Visit the our Home Pages on the Internet: NetWare for SAA +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | DATE: 04/18/97 | | | | DESCRIPTION: Cumulative Service Pack for NetWare for SAA Ver. 2.0 | | | | README FILE FOR: NetWare for SAA Version: 2.0 | | | | PTF NUMBER: SAA20040 | | APAR NUMBER: N/A___ | | | | This package contains APAR fixes to the product above. This | | package can be distributed to any one who has a license for | | this product. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ PREREQUISITES : None PROBLEMS FIXED in this PTF: APAR Number Description JR10192 Page Fault Processor Exception in process SNAP JR10152 Downstream PU profile will not send snrm in response to XID0 (CMVC2152) JR09885 NWSAA abends with an exit code of 0X0055. JR09889 NWSAA message 210013 issued several times when VTAM is down. JR09876 Appl pgm fails with PSC=1400 and SRC=24010510 on an SLI_SND. JR10019 Protocol violation error on NWSAA server causing the server to abend. n/a Error of 0 occurred trying to link lower multiplexed stream (CMVC1273) n/a Inbound data segments can exceed the maximum supported (CMVC1530) n/a AS400 system page not updated correctly (CMVC1718) n/a Generate syslog error message only on abnormal unbind error (CMVC1901) n/a Server traps in send_vpl to_streams when Allocate is issued (CMVC2031) n/a Win95- Cannot connect or sign on to the AS/400 Connections (CMVC2058) n/a Two different adapters configured, but same opened twice (CMVC2157) n/a Bind received with no user data, but fully quald name (CMVC2164) n/a Add the Query_LU_Partner to the TR Formatter (CMVC2199) n/a Fixing a problem in FTRACE (CMVC2283) n/a Copy Service TP NLM fix to nwsaa20 release (CMVC2288) PROBLEMS already FIXED in SAA0032 and superseeded by this PTF: APAR Number Description JR08859 CFGNRTR will not accept a file name differnt than startpcs.bat. JR08965 Commexec is truncating the message text in the display of the event log JR09069 X25 link station failure to host. JR09091 CA/400 data transfer doesn't work. JR09126 NWSAA ignores CV X'22'. JR09148 Abend: EnterDebugger Call. JR09159 SAA rejects VTAM xid with cv22 byte 13 bit one (combined ABM bit). JR09162 System with R3SDLC connected to Unisys makes initial connection then drops continuosly with msg: link lost: remote station sent invalid N(r) JR09174 CSCON won't allow value of 0 when configuring the MPL value of a HP LU. JR09180 Receiving XID negotiation errors in the negotiation process phase of bringing up a host link causes NWSAA not to retry. JR09324 Abend in process SAAP. JR09444 AS400PCS should remove LU when AS400 device is deleted. JR09452 Invalid user context if server bindery context is not at top of tree JR09465 RUI read returns with a return code, PCOM needed data instead. JR09495 Security = off, is ignored. JR09904 AS400PCS Abends with Page Fault. n/a Independent LUs enabled at startup don't get attached (CMVC1015) n/a Increase ru size to 32k for independent sessions and 30k for dependent sessions (CMVC335) n/a Custom parameters menu is not displayed in SDLCCFG (CMVC678) n/a SAACFG abends when shift + delete or control + delete input when item is selected in right list window (CMVC911 n/a CPI-C needs to support special characters with CMCNVI verb beyond AE table (CMVC986) n/a Incomplete connection protocol cleanup when an error is returned (CMVC1046) n/a Abend Proto. Vio. -Exit 0x0055, event 6, state 0 - PSCPLUFS.C (CMVC553) n/a The client sends a SLI_SEND for acknowledging a multi-element chain but the SLI_SEND gets rejected with RESPONSE_OUT_OF_ORDER (CMVC561) n/a Allocate with default system name fails (CMVC222) PROBLEMS already FIXED in SAA030 and superseeded by this PTF: APAR Number Description JR08765 Service TP names aren't handled correctly by NWSAA 2.0 JR08784 NWSAA aborts with exit code 0X0055 JR08805 Server hangs and must be restarted when client closes ES/1 database JR08826 CPI-C appl hangs on a CMALLOC call in VB development environment v3.0 JR08815 CMINIT call fails when file handles exceed 20 JR08849 Can't reload attach mgr in windows JR08864 Abend in COMMEXEC process AES sleep JR08865 SAA Admin not showing all possible Create options JR08908 NWTN3270.NLM put in SYS:SYSTEM instead of SYS:SYSTEM\NWSAA JR08903 CPI-C modename shorter than 8 character causes X'13' in CMALLC JR08881 CPI-C calls to CMEPLN and CMEMN returns bad values for modename/luname JR08909 SAA traps after issueing a RECEIVE_IMMEDIATE call JR08760 DLM module load failure with non-english servers JR08788 Unbind wh appl has security on and the partner doesn't support security JR08796 Protocol violation error in LSG-LU_FSM event 5 in state 1 in NWSAA.NLM JR08802 NWSAA won't reestablish host sessions if NCP is brought down while the connection was up. JR08804 NWSAA abends with error 0X2107 or page fault when 3270 host is IPLd n/a EHNAPPC_QUERYConvState had bad return code (130) (CMVC105) n/a SDLCTSM rejected new version level for MPR 3.1 WHSM (CMVC109) n/a Unable to bring up SAACFG and SAA4CFG at the same time (CMVC124) n/a Enhanced debugging capabilities (CMVC133) n/a The xC_SEND_CONVERSATION verb is not sending data (CMVC149) n/a LUx - RUI_Term not causing unbind to be sent to the host (CMVC156) n/a Outstanding Receive_And_Wait never returns (CMVC225) n/a Data buffer length isn't big enough for ACK size - NS router (CMVC92) n/a Allocate failure no retry - LU62 problem (CMVC50) n/a GPF abend in process SNAP (CMVC311) n/a AS/400 to SAA SDLC link causes abend in process SNAP (CMVC244) INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: SAA20040.EXE is a self-extracting file containing the shipped executables. The ability to remove or "back off" an SAA PTF from the NetWare server is included with this PTF. To back off a PTF means that the system will be returned to its state prior to installing PTF. All files overwritten or removed by the PTF are restored from copies saved during PTF installation. Likewise, all files created by the PTF will be removed. The PTF removal process will be documented below. Note that the process to remove the entire product is not changed by this new feature. If the entire product is removed it removes all PTF's and their history from the system as well. Hence, BE CAREFUL to follow the new PTF removal process if you only want to back off the the last PTF installed. The PARTS LIST is as follows: The self-extracting .EXE file SAA20040 in turn contains: SAA20040.TXT (which is this file) EXPAND.BAT 20040.EXE A list of the files that are installed by this PTF can be found in the file named "FILES.LST" after running the EXPAND batch file. NOTE: It is a good practice to run SAACOPY to backup your current SAA configuration prior to applying service to your server. Please note that the CONFIG.SYS for the workstation from which you run SAACOPY must contain FILES=20 (or greater) and BUFFERS=20 (or greater). Also, you must have a minimum of 550K free base memory to run this SAACOPY. ! IMPORTANT: Never manually copy COMMEXEC.NLM or NWSAA.NLM into the system. The install scripts must be used! If you copy in manually, the version information will be incorrect. If you have ever applied an ETF that required copying NWSAA.NLM into the system directory manually, please recopy the NWSAA.NLM that was on the system just prior to installing the ETF, and then be sure the version number under Product Options for NWSAA is lower than the one in this patch. If an ETF was applied with an install script, you do not have to recopy NWSAA.NLM (however, be sure the version you have is lower than the one in this patch). If the version number is equal to or greater than the one to be installed by this patch, the install will fail! ___________________________________________________ 1. SAA20040 will only install on top of version 2.00.22 (or later) of NWSAA!! It will not work on any BETA version of NWSAA 2.0! 2. You must have the latest NIC drivers for your system. They must be ODI 4.0 compliant AND certified for use with SAA 2.0!! 3. Only attempt installation on NetWare 4.1 or NetWare 3.12. 4. CSLOAD/CSUNLOAD commands are no longer supported, use SAAUP, SAADOWN, and CSDOWN instead. 5. If you have not already done so, make sure the latest operating system patches are applied to your system. 6. Make a directory called 20040, on a hard disk or network drive. 7. Put SAA20040.EXE into the 20040 directory you just made. 8. "Explode" SAA20040 by executing it. (type SAA20040 and hit enter) This will place the following files in the SAA20040 directory: 20040.EXE EXPAND.BAT SAA20040.TXT 9. Run the batch file. (type EXPAND and hit enter) 10. Read the Solution Notes (in this document) regarding new configuration features. Server installation procedures are as follows: ___________________________________________________ 1. Stop NetWare for SAA. 2. From the server console type LOAD INSTALL and Press . 3. Select Product Options and Press . 4. Select Products Not Listed and Press . 5. Press to enter path on server to location of the installation files. for example: SYS:\20040\COMMEXEC or C:\20040\COMMEXEC 6. Select the server to update. 7. Press . 8. Wait for the update to complete. 9. Press . You should see COMMEXEC 2.0.40 10. Select Product Options and Press . 11. Select Products Not Listed and Press . 12. Press to enter path on server to location of the installation files. for example: SYS:\20040\NWSAA or C:\20040\NWSAA 13. Select the server to update. 14. Press . 15. Wait for the update to complete. 16. Press . You should see NWSAA 2.0.40 17. Restart the server before loading NWSAA, this will activate the new system modules copied over during installation. Client installation procedures are as follows: ___________________________________________________ 1. Map a drive on the Client to the location of the installation files. 2. To install the NWSAA Client API's run SETUP from the following directory: SYS:\SYSTEM\NWSAA\APIS\WINDOWS 3. To install the NWSAA Administrator run SETUP from the following directory: d:\20040\ADMIN --- where d represents the drive letter. 4. To install SSM for NWSAA run SETUP from the following directory: d:\20040\NWSAAMGR --- where d represents the drive letter. ***** PTF Removal Procedure and Notes ***** Two types of PTFs are identified: Cumulative - These PTFs include all prior PTFs, backwards to the initial release of the product. Their names end in a suffix of '0' (e.g., PTF40). They require only the base product. Delta - These PTFs include only those PTFs backwards to the last cumulative PTF. Their names end in a suffix wich contains the number of the last cumulative PTF, plus the number of the delta PTF (e.g.,PTFx1). They require the prior cumulative PTF. An inventory of system information is maintained such that the user is able to perform any of the following operations: * Remove the most recently applied PTF (cumulative or delta). * Remove all delta PTFs back to the most recently applied cumulative PTF. * Remove all PTFs back to the base product. The most recent PTF (e.g. PTF40) is removed using the following procedure at the server console: 1. Type load install and press Enter key. 2. Select Product Options and press Enter key. 3. Select View/Configure/Remove installed products and press Enter key. 4. Select the product from the list of currently installed products and press Enter key. This causes a recent history of applied PTFs to be displayed, with the last (most recent) PTF highlighted at the top of the list. 5. Press the Delete key to remove the most recent PTF. (Pressing the Enter key instead of Delete will display a list of files modified by the PTF). 6. Choose YES at the prompt to confirm deletion. 7. Wait for the deletion to complete. CONTACT FOR Support: If you have any questions, please call the IBM SUPPORT CENTER for your Country. For example in the USA call: 1-800-992-4777 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: Copyright Novell Inc. and International Business Machines Corp. 1997. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, transmitted, or translated into any language without the express written consent of the publisher: Novell Inc. International Business Machines Corp. 2180 Fortune Drive P.O. Box 12195 San Jose, CA 95131 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2195 U.S.A. U.S.A. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. LIMIT OF LIABILITY: License to the contained APAR fixes is conditioned upon the recipient holding a license to the prerequisite product. The license terms and conditions of the APAR fixes are the same as those for the prerequisite product. Please see the product license for specifics.