APAR fixes for Personal Communications for Windows, Version 5.5 are now accessible from the workstation desktop by using the Product Update Tool. You can also update an administrative image for distribution. Authorized users can use the Product Update Tool to download, test, and commit APARs and CSDs. Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APARs) are single module product fixes for Personal Communications, while CSDs are full Personal Communications product updates. To access the Product Update Tool: 1. Click Administrative and PD Aids from the Personal Communications start menu. 2. Select Product Update Tool. 3. Select WebUpdate Configuration to change connection and proxy options. WebUpdate Configuration The WebUpdate configuration panel automatically appears when the Product Update Tool is first run after installation. After the initial configuration settings are entered or confirmed, the update panel does not appear automatically each subsequent time. If changes to the configuration are necessary, click WebUpdate Configuration on the main panel. You can specify the following WebUpdate configuration options: Connection Method If connecting through a modem, select the dialup connection name from the drop-down list. Proxy Connection Settings During installation, Personal Communications automatically checks the Internet browser proxy settings and configures WebUpdate to use those settings. If no proxy settings are available, Personal Communications uses the default setting of blank (no settings). Select Uses Proxy Connection to add or change the proxy settings for WebUpdate. If you use an HTTP proxy server, you can type the user name and password. Note: Make sure Connection Configurations is correct. You can select "I connect through a local area network" even if you use a modem; however, make sure you are connected to the Internet when you try to test or commit APARs. A connection is not necessary to remove APARs. If you are behind a proxy firewall, use Connection Configurations to update that information. If you connect through a socks server, place socks= in front of the socks server address in the Proxy Server Address field. The product update tool does not support the use of Automatic Configuration Scripts. APARs Always test an APAR before you commit it. Once an APAR is committed, it becomes part of the installed product and no backup copy of Personal Communications is available. Specifically, the Windows Installer MSI package is altered by the APAR installation. Thus, the APAR cannot be removed and Personal Communications must be reinstalled. If Personal Communications is reinstalled on a machine, any prior APARs must be recommitted Note: Ensure that the Personal Communications source from which you installed is present when committing an APAR. If the source is not present, applying the .msp file will fail. Product Update Tool Options The WebUpdate utility has three options for APARs: Test an APAR This option allows you to test the APAR before it is installed. Testing indicates conflict between APARs and should always be done before the Commit option is used. When you test an APAR, an APAR package (bundled as a self-extracting executable) is downloaded and executed. After you select the APARs you want to test, a copy of the files being updated is made in the appropriate directory. For Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows ME Operating Systems the directory is: X:\Application Data\All Users\IBM\PCOMM\APAR\[APAR Name] where X is the drive on which the operating system resides. If the Windows NT and Windows 2000 Operating Systems the directory is: X:\All Users\Application Data\All Users\IBM\PCOMM\APAR\[APAR Name] Remove an APAR If an APAR test is unsuccessful, this option removes the APAR and restores Personal Communications to its prior settings. The backup files are copied back to their original location. Commit an APAR Use this option only after a successful APAR test. When you select to commit an APAR, an APAR package (bundled as a self-extracting executable) is downloaded and executed. After you select the APARs you want to commit, the corresponding .msp file launches silently. Since the changes are permanent, no backup copy is made. You can then distribute one or more .msp files across the network. The .msp files are saved as follows: For the Windows 95 or Windows 98 Operating Systems: X:\\Application Data\IBM\Personal Communications\APARs\[APAR Name] where X:\ is the directory in which the operating system resides. For the Windows NT Operating System: X:\\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\IBM\Personal Communications\APAR For the Windows 2000 Operating System: X:\\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\Personal Comm For the Windows Me Operating System: X:\\Application Data\IBM\Personal Communications\APARs\[APAR Name] Note: In the ...\Personal Communications\APARs\ subdirectory there is a file named pcommaparinfo.txt. This file contains a list of the installed APARs, as well as their status (tested or committed). Do not edit or move this file, because it is essential for the proper tracking of APARs. When committing an APAR, close the Product Update Tool and select Retry, when you receive a message that says to close the product update tool. The APAR is installed and you are finished. How to apply a .msp file on a single workstation We recommend that you launch .msp from a command prompt using the following syntax: msiexec.exe /p [patch.msp] REINSTALLMODE=em Msiexec.exe is located in the Windows System directory. How to apply a .msp file to an Administrative image To apply a patch to an Administrative image, launch the .msp file from a command prompt using the following syntax: msiexec.exe /a "[Absolute Path to IBM Personal Communications.msi]" /p "[Absolute Path to patch.msp]" REINSTALLMODE=em Msiexec.exe is located in the Windows System Directory. In the examples above, "patch" is the name of the APAR. Use this parameter in conjunction with the /a parameter to commit the APAR when you perform an administrative installation. Refer to the CD-ROM Guide to Installation for more information about administrative installation and command line parameters. Always test an APAR on an administrative installation before pushing the new image and/or the APAR to other machines. The administrative installation on which APARs are tested and the administrative install image must always be synchronized. If you have difficulty downloading the packages, you can get them using the following links: For committing APARs Personal Communications 5 MLS Commit Package http://www6.software.ibm.com/aim/pcm5500c.exe Personal Communications 5.5 Simplified Chinese Language Commit Package http://www6.software.ibm.com/aim/pcs5500c.exe Personal Communications 5.5 Traditional Chinese Language Commit Package http://www6.software.ibm.com/aim/pct5500c.exe Personal Communications 5.5 Korean Language Commit Package http://www6.software.ibm.com/aim/pck5500c.exe For testing APARs Personal Communications 5.5 MLS Test Package http://www6.software.ibm.com/aim/pcm5500t.exe Personal Communications 5.5 Simplified Chinese Language Test Package http://www6.software.ibm.com/aim/pcs5500t.exe Personal Communications 5.5 Traditional Chinese Language Test Package http://www6.software.ibm.com/aim/pct5500t.exe Personal Communications 5.5 Korean Language Test Package http://www6.software.ibm.com/aim/pck5500t.exe Differences between test and commit packages: When you install a product using Microsoft's Windows Installer, the MSI file, (in this case IBM Personal Communications.msi), is cached on the machine. This MSI file is a database that contains information on all the installed files. When you test an APAR, the MSI file is not updated with the updated files information. This allows the removal of the APAR in the case of undesirable effects. When you commit an APAR, you are using something called a Microsoft Patch file (.msp file). The .msp file updates the product's MSI file with patch information and makes the patch (or APAR) part of the product. In addition, the repair function uses the MSI file to see if files on the machine are the correct files. If information in a file varies from that in the MSI file, (for example, the file version is different), the correct file that contains information matching that in the MSI file, is placed back on the machine. While testing an APAR, do not repair Personal Communications. If you do, the APAR is removed. It is very important that you commit an APAR and not leave it in test mode. Make sure Windows Scripting Host Service is running. The windows Scripting Host runs on Windows operating systems by default; however, it can be turned off. The product update tool uses .vbs files to download the correct APAR package, so if you have turned off the service, turn it back on when using the tool. Corrective Service Distributions To check for CSDs, click Check for CSDs in the Product Update Tool. If CSDs are available, you will be prompted to go to the registration Web pages for CSDs. A popup panel notifies you if there are no CSDs available for the current version.