The following list contains the filenames of fixes for PC DOS 6.3. All files were packed using PKZIP. Version 2.06 They will need to be unpacked using PKUNZIP and then they will need to be place in the \DOS directory, replacing the existing files located in that directory. Filename Pack Method Description ======== =========== ==================================== D63ZIP.ZIP PKZIP File containing the following files: D63COPY.ZIP PKZIP COPY with /B results in files which are not copied correctly unless the switch is placed before the filename. D63MODE.ZIP PKZIP This fix is for a Gateway computer receiving mode not supported error. D63BIO.ZIP PKZIP This is the fix for Clipper and PC DOS 6.3. D63HIMEM.ZIP PKZIP HIMEM does not recognize over 64 megabytes of memory D63350CP.ZIP PKZIP This is a fix for the CPBACKUP problem on the thinkpad 350. This should allow you to use the CPBACKUP program at all speeds (low med and high) supported. D63DBLSP.ZIP PKZIP Lose of access to the CDROM in a compression environment when exiting Windows in PC DOS 6.3. D63DOS.ZIP PKZIP User gets "Invalid disk change reading drive A:" after changing diskettes for an error message and with SHARE loaded. D63DTREE.ZIP PKZIP This fixes a problem of deleting directories on a Novell network D63EMM.ZIP PKZIP Certain applications lockup D63FC.ZIP PKZIP Fixes erroneous errors reported D63MEM.ZIP PKZIP Corrects incorrect values outputed by command D63MOUSE.ZIP PKZIP This fixes a "wild mouse" problem after exiting Windows. D63QCON.ZIP PKZIP Incorrectly identifies 2.88M diskette drives D63SMART.ZIP PKZIP This fixes a problem with SMARTDRV not properly caching CD-ROMs