NOTE: Please see the WARPANN.TXT file available in the /ps/products/os2/warp.update.kit directory. IBM OS/2 Security Enabling Services (OS/2 SES) Version.1.0 IBM OS/2 Security Enabling Services (OS/2 SES) are a set of extensions to the OS/2 operating system services. These extensions, in the form of APIs (application programming interfaces) and KPIs (kernel programming interfaces), enable application developers to create an external security component, called an Installable Security Subsystem (ISS) to provide the security features (access control, audit, etc.) required by customers who need robust (C2 level) operating system security, and standardized security administration interfaces for applications. Note: Requires installation of OS/2 Warp Fixpak XR_W017 (or later) before installation of this package. ********************************************************************** Unpacking the security.bbs file ------------------------------- If the security.bbs file is on drive d: as an example, and you wanted to unpack the files to drive e: to prepare for the installation, do the following: 1. From a command prompt run: unpack2 d:\security.bbs e: /c 2. This will create a e:\secpack directory where the installation program can be started. Read the README.SEC in the secpack directory for complete installation instructions. SECURITY.BBS * IBM OS/2 Warp Security Enabling Services