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In order for the Device Manager Server (DMS) to properly support the Everyplace Client v5.0.2 for WM2003SE, a manual update to the Server is required and a refresh of the Device Agent for the Everyplace Client for Windows Mobile 2003 is required. The updated Everyplace Client for Windows Mobile 2003 is now at version The Everyplace Client for Pocket PC 2002 remains at version 5.0.1. Installation Instructions For installation from the WEA portal, follow these steps: Access the browser on your device Log In to the Portal (using the web address given to you by your administrator) Select the Mobile Setup link Select the Everyplace Client Installer link Click the Everyplace Client Installer icon to start the installation Click the Install button Follow any instructions given on the screen The desktop installation file resides on the CD Image at: \Client\WM2003SE\Setup.exe The Device Manager Installation package requires that the Server updates listed in the Server Prerequisites section below are completed. The Device Manager Installation package requires that the Everyplace Client v5.0.1.1 PPC2002/WM2003 be loaded on the server. The Client software package resides on the CD Image at: \Client\WM2003SE\dms\WEA5011_ppc2003.zip \Client\WM2003SE\dms\WEA5020_ppc2003.zip APARs Included in this Release PQ96485 Device generates assert exceptions and hangs if calendar has an overlapping reoccurring entry PQ97426 Cancel sync returns improper response and leads to client crash PQ99199 SyncML client does not parse session ID URI correctly PK00190 Device agent does not check registry key correctly PK01507 Unique code for transportation industry customer Server Prerequisites You can use the Device Management portlets to deploy the software (Windows Mobility 2003, Second Edition .zip files) for your Windows Mobility 2003, Second Edition devices. Perform the following steps to on the Everyplace Access Services server: If you only want to use/update the Everyplace Client for WM2003, then proceed to step 4 (DMS Updates).. Note: As a minimum, you should install WEA 5.0 Fixpack 1, IF1, and IF4 before performing these steps. 1. Backup the platforms.xml file located at: \Program Files\WebSphere\EAS\config\ templates\wps\ent.portlets\dms\platforms.xml 2. Add a devices definition and associated wm2003se_only platform definition AFTER the current ppc2003 definition. You should copy and paste the following: *MSIE 4.01; Windows CE* 3. Apply the updated definitions by running the following script: \Program Files\WebSphere\EAS\config\EASWASconfig.bat eas-wps-dm-portlets-updatePlatforms 4. DMS Updates 4.1 Increase Field size for File Legal Trademarks column as follows a. Open a DB2 command session and do a connect to the dms database For example, if you are on a Windows machine, type: connect to dms user db2admin using b. alter table FILE_DESC alter column FILE_LEGAL_TRADEMARKS set data type varchar(512) c. commit d. (optional) To ensure that this works successfully, you might also want to do the following to verify that the column size is set to 512. select typename, length from syscat.columns where tabname='FILE_DESC' and colname='FILE_LEGAL_TRADEMARKS' 4.2 Delete the Pocket PC 2003 and Pocket PC 2002 5.0.1 DMS Packages. Because of a change to Device Manager Server (DMS) for Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition, a refresh of the Device Agent is required for Pocket PC 2003. 4.3 Copy the new DMS Packages to the WEA Server. Known Limitations Only portrait mode is supported for Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition. Menu icons do not display in the Sametime client for Windows Mobility 2003, Second Edition In previous versions of the client, icons appear on the command bar and some of the associated menus and menu items. For example, when the client is connecting to the Sametime server, a small, graphic symbol appears next to the word connecting.... Similar graphics appear for the status of the connection and for the status message selected by the user for others to see. These icons do not display in this release of the Pocket PC client when running on Windows Mobility 2003, Second Edition. Users should read the text labels in the menus. Invalid pop up message appears when the Everyplace Client starts the WebSphere Everyplace Connection Manager connection When the Everyplace Client starts the WebSphere Everyplace Connection Manager connection, an invalid pop up message might appear. The popup message requests the user to make a choice between some connection alternatives. Users should NOT select any of the choices presented. Instead, they should dismiss the pop up by either tapping on the Hide link or by tapping elsewhere on the screen. Users can also run the Connection Manager from the Start menu rather than from within the Everyplace Client. The invalid popup message only appears when WebSphere Everyplace Connection Manager is activated from within the Everyplace Client. Extra, vertical border appears on the Everyplace Client category screens If users are viewing the Home Page, the My Tools Page, or any page that they might have created, an extra border appears along the left margin of the screen. Everyplace Client Installer Incorrect Message The Device Management Agent used for Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition is the same as that used for Windows Mobile 2003. So when you use the WEA Portal to install the Everyplace Client, you may see the following message on a Windows Mobile 2003 device: “Everyplace Client V5.0.2.0 Base for WM2003SE”. Alternately, you may see the following message when installing on a Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition device: “Everyplace Client V5.0.1.1 Base for WM2003”. In either case, the correct version will be installed to the device. This is only a documentation problem. Trademarks (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1994, 2005. All rights reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. IBM, WebSphere, Everyplace, DB2, and Sametime are registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Mobile are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, and service names might be trademarks or service marks of others. 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