Fix for Wavy Screen for IBM* ThinkPad Models 755CSE/755Cs/360Cs/360CSE/360P/360PE/345CS/340CSE This package contains the following: o OS/2* command files and resource files to change the color schemes to RGB values that have a good appearance on the IBM ThinkPad models with DSTN display screens. o This README file, IMPORTANT PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOUR USE OF THIS FIX PACKAGE INDICATES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: o YOU MUST BE A LICENSEE OF OS/2. o YOU MAY MAKE COPIES OF THE IBM THINKPAD WAVY SCREEN FIX PACKAGE EQUAL TO THE NUMBER OF LICENSED COPIES OF OS/2 YOU POSSESS. o ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF YOUR OS/2 LICENSE AGREEMENT APPLY TO THIS IBM THINKPAD WAVY SCREEN FIX PACKAGE; HOWEVER, THIS DOES NOT EXTEND ANY WARRANTY OUTLINED IN SUCH AGREEMENT. 1.0 INSTALLATION ____________ o Boot from the OS/2 Installation Disk and insert Disk 1 when requested. o The "Setup and Installation" screen will appear. Press F3 to go to a command prompt. o Remove Disk 1 and insert Update Disk. o Type "update.cmd a: c:" then press Enter. (where a: is the source drive and c: is the OS/2 boot drive). o Remove the Update Disk and reboot the system. o Open an OS/2 window. o Insert the Update Disk, type "a:\updpal.cmd", then press Enter. o On completion of the updpal command, remove the Update Disk, shutdown and reboot the system. o Double click on the OS/2 System icon. o Double click on the System Setup icon. o Double click on the Scheme Palette icon. o Hold down the Alt key and drag the Laptop LCD scheme to the desktop. 2.0 LIMITATIONS __________ o If you get the message "SYS1804 - the system cannot find the file VIOCALLS" appears during installation you are using the diskettes created from the Create Utility Diskette object to boot the system. You must use the Installation Disk/Disk 1 set to boot the system. 3.0 TRADEMARKS __________ The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*) in this file, are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: IBM OS/2 IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY RELATED PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. THIS PACKAGE IS COPYRIGHTED BY INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION. ALL APPROPRIATE RESTRICTIONS APPLY. (End of Document)