Visit the our Home Pages on the Internet: NetWare for SAA +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | DATE: 10/21/98 | | | | DESCRIPTION: This APAR has two functions. | |1) It supersedes APAR JR12043, and provides support for both Novell| | and Novonyx Web Servers. | |2) It fixes a problem that occurs when the user has more than one | | peer connection to an AS/400 machine. In this case, if the | | user tries to view Partner LU6.2 resources from Web | | Administration, the server will trap. | | | | README FILE FOR: NetWare for SAA Version: 3.0 | | | | PTF NUMBER: ______ | | APAR NUMBER: JR13813 | | | | This package contains APAR fixes to the product above. This | | package can be distributed to any one who has a license for | | this product. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ PREREQUISITES : PTF: SAA30010 This PTF must be installed for this package to successfully work. Please refer to the Web page listed above to obtain this PTF. For additional technical assistance contact the appropriate SUPPORT CENTER for your Country listed on the above Web page. For example in the U.S.A. you can call 1-800-992-4777. PROBLEM FIXED: APAR Number Description JR13813 This APAR has two functions. 1) It supersedes APAR JR12043, and provides support for both Novell and Novonyx Web Servers. 2) It fixes a problem that occurs when the user has more than one peer connection to an AS/400 machine. In this case, if the user tries to view Partner LU6.2 resources from Web Administration, the server will trap. NetWare for SAA - Web Administration for Novonyx Web Servers ------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction ------------ You can use the Web Administration function of NetWare for SAA to manage your NetWare for SAA server over an intranet. Using a web browser, an administrator can query node status, obtain information about resources, modify resources, and perform other administrative tasks. Although the code provided by this APAR will work for either Novell Web Servers or Novonyx Web Servers, this documentation focuses only on support for the Novonyx Web Servers. It describes what web software is required, how to install and configure Web Administration (including the security mechanisms), and how to start using it. Required Software ----------------- Web Administration requires a web server running on each NetWare server which you want to administer through Web Administration, as well as a web browser running on your client workstation. Communication between the web browser and web server requires TCP/IP. Other required software includes: On the Server ------------- NetWare 4.11 IntranetWare for SAA 3.0 One of the following: - Novell Web Server 3.1 (available with IntranetWare 3.0) - Novonyx Fast Track Web Server - Novonyx Enterprise Web Server (Note that the Novonyx Web Servers require long name support on your server.) On the Client ------------- One of the following: - Netscape Navigator 3.0 or later - Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or later - Other browsers may be used if they support frames. Installation ------------ Web Administration is a component of IntranetWare for SAA 3.0. To install this version of Web Administration, copy the file included in this package to a Novonyx subdirectory on your NetWare server. For example, copy it to SYS:\NOVONYX\SUITESPOT\DOCS. Unzipping this file will place the Web Administration binaries and html files into their appropriate subdirectories. Configuration of the Novonyx Web Server --------------------------------------- Several configuration changes to the Novonyx Web Server must now be made. Follow the directions given by the Novonyx Web Server installation program to access Netscape Server Administration - issue an url of the form http:server_hostname:xxxx where xxxx is the port number entered during installation as the one to use to access server administration. - Select "Global Settings" under the "General Administration" heading. - Choose the "Novell Directory Services" (NDS) option under "Configure Directory Service". - Select "Insert Context" and enter the search context where NDS users can be found. For example, if your tree name is "IBM" and your users are in the "Security" organizational unit under "IBM", then you would enter "IBM.Security" for the context search. More than one context list may be entered. - Save these changes. - Return to "Server Administration". - Under "Servers Supporting General Administration" select your server. - Select "Content Management". - Select "Additional Document Directories". - First, add the directory to the webadmin.nlm by entering the following values. (assuming webadmin was installed in \novonyx\suitespot\docs) URL prefix: csc-bin/webadmin Map to directory: /novonyx/suitespot/docs/webadmin/bin/webadmin.nlm Apply style: LCGI - Select "OK". - Select "SAVE". - Next, add the directory to the webadmin html files. URL prefix: csc-html Map to directory: /novonyx/suitespot/docs/webadmin/html Apply style: None - Select "OK". - Select "Save and Apply". These changes will be applied and your server restarted for you so that they take affect immediately. Unless you have some security changes to make, you are ready to begin using Web Administration. Security -------- Web Administration restricts the use of its functions through user authentication based on NDS security. Web Administration users must provide an NDS user id and valid password. Once Web Administration is installed and the Web Server configured, all NDS users with read access to the Novonyx subdirectory on the server will be able to use Web Administration. To limit access to Web Administration, the administrator can run NetWare Administrator and restrict access to the webadmin subdirectory such that only those with supervisor rights can use Web Administration (or whatever restriction makes sense in the local environment). Up and Running -------------- Once you have installed and configured Web Administration and the required web software, you can begin managing your NetWare for SAA server from the web. Use your browser to open the page: http://hostname/csc-html/webadmin.htm where hostname is the TCP/IP name of the system running your web and NetWare for SAA server. (An IP name may be used in place of the hostname.) Before performing any operation, you will be asked to log on with an authorized NDS user ID and password. CONTACT FOR Support: If you have any questions, please call the IBM SUPPORT CENTER for your Country. For example in the USA call: 1-800-237-5511 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: Copyright Novell Inc. and International Business Machines Corp. 1997. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, transmitted, or translated into any language without the express written consent of the publisher: Novell Inc. International Business Machines Corp. 2180 Fortune Drive P.O. Box 12195 San Jose, CA 95131 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2195 U.S.A. U.S.A. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. LIMIT OF LIABILITY: License to the contained APAR fixes is conditioned upon the recipient holding a license to the prerequisite product. The license terms and conditions of the APAR fixes are the same as those for the prerequisite product. Please see the product license for specifics.