Visit the our Home Pages on the Internet: NetWare for SAA +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | DATE: 03/24/97 | | | | DESCRIPTION:Levelset PTF SAA21030 | | | | README FILE FOR: NetWare for SAA Version: 2.1 (AS/400:Edition) | | | PTF NUMBER: SAA21030 | | APAR NUMBER: N/A___ | | | | This package contains APAR fixes to the product above. This | | package can be distributed to any one who has a license for | | this product. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ PREREQUISITES : None PROBLEMS FIXED: APAR Number Description JR08956 Commexec truncating message text in display of message log JR09069 X25 link station failure to host JR09180 NWSAA doesn't retry XID negotiation errors JR09162 "Link lost: remote station sent an invalid N(r)" errors running an R3SDLC card to UNISYS JR09324 ABEND in process SAAP JR09126 NWSAA ignores CV X'22' JR09444 AS400PCS should remove LU when AS/400 device is deleted JR08859 CFGNRTR will not accept a file name different than startpcs.bat JR09091 CA/400 data transfer doesn't work JR09148 ABEND: EnterDebugger Call JR09495 Security = off is ignored JR09452 Assign users context invalid when server bindery context not at top of tree JR09324 GPF abend in process SNAP JR10019 Abend: Protocol Violation -Exit 0x0055 event 6 state 0 - PSCPLUFS.C n/a Increase RU size to 32K for independent sessions and 30K for dependent sessions n/a Custom parameters menu not displayed in SDLCCFG n/a CPI-C needs to supportspecial characters with CMCNVI verb beyond AE table n/a Incomplete connection protocol cleanup when an error is returned n/a Client SLI_SEND rejected with RESPONSE_OUT_OF_ORDER with multi-element chain n/a Allocate with default system name fails n/a LUx - RUI_Term not causing unbind to be sent to host n/a Outstanding Receive_And_Wait never returns n/a Allocate failure no retry - LU62 problem n/a AS/400 to SAA SDLC link causes abend in process SNAP n/a Unable to bring up SAACFG and SAA4CFG at the same time INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: SAA21030.EXE is a self-extracting file containing the shipped executables. The ability to remove or "back off" an SAA PTF from the NetWare server is included with this PTF. To back off a PTF means that the system will be returned to its state prior to installing PTF. All files overwritten or removed by the PTF are restored from copies saved during PTF installation. Likewise, all files created by the PTF will be removed. The PTF removal process will be documented below. Note that the process to remove the entire product is not changed by this new feature. If the entire product is removed it removes all PTF's and their history from the system as well. Hence, BE CAREFUL to follow the new PTF removal process if you only want to back off the the last PTF installed. The PARTS LIST is as follows: The self-extracting .EXE file SAA21030 in turn contains: SAA31030.TXT (this file) SAA21030.BAT 21030.EXE The following installation procedure will generate this file structure: SAA21030 ADMIN README.TX_ 1/08/97 2:54p 1521 SAA400.HL_ 1/08/97 3:03p 232895 SAA4CFG.EX_ 1/08/97 5:11p 260573 SAA4DLG.DL_ 1/08/97 4:00p 11400 SETUP.EXE 1/08/97 3:46p 57344 SETUP4.INI 1/08/97 3:01p 432 S_DLGBK.DL_ 7/26/96 6:47p 18205 S_INTL.DL_ 7/26/96 6:47p 10870 S_TABLE.DL_ 7/26/96 6:50p 77292 TLI_SPX.DL_ 11/16/95 3:47p 30239 TLI_WIN.DL_ 8/07/95 4:56p 8198 COMMEXEC COMMEXEC.001 2/13/97 5:16p 3357 COMMEXEC.RMV 1/08/97 2:50p 4082 CSSYSMSG.NLM 2/16/95 3:52p 43905 PINSTALL.NLM 1/17/97 1:52p 61833 PRODUCT.DEF 2/13/97 5:08p 1190 NLS 4 COMMEXEC.HLP 1/08/97 2:51p 6765 COMMEXEC.MSG 1/08/97 4:06p 24846 CSSYSMSG.HLP 5/18/93 3:49p 3302 CSSYSMSG.MSG 1/20/95 10:13a 11605 LICENSE.HLP 1/08/97 2:48p 2300 LICENSE.MSG 1/08/97 4:21p 2191 LICINSTL.HLP 1/08/97 2:48p 276 LICINSTL.MSG 1/08/97 4:22p 1560 LICREMOV.MSG 1/08/97 4:22p 184 LMA.MSG 1/08/97 4:22p 1385 PINSTALL.HLP 1/08/97 3:09p 4129 PINSTALL.MSG 1/17/97 1:27p 14714 NLMS LICENSE.NLM 1/08/97 4:22p 9463 LICINSTL.NLM 1/08/97 4:22p 7057 LICREMOV.NLM 1/08/97 4:22p 2609 LMA.NLM 1/08/97 4:22p 9720 NW3X COMMEXEC.NLM 2/13/97 5:13p 263810 NW4X COMMEXEC.NLM 2/13/97 5:13p 273193 NWSAA400 CSSYSMSG.NLM 2/16/95 3:52p 43905 NWSAA.001 2/13/97 5:16p 7864 NWSAA.RMV 1/08/97 2:50p 6626 PINSTALL.NLM 1/17/97 1:52p 61833 PRODUCT.DEF 2/13/97 5:08p 1232 NLS 4 CSSYSMSG.HLP 5/18/93 3:49p 3302 CSSYSMSG.MSG 1/20/95 10:13a 11605 DLM.MSG 1/08/97 4:19p 706 MPASDLC.MSG 1/08/97 4:21p 414 NWSAA.MSG 1/08/97 5:25p 19767 NWSAACFG.MSG 1/08/97 3:46p 402 NWSAADBG.MSG 1/08/97 5:14p 19767 PINSTALL.HLP 1/08/97 3:09p 4129 PINSTALL.MSG 1/17/97 1:27p 14714 QLLCS.MSG 1/08/97 4:20p 2872 R2SDLC.MSG 1/08/97 4:21p 1622 R3SDLC.MSG 1/08/97 4:21p 1908 SDLCCFG.HLP 1/08/97 3:02p 4445 SDLCCFG.MSG 1/08/97 4:21p 6648 SDLCS.MSG 1/08/97 4:20p 2872 SDLCTSM.MSG 1/08/97 4:21p 431 STAT0126.HLP 1/08/97 2:44p 21087 STAT0126.MSG 2/13/97 5:13p 2230 STAT012B.HLP 1/08/97 2:44p 40351 STAT012B.MSG 2/13/97 5:14p 9919 NLMS AS400PCS.NLM 2/13/97 5:12p 17972 CCM.NLM 1/08/97 4:02p 20117 CPIC_SAA.NLM 1/08/97 4:03p 12072 DLM.NLM 1/08/97 4:20p 22404 LUX.NLM 1/08/97 4:03p 17442 MPASDLC.LAN 1/08/97 4:21p 10853 NWSAA.NLM 2/13/97 5:15p 245791 NWSAACFG.NLM 2/13/97 5:12p 63100 NWSAADBG.NLM 2/13/97 5:15p 283202 PBTRACE.NLM 1/08/97 4:03p 2585 PB_NWSAA.NLM 1/08/97 4:03p 4259 QLLCS.NLM 1/08/97 4:21p 21860 R2SDLC.LAN 1/08/97 4:21p 13215 R3SDLC.LAN 1/08/97 4:21p 20450 SDLCCFG.NLM 1/08/97 4:21p 9079 SDLCS.NLM 1/08/97 4:20p 19854 SDLCTSM.NLM 1/08/97 4:21p 3107 SSET.NLM 1/08/97 4:03p 16045 STAT0126.NLM 2/13/97 5:14p 29558 STAT012B.NLM 2/13/97 5:15p 57631 DOS ATTMGR.EXE 1/08/97 4:02p 11299 LOADBASE.EXE 1/08/97 4:02p 8293 PBATTACH.EXE 1/08/97 4:02p 10343 SSET.OVL 1/08/97 4:02p 35998 WINDOWS ATTMGR.EXE 1/08/97 4:04p 16704 CCS.DLL 1/08/97 4:04p 41040 CPIC.DLL 1/08/97 4:04p 48987 LUX.DLL 1/08/97 4:05p 63221 PBWIND.DLL 1/08/97 4:05p 17335 SSET.DLL 1/08/97 4:05p 60461 WCCM.DLL 1/08/97 4:05p 28831 WCCT.DLL 1/08/97 4:06p 65376 AS400 NOVELLIP.OVL 1/08/97 4:06p 14086 NOVELLRT.OVL 1/08/97 4:06p 9190 Installing the fix on the system: NOTE: It is a good practice to run SAACOPY to backup your current SAA configuration prior to applying service to your server. Please note that the CONFIG.SYS for the workstation from which you run SAACOPY must contain FILES=20 (or greater) and BUFFERS=20 (or greater). Also, you must have a minimum of 550K free base memory to run this SAACOPY. ! IMPORTANT: Never manually copy COMMEXEC.NLM or NWSAA.NLM into the system. The install scripts must be used! If you copy in manually, the version information will be incorrect. If you have ever applied an ETF that required copying NWSAA.NLM into the system directory manually, please recopy the NWSAA.NLM that was on the system just prior to installing the ETF, and then be sure the version number under Product Options for NWSAA is lower than the one in this patch. If an ETF was applied with an install script, you do not have to recopy NWSAA.NLM (however, be sure the version you have is lower than the one in this patch). If the version number is equal to or greater than the one to be installed by this patch, the install will fail! 1. SAA21030 will only install on top of versions 2.1.2 of NWSAA!! It will not work on any BETA version of NWSAA 2.1! 2. You must have the latest NIC drivers for your system. They must be ODI 4.0 compliant AND certified for use with SAA 2.1!! 3. Only attempt installation on NetWare 4.1 or NetWare 3.12. 4. If you have not already done so, make sure the latest operating system patches are applied to your system. 5. Make a directory called SAA21030, on a hard disk or network drive. 6. Put SAA21030.EXE into the SAA21030 directory you just made. 7. "Explode" SAA21030 by executing it. (type SAA21030 and hit enter) This will place the following files in the SAA21030 directory: 21030.EXE SAA21030.BAT 8. To explode the EXE file into the appropriate directory structure for installation, execute the batch file SAA21030.BAT. 9. Read the Solution Notes (in this document) regarding new configuration features. 10. LOAD Install. 11. Select Product Options and Press . 12. Select Products Not Listed and Press . 13. Press to enter path on server to Disk1 of the installation files. for example: SYS:\SAA21030\COMMEXEC or C:\SAA21030\COMMEXEC 14. Select the server to update. 15. Press . 16. Wait for the update to complete. 17. Press . You should see COMMEXEC 2.1.30 18. Select Product Options and Press . 19. Select Products Not Listed and Press . 20. Press to enter path on server to Disk1 of the installation files. for example: SYS:\SAA21030\NWSAA400 or C:\SAA21030\NWSAA400 21. Select the server to update. 22. Press . 23. Wait for the update to complete. 24. Press . You should see NWSAA 2.1.30 NetWare for SAA: AS/400 Edition 25. Restart the server before loading NWSAA, this will activate the new system modules copied over during installation. 26. Run SAAUP.NCF, this will autoload COMMEXEC and NWSAA.NLM. 27. Install the new NWSAA Administrator (ADMIN) on your client. ***** PTF Removal Procedure and Notes ***** Two types of PTFs are identified: Cumulative - These PTFs include all prior PTFs, backwards to the initial release of the product. Their names end in a suffix of '0' (e.g., PTF30). They require only the base product. Delta - These PTFs include only those PTFs backwards to the last cumulative PTF. Their names end in a suffix wich contains the number of the last cumulative PTF, plus the number of the delta PTF (e.g.,PTFx1). They require the prior cumulative PTF. An inventory of system information is maintained such that the user is able to perform any of the following operations: * Remove the most recently applied PTF (cumulative or delta). * Remove all delta PTFs back to the most recently applied cumulative PTF. * Remove all PTFs back to the base product. The most recent PTF (e.g. PTF30) is removed using the following procedure at the server console: 1. Type load install and press Enter key. 2. Select Product Options and press Enter key. 3. Select View/Configure/Remove installed products and press Enter key. 4. Select the product from the list of currently installed products and press Enter key. This causes a recent history of applied PTFs to be displayed, with the last (most recent) PTF highlighted at the top of the list. 5. Press the Delete key to remove the most recent PTF. (Pressing the Enter key instead of Delete will display a list of files modified by the PTF). 6. Choose YES at the prompt to confirm deletion. 7. Wait for the deletion to complete. Assuming the previous example, and upon completion of the removal procedure, the Currently Installed Products view port now contains this record. COMMEXEC 2.1.2 NetWare Communications Executive Removal of PTFs continues using the above procedure until all applied PTFs have been removed, or until the remove algorithm reaches the depth of its ability to retrieve and restore the system. CONTACT FOR Support: If you have any questions, please call appropriate SUPPORT CENTER for your Country. The phone number for technical support in your Country can be found on our Internet Home Page at COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: Copyright Novell Inc. and International Business Machines Corp. 1997. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, transmitted, or translated into any language without the express written consent of the publisher: Novell Inc. International Business Machines Corp. 2180 Fortune Drive P.O. Box 12195 San Jose, CA 95131 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2195 U.S.A. U.S.A. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. LIMIT OF LIABILITY: License to the contained APAR fixes is conditioned upon the recipient holding a license to the prerequisite product. The license terms and conditions of the APAR fixes are the same as those for the prerequisite product. Please see the product license for specifics.