
This readme file provides late-breaking information and other information that supplements the online help for VisualAge PL/I, Refresh V2.1.7.

For more information about VisualAge PL/I Refresh V2.1.7, refer to the IBM PL/I Web site.

IBM PL/I Refresh V2.1.7 Enhancements/Fixes - September 2000

Refresh V2.1.7 combines the enhancements and changes in FixPak #6, FixPak #5, FixPak #4, FixPak #3, FixPak #2 and CSD #1.

Installation information

Additional components

The following VisualAge PL/I components, which are not included with the product, will be available on an as-is basis from the PL/I Web site for downloading in the near future:

Known problems and limitations

There are known problems and limitations for the following components: foreign file system (FFS), MVS connections manager, job monitor, debugger, program editor, and Information Center.


Problem or limitation Solution (if applicable)
The format of the iws file has changed, and if you have customized the iws file, you must do so again. You must recustomize the iws file, but the format of the new file is similar to the old format.
The format of the Project files (the wfp files) has changed. These files must either be rebuilt by hand, or you can use the program vit.pli in the samples directory to help you automatically rebuild them.

Foreign file system (FFS)

Problem or limitation Solution (if applicable)
You may need more information if you encounter problems while trying to access MVS files. For additional information about a problem, view the ffsuser.log file in WINNT\Profiles\userid\Application Data\IBM\FFS, where userid is your Windows user ID.
Migrated data sets cannot be edited or browsed. Migrated partitioned data sets appear to be sequential files on the workstation. If you wish to edit a data set that has been migrated, you must first recall it using ISPF on the host.
During system startup, an error may occur when your system tries to restore a network connection to the FFS server. Click OK and connect to the FFS server after system startup has finished.

MVS connections manager

Problem or limitation Solution (if applicable)
When you connect your MVS drives using the MVS connections manager, you will not see an error message if your password is incorrect. Instead, the password prompt will be redisplayed. Type the correct password on the second prompt.
If you are using a version of Netscape earlier than 4.7 and you have opened the Information Center, and you attempt to open the Information Center again from the MVS connections manager, the following error may occur: Smart Browsing was unable to match your request. Click the X button at the far right of the title bar to close the second browser window, and use the first browser window instead. Or, you can download and install Netscape 4.7 to avoid the problem.

Job monitor

Problem or limitation Solution (if applicable)
The job monitor does not run with JES3. None
If you click the X button at the far right of the title bar to close the job monitor (rather than clicking File -> Exit), the JAVA.EXE process associated with the job monitor continues to run. When you shut down, you are prompted to end this task. Click End Task until JAVA.EXE terminates (that is, until you are no longer prompted to end the task).
DBCS characters display incorrectly in job output. None


Problem or limitation Solution (if applicable)
If you set a Load Occurrence breakpoint for a dll whose name does not match the name of the obj that defines its primary entry point, the breakpoiunt will not be hit.

For example, the entry point for the file ibmmakro.dll is defined in ibmnmac.obj rather than in ibmmakro.obj, and hence a load breakpoint set for ibmmakro.dll will never be hit.

You can try to avoid this problem by having the name of the dll match that of the obj.

You can also get around the problem by setting a load breakpoint for a dll that has the same name as the obj that defines it. For example, for the ibmmakro.dll, you could set a breakpoint for ibmnmac.dll (even though there is no such dll).

Under the previous debugger, if your program had a zerodivide, a storage protection or other hardware exception, you would see a pop-up window as soon as the exception was raised.

Under this debugger, by default, the PL/I library will be called to handle the error and an appropriate ON-unit, if one exists, will be called. There will be no pop-up window, and if you have no breakpoints in your ON-units, your program will quietly run to completion.

You can change this behavior by clicking on File, then on Preferences, then on Debug, then on the name of the exe you want to debug, and then on Exception Filer Preferences.

Then click on the exceptions for which you do want immediate notification via a pop-up window.

When you remotely debug an OS/390 PL/I program that contains graphic variables, an error may occur when you try to change the value of the variable in the Program Monitor. To change the value of a graphic variable for debugging, do the following:

1. Double-click the graphics variable in the Source pane. Right-click the variable and select Add to Program Monitor.

2. Double-click the value in the Monitors pane.

3. Remove the old value completely and then enter the new one.

4. Add a G in front of the first single quote (for example, G'X Y Z ') to indicate that this is a graphic value. Press Enter.

You may see some unexpected behavior if your program contains unprintable data. An unprintable character appears in the debugger as a box. Here are some examples of unexpected behavior: 

- If a statement in the program contains a literal string with unprintable characters, you may not be able to highlight variables in that statement. 

- If you try to edit the value of a variable that contains unprintable data, the boxes are replaced by the tilde character. 

- You may not be able to see the end of a long string.


Program editor

Problem or limitation Solution (if applicable)
You may need more information if you encounter problems while using the program editor (LPEX). For additional information about a problem, view the editor's macro log. To get to the macro log, click Windows -> Macro log.
If you use Notepad and Wordpad to edit an MVS file, the file is not locked during the edit session. Similarly, if you invoke the program editor (LPEX) from the start menu, or in any way other than selecting MVS Edit from a project, the file is not locked during the edit session. To lock (ISPF style) an MVS file during an edit session, right-click the file in the project window and then select MVS edit