WS file user special options---------------------------7/03/2002 STANZA SYNTAX DEFAULT ---------------- -------------------- ------- "LT", "IgnoreWCCStartPrint", "N" Older host applications may send LU_2 screen data, with the StartPrint bit set in the WCC, causing a local screen print. This option causes us to ignore the StartPrint bit. "printers", "ADMPRINT", "N" Host Graphics printing, enables to send current MPP & MPL in Query Reply. "printers", "AHPP5250_NOCR", "Y" After each AHPP (Absolute Horizontal Presentation Position), and data, we issue a CR (Carriage Return). We reposition the line with blanks for the next AHPP and data. This option will eliminate the CR, which is recommended to reduce the # of blanks printed. "printers", "ATRN", "N" When "Y" data within the ASCII transparency command is translated (EBCDIC to ASCII). Normally this is not needed as the data is already ASCII. "printers", "DATFILE", "" DATFILE is used to map AS/400 font requests to PC Fonts. The user can modify them and use this option to enter his DATFILE name and directory, to use for a particular session. "printers", "IgnoreAttr", "N" OS/2 only. Ignore attribute bytes (LU2 & LU3). "printers", "IgnoreColor", "N" Ignore colors. Used for color printer, when color isn't wanted. "printers", "IgnoreMarkedArea", "N" IGNORE Marked Area. On Print Screens if there is a marked area only that area is printed. Sometimes the user is not aware of a small marked area and the result could be a blank page. This option protects that from happening. "printers", "ImmediateTM", "N" Makes the TOP_MARGIN parameter effective from first page. "printers", "InheritLastPos", "N" The last print position of a print job is saved, and the next job will start at the next position, same line. "printers", "InheritParms", "N" Saves the parameters of 1 print job and uses them for the next. "printers", "PrinterFontCodePage", "0" Most popular option, specifies a particular PC code page to override the default code pages of the font being used. "printers", "SCS SENSE", "Y" "printers", "SCSSENSE", "" Both these elinate sending an error response for and SCS error. "printers", "ShowProgress", "Y" N will eliminate displaying the 5250 printer status window. "printers", "TerminateTime", "0" If a value is used, that will force an End of Job when the specified time elapses. Used for 3270 LU_1 print jobs lacking and End Bracket. "printers", "Tractor", "N" Defines if Continous Form (paper type) is used. (with "Y"). "printers", "UseDefault", "N" 5250 printer session only: normally the host sends new SCS commands to change MPP/MPL/CPI/LPI values. Otherwise the host expects the same values to be used. A "N" will not use the previous job's values. This would normally not be wanted. "printers", "RemoveLastFF", "Y" Usually a Print Driver issues a FF (Form Feed) if the print job doesn't end with one. But some do regardless, and this option will ignore the last FF in the print job, so there isn't an extra balank page. ******************************************************************* ******************************************************************* The following parameters are created by Pcom, from panel values. Although these can be changed, it is strongly advised to use the panel interface to make all changes. PANEL 5250/3270 SYNTAX DEFAULT ------- --------- ------------------------ ---------- The following 13 parameters are sent to the host when a 5250 printer session is established, and are put in the host Device Description File (DDF). All these parameters are on the 5250 Cfg, ADVanced panel. Cfg-ADV "5250" "MsgLibrary" "*LIBL" AS/400 Message Queue. Cfg-ADV "5250" "MsgQueue" "QSYSOPR" AS/400 Message Library. Cfg-ADV "5250" "HostFont" "Courier10" This is the Font default, used only if host parameter is FONT(*DEVD). The following are HPT parameters, also on the Cfg-ADV panel, and are use when Host Print Tranform is ON. They are also sent to the host and put in the DDF. HPT "5250" "HostPrintTransform" "N" Host Print Transform: If N the following 7 values are not used. HPT "5250" "ManufacturerModel" "*NONE" Printer model. If your AS/400 has a newer model than is listed you can enter the name manually in this field. HPT "5250" "PaperSource1" "*DEFAULT" Drawer 1. HPT "5250" "PaperSource2" "*NONE" Drawer 2. HPT "5250" "EnvelopType" "*NONE" Envelope form type. HPT "5250" "ASCII899" "N" Indicates whether ASCII code page 899 symbols are supported. Not usually needed. HPT "5250" "WsLibrary" "*NONE" AS/400 library of the following WsObject. HPT "5250" "WsObject" "*NONE" Name of user's work station object. Cfg-5250 "5250" "HostCodePage" "" Controls the code page to use to convert host EBCDIC to PC ASCII. The correct Code Page will be used for the language selected. Cfg-5250 "5250" "WorkstationID" blank When blank a unique name will be generated. This is the name of the Device Description File (DDF) on the AS/400 (controls the session). For printer sessions it is often desirable to specify your own name. This allows reuse of an existing DDF, allowing you to reuse a DDF that you may have modified at the AS/400. For example, you could specify Image Print Transform (IPT) parameter at the host, and use IPT. _______________________________________________________________________ The following parameters are on the 5250 printer Page Setup panel. PGSETUP "printers" "User_Left_Margin" "50" These are panel values, but could be changed manually. PGSETUP "printers" "User_Top_Margin" "50" These are panel values, but could be changed manually. PGSETUP "printers" "AutoOrient" "Y" When Y (recommended value) the orientation is selected that best fits the pagesize, CPI, LPI. This allows CORing when needed. PGSETUP "printers" "Drawer1Orient" "" To allow automatic page orientation, COR needs to be selected (default). Other values, or with Automatic off, the selected orientation is used. PGSETUP "printers" "Drawer2Orient" "" Same as above, when drawer 2 is used. PGSETUP "printers" "BestFit" "N" Most useful if ON, as it fits the pagesize to the whole printable area. The specified CPI is scaled as necessary. PGSETUP "printers" "Drawer1Form" "" PGSETUP "printers" "Drawer2Form" "" PGSETUP "printers" "EnvelopForm" "" The above 3 fields allow selection of the form to be used (without) going to the Print Object's properties. _____________________________________________________________________ The following parameters are for 3270 print sessions and all display sessions, and are from the Page Setup panel. PGSETUP "printers", "FaceName", "" This list displays the Fonts available from the Print Driver and operating system. You may want to try several to find the best for your needs. PGSETUP "printers", "FFAnyPos" "N" Form Feed will be checked in any position, as opposed to only the first position of a line. PGSETUP "PRINTER" "CPI" "" Characters Per Inch. PGSETUP "PRINTER" "LPI" "" Lines Per Inch. PGSETUP "printers" "MPL" "66" Maximum Print Lines, on a page. PGSETUP "printers" "MPP" "132" Maximaum Print Positions on a line. PGSETUP "printers" "NoBold" "N" Print NO bold, even if host or display has bold characters/words. PGSETUP "printers" "NoTextAlignment" "N" Perform no Text alignment. _____________________________________________________________________ The following 11 parameters are used in PDT mode and are taken from the Printer Setup panel. They are used as their name suggests. PSetup "printers", "PDFPATH", "" PSetup "printers", "PDT", "N" PSetup "printers", "PDTFILE", "" PSetup "printers", "PDTPATH", "" PSetup "printers", "printer", "" PSetup "printers", "Prt2Dsk", "N" PSetup "printers", "Prt2Dskfile", "" PSetup "printers", "Prt2Dskpath", "" PSetup "printers", "Prt2DskSep", "N" PSetup "printers", "Prt2DskSepfile", "" PSetup "printers", "Prt2DskSeppath", "" PSetup "printers", "PrtLstPopUp", "N" Controls if the printer list is presented for every print job. PGSETUP "printers" "PRTOPT1" "N" Suppress NULL lines. PGSETUP "printers" "PRTOPT2" "Y" Print Nulls as spaces. PGSETUP "printers" "PRTOPT3" "N" When a CR is at MPP+1, Supress insertion of a CR (at start of next line). PGSETUP "printers" "PRTOPT4" "N" When a NL is at MPP+1, Supress insertion of a NL (at start of next line). PGSETUP "printers" "PRTOPT5" "N" Ignore Form Feed at 1st position of a line. PGSETUP "printers" "PRTOPT6" "Y" Form Feed takes a position (blank substituted), if followed by data. PGSETUP "printers", "PrtStatusDlgInPS", "N" Show the print status window in the Presentation Space. 5250 only. _________________________________________________________________ The following 2 parameters are used for Graphics Print only, and found on the 3270 display session Page Setup (graphics) panel. Graphics "printers", "Magnification", "1" Is the Scaling factor to increase the Graphic Print output. Graphics "printers", "BWSwapPrint", "Y" Swap black and white printing, used for Graphics Print only.