Visit the our Home Pages on the Internet: NetWare for SAA +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | DATE: 06/30/2000 | | | | DESCRIPTION: SAA40020 - PTF 20 _____________________________ | | | | README FILE FOR: NetWare for SAA Version: 4.00__ | | | | PTF NUMBER: SAA40020 | | APAR NUMBER: JR14778 | | | | This package contains APAR fixes to the product above. This | | package can be distributed to any one who has a license for | | this product. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ ************************************************* PTF20 is tested with the following Service Packs ************************************************* NW 4.2 -- SP8a NW 5.0 -- SP5, NICI 1.5.3 dated Mar 9, 2000 NW 5.1 -- SP1, NICI 1.5.3 dated Mar 9, 2000 **************************************************** PROBLEMS FIXED in PTF10 which are included in ptf20 **************************************************** APAR Number Description 9985 tn3270 not processing SMA_DGN_SEARCH_ACK primitive correctly. JR12868 Correct max_ifrm_rcvd for V3 links with incorrect defaults 9970 TN3270 Selected Systems not initialized correctly when DLURHost 9960 Hang on CSDOWN after TN stress run 9961 CMSPX Unloaded - Cannot find matching request for building seco 9974 NWTN5250:Error opening sys:system\nwsaa\trace\tn5cnvlg\global.l 9946 TN3270 client exceed session limit when one client terminates 9993 problem tn5250 using up all sessions on all lus 9978 Change slowdown backout to conform to architecture. 9933 Code cleanup and commenting. JR12916 SAA 3.0 should issue 0813 instead of 081B if bid in bracket JR12898 Cannot start new sessions 9951 config gui not allowing changes 9873 node ops - rtp connection - complete route not shown 9870 Double Fault Processor exeception in ISR 9980 RECEIVE_TDU_TP permanently disabled 9930 HPR/RTP pipe from Sonoma to Napa not supporting control flows 9982 EN to EN link will not establish in parallel BRx config 9984 Trap when issuing a CSDSPY CON, out of memory 9907 Branch node is returning a bad control vector. 9976 aping fails with 08951401 with cascaded BRx and HPR ******************* new APARS in PTF20 ******************* JR12736 Problem: When formatting an SAA 3.0 global trace with IWFORMAT. JR12889 CSSTATUS - uptime incorrect for lu when using hostpublisher JR12903 Ensure that TN3270E client doubles FF in sequence number JR12904 Remove informational message from main console JR13151 Bracketing error JR13249 Cannot get new connections; existing connections work. JR13307 Novell's HostPublisher MLA License is non additive JR13985 Application hangs when Attention Key is pressed. JR13430 RU length too long or short. This prb occurrs JR13442 fix country code logins JR13471 Country code not allowed in CREATSAA JR13489 AS400PCS.NLM originates an error which causes a clib abend. JR13498 Stream head queues associated with PCS file descriptor disable JR13526 Failure to load PCG2TXT from Create Report menu item: JR13534 Tn3270 All selection not saved JR13597 SNA SNC: 2003 0000 - CONNECTING VIA IPX. JR13620 NWTN5250 drops 2 bytes at the end of a packet JR13687 Commexec abends server with invalid pointer JR13689 LU's say in-use CSSTATUS shows resource is available JR13690 Sense 081b0000 upgrading from 2.x to 3.0 JR13754 Creatsaa.nlm limits commexec object login to NDS using IPX only JR13764 Client issues DEALLOCATE causes abend in threads.nlm JR13781 SESSION HANGS WHEN TRYING TO START A NETVIEW APPLICATION. JR13794 NWSAA 4.0 will not allow a MLA license for hostprint to install JR13812 Emulator rejects data or BID from host when still in send state JR13901 RU length error JR13934 extra external messages display on server console loading SMA JR13937 SAACFG 4010 DOES NOT KEEP THE ASSIGNED USERS ASSOCIATED W/ LUA. JR13950 APPLICATION VPSPC FAILS LOADING ON NWSAA 4.0 JR13986 TLI MSG: TLI-4.30-0006: file descriptor does not refer... JR13989 Increase TACONFIG tracked resource name space. JR14062 IWAPI - customer looses session JR14100 Slow response getting the MSG10 screen JR14150 High utilization and inability to connect following saa30020 JR14207 NWSAA - NOT ALL PUS ARE ACTIVATED DURING STARTUP. JR14240 Loader cannot find public symbol: gethostid JR14406 System abends when HOST takes down PU's JR14492 APPN abend - buffer is being overwritten JR14500 NMProcessReserveLUMsg is abending server JR13970 SMA - NWTN3270 session delay when multiple LUs defined. JR14015 Older clients causing No new sessions allowed JR14204 No new connections - round 2 JR13805 Commexec errors with public symbol not found CSGetCommServerURL ******************************** Other items included in PTF20 ******************************** 1. IP only Hot Standby This PTF contains full support for IP-only Hot Standby. To take advantage of this support, both the critical server and the Hot Standby server must be configured to use ONLY the TCP/IP protocol. To insure that this is the case, open NWSAA Server Configuration, double-click on Communication Executive, and select the Protocol tab. IPX/SPX and TCP/IP are BOTH selected by default. For IP-only operation, make sure that TCP/IP is the ONLY protocol selected. Click OK to close the window. Continue to configure Hot Standby as documented in the on-line help. Servers configured to use IP-only can only be monitored by IP-only servers. Servers configured to use IPX/SPX can only be monitored by IPX/SPX servers. If a Hot Standby server has both IPX/SPX and TCP/IP protocols configured , any critical servers it is monitoring must at a minimum have IPX/SPX configured. In other words, for Hot Standby purposes, if IPX/SPX is configured, it will be used for Hot Standby monitoring whether TCP/IP is configured or not. AppleTalk is not supported by Hot Standby. 2. SMA Performance Improvement - The SMA which was shipped as an APAR is fully integrated and tested. 3. 802.2 Trace enhancement - This is an enhanced problem determination tool so that customers can take LLC8022 traces for service to find problems quickly 4. LLC802 dynamic windowing - The dynamic windowing mechanism helps to clear congestion faster. 5. Display Adapters Name in the Config GUI - When configuring Data Link adapters the name of the adapters on the server will be displayed in a pull down menu. This will only work in remote mode. 6. Resize certain config windows (Host Links, LU, Downstream LU...) 7. Off line migration to SAA 4 (Separate downloads are available ) from SAA2.x ************************** KNOWN PROBLEMS ************************* 1. OLE/DB does not work on Windows 2000 client. It works on Windows NT/98/95. 2. Do not run Novell SLP DA (directory agent) while doing NWSAA load balancing using SLP. If you run DA the SA will not work. 3. If you unload nwsaa by "csdown", load the product in 2 steps. Load commexec followed by load nwsaa. 4. The FTP-AFTP gateway does not work on NW5.1. It works on NW 4.2 and NW 5.0. Novell will put out a patch later to make it work on NW 5.1. 5. When using Web admin on NW 5.1 start the URL by https: instead of http: 6. SSM audit trail does not work with the latest Novell client. A new IPX.NLM is available from Novell to fix this problem. **************************** INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: **************************** SAA40020.EXE (*.EXE in the steps below) is a self-extracting file containing the shipped executables. The PARTS LIST is as follows: SHIPPED (fn ft) REPLACES SAACFG.EXE ADMINAPI.DLL PCSNOPS.EXE CSMODIFY.EXE IBMSLP.DLL SAACAPIR.DLL SAARAPCL.DLL SAACAPI.DLL SAACFMRI.DLL NWTN3270.NLM NWTN5250.NLM COMMEXEC.NLM ADMINAPI.NLM AS400PCS.NLM IWAPI.NLM APPN.NLM CREATSAA.NLM CSMODIFY.NLM DLCI.NLM IWCAPI.NLM IWNOF.NLM IWRAPI.NLM NWSAA.NLM STAT0126.NLM CMAT.NLM CMSPX.NLM CMTCP.NLM LBA.NLM LLC8022.NLM SMA.NLM LICENSE.NLM LMA.NLM IWFORMAT.EXE ************************************* Installing the fix on the system: ************************************* 1. Be SURE to download the saa40020.EXE file in BINARY format. 2. Create a Temp directory on the server and copy saa40020.EXE into the temp directory and run the file. The directory will now contain three new files. 40020.exe, expand.bat, SAA40020.txt. From a dos prompt, type: EXPAND 3. Stop NetWare for SAA. (csdown) 4. From the server, type: LOAD INSTALL (nw411) or NWCONFIG (nw50) Choose Product Options Choose Install a Product Not Listed Press F3 and specify the path where the patch is located on the server (ie - sys:\temp) Choose the language version of the server. 5. After the patch has been installed, down the server and Restart NWSAA 6. For all workstations where the Netware for SAA Configurator has been installed, run the SAAPTF20.EXE from the sys:\temp\saamgmt directory (map a drive to the server to get access to the sys: volume) ******************** CONTACT FOR Support: ******************** If you have any questions, please call the IBM SUPPORT CENTER for your Country. For example in the USA call: 1-800-237-5511 *********************** COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: *********************** Copyright Novell Inc. and International Business Machines Corp. 1997. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, transmitted, or translated into any language without the express written consent of the publisher: Novell Inc. International Business Machines Corp. 2180 Fortune Drive P.O. Box 12195 San Jose, CA 95131 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2195 U.S.A. U.S.A. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ******************** LIMIT OF LIABILITY: ******************** License to the contained APAR fixes is conditioned upon the recipient holding a license to the prerequisite product. The license terms and conditions of the APAR fixes are the same as those for the prerequisite product. Please see the product license for specifics.