with the appropriate fix. Therefore, you might need to copy the Fix Pack 1 ZIP file to multiple computers.

Refer to each feature's README for installation and configuration instructions.



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Reconfigure the portal to run as a non-root user

After you have applied the fix pack to Everyplace Access Services, Everyplace Synchronization Server, and Intelligent Notification Services, reconfigure the portal to run as a non-root user. You can perform these steps before or after applying the fix pack to Device Manager. This is only needed if you have installed Intelligent Notification Services on an AIX operating system.


  1. Log on as root.
  2. Specify user and group ID values for the Run As User and Run As Group settings for a server:
    1. Click Servers > Application Servers > WebSphere_Portal > Process Definition > Process Execution to go to the Process Execution page for WebSphere_Portal.
    2. Change these values:
      Property Value
      Run As User insadmin
      Run As Group insgroup
      UMASK 002

  3. Stop the server using the stopserver command. Run this command from the Application Server bin directory, such as /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin.
    stopserver WebSphere_Portal -user username -password password 
  4. As root, use operating system tools to change file permissions. The following examples assume that the WebSphere Application Server installation root directory is /usr/WebSphere/AppServer:
        chgrp insgroup /usr/WebSphere
        chgrp insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/config
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/wstemp
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/installedApps
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/temp
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/tranlog
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/cloudscape50
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/cloudscape51
        chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/DefaultDB
        chmod g+w /usr/WebSphere
        chmod g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer
        chmod -R g+w  /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/config
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/wstemp
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/installedApps
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/temp
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/tranlog
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/cloudscape50
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/cloudscape51
        chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/DefaultDB
  5. Run the following commands:
    chgrp -R insadmin /usr/WebSphere/PortalServer
    chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/PortalServer
    chgrp insadmin /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/wpcpaudit.log
    chmod g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/wpcpaudit.log
  6. When starting the server WebSphere_Portal, it must be started using the user ID insadmin, which was created earlier. Also, it is recommended to logon to the system as root in the ksh environment and execute the su - insadmin command because the .profile must be called.


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Removing the fix pack

Instructions to remove Fix Pack 1 are provided in the readme for each feature.


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