Visit the our Home Pages on the Internet: NetWare for SAA +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | DATE: 8/05/98 | | | | | | DESCRIPTION: NWSAA 16 bit API client Refresh for Windows. | | | | | | README FILE FOR: NetWare for SAA Version: 2.2 | | | | APAR NUMBER: JR12124 | | | | This package contains APAR fixes to the products listed above. | | This package can be distributed to any one who has a license for | | this product. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ PREREQUISITES : PTF: SAA22010.EXE (or more recent). This PTF must be installed for this package to successfully work. Please refer to the Web page listed above to obtain this PTF. For additional technical assistance contact the appropriate SUPPORT CENTER for your Country listed on the above Web page. For example in the U.S.A. you can call 1-800-992-4777. PROBLEM FIXED: APAR Number Description JR12124 This is a refresh of the NWSAA 16 bit API Client for Windows. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: JR12124.EXE is a self-extracting file containing the packaged files of the new API Client shipped executables. The PARTS LIST is as follows: SHIPPED (fn ft) REPLACES ATTMGR.EXE ATTMGR.EXE CCS.DLL CCS.DLL CCSWIN.EXE CCSWIN.EXE CPIC.DLL CPIC.DLL EHNAPPC.DLL EHNAPPC.DLL EHNMGT2.EXE EHNMGT2.EXE EHNRTRW.DLL EHNRTRW.DLL LUX.DLL LUX.DLL PBWIND.DLL PBWIND.DLL PWMGT.DLL PWMGT.DLL README.TXT README.TXT SSET.DLL SSET.DLL TRACEDG.EXE TRACEDG.EXE TRANS.EXE TRANS.EXE WCCM.DLL WCCM.DLL WCCT.DLL WCCT.DLL WINAPPC.DLL WINAPPC.DLL WINCPIC.DLL WINCPIC.DLL WINCSV.DLL WINCSV.DLL WINLUX.DLL WINLUX.DLL WINNOF.DLL WINNOF.DLL WINRUI.DLL WINRUI.DLL WINSLI.DLL WINSLI.DLL WINSSET.DLL WINSSET.DLL WTASK.EXE WTASK.EXE c:\jr12124\winsys: SHIPPED (fn ft) REPLACES SAAAPPCW.DLL N/A SAANDSW.DLL N/A Installation instructions for the new SAA API Client: 1) Create a directory to backup the current API client (ie. X:\SAAAPIBU). 2) From the directory where the current version of the API client resides, "XCOPY *.exe x:\saaapibu" and "XCOPY *.dll x:\saaapibu". 3) Download the JR12124.exe file in BINARY format to the root directory. 4) From the root directory execute JR12124.EXE. This will pop a WINZIP panel, for a path select "x:\" (where x: is the drive you wish to install on). A directory called JR12124 will be created off of this root, and all files and directories will be extracted into there. 5) Copy all of the files from "x:JR12124" to the directory where the API client is installed, the default is "x:\NWSAAAPI". 6) Change directories to "x:\JR12124\winsys" and copy saaappcw.dll and saandsw.dll to your "x:\Windows\system" directory. 7) You are ready to test the new API client. CONTACT FOR Support: If you have any questions, please call the IBM SUPPORT CENTER for your Country. For example in the USA call: 1-800-992-4777 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: Copyright Novell Inc. and International Business Machines Corp. 1997. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, transmitted, or translated into any language without the express written consent of the publisher: Novell Inc. International Business Machines Corp. 2180 Fortune Drive P.O. Box 12195 San Jose, CA 95131 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2195 U.S.A. U.S.A. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. LIMIT OF LIABILITY: License to the contained APAR fixes is conditioned upon the recipient holding a license to the prerequisite product. The license terms and conditions of the APAR fixes are the same as those for the prerequisite product. Please see the product license for specifics.