NVDM2W95 1.00 What is NVDM2W95 ? ================== NVDM2W95 package provides a list of files able to transform a normal NVDM/2 Dos CC Client in a new CC client able to run in Windows 95 Dos box. Once installed this package over an installed Dos CC Client on Windows 95, an user have a client ready to execute all the requests addressed by a CC Server. In other words it will be ready to install or remove files, execute commands, run cid installations, execute a reboot operation. Limitations are only related to performance that is not so good singe Dos boxes have no big priority in a Windows 95 environment. How install NVDM2W95 ? ====================== NVDM2W95 needs some little prerequisite actions to have a CC Client up and running over Windows 95. Fist of all you have to run: NVDMIDOS /ServerName: /ClientName: /T: /S: This command sould be issued on a Windows 95 Dos Box and it will install a Dos CC Client, creating the dir This command will modify autoexec.bat and create a ibmnvdm2.ini file in directory. These two files should be manually modified to have a Windows 95 CC Client. Open AUTOEXEC.BAT Add a line -> SET PATH=%PATH%,\BIN Add a line -> \BIN\ANXCMWIN.COM Add a line -> SET EXTERNAL_INSTALL_STATE=0 Add a line -> SET REMOTE_INSTALL_STATE=00 Rem out the line -> \BIN\ANXCMLDR.COM /S: /R:\IBMNVDM2.INI At the beginning add the following lines: SERVERNAME: CLIENTNAME: ADAPTERNUM:0 Close and save \IBMNVDM2.INI Once these two file are changed you have to unzip the file W95CLT.ZIP and copy those files in \bin, replacing eventually old files with same name. Now just running CDM Start you have a Windows 95 CC Client waiting for CC Server requests. In case you want Windows 95 CC Client running once the boot ie ended, you have to add in WIN.INI a line as following: RUN= ANXWAS95.EXE This gurantees that in case of forced reboot, agent action is continued after the boot. Here following are sample AUTOEXEC.BAT and IBMNVDM2.INI in case is equal to C:\IBMNVDD2 is equal to FSTSRV is equal to FST95CLT AUTOEXEC.BAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ mode con codepage prepare=((850) C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\ega.cpi) mode con codepage select=850 keyb it,,C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\keyboard.sys SET PATH=%path%;C:\IBMNVDD2\BIN; SET NVDMBASE=C:\IBMNVDD2 rem C:\IBMNVDD2\BIN\ANXCMLDR.COM /S=FSTSRV /R=FSTW95CLT /T=300,10 /U=ACCEPT /A=0 C:\IBMNVDD2\bin\anxcmwin.com doskey SET EXTERNAL_INSTALL_STATE=0 SET REMOTE_INSTALL_STATE=00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IBMNVDM2.INI ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //************************************************************************* //* * //* IBM NetView DM/2 Ver. 2 DOS Client INI File * //* * //************************************************************************* ServerName = FSTSRV ClientName = FST95CLT AdapterNum = 0 AttachTimeout = -1 MessageLogFile = C:\NVDMFST\MESSAGE.DAT ErrorLogFile = C:\NVDMFST\ERROR.DAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING Please be careful to insert after C:\WINDOWS and C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND in the path specification. WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING NVDM2W95 Documentation ====================== NVDM2W95 has been created to provide a Windows 95 CC Client with sane functionalities as Dos CC Client. In this sense it follows the documentation provided for CC Client. Please see the official documentation provided with NVDM/2 2.1.