
This readme file provides information necessary to install and use the IBM Foreign File System Version 1.0.4 update to VisualAge PL/I Version 2.1.7 fixpak.

See IP22336.HTM for more information on applying PTF IP22336 for the Foreign File System server.

You must have VisualAge PL/I Version 2.1.7 installed before you apply the IBM Foreign File Server Version 1.0.4 update.

Important changes for this Version

When using Remote Edit-Compile-Debug, the following table summarizes the additional or changed requirements for IBM Foreign File Server Version 1.0.4.
Prerequisite product or component Requirement or change
Foreign File System PTF IP22336 (which supersedes PTF IP22257).

With Version 1.0.3 and before, FFS required the environment variable FFSPATH be added to the .envvars file of the HTTP server. With Version 1.0.4, this requirement is lifted.

Install instructions for IBM FFS Version 1.0.4

To install this fixpak, do the following steps:
  1. Unzip the fixpak into a folder on your workstation.
  2. Select Start -> Run, and type x:\fixpak\setup.exe, where x:\fixpak is the location of the unzipped fixpak. The IBM Foreign File System Setup window opens.
  3. Select Repair and click Next.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete the installation. Your original installation directory is retained.
  5. Shut down and restart your computer.
  6. If you had any shortcuts, associations, or links to a previous installation of IBM VisualAge PL/I on your workstation, you should verify them now.
This procedure is the same for basic and network installations. For example, if Version 1.0.3 was installed as a network installation on a network server, following this procedure will automatically install Version 1.0.4 as a network installation. Shared install clients do not need to make any updates.

Enhancements in IBM FFS Version 1.0.4

IBM Foreign File system Version 1.0.4 includes the following enhancements: