NetView Distribution Manager Version 2.1 CHGDESC tool 1.0 This utility allows you to change the description of a workstation in a NvDM/2 2.1 database. It runs only on a NvDM/2 2.1 and cannot be used on a NvDM/2 2.0. It changes the description of a workstation having a particular value for Ren. It does not manage the RGN part of the workstation definition. The syntax is: - For changing the CC Server description: CHGDESC - For changing the CC Client description: CHGDESC where: - Is the new description for the workstation. It must be included in double quotes if it contains some blanks (like "This is a Test") - is the workstation Ren. If this parameter is not present, the description of the CC server will be updated. To install the CHGDESC utility: - copy the following files CHGDESC.EXE CHGDESC.BND in the same directory.