============================================================================== Corrective Service Facility disks for installing OS/2 2.11, Warp 3 and Warp 4 FixPaks. The images are in LOADDSKF format and require LOADDSKF.EXE to create two diskettes. LOADDSKF.EXE should be in the same directory WKICKRnn.ZIP was located in. WKICKRnn.ZIP * Contains CSFBOTnn.1DK and CSFBOTnn.2DK and a README.TXT. You can download the individual CSFBOTnn.?DK files instead of the ZIP file if you prefer. Note: nn is the two character country code, like FR for French or GR for German, UK for United Kingdon, etc. ============================================================================== Installation: Place a blank, formatted 1.44MB diskette in A: (or B:, whichever is your 3.5inch floppy drive). Enter LOADDSKF CSFBOTnn.1DK A: to create the 1st diskette Place another blank, formatted 1.44MB diskette in the same drive. Enter LOADDSKF CSFBOTnn.2DK A: to create the 2nd diskette Save these diskettes for use when installing any OS/2 3.0 (Warp) or any OS/2 2.11 Fixpak starting with XRxA096 or later. ============================================================================== NOTE: CSFBOTnn.1DK contains the README.INF file which is in INF To view the readme, place the first kicker disk in A: and enter this from a OS/2 session: VIEW A:\README.INF