Visit the our Home Pages on the Internet: IntranetWare for SAA ===================================================================== DATE: 02/16/98 DESCRIPTION: Cumulative Service Pack for IntranetWare for SAA Ver. 3.0 README FILE FOR: IntranetWare for SAA Version: 3.0 PTF NUMBER: SAA30010 APAR NUMBER: N/A___ This package contains APAR fixes to the product above. This package can be distributed to any one who has a license for this product. ====================================================================== =============== PREREQUISITES : =============== None =========================== PROBLEMS FIXED in this PTF: =========================== Apar # Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JR11489 TN3270 connections are denied Self Test Support Added -- Configuration and Sessions Add HPR for Frame Relay Provide ODI 3.31 compliant SDLCTSM.NLM RTP data collection fixes Allow custom protocol stack name to be mixed case NW2000.LDI and FRTSM.TLI Now Installed Improve performance for 3270 LUA over TCP/IP Transport Trap adding addition Host Print Licenses Improve APPC/PC Attach_PU return_control behavior for receive_immediate ========================== INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: ========================== SAA30010.EXE is a self-extracting file containing the shipped executables. The ability to remove or "back off" an SAA PTF from the IntranetWare server is included with this PTF. To back off a PTF means that the system will be returned to its state prior to installing PTF. All files overwritten or removed by the PTF are restored from copies saved during PTF installation. Likewise, all files created by the PTF will be removed. The PTF removal process is documented below. Note that the process to remove the entire product is not changed by this feature. If the entire product is removed it removes all PTF's and their history from the system as well. Hence, BE CAREFUL to follow the PTF removal process if you only want to back off the the last PTF installed. The PARTS LIST is as follows: The self-extracting .EXE file. SAA30010 in turn contains: SAA30010.TXT (which is this file) EXPAND.BAT 30010.EXE A list of the files that are included in this PTF can be found in the file named "FILES.LST" after running the EXPAND batch file. NOTE: It is a good practice to back up the configuration files prior to applying service to your server. *********************************************************************** IMPORTANT: Never manually copy COMMEXEC.NLM or IWSAA.NLM into the system. The install scripts MUST be used!!! *********************************************************************** ___________________________________________________ 1. SAA30010 will only install on top of Version 3.00.00 of IWSAA! It will not work on any BETA version of IWSAA 3.0! 2. If you have not already done so, make sure the latest operating system patches are applied to your system. 3. Make a directory called 30010, on a hard disk or network drive. 4. Put SAA30010.EXE into the 300010 directory you just made. 5. "Explode" SAA30010 by executing it (type SAA30010 and press ). This will place the following files in the SAA30010 directory: 30010.EXE EXPAND.BAT SAA30010.TXT 6. Run the batch file (type EXPAND and press ) ================================= Server Installation Procedures: ================================= 1. Stop IntranetWare for SAA. 2. From the server console type LOAD INSTALL and Press . 3. Select "Product Options" and Press . 4. Select "Install a product not listed" Press . 5. Press to enter the path on the server of the location of the installation files. For example: SYS:\30010 or C:\30010 6. Select the server to update. 7. Press . 8. Select the Language to Install. NOTE: If selecting more than one language, highlight each language using the key. 9. Press . 10. Wait for the update to complete. 11. Read the SERVER INSTALLATION -- WARNING section for X25*.NLM information and Frame Relay information before continuing. 12. Restart the server before loading IWSAA; this will activate the new system modules copied over during installation. =============================== SERVER INSTALLATION -- WARNING: =============================== There are several issues to beware of when installing this PTF: 1. If you have previously installed MPR, BorderManager or the ODI33x patch, compare the X25*.NLM files in the SYS:SYSTEM\NWSAA\BACKUP directory with those in the SYS:SYSTEM directory. If the ones in the BACKUP directory have more recent dates, copy them back to the SYS:SYSTEM directory. 2. If you have installed BorderManager or the ODI33x patch and want to use HPR on Frame Relay, you will need to install an update to the MPR modules which supports the HPR PID. ================================================= IntranetWare for SAA Configuration Install Notes: ================================================= The IWSAA Server Configuration tool which was orginally installed with the base product using IWSAA Management Setup needs to be updated. Two new files, SAACFG.EXE and SAACFMRI.DLL, are included in this PTF. To apply this update on the client machine on which the IWSAA Server Configuration was originally installed, two options are available: (1) Uninstall the IWSAA Server Configuration from the Client using the UNINSTALL shipped with the base product. Map a drive to the server on which the PTF is installed. Follow the installation procedures to reinstall the IWSAA Server Configuration from the mapped server. (2) Use the SETUP.EXE program in the SAAMGMT directory of the PTF. Execute SETUP.EXE on the client machine on which the IWSAA Server Configuration was originally installed. The setup program will locate SAACFG.EXE and SAACFMRI.DLL, rename the files to SAACFG.0XE and SAACFMRI.0LL, and copy the new files in their place. ============================================ ***** PTF Removal Procedure and Notes ***** ============================================ Two types of PTFs are identified: (1) Cumulative - These PTFs include all prior PTFs, backwards to the initial release of the product. Their names end in a suffix of '0' (e.g. SAA30010). They require only the base product. This PTF contains a Cumulative PTF. (2) Delta - These PTFs include only those PTFs backwards to the last cumulative PTF. Their names end in a suffix which contains the number of the last cumulative PTF, plus the number of the delta PTF (e.g.,SAA30011). They require the prior cumulative PTF. A Delta PTF does NOT exist for IWSAA 3.0. An inventory of system information is maintained such that the user is able to perform any of the following operations: * Remove the most recently applied PTF (cumulative or delta). * Remove all delta PTFs back to the most recently applied cumulative PTF. * Remove all PTFs back to the base product. The most recent PTF (e.g. SAA30010) is removed using these procedures at the server console: 1. Type load install and press Enter key. 2. Select Product Options and press Enter key. 3. Select View/Configure/Remove installed products and press Enter key. 4. Select the product from the list of currently installed products and press Enter key. This causes a recent history of applied PTFs to be displayed, with the last (most recent) PTF highlighted at the top of the list. 5. Press the Delete key to remove the most recent PTF. (Pressing the Enter key instead of Delete will display a list of files modified by the PTF). 6. Choose YES at the prompt to confirm deletion. 7. Wait for the deletion to complete. 8. To remove the SAACFG.EXE which is shipped with the PTF, the SETUP.EXE from the base product must be run to replace the SAACFG.EXE shipped with the PTF. ==================== CONTACT FOR Support: ==================== If you have any questions, please call the IBM SUPPORT CENTER for your Country. For example in the USA call: 1-800-992-4777 ====================== COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: ====================== Copyright Novell Inc. and International Business Machines Corp. 1998. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, transmitted, or translated into any language without the express written consent of the publisher: Novell Inc. International Business Machines Corp. 2180 Fortune Drive P.O. Box 12195 San Jose, CA 95131 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2195 U.S.A. U.S.A. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. =================== LIMIT OF LIABILITY: =================== License to the contained APAR fixes is conditioned upon the recipient holding a license to the prerequisite product. The license terms and conditions of the APAR fixes are the same as those for the prerequisite product. Please see the product license for specifics.