Installing on the workstation

This document provides information you need to install VisualAge PL/I Version 2.1.14 on your workstation. For information on installing the host components required for remote ECD, see Installing on the host.

Before you start the installation, be sure you have done the following:

After the installation, be sure to configure your browser so you can access VisualAge PL/I online help.

Installing VisualAge PL/I Version 2.1.14 Refresh when Version 2.1.10 or later is already installed
Installing and configuring the MS Loopback Adaptor on Windows XP
Installing and configuring the MS Loopback Adaptor on Windows 2000
Configuring your browser for online help
Resetting environment variables
Installing by using a response file

Installing VisualAge PL/I Version 2.1.14 Refresh when Version 2.1.10 or later is already installed

To install IBM VisualAge PL/I Version 2.1.14 Refresh on a workstation with VisualAge PL/I Version 2.1.10 or later is already installed, do the following steps:

  1. Insert the IBM VisualAge PL/I 2.1.14 CD in the CD-ROM drive.
  2. Select Start -> Run, and type x:\setup.exe, where x is the CD-ROM drive. The IBM VisualAge PL/I Setup window opens.
  3. Select Repair and click Next.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete the installation. Your original installation directory is retained.
  5. Shut down and restart your computer.
  6. If you had any shortcuts, associations, or links to a previous installation of IBM VisualAge PL/I on your workstation, you should verify or update them now.
  7. Configure your browser for online help.

Configuring your browser for online help
Resetting environment variables

Installing and configuring the MS Loopback Adapter on Windows XP

To install the MS Loopback Adapter on Windows XP, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, then click Control Panel.
  2. Click Switch to classic view (unless that's your default).
  3. Double click Add Hardware, then click next.
  4. Click Yes I've already connected the hardware, then click next.
  5. Scroll the list and click Add a new hardware device, then click next.
  6. Click Install the hardware that I manually select from list.
  7. Click Network adapters, then click next.
  8. Click Microsoft in the manufacturers list, then click Microsoft loopback adapter in the adapter list, and then click next.
  9. Keep clicking next until the install is complete.

It's a good idea to see if the required IP address of was assigned. Do these steps:

  1. Click Start and then Control Panel.
  2. Double click Network Connections.
  3. Right-Click Local Area. Choose the one with the Loopback name.
  4. Click Properties from the pulldown list.
  5. Uncheck all boxes except TCP/IP.
  6. Click, in the list of lines with checkboxes, TCP/IP. Click its name, just to the right of its checkbox.
  7. Click the properties button that now illuminates for it.
  8. Click the radio button that says Use the following IP address
  9. Fill in and subnet mask

Installing and configuring the MS Loopback Adapter on Windows 2000

To install the MS Loopback Adapter on Windows 2000, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel
  2. In the Control Panel window, click Add/Remove Hardware
  3. Click Next at the welcome screen.
  4. Click Add/Troubleshoot a device in the task list, then click Next.
  5. Click Add a new device in the list of hardware devices, then click Next.
  6. Click No, I want to select the hardware from a list when prompted to search for the new hardware, then click Next.
  7. Click Network adapters in the list of hardware types, then click Next.
  8. Click Microsoft in the Manufacturers list and Microsoft Loopback Adapter in the Network Adapter list, then click Next.
  9. Click Next again to start the hardware installation, then click Finish after the hardware is installed.

To configure the MS Loopback Adapter, do these steps:

  1. In the Control Panel window, click Network and Dial-up Connections.
  2. In the Network and Dial-up Connections window, right-click the appropriate Local Area Connection for the Loopback Adapter and then click Properties.
  3. In the Local Area Connection Properties window, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Clear all other boxes so that no other components in the list are selected; if other components are selected, the connection to an MVS system will not work. Click the Properties button.
  4. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window, click the button for specifying an IP address and enter the IP address, Do not click the button to obtain an IP address from a DCHP server.
  5. Move the cursor to the Subnet Mask field. This field should contain Leave the Default Gateway blank. Click OK.
  6. Reboot your workstation.

Installing VisualAge PL/I Version 2.1.14 Refresh if Version 2.1 is not already installed

Configuring your browser for online help

If your organization uses a proxy server for connecting to the Internet, the proxy configuration for your browser must include the following exceptions for the VisualAge PL/I help system to work: localhost:49213, These proxy exceptions allow your browser to bypass the proxy and access the help system directly. The installation program for VisualAge PL/I checks your browser's proxy configuration and will update it for you. However, in the following cases you may need to manually update your browser's proxy configuration:

Configuring Netscape

To check that your browser configuration for Netscape 4.x is correct, do the following steps:

  1. In Netscape, click Edit -> Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences window, click Advanced -> Proxies.
  3. If the Direct connection to the Internet button is selected, no action is required.

    If the Automatic proxy configuration button is selected, contact your system administrator to ensure that is included in your proxy exceptions.

    If the Manual proxy configuration button is selected, do the following steps:

    1. Click View (next to the Manual proxy configuration button).
    2. In the Manual Proxy Configuration window, add localhost:49213, to the list of proxy exceptions at the bottom.
    3. Click OK on both the Manual Proxy Configuration window and the Preferences window to have your changes take effect.

If you use VisualAge PL/I without a TCP/IP connection to a network, and you use Netscape for viewing the online help, you must click the Direct connection to the Internet button for the online help to work.

Configuring MS Internet Explorer

To check that your browser configuration for Internet Explorer 5.x is correct, do the following steps:

  1. In Internet Explorer, click Tools -> Internet Options.
  2. In the Internet Options window, click the Connections tab.
  3. Click the LAN settings button at the bottom of the Connections page.
  4. If the Use a proxy server box is not checked, no action is required.

    If the Use a proxy server box is checked, do the following steps:
    1. Click Advanced (next to the Use a proxy server box).
    2. In the Proxy Settings window, add localhost:49213; to the list of proxy exceptions at the bottom.
    3. Click OK on both the Proxy Settings window and the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window to have your changes take effect.

Resetting environment variables
Installing by using a response file

Resetting environment variables

To reset environment variables, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel.
  2. In the Control Panel window, double-click the System icon, and then click the Environment tab.
  3. On the Environment page, set the variables to the appropriate values (as discussed in the sections below). That is, for each variable, do as follows:
  4. Click OK after setting all the variables.

After uninstalling PL/I or C++

VisualAge PL/I Version 2.1 and VisualAge C++ Version 3.0 use the same names for environment variables for some components. If you have VisualAge C++ already on your system when you install VisualAge PL/I, VisualAge PL/I will reset these variables for PL/I usage.

If you install VisualAge C++ after VisualAge PL/I, uninstalling VisualAge C++ will not restore your PL/I values. You will need to reset the following environment variables for IBM VisualAge PL/I, where c:\ibmpliw is the path where IBM VisualAge PL/I was installed:

Variable Value
IPF_PATH32 c:\ibmpliw

If you uninstall IBM VisualAge PL/I, you may need to manually reset the environment variables for VisualAge C++ to their original settings, where c:\ibmcppw is the path where IBM VisualAge C++ was installed:

Variable Value
IPF_PATH32 c:\ibmcppw

Using your own macros for the editor

Before you installed IBM VisualAge PL/I, you may have had your own macros for the language-sensitive editor, which the LPATH or LPATH2 environment variable pointed to. If so, you need to append the contents of the LPATH or LPATH2 environment variable to the contents of the environment variable that VisualAge PL/I created, PLILPATH4.

For example, suppose that before you installed IBM VisualAge PL/I, LPATH or LPATH2 contained d:\MYMACROS. During the installation of VisualAge PL/I, the PLILPATH4 environment variable was set to e:\Program Files\IBM\VAPLI\MACROS. To make your macros available, you would update the PLILPATH4 environment variable to be e:\Program Files\IBM\VAPLI\MACROS;d:\MYMACROS.

Installing by using a response file

With a normal (nonsilent) installation, you provide the necessary input in the form of responses to requests for information. With a silent installation, the response file for InstallShield Silent contains the input and no messages are displayed. Instead, a log file captures the installation information, including whether the installation was successful.

A response file is a text file that contains information similar to what an end user would enter as responses to requests for information when running a normal installation. InstallShield Silent reads the necessary input from the response file at run time. The format of a response file resembles that of an .ini file, but a response file has the .iss extension.

You might want to use a response file when you have many workstations on which to install the product and do not need to observe each install process.

To install IBM VisualAge PL/I by using a response file, follow these steps:

  1. Create a response file. You can have InstallShield create the response file for you, or you can write the response file, perhaps using the response file setup.iss, which is provided, as a template. To have InstallShield create the response file for you, enter:
    setup -r

    As you do a normal installation, InstallShield records your installation choices in setup.iss and then puts the file in the Windows folder (c:\WINNT on most systems). If you have the system restarted at the end of the installation when you record the response file, the silent installation will also restart the system when it finishes. You may want to copy the response file to a diskette or network drive to use it later.

  2. Run the installation in silent mode using InstallShield Silent. Enter, for example:
    d:\setup -s -f1a:\setup.iss -f2a:\vad3.log

    The -s parameter requests a silent installation, the -f1 parameter gives the location and name of the response file to use, and the -f2 parameter gives the location and name of the log file to use.

  3. Review the log file, especially the return values, to verify that the silent installation succeeded.

Setup parameters for silent installation
Setup log file for silent installation

Setup parameters for silent installation

You can pass setup parameters directly to the setup program (setup.exe) or put them into a setup.ini file. If you use the parameters, observe these guidelines:

The command-line parameters are:

Parameter Purpose Comments
-f1 To specify the location and name of the response file InstallShield Silent will read the response file that you specify.
-f2 To change the location and name of the log file that InstallShield Silent creates By default, setup.log is created and stored in the same folder as setup.exe.
-m To cause InstallShield to generate a management information format (.mif) file at the end of installation Do not include a path. The .mif file is always placed in the Windows folder. If you do not specify a file name, the file is called status.mif.
-r To cause the setup program to generate a file (.iss) for silent installation The response file is a record of the installation input that you use as you step through a normal installation. It is stored in the Windows folder.
-s To have InstallShield Silent run a silent installation  
-SMS To prevent a network connection and keep the setup program from closing before the installation is complete You can use this parameter when installing from a Windows NT server over a network. SMS must be uppercase.

Installing by using a response file

Setup log file for silent installation

Setup log file for silent installation

Setup.log is the default name for the log file that results from the silent installation. Its default location is Disk1 in the same folder as setup.exe. You can specify a different name and location for setup.log by using the -f1 and -f2 parameters with the setup program..

Setup.log has three sections:

Section Name Identifies:
1 [InstallShield Silent] Version of InstallShield used in the silent installation

File as a log file

2 [Application] Name and version of the installed application

Company name

3 [ResponseResult] Result code indicating whether or not the silent installation succeeded

InstallShield puts one of the following return values after the ResultCode keyname:

Value Meaning
  0 Success
 -1 General error
 -2 The mode is not valid.
 -3 The required data was not found in the setup.iss file.
 -4 Not enough memory is available.
 -5 The file does not exist.
 -6 Cannot write to the response file.
 -7 Cannot write to the log file.
 -8 The path to the InstallShield Silent response file is not valid.
 -9 The list type (string or number) is not valid.
-10 The data type is not valid.
-11 Unknown error during setup.
-12 The dialogs are out of order.
-51 Cannot create the specified folder.
-52 Cannot access the specified file or folder.
-53 The option selected is not valid.

Installing by using a response file

Setup parameters for silent installation