Installing PTF IP22114 for remote ECD

VisualAge PL/I 2.1.7 requires IBM Foreign File System PTF IP22114 for remote ECD.

If you are a new user of VisualAge PL/I Version 2.1, and have not installed other products that require IBM Foreign File Server (such as VisualAge COBOL V3.0.0) then first follow the instructions in Installing on the host. to install and configure the base IBM Foreign File Server product. Then install PTF IP22114, which is included on this CD. If you have already installed and configured the base IBM Foreign File Server product, then you only need to install PTF IP22114.

PTF IP22114 provides several enhancements and fixes. In particular:

The general steps for installing and configuring this PTF are shown in the checklist below.

Step For details, see: Done?
For the new JES3 support, install the JES3 PTF for OW36022 and ++APAR for OW45210.    
Install the PTF. Installing PTF IP22114  
Update the IBM HTTP Server configuration. Updating the IBM HTTP Server configuration  
Update the foreign file system server configuration. Updating the foreign file system server configuration  
Update the job monitor server configuration. Updating the job monitor server configuration  

TCP/IP V3R2 for MVS: Customization and Administration, SC31-7134
TCP/IP V3R2 for MVS Bookshelf
IBM HTTP Server: Planning, Installing, and Using, SC31-8690

Installing PTF IP22114

This material is intended for the system programmer responsible for installing and maintaining programs. It contains information about the material and procedures associated with the installation of PTF IP22114 in support of VisualAge PL/I V2.1.7. You should read all of this material before installing the PTF and then keep it for future reference.

The PTF is shipped on the VA PL/I 2.1.7 CD-ROM as file HFBN100\IP22114\FBN.IBM.HFBN100.IP22114.

Overview of the installation steps

Here are the steps required to install PTF IP22114:

  1. Allocate a data set for the PTF.
  2. Upload the PTF from the CD-ROM.
  3. Perform SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY.

Allocate a data set for the PTF

A sequential data set must be allocated on the OS/390 for the PTF contained on the CD-ROM. You can do this by submitting the job below. Add a job card and modify the parameters to meet your site's requirements before submitting.

//FTPALLO  DD  DSN=hlq.IBM.HFBN100.IP22114,
//         DSORG=PS,
//         RECFM=FB,
//         LRECL=80,
//         BLKSIZE=6160,
//         SPACE=(TRK,(4,2)),
//         UNIT=SYSALLDA
//*        VOL=SER=&TVOL1

Upload the PTF from the CD-ROM

Upload the file in binary format from the CD-ROM to the OS/390 data set. If the CD-ROM is attached to a Windows NT system, you can use FTP from a command prompt to upload the file. In the sample dialog shown below, commands or other information entered by the user are in bold, and the following values are assumed:
User enters: Values
mvsaddr TCP/IP address of the OS/390
tsouid Your TSO user ID
tsopw Your TSO password
d: Your CD-ROM drive
hlq High-level qualifier that you used for the data set that you allocated in the job above
C:\>ftp mvsaddr
Connected to mvsaddr.
220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V2R8 at mvsaddr, 04:43:52 on 2000-09-12.
220 Connection will close if idle for more than 60 minutes.

User (mvsaddr:(none)): tsouid

331 Send password please.
Password: tsopw
230 tsouid is logged on.  Working directory is "tsouid.".

ftp> cd ..
250 "" is the working directory name prefix.

ftp> cd hlq
250 "hlq." is the working directory name prefix.

ftp> binary
200 Representation type is Image

ftp> put d:\hfbn100\ip22114\ ibm.hfbn100.ip22114
200 Port request OK.
125 Storing data set
250 Transfer completed successfully.
1018640 bytes sent in 1.92 seconds (529.71 Kbytes/sec)

ftp> quit
221 Quit command received. Goodbye.


Perform the RECEIVE and APPLY for the PTF with the jobs that you used to RECEIVE and APPLY the base product. You will need to make the following changes to them:

Updating the IBM HTTP Server configuration

You will be updating the IBM HTTP Server configuration, primarily to enable new Go Webserver API (GWAPI) services used by the foreign file system server to improve performance. You must do this updating from the OS/390 UNIX shell using the Web administration user ID and group, by either of these methods:

Each method of configuring changes the statements (called directives) in the configuration file. Restart the server after you make changes to ensure that the changes take effect.

HTTP directives for VisualAge PL/I

HTTP directives for VisualAge PL/I

You need to configure the following directives for the IBM HTTP Server to operate with VisualAge PL/I. You can probably use the default settings for the other directives. However, review all the directives shown in the server documentation to make sure that the defaults are appropriate for your environment.

Type: Tuning

The MaxPersistRequest directive specifies the maximum number of requests that the server will allow on a persistent connection. VisualAge PL/I requires a value of 5 or greater. Specify the MaxPersistRequest directive as follows:

MaxPersistRequest   5
Type: GWAPI application processing

You need to enable the Go Webserver API (GWAPI) services used by VisualAge PL/I and provide the paths for the VisualAge PL/I server routines. The file /ffsserver/samples/fbnfconf contains sample configuration information for the foreign file system (the new directives are in bold):

Enable FFS_WOPEN /usr/lpp/ffsserver/lib/fbnfmain.dll:ffssrvr
Enable FFS_GET /usr/lpp/ffsserver/lib/fbnfmain.dll:ffssrvr
Enable  FFS_GETFILE     /usr/lpp/ffsserver/lib/fbnfmain.dll:ffssrvr
Enable  FFS_GETFILEINFO /usr/lpp/ffsserver/lib/fbnfmain.dll:ffssrvr
Enable FFS_DIR /usr/lpp/ffsserver/lib/fbnfmain.dll:ffssrvr
Enable FFS_DELETE /usr/lpp/ffsserver/lib/fbnfmain.dll:ffssrvr
Enable FFS_RENAME /usr/lpp/ffsserver/lib/fbnfmain.dll:ffssrvr
Enable FFS_RMDIR /usr/lpp/ffsserver/lib/fbnfmain.dll:ffssrvr
Enable FFS_ALLOCATE /usr/lpp/ffsserver/lib/fbnfmain.dll:ffssrvr
Enable FFS_CONNECT /usr/lpp/ffsserver/lib/fbnfmain.dll:ffssrvr
Enable FFS_STCMDSRV /usr/lpp/ffsserver/lib/fbnfmain.dll:ffssrvr
ServerInit /usr/lpp/ffsserver/lib/fbnfmain.dll:ffssrvrInit TRACE_ERRORS
ServerTerm /usr/lpp/ffsserver/lib/fbnfmain.dll:ffssrvrTerm
Service /FFSDS* /usr/lpp/ffsserver/lib/fbnfmain.dll:ffssrvr*
Pass /FBN-PUB/* /usr/lpp/ffsserver/WebServ/*

If you did not install into the default path (usr/lpp/ffsserver), you need to change the paths accordingly.

Prepend these directives to the Web server configuration file.

Updating the IBM HTTP Server Configuration
IBM HTTP Server: Planning, Installing, and Using, SC31-8690
Domino Go Webmaster's Guide, SC31-8691

Updating the foreign file system server configuration

The foreign file system server uses both the AF_UNIX and AF_INET socket domains. To support this use, make sure that both domains are identified in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member using FILESYSTYPE and NETWORK statements. For example:


In the example above, the MAXSOCKETS value has been increased from the default of 64 to 1024 for both the AF_UNIX and AF_INET domains. This is recommended. In particular, the foreign file system server makes extensive use of AF_UNIX domain sockets to improve performance.

For more information about these statements and the BPXPRMxx parmlib member in general, see UNIX System Services Planning.

You can verify that the foreign file system server has been installed correctly without testing it through VisualAge PL/I. From a browser on the workstation, enter the following address:


Here systemname is the TCP/IP host name or address of the OS/390 system, and webserverport is the port number for the IBM HTTP Server (the default is 80). FFSDS must be uppercase, and the final slash (/) must be used. You should see the home page for the foreign file system server.

UNIX System Services Planning, SC28-1890 (about the BPXPRMxx parmlib member)

Updating the job monitor server configuration

If you use JES3:

  1. Be sure that you have installed the JES3 PTF for OW36022 and ++APAR for OW45210.
  2. Specify that you are using JES3 in the job monitor server configuration file SFBNSAMV(FBNJCNFG):

Submit the JCL to start the job monitor. You can use the netstat command to check whether the job monitor is listening to the configured port.