< IBM Personal Systems Products Release and Service Levels This document is maintained by IBM Personal Systems Products Fix Distribution (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1995. All rights Reserved. October 4, 1995 IBM PS Product Release and Service Levels October 4, 1995 IBM PS Product Release and Service Levels CONTENTS Guidelines ....................................................... 1 Release and Service levels of IBM PS Products .................... 2 Where fixes may be obtained ...................................... 7 Locations maintained by IBM PS Products Fix Distribution ......... 7 Other Locations (not maintained by IBM PS Products Fix Distribution). 7 Contents ii October 4, 1995 IBM PS Product Release and Service Levels GUIDELINES Please consider the following guidelines when evaluating fixes for your IBM PS Product. IBM Technical support recommends that you apply a fix for your product only if 1. You are experiencing a problem which is identified as being corrected by a software Fixpak. This information can be found in the PS Product README file of the software Fixpak. 2. You are requested by technical support to apply a specific Fixpak to your system. Guidelines 1 October 4, 1995 IBM PS Product Release and Service Levels RELEASE AND SERVICE LEVELS OF IBM PS PRODUCTS Product Name Rel Level Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OS/2 Warp (all versions) 3.0 XR_W010 OS/2 2.11 XR_B098 OS/2 Standard Edition 1.3 XR05150 OS/2 Extended Edition 1.3 WR05200 WR05200 Replaces WR05050, which can longer be ordered on diskette. OS/2 2.0 XR06100 XR06100 replaces XR06055. OS/2 2.10 ServicePak 2.1 XR06200 This package is not for OS/2 2.1 for Windows. OS/2 2.11 for Windows 2.11 XR06300 ServicePak OS/2 Toolkit 2.0 XR06110 1.3 XR05053 OS/2 Lan Server/Requester 2.0 IP06030 ServicePak OS/2 Lan Server/Requester 3.0 IP07060 Supersedes IP07045. ServicePak OS/2 Extended Services 1.0 WR06035 Supersedes WR06001, Database Manager ServicePak WR06002, WR06003, WR06004, WR06014, and WR06015. DB2/2 SelectPak 1.0 WR07030 DDCS/2 ServicePak 2.0 WR07031 Database Manager DB2/2 1.2 WR07047 DB2 for OS/2 2.1.0 WR08045 CompuServ Internet US IBM PCC BBS Talklink - OS2BBS Call 1-800-992-4477 for CD DDCS/2 2.0 WR07046 Client Application Enabler/2 1.2 WR07043 Release and Service levels of IBM PS Products 2 October 4, 1995 IBM PS Product Release and Service Levels (CAE/2) Software Developers Kit/2 1.2 WR07048 (SDK/2) SDK/Windows 2.1.0 WR08045 CompuServ Internet US IBM PCC BBS Talklink - OS2BBS Call 1-800-992-4477 for CD Extended Services Comm Mgr 1.0 WR06025 ServicePak System Performance Monitor 2.0 WR06075 (SPM/2) ServicePak LAN Distance ServicePak 1.1 IP07060 OS/2 Network Transport 2.00 WR07060 Must be LAPS 2.11 or above. Services/2 SelectPak If not, order WR07045 first. OS/2 LAN Adapter and 2.20.2 WR07060 Must be LAPS 2.11 or above. Protocol Support SelectPak If not, order WR07045 first. Communications Manager/2 1.11 WR06050 Available only on Diskette. Version 1.01 ServicePak CM/2 Version 1.11 ServicePak 1.11 WR06150 Available on diskette and CDROM. DOS 4.0 UR35284 4.01 5.0 UR37387 C Set/2 Compiler 1.0 XR06150 CSD CS00050. C Set C++ Compiler 2.0 XR06102 CSD CTC0002. 2.01 C Set C++ Compiler 2.0 XR06190 CSD CTC0010. 2.01 C Set C++ Utilities 2.01 XR06196 CSD CTM0006. C Set C++ Utilities 2.00 XR06197 CSD CTL0007. TCP/IP for OS/2 Base and 2.0 UN64092 Application Kit TCP/IP for OS/2 DOS Access 2.0 UN57546 Release and Service levels of IBM PS Products 3 October 4, 1995 IBM PS Product Release and Service Levels TCP/IP for OS/2 Extended 2.0 UN60005 Networking TCP/IP for OS/2 Programmers 2.0 UN57887 Toolkit TCP/IP for OS/2 Domain Name 2.0 UN60004 Server TCP/IP for OS/2 Network File 2.0 UN57064 System TCP/IP for OS/2 X-Windows 2.0 UN68122 Server TCP/IP for OS/2 X-Windows 2.0 UN59347 Client VisualGen 1.1 FIXPACK5 TalkLink - OS2BBS1 Request - CARVM3 PS.SOFTWARE.IBM.COM VisualGen 2.0 VG20FP3 TalkLink - OS2BBS1 Request - CARVM3 PS.SOFTWARE.IBM.COM VisualAge for OS/2 2.0 FIXPAK2 TalkLink - OS2BBS OS2TOOLS PS.SOFTWARE.IBM.COM Compuserv Library VisualAge for Windows 2.0 FIXPAK2 TalkLink - OS2BBS OS2TOOLS PS.SOFTWARE.IBM.COM Compuserv Library VisualAge Team for OS/2 2.0 FIXPAK2 TalkLink - OS2BBS OS2TOOLS PS.SOFTWARE.IBM.COM Compuserv Library VisualAge Team for Windows 2.0 FIXPAK2 TalkLink - OS2BBS OS2TOOLS PS.SOFTWARE.IBM.COM Compuserv Library IODM/2 UN69543 Order UN69543 from RETAIN. CSD 3 ICPF IR30278 Image Solution BBS Release and Service levels of IBM PS Products 4 October 4, 1995 IBM PS Product Release and Service Levels PC Company BBS IPFO/IPFA IPFO0895 IWP BBS Library Reader EZ2PREAD ps.software.ibm.com (DOS & OS2) RILRPENU Request (BKMGRDIS at CARVM3) DOS/OS2 CompuServe (GO SOFSOL) \EZ2INST Quarterly Collection Kits Library Reader IWINREAD ps.software.ibm.com (Windows) RILRPENU Request (BKMGRDIS at CARVM3) Windows CompuServe (GO SOFSOL) \ILRWIN Quarterly Collection Kits Read/DOS RDOSFENU Request (BKMGRDIS at CARVM3) 1-800-237-5511 BKMGR,L144 Read/2 ROS2FENU Request (BKMGRDIS at CARVM3) 1-800-237-5511 BKMGR,L144 Read/Windows RWINFENU Request (BKMGRDIS at CARVM3) 1-800-237-5511 BKMGR,L144 Read/6000 R600FENU Request (BKMGRDIS at CARVM3) 1-800-237-5511 BKMGR,L144 Build/2 2.0 BOS2READ ps.software.ibm.com Request (BKMGRDIS at CARVM3) CompuServe (GO SOFSOL) 1-800-237-5511 BKMGR,L144 Build SGML 2.0 SOS2READ ps.software.ibm.com Request (BKMGRDIS at CARVM3) CompuServe (GO SOFSOL) 1-800-237-5511 BKMGR,L144 Index Utility 2.0 XOS2READ ps.software.ibm.com Request (BKMGRDIS at CARVM3) CompuServe (GO SOFSOL) 1-800-237-5511 BKMGR,L144 Hints & Tips Book HINTS ps.software.ibm.com Index Utility 2.0 2.0 HINTS Request (BKMGRDIS at Release and Service levels of IBM PS Products 5 October 4, 1995 IBM PS Product Release and Service Levels CARVM3) Hints & Tips Book HINTS CompuServe (GO SOFSOL) Electronic Publishing See BookManager products. Edition (EPE) Release and Service levels of IBM PS Products 6 October 4, 1995 IBM PS Product Release and Service Levels WHERE FIXES MAY BE OBTAINED LOCATIONS MAINTAINED BY IBM PS PRODUCTS FIX DISTRIBUTION The following locations are maintained directly by IBM PS Products Distribution. All fixes distributed by us will be posted to the following sites. CompuServe Subscribers can download fixes through the OS/2 Support Forum (GO OS2SUPPO). Talklink (OS2BBS) Subscribers can download fixes from the Software Download Library. U.S. customers who are not subscribers can call 1-800-547-1283 for information on how to subscribe. Internet Customers with access to Internet services can download fixes using the following methods: Anonymous FTP to "ftp.software.ibm.com" (IP Address Fixes are located in the "/ps/products" directory. World Wide Web (WWW) access via: IBM Software Manufacturing Solutions ftp://service.boulder.ibm.com Full path is ftp://service.boulder.ibm.com/ps/products Prodigy Subscribers can download fixes from the OS2CLUB in the Download Library, IBM Files, Fixes area. Files are updated weekly and are available on Friday. OTHER LOCATIONS (NOT MAINTAINED BY IBM PS PRODUCTS FIX DISTRIBUTION). The following locations, although not formally maintained by IBM PS Products Fix Distribution, may have fixes for PS Products. We are providing the following list as a service to our customers. Where fixes may be obtained 7 October 4, 1995 IBM PS Product Release and Service Levels PCC BBS; Releigh, NC Customers can call the IBM Personal Computer Company BBS and download fixes from the public area. You can access this BBS at 1-919-517-0001. America On line Subscribers can download fixes from the OS/2 Area. IBM Belgium End-User BBS; PSM Brussels 32-2-725.60.10 8 lines 28.800bps IBM PSP BBS; Vimercate, Italy +39.2.7531441, 8N1, 1200-14400 bps, Free access, 90 minutes/day, 6Mb daily download limit. Variety of public OS/2 files, including most of the Hobbes-CD. IBM South Africa BBS; Johannesburg, South Africa +27-11-320-9201 OS/2 Device Driver Repository on Internet http://www.europe.ibm.com/getdoc/psmemea/progserv/device/ http://w3.portsmouth.uk.ibm.com/getdoc/psmemea/progserv/device/ ftp.europe.ibm.com/psmemea/os2drivers/ w3.portsmouth.uk.ibm.com/psmemea/os2drivers/ OS/2 Shareware BBS (Peter Norloff); California (703) 385-4325 Also available via Telnet and WWW GEnie (OS/2 Area) Enter OS/2 after GEnie signon Hursley anonymous FTP site; Hursley, UK software.hursley.ibm.com Use anonymous FTP, software is in /pub/os2/pspdist IBM Canada PS BBS Vancouver (604)664-6464 Toronto (905)316-4255 Montreal (514)938-3022 Halifax (902)420-0300 AMK Hitline BBS; Zurich, Switzerland +41 64 56 0200/0201 (48 lines) (Also 4 ISDN lines available) Largest BBS in Europe (50+ lines, >16 GB of storage) Where fixes may be obtained 8