************************************************************************ * The following information provides more detail about the APARs fixed * * by this CSD (XR20466). * * * * CURRENT MAINTENANCE SYSLEVEL SERVICED IS: XR00002 * * * * * * NetView Distribution Manager/2 Version 2.1 * * * ************************************************************************ PTRNBR: 2M04046 APARNBR: PJ17716 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: EA FILES TIMESTAMP CHANGED AFTER INSTALL FOR HPFS386 PROBLEM SUMMARY : If an INSTALL operation is executed (doesn't matter if on service or active area) in a machine running HPFS386 file system running (ie having the Lan Server 3.0 installed) the timestamp, for the files involved in this action, is changed into the current one. This occurrence is due to the way the HPFS386 manages the EAs files. In fact when this file system accesses the EAs files, it changes the timestamp into the current one. The effect of this behavior is that, if we check the result of an INSTALL operation in the target dir (it may be in the active or in the service area) we find that the date for the files was changed and it was different from that had the source files when the CDM change file was created. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCKCLI.DLL ANXCKPUQ.DLL ANXCKSRV.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problems has been resolved changing the setting order, first EA and then the file info. This is an APAR fitting from NvDM/2 V2.0; the references are: PMR 31398,APAR PJ11806 and CSD XR20354 PTRNBR: 2M04143 APARNBR: PJ17716 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: INCORRECT SCB COMPRESSION OF A TXT FILE PROBLEM SUMMARY : Assume to SEND from NvDM/2 node a TXT file of 1546182 bytes of size. The file is compressed during the send operation with SCB algorithm. The SEND operation ended with OK return code but the SCB algorithm didn't work correctly because adds two characters in the middle of the compressed file. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXLBFS.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem occurs in a particular compress condition: 1) INPUT DATA RECORD to compress is terminated. 2) OUTPUT COMPRESSED RECORD is full. 3) The last two bytes in the INPUT record are equal. With these three conditions the Specific Server wrongs to calculate the number of written bytes in the next OUTPUT COMPRESSED RECORD (more two bytes). PTRNBR: 2M04157 APARNBR: PJ17716 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: ACTIVATE FAILS AFTER REMOVE OF A PACKAGE IN IRA STATUS PROBLEM SUMMARY : Issuing an Install on service removable, then a Remove of the same package, when the Activate is issued it ends in error after the reboot. The problem is that the Install on service adds the commands in the Activation List, but the remove does not delete these command. It remove only the files in the Service Area, so, when the Activate is issued it fails because the files related to the activation list are not found. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMCLC.EXE ANXCMCLS.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem, now fixed, was due to incorrect management of the Activation List. PTRNBR: 2M04171 APARNBR: PJ17716 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: ANXWWTCM DOES NOT MANAGE EMPTY INI FILES PROBLEM SUMMARY : Using Disk Camera, in case the application creates an INI file with only a section with no fields, ANXWWTCM ends with errors and does not continue. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXWWTCM.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Now, Disk Camera ignores a section with no fields, but does not fail anymore. PTRNBR: 2M04175 APARNBR: PJ17716 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: DIRECTORY NOT REMOVED AFTER CDM REMOVE ACTION PROBLEM SUMMARY : Assume the following scenario: 1) A change file profile is created specifying in the target dir keyword a directory that doesn't exist. 2) A change file is created using the profile as per item 1. 3) Thus, an INSTALL of the change file as per item 2 is successfully attempted (i.e. the directory that didn't exist was created and the files to be installed were put under it). At this point a REMOVE of the change file as per item 2 was attempted with the following results: the files were correctly deleted, BUT THE DIRECTORY IS NOT REMOVED. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE ANXCMCLS.EXE ANXCMCLC.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem is solved by adding in CMF file a field indicating if, at the install time, the target dir was created. According by the value of this field the target dir is removed at the remove time. PTRNBR: 2M04177 APARNBR: PJ17716 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: SHUTDOWN HANGS TO CLOSE CDM CATALOG WINDOW PROBLEM SUMMARY : If the NvDM/2 CDM Dialog is started by clicking on its icon or by issuing the command 'START CDMD', when the shutdown is invoked it hangs on the CDM Catalog panel. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: CDMD.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Smalltalk 1.4 does not manage msg=12345 sent by Presentation Manager when the system shutdown is invoked. The code which handles this message has been added to the Smalltalk code. These changes prevents the hang of the dialog when the system shutdown is invoked but don't solve the problem of the system shutdown completion: with these changes the dialog is closed but the shutdown must be invoked a second time. This problem is fully resolved with Smalltalk 2.0 on NvDM/2 V2.1 . PTRNBR: 2M04178 APARNBR: PJ17716 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: CID EXIT CODES MANAGEMENT PROBLEM SUMMARY : The codes FExx are treated as successful Do Reboot and don't call me back. This behavior is correct only for FE00 FE04 FE08 FE12 all the other must be unsuccessful. LCU already treats these as unsuccessful and at the CID Design meeting held in October 1994 it was committed to fix this in NetView DM platform agents. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMCLC.EXE ANXCMCLS.EXE ANXCMCLP.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Only the architected FExx codes are treated as successful. PTRNBR: 2M04179 APARNBR: PJ17716 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: DECODE PROCESS ERROR. PROBLEM SUMMARY : Assume to SEND a resource of 4976 bytes from Host to node. The resource is an uniform text and it is compressed with NVDMLZW algorithm. The send operation ends at node with RC=08B1 000C. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXLBFS.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The RC=08B1000C means that the decompression operation is failed at node. But the true problem is not due at the decompression routine, it is due at the write file operation. In fact the decompression routine receives a corrupted data file. This particular condition can be recreated with a resource of 4976 bytes and a header (containing the Global name) of 142 bytes. With this data sizes the Specific Server will work with two segments from Parser and Builder and with a SNADS buffer containing only the server object suffix. In this condition the bytes from Parser & Builder buffer to Read_Buffer is not copied correctly. The fix consists in testing when a segment is completely processed and the next SNA_Buffer will contain only the suffix. If it is the case, the 912 bytes are written suddenly in the Read_Buffer and the segment number increased of one. PTRNBR: 2M04182 APARNBR: PJ17716 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: IMPROVE MESSAGING FOR ANXBCP00 PROBLEM SUMMARY : When the anxcscd1 module returns unexpected condition to the anxbcp00 module, no messages indicating that the catalog cannot be opened is logged. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXBFTH.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: When the anxcscd1 returns 'unexpected condition' the message 1015 is now issued. PTRNBR: 2M04184 APARNBR: PJ17716 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: CM ACTION HANGS WHEN SERVER IS STOPPED AND RESTARTED PROBLEM SUMMARY : When an install action has been submitted, from a CC server, to a client, and the client starts to process it (the .CLI file has been created under the CMREQ dir) and, during the process the server is stopped by issuing the CDM STOP command, the request never completes. The SRVIFS continues to work completing the transferring of all files from the server to the client and the client installs correctly all the files, but if the server is started again by CDM START, client's status is RUNNING, the global name is in status SCHEDULED and the .CLI files is still present. The only way to recover is to issue a CDM STOP and CDM START on the client. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXIFSRV.EXE ANXIFSRV.DLL ANXIFREQ.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem, now fixed, was due ANXIFS didn't accept more Client attach request from CC Server later a CDM STOP was issued on this last. PTRNBR: 2M04187 APARNBR: PJ17717 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: MESSAGE ANX0109 IMPROPERLY ISSUED DURING AN INSTALL PROBLEM SUMMARY : Initiate the procedure with name AAA.BBB (or AAA.BBB.CCC), then, while the procedure has still status SCHEDULED try to install the object AAA.BBB.REF.100. The install of AAA.BBB.REF.100 fails with message ANX0109: <The request was unsuccessful because its Object type is inconsistent with the Object Type of its associated components>. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem was caused in module ANXACPC2 during the check to verify if there were other global names with component name equal or greater of the object to be installed with different Object Type. This happen only if the entry of the checked object is SCHE and not when it is CATALOGED. The problem is solved by avoiding this check for entries scheduled when these entries are not related to a change management object. PTRNBR: 2M04189 APARNBR: PJ17717 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: INITIATE FAILS WITH 08380012 SENSE CODE PROBLEM SUMMARY : A SEND-INITIATE fails with sensecode 08380012. In particular this happens when performing this operation several times for DIFFERENT objects. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCSCD4.BND PROBLEM CONCLUSION: This occurrence was due an internal Agent instances counter that was not reset. PTRNBR: 2M04190 APARNBR: PJ17717 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: INVALID LEVEL CHECK DURING INSTALL OF UPD OBJECT PROBLEM SUMMARY : Installing an object A.B.REF.0 then an object A.B.UPD.0.1 everything works fine,but trying to install A.B.REF.20000000 and then A.B.UPD.20000000.20000001, the INSTALL of the UPD object fails with the message ANX0182 (not enough memory) and the message ANX0105 (invalid level). COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The cause was due to a wrong variable definition for the token level: it was defined as FIXED(16) instead of FIXED(32), now fixed. PTRNBR: 2M04191 APARNBR: PJ17717 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: WRONG RESTART BYTES COUNTER IN GENERAL SERVER PROBLEM SUMMARY : Assume a SEND from Host to node through an intermediate node and several line failures occurred during the task. In this scenario the restartability is not correctly performed after the second line failure. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXSNADS.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The bytes count is initialized to zero only when the restart procedure is called at first time. PTRNBR: 2M04192 APARNBR: PJ17717 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: USER ABEND 33-12 AT HOST WHEN SENDING FROM NODE PROBLEM SUMMARY : Attempting a SEND from NvDM/2 to HOST results as USER ABEND 33-12 at NvDM/MVS. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXLBFS.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem, now fixed, was due to two extra byte coded by Specific Server. PTRNBR: 2M04194 APARNBR: PJ16219 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: FOR LU ALIAS DIGIT AS FIRST CHAR MUST BE ALLOWED PROBLEM SUMMARY : Currently a check is made on the LU ALIAS for the first character not to be a digit, while CM/2 allows a LU ALIAS definition starting with a digit. The problem occurs while trying to define a remote destination. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXEDTSN.DLL ANXEFAPI.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Check modified to allow a digit as start character of a LU ALIAS definition. PTRNBR: 2M04195 APARNBR: PJ17717 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: SEND FAILS BECAUSE BUILD DOES NOT SUPPORT TURKISH CP PROBLEM SUMMARY : When the Build function is used with a Build profile containing the Description field on a machine with the Turkish country code (090) and Turkish codepage (857), the CCSID for the Description is not written in the catalog. The evidence of the problem is that when you issue a Send for this object it fails with the message: ANX0698: (E) A SNA/FS Server operation failed with return code = 085A0000 COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXEFAPI.DLL ANXBFTH.DLL ANXLBFS.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The cause of the problem is that the Turkish codepage 857 was not included in the CCSID table used by the Catalog and Build functions. The problem is solved including also this code page in the list of the supported code pages. PTRNBR: 2M04196 APARNBR: PJ17717 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: ANXIFS TRAP D DURING CM/2 OR TCP/IP INSTALLATION PROBLEM SUMMARY : Typically, the problem occurs when installing TCP/IP 2.0 or CM/2 1.11. Rebooting the PC will allow the process to continue, but it may have the error again. There does not seem to be a particular point in the installation process that causes this error. . TRAP 000d ERRCD= 0000 ERACC= **** ERLIM= ******** EAX= a510ffff EBX= 00007990 ECX= 000008bf EDX= 00000101 ESI= 7bc5ffff EDI= 000079a8 EBP= 0117538c FLG= 00012246 CS:EIP= 0b48 : 0000228f CSACC= 009b CSLIM= 0000559c SS:ESP= 0030 : 00004362 SSACC= 1097 SSLIM= 000046e3 DS= 0b40 DSACC= 0093 DSLIM= 000001df CR0= 8001001d ES= 08bf ESACC= 00f3 ESLIM= 00007fff CR2= 000df000 FS= 0000 FSACC= **** FSLIM= ******** GS= 0000 GSACC= **** GSLIM= ******** THE SYSTEM DETECTED AN INTERNAL PROCESSING ERROR AT LOCATION ‘‘ 0160 : fff5ddbc - 000d : 9dbc 60000 , 9084 . INTERNAL REVISION 6 . 653 DATE: 01/11/94 * TRAP * * INFORMATION * . COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXIFCOM.IFS PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem was due to a wrong parameter in a memcopy call during a QUERY_EA_SIZE operation via a DosFSCTL to ANXIFCOM IFS. PTRNBR: 2M04197 APARNBR: PJ17717 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: WRONG CHECK ON IFS STATEMENTS FOR ACTIVATE PROBLEM SUMMARY : The logic used to add the Activate statements before the reboot in the config.sys consist of adding the two statements after the first IFS statement (different from the NvDM/2 ifs) found. . This can cause problems in case the IFS statement is not the HPFS the HPFS386 statement. . The logic must be changed in ANXACCWC so that the Activate Statements are added after the first HPFS statement. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMCLC.EXE ANXCMCLS.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The check has been changed so that the two statements are not added after the first encountered IFS statement but after the first IFS statements containing the substring HPFS. PTRNBR: 2M04201 APARNBR: PJ17717 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: WRONG MAX LENGTH RECORD CALCULATED PROBLEM SUMMARY : With particular resources the SEND to the host or to another CC Server fails with the ANX1262 message: <Send failed because it could not transform the object between fixed and variable formats.> COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXBFTH.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem was fixed in the module calculating the maximum record length in a file. The routine searching in each record for the LF character failed when the reading buffer was starting with CR LF. PTRNBR: 2M04202 APARNBR: PJ17717 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: BLANKS TRANSFORMED TO ZEROS DURING DECOMPRESSION PROBLEM SUMMARY : When a resource with blanks was sent from NVDM/MVS 1.5 to NVDM/2 specifying at host '40' (EBCDIC blank) like FSPARMS (prime character), the blanks at the node were incorrectly converted to zeros. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXLBFS.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem arose because NVDM/MVS 1.5 assumes the prime character '40' like a default, so when FSPARMS '40' is specified a host, the 153E structure travels without the prime character indication. In the previous versions of NvDM/NVS the prime char was always sent, so the problem didn't arise. The NvDM/2 initializing to zero all the area, when no prime char arrived assumed 0 like prime char. The problem was solved introducing an occurrence for the prime char in the request parsing table. PTRNBR: 2M04204 APARNBR: PJ17718 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: HANG PROBLEM WHEN BOTH LS LOCKED FILE DD AND NETVIEW DM/2 ACTIVATE DD ARE INSTALLED IN CONFIG.SYS PROBLEM SUMMARY : When both the DD are installed the WS hangs. This is a possible scenario to reproduce the problem 1. Install LANServer (either REQ or SERVER) 2. Copy the Config.sys to config.lse before reboot. 3. After reboot: copy config.lse to config.sys Now you have the situation of installing a Lock DD without boot. 4. Issue a Activate=YES either from a CC-Server or from Host. Now you have 2 times Lock DD in config.sys 5. After the boot, the PC will never finish processing the first Lock DD. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXACTVF.SYS PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The Hang was due to a Name Mismatch in the two DD. PTRNBR: 2M04206 APARNBR: PJ17718 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: INFINITE REBOOT LOOPING WHEN REINSTALLING DOS CC CLT PROBLEM SUMMARY : Reinstalling DOS CC Client, from product images located on CC Server, while changing DOS CC Client product dir results as infinite reboot loop. The possible cause could be the lack of swapping of the production system files (AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS). COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: NVDMIDOS.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: After having stored all files, installation program asks for a reboot. Minimal configuration is prepared and normal system files are saved to the oldtargetdir-bin directory. After the reboot the ANXLOCKF make active new directory, and the vision of normal system files is lost. Now, a new step is added to anxlockf.acl in order to copy saved system files from old targetdir to new product dir. In this way the process ends correctly. PTRNBR: 2M04207 APARNBR: PJ17718 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: CLIENT AGENT FAILURE IN STRESS CONDITIONS WITH CDM LISTREQ Reference: PMR 3361X B200 C838, Customer La Caixa. PROBLEM SUMMARY : The scenario is the following: 1. issue an install for a Client (clientname), 2. issue simultaneously, from two different OS/2 sessions a procedure that continuously invoked the command CDM LISTREQ /WS: <Clientname> In this condition the Agent at the Client ends with the following error.log: . ** NetView DM/2 logged at 10:21:53 20/02/1995 ** Error detected in NetView DM/2 CM component. The error was generated in module ANXCCPSS. Return codes were: Primary=20, Secondary=28, Auxiliary=0. Additional Data : 41 4e 58 43 43 50 53 53 30 30 30 31 41 4e 58 43 ANXCCPSS0001ANXC 43 50 53 53 46 53 4d 20 53 54 41 54 45 20 43 48 CPSSFSM STATE CH 45 43 4b 20 14 00 1c 00 00 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ECK ...... 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 . NOTE: issuing other tests to recreate in the lab this condition we found that in the same scenario sometimes the Agent ends with a different error log: ** NetView DM/2 logged at 16:49:11 23/02/1995 ** Error detected in NetView DM/2 CM component. The error was generated in module ANXCCPEC. Return codes were: Primary=20, Secondary=28, Auxiliary=0. Additional Data : 41 4e 58 43 43 50 45 43 30 30 30 31 41 4e 58 43 ANXCCPEC0001ANXC 43 50 45 43 46 53 4d 20 53 54 41 54 45 20 43 48 CPECFSM STATE CH 45 43 4b 20 14 00 1c 00 00 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ECK ...... 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMCLC.EXE ANXCMCLS.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The two error logs are due to the fact that in this stress scenario the LISTREQ continuously access the CMF file so that, sometimes, it is not available for the Agent. In both the cases the problem is solved improving the way to access this file by the CDM Agent. PTRNBR: 2M04209 APARNBR: PJ17718 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: ACTIVATE MESSAGES IMPROVEMENT PROBLEM SUMMARY : This PTR has been opened in order to insert three changes in the Agent and Activate messaging: 1. A warning message on the message.dat when you start the agent saying: <(I) The CDM Agent is ready to process requests>. This improvement is not directly related with the activate problems but it can be useful to understand if the Agent is correctly started. 2. A second warning message is stored when, at the activation time,the list of the files to be moved (ibmnvdm2.als) is empty. The message is: <(I) The Activation Process detected an empty Activation List File>. This message will be normally issued at the activate time when there are not files to be moved and it will be also useful to understand if the files are not moved because the .als file has size 0. 3. the ANXACTVD.DLL improves the creation of the IBMNVDM2.LOG containing list of the files that are not moved by the activate in case of problems. In particular, after the move of the object, a check is inserted to verify if the file is deleted from the service area. If not,the .als statement is inserted in IBMNVDM2.LOG. When this file is stored the Activate fails with an unsuccessfull message. In case the problem occurs on the server the IBMNVDM2.LOG will be stored in the directory IBMNVDM2«CMREQ of the Server. If the activate is for a Client this file is in the directory <clientname>«BIN of the client itself or in the directory IBMNVDM2«CMREQ«<CLIENTNAME>. This according to when the activate is stopped. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANX.MSG ANXACTVD.DLL ANXCMCLC.EXE ANXCMCLS.EXE ANXCMSRV.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Improved NvDM/2 messaging and logging. PTRNBR: 4U00035 APARNBR: PJ17718 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: LET NVDM/2 DOS CLIENT WORK ON DOS HIGHER THAN V6.0 PROBLEM SUMMARY : Getting error when trying to use NvDM/2 DOS Client on a DOS V7.0. The log into ERROR.DAT is the following: . Error detected in NetView DM/2 CM component. The error was generated in module ANXCCCSR. Return codes were: Primary=20, Secondary=0, Auxiliary=101. Additional Data : 41 4e 58 43 43 43 53 52 30 30 30 31 41 4e 58 43 ANXCCCSR0001ANXC 43 43 53 52 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 CCSR .... 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 65 00 49 66 73 53 74 61 ........e.IfsSta 72 74 52 65 71 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 rtReq........... COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMCLC.EXE ANXCMEXE.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem was due unsupported DOS version by NvDM/2 that now does. PTRNBR: 4U00061 APARNBR: PJ16219 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: MESSAGE SYS0039 PROMPTED IN PRISTINE ENV INVOKING REXX PROBLEM SUMMARY : When certain REXX procedures are run in the pristine environment, they somehow cause the operating system to require a diskette (the pop-up message SYS0039 is prompted) in the A: Drive after the execution of the procedure (and both before and after the execution of any subsequent object during the pristine environment): - This behavior did NOT occur before XR20460 - A workaround is to indirectly invoke the REXX procedure via a batch file (so REXXSAA is not called): Section Install Begin Program = Z:«REXX211«CMD.EXE Parms = /C $(SB)«TOBIN.CMD $(ResponseFile) $(LogFile1) WorkingDir= SA:«IMG«OS2V211«DISK_1 ResponseFile=SB:«RSP«FDISK«$(workStatname).rsp Logfile1=SB:«LOG«FDISK«$(WorkStatName).log End COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMCLC.EXE ANXCMCLS.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem was due to REXXSAA API that did not preserve the disablement of the HARDERROR POP-UP,set before is invocation. Now fixed even if the REXXSAA API has been removed because of a bug as well described in PMR 2055X B758 C758 and APAR PJ17244 to OS/2. PTRNBR: 4U00065 APARNBR: PJ16219 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NVDMINST /CO REMOVES LDU CONFIGURATION PROBLEM SUMMARY : Assume to have applied a CSD and then to have invoked the command NVDMINST /CO, as stated in the README.TXT, to prevent the 1804 error. The NVDMINST /CO does not reconfigure LDU and LDUMGR if any present prior to apply CSD. Besides, the LDU and LDUMGR are removed from the system configuration. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: SBODY.EXE PMSBODY.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Now, NVDMINST /CO reconfigure CDM while does not remove LDU configuration. PTRNBR: 4U00069 APARNBR: PJ16219 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NVDMCLT, DRIVELETTERS USAGE PROBLEM SUMMARY : Invoking NVDMCLT from active environment (production), if the Driveletters keyword into IBMNVDM2.INI file has only four letters defined, the installation of the product fails with message <no drive letters available>. This because of when attempting a reinstallation from product images located on CC Server, the installation program checks that at least 4 drive letters are free to be used by CC Client Agent. Unfortunately, the active drive letters used by CC Client are skipped during the check. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: BODY.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The four letters related with the drive the CC Client is using have been added at the DRIVELETTERS variables PTRNBR: 4U00077 APARNBR: PJ17718 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: VERY EXPENSIVE CONNECTION TIME WHEN 'CC DOMAIN' WINDOW IS OPENED PROBLEM SUMMARY : Today NVDM/2 tries to contact all its clients when the 'CC Domain' Window is opened. Since connection time is very expensive, there must be an option to contact each client separately. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXEDTCL.HLP ANXEFAPI.DLL ANXDLG.DLL ANXEDTSN.DLL ANXNLS.DLL CDMD.EXE CDM.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Performance problem has been resolved giving the user the possibility to choose if the workstation status must be retrieved when the 'CC Domain' window is opened through the environment variable ANX_WS_STATUS. When ANX_WS_STATUS=N and the Local CC Domain dialog is opened, the connection with clients will not be established and the Local CC Domain will display the list of clients with a bitmap indicating that the status for the client(s) is unknown. The status for the client(s) may be retrieved through the 'Selected/Show Status' function. The function 'Selected/Show Status' may be used as a partial refresh of the workstations status also when the environment variable ANX_WS_STATUS is not set to 'N'. PTRNBR: 4U00086 APARNBR: PJ16219 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: HOST PLAN REMAINS IN PENDING STATUS AFTER A DELETE PROBLEM SUMMARY : Submitting a plan, from NvDM/MVS, that supposes to delete a not existing resource at target node causes this plan to remain PENDING if it follows a successful execution of a plan that deletes an existing object at NvDM/2 node. To recover from this situation the Customer has to stop/start NvDM/2 or makes an ACTIVATE and delete pending plans at host. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXLBFS.DLL ANCBFTH.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The failing event was caused by Specific Server that failed to create and to send report to host. The nature of the problem is a static variable declaration while should be dynamic into reentrant Specific Server modules, now fixed. PTRNBR: 4U00096 APARNBR: PJ17718 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: DOS AND WINDOWS PROGRAM ARE NOT EXECUTED PROPERLY PROBLEM SUMMARY : With NetView DM/2 2.1 CSD Level XR20460 was introduced the management of DOS and Windows program execution by the OS/2 CDM Agent. Three items were identified to improve/change: ITEM 1: In the ANX1331 Message the TSR Name is Wrong. It should be ANXCCTSR instead of ANXCCTRS ITEM 2: The batch file created to execute the DOS/Windows program point to the DOS TSR without fully qualifying the file name this cause the message ANX1331 to be issued and the installation could fails ITEM 3: NetView DM/2 issues ANX1332 when executing a non-CID DOS or DOS Windows EXE. Moreover the ANX1332 Warning message is actually managed as an Error one and the installation fails. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMCLC.EXE ANXCMCLS.EXE ANXCMCLP.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Item 1. The Message ANX1331 was changed. Item 2. The Batch File now have the fully qualified name of the TSR. Item 3. Any non CID DOS Program now returns correctly its exit code to the CDM Agent. For Windows program not following the CID architecture for their exit codes, the message ANX1332 is issued and is considered as a real warning. Moreover the CDM Agent does a preliminary check to see if the DOS and Windows environment is available on the WS. PTRNBR: 4U00119 APARNBR: PJ17718 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE NOT SET CORRECTLY ON CC CLIENT Reference: RETAIN INFO APAR II08317 PROBLEM SUMMARY : All failing events advised via RETAIN INFO APAR II08317 (i.e. mis-processing of REXX cmd with imbedded call to OS). COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMCLC.EXE ANXCMCLS.EXE ANXCMCLP.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The mis-processing was due to a broken OS/2 API, REXXSAA, implemented by XR20460 CSD to process REXX CMD, now removed by this CSD. PTRNBR: 4U00148 APARNBR: PJ17718 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: MSS/400 COMPATIBILITY,CHANGE ACTIVATION USE FIELD INCORRECT SET. PROBLEM SUMMARY : The problem was in the report of an Activate that ends with success.In fact in the report the field CM_activation_use status had a value of '20'x. In the architecture the only value accepted is '10'x.So the MSS/400 give an error in the case of an Activate successfully executed at the node when the report is sent for this operation. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Now this field will be correctly sent to the MSS/400 in the Activate report. PTRNBR: 4U00162 APARNBR: PJ17718 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: LOCATE ERROR MESSAGES IN CDM MESSAGE LOG MAY BE EXPENSIVE IN TIME PROBLEM SUMMARY : Today when the CDM Message Log is opened, the list of messages is displayed according to the chronological order. If a user wants to see only the messages related to errors, It must scroll through the window and scan all the messages. A method to have displayed only the error messages list is requested. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXEDTML.HLP ANXDLG.DLL ANXNLS.DLL CDMD.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: In the CDM Message Log window the 'View/Include' function has been added in order to filter the messages according to the severity. The 'View/Include' function causes the display of the 'Include Messages' dialog, from which it is possible to choose the severity of the messages to have displayed in the window. PTRNBR: 4U00193 APARNBR: PJ17719 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: MIGRATION from Host attached LAN to Singol LAN MUST BE NOT ALLOWED according to design and documentation PROBLEM SUMMARY : MIGRATION from Host attached LAN to Singol LAN MUST BE NOT ALLOWED in order to not lose any information during the migration process COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: SBODY.EXE PMSBODY.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: A new check has been added in order to inhibit the migration as per above. PTRNBR: 4U00194 APARNBR: PJ17719 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: AVOID THE REQUIREMENT TO RUN CHKDB20 or CHKDB21 BEFORE TO MIGRATE FROM 2.0 TO 2.1 OR FROM Q2 2.1 TO Q4 2.1, PROBLEM SUMMARY : Before migrating from 2.0 to 2.1 or from Q2 2.1 to Q4 2.1, CHKDB20 or CHKDB21 tools have to be run to avoid error ANX0362 when issuing any command after migration. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXBASE.DLL ANXDBSRV.DLL ANXCLNUP.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The CHKDB20 and CHKDB21 functionality are now embodied with product base modules and then no more need to run CHKDB20 and CHKDB21 tools. PTRNBR: 4U00209 APARNBR: PJ17719 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: INCORRECT BEHAVIOR DURING FORCE INSTALL EXECUTION PROBLEM SUMMARY : CDM Catalog: 'Install/Force' function does not display workstation on which the selected object is installed in INRU status. Invalid return code from ANXCMSRV.EXE. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: CDMD.EXE ANXCMSRV.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: ANXCSCD2 service has been modified in order to return correct return codes. CDMD.EXE has been modified in order to display Force Install dialog with the WS listbox filled also with workstations on which the selected object is installed in INRU status. PTRNBR: 4U00215 APARNBR: PJ17719 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NETVIEW DM/2 AGENT FAILS TO START FROM STARTUP.CMD ON AN OS/2 WARP WITH 8 MB RAM. PROBLEM SUMMARY : At StartUp time the CDM START command issued in the STARTUP.CMD file fails to start the CDM agent with the message ANX0264. ANX0264: (E) Connection request to CC Server rejected. After this failure a manual CDM start is accepted normally. Also a few seconds sleep before the CDM Start in the startup.cmd make the start work successfully. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXIFCOM.IFS PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem was due to a temporary not enough memory condition occurring when the WS is starting. The memory allocation is now retried after yielding other processes. PTRNBR: 4U00223 APARNBR: PJ17719 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: ERROR DURING THE RESTART PHASE. PROBLEM SUMMARY : During a plan in which are performed different operations as Send,and after an Install to clients the product went down because it was not able to insert in the RDT table the CM request for a client because this workstation was not defined at the node. So this situation produces that the Product went down because it considers this situation as an unrecoverable error. When from the Host another request will be issued this generates that the products starts again but because an error in restart mechanism the product will go down again and every time a request is issued the product will start and stop again. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE ANX.TXT PROBLEM CONCLUSION: A fix has been made in order to manage first the error in insert the request for a Client in the DataBase and also in order to solve the restart mechanism error. PTRNBR: 4U00239 APARNBR: PJ17719 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: ANXIISNA TRAPS WHEN ANXIISNA.CFG CANNOT BE OPENED PROBLEM SUMMARY : During the reboot ANXIISNA traps when ANXIISNA.CFG cannot be opened due too slower PWS. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXIISNA.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Corrected the ANXIISNA process in the way to loop until it is able to open ANXIISNA.CFG file or 60 seconds elapsed. PTRNBR: 4U00261 APARNBR: PJ17719 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: THE DOS AGENT ENDS IN ERROR DURING A DOS PRISTINE PROBLEM SUMMARY : Trying to reinstall an existing NvDM/2 DOS CC Client by pristine scenario results as a failing event and the following message is logged: . 05:24:15 (PM) 02-13-1995 ********************************************* ** DOS Client Feature Installation started ** ********************************************* 05:24:16 (PM) 02-13-1995 ANX7203: (E) Installation occurred without executing a reboot. . In this condition the NvDM/2 DOS CC Client is not reinstalled. ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: NVDMIDOS.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: In order to understand if an installation has been ended without executing a reboot NVDMBASE environment was compared with its setting in autoexec.bat. In case they were different the message was shown. This is not correct in case boot drive is different from dive of AUTOEXEC to be updated. This is,for instance,the case of pristine diskette. Now it has been left only the check of activation list presence. On the other hand, this is present just in case a reboot is not executed. PTRNBR: 4U00268 APARNBR: PJ17719 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: LOW PERFORMANCE PROBLEM SUMMARY : In order to improve the performance, not only the CC Domain is impacted with the retrieving of the WS status (refer to PTR 4U00077). The connection with clients must be never established where not explicitly requested. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: CDMD.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Connection with clients will not be established with those set of functionality which don't require explicitly it. PTRNBR: 4U00280 APARNBR: PJ17719 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: INCORRECT STATUS OF THE OBJECTS AND CM REQUESTS NOT CORRECTLY PROCESSED AFTER A DELETEREQ INVOCATION. PROBLEM SUMMARY : The following failing events lead to DELETEREQ command: . - when .ERR file is created under the Client directory as result of a failed INSTALL task, the DELETEREQ command is not able to recover the correct state of the object in the catalog. . - when a file (.ERR, .CLI, .END) is created, the DELETEREQ command is not able to queue the request to the Change Controller component. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE ANXCMCLS.EXE ANXCMCLC.EXE ANXEFAPI.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Correct the management of the .ERR files to preventa such above described errors. PTRNBR: 4U00283 APARNBR: PJ17719 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: TRAP IN ANXBASE.DLL WHEN UNEXPECTED NETBIOS ERROR OCCURS. PROBLEM SUMMARY : This error has been taken on a PS/2 9595 Pentium with OS/2 WARP FullPack. When an unexpected NetBIOS error is taken (e.g. 0xF7) a trap occurs in ANXBASE.DLL. Trap info are: CSLIM: E630 EIP: 1F02 These are the ERROR.DAT and MESSAGE.DAT dumped before the trap. ERROR.DAT ========= ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ ** NetView DM/2 logged at 18:30:53 13/02/1995 ** Error detected in NetView DM/2 CM component. The error was generated in module ANXACPMC. Return codes were: Primary=20, Secondary=0, Auxiliary=247. Additional Data : 41 4e 58 41 43 50 4d 43 30 30 30 31 4e 45 54 49 ANXACPMC0001NETI 4e 49 54 20 49 4e 49 54 20 4e 45 54 42 49 4f 53 NIT INIT NETBIOS 20 20 20 20 14 00 00 00 f7 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ....χ. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 3e 00 00 08 41 4e 58 43 53 30 >...ANXCS0 53 42 41 4e 58 41 43 50 4d 43 00 00 00 00 00 00 SBANXACPMC...... 00 00 14 00 00 00 f7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......χ......... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 00 00 00 00 .... ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ MESSAGE.DAT =========== ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ ** NetView DM/2 logged at 18:30:38 13/02/1995 ** ANX0051: (I) The CDM Change Controller is ready to process requests. ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ ** NetView DM/2 logged at 18:30:53 13/02/1995 ** ANX0245: (E) Unexpected error occurred interfacing NetBIOS. return code 'F7'X. ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ ** NetView DM/2 logged at 18:30:55 13/02/1995 ** ANX0189: (E) System abend '2'. ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXBASE.DLL. PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Correct the management of the NetBIOS errors. PTRNBR: 4U00296 APARNBR: PJ17720 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: INCORRECT CRMU: LAST BYTE RECEIVED,INVALID STRUCTURE FROM NVDM/2. PROBLEM SUMMARY : The problem was discovered from a customer and happens when the NvDM/6000 was in a SEND_STATE and need to re-synchronize its registers. The NvDM/2 at this point is in a RECEIVE_STATE and when arrives from the NvDM/6000 structure 1585 (RRMU) in order to re-synchronize the register the DS_receive of NDM/2 found that he had some CRMU in a SUSPENDED state and so will sent these CRMU as the architecture allows. However in these CRMU the 2 field LAST STRUCTURE RECEIVED and LAST BYTE RECEIVED are wrong. In fact the first one is E6C2 because an incorrect setting of this field to blank and the second one is all '40' . The NvDM/6000 when received these value reject the CRMU showing an error message (for instance FNDTC059I,FNDTC069E & FNDTC067E) and try to send again the 1585 to which the. NvDM/2 will answer in the same wrong way. So a loop situation has been generated. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXSNADS.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Now the NDM/2 code will sent in the RRMU (1585) the right value in the Last Byte Received and in the Last structure received. PTRNBR: 4U00324 APARNBR: PJ17720 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: WRONG MESSAGE ANX1837 FOR ACTIVATE REPORT PROBLEM SUMMARY: Message 1837 for the report of an activate on a remote administrator is printed with random chars between brackets instead of (I) or (E). COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE. PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Corrected. PTRNBR: 4U00366 APARNBR: PJ17720 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: INCORRECT VALUE IN AUTOMATIC REMOVAL REPORT: SENSE CODE 100B00C DISPLAYED AT HOST NVDM/MVS 1.5 + PTF UN64903 OR NVDM/MVS 1.6. PROBLEM SUMMARY : The problem occurs when an Install with Remove = yes and Autoremoval = Yes is performed from the NVDM/MVS 1.5 + ptf UN64903 or NVDM/MVS 1.6. In fact in case that the Autoremoval is set to YES in the INSTALL request it is necessary that in the report the field AutomaticRemoval must be set. In this case the Nvdm/2 did NOT set this value and so the 100B000C is displayed at HOST also if the INSTALL has been successfully executed to the node. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Now the NvDM/2 node if the Automatic removal is set to yes will put in the INSTALL report the right value for the field AutomaticRemoval. PTRNBR: 4U00374 APARNBR: PJ17720 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: DOS MSG 42, 48, 49 E 50 ARE NOT DISPLAYED. PROBLEM SUMMARY : If one of the above messages has to be displayed (for instance because of an incorrect parameter in AXCMLDR statement of the AUTOEXEC.BAT) this causes an empty pop-up displayed. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANX.MSG PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Corrected. PTRNBR: 5001418 APARNBR: PJ17720 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: INCORRECT MESSAGE DISPLAYED WHEN INSTALLING HPFS FILE ON DOS CLIENT Reference: PMR 3X145 B468 - Customer SEARS ROEBUCK PROBLEM SUMMARY : When attempting to install on a Dos Client a change file with a local name with non-FAT rules, then message 127 is displayed. This message is not useful for the customer and did not reflect the situation that has been met from the product. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE. PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem was due to an incorrect management of the auxiliary return code of Pack/unpack routine. Now, the message ANX0099 ( file not found ) will be returned when this condition will be met. This is acceptable because from a DOS machine is impossible to see an HPFS file. PTRNBR: 5001436 APARNBR: PJ17720 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NVDMRDSK DOESN'T WORK FOR DOS PROBLEM SUMMARY : NVDMRDSK issues strange messages when /OS:DOS is specified among the arguments. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: NVDMRDSK.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: NVDMRDSK is now able to create a DOS boot diskette PTRNBR: 5001438 APARNBR: PJ17720 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: AFTER COPYING *.BAK FILES INTO *.SNA, 80190002 SENSE CODE IS RETURNED FOR REMOTE REQUESTS ON CC CLIENTS. PROBLEM SUMMARY : After copying *.BAK files onto *.SNA on a CC Server, when a request is received addressed to a local CC Client, sense code 80190002 is returned to the request originator. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE ANXCLNUP.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: When the Change Controller is restarted the local clients are reconfigured properly. PTRNBR: 5001448 APARNBR: PJ16219 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NVDMUPD, THE CONFIGURATION FILES CANNOT BE UPDATED PROBLEM SUMMARY : When using DOS Disk Camera to install IBM Time and Place/2, it updates one of its .INI files at install time. When we ran NVDMUPD to have text added to the line, we got the following error: ANX1745 Line is to long to update (paraphrased the text message). COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: README.TXT PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Changed documentation. PTRNBR: 5001451 APARNBR: PJ17720 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: DOS PRISTINE INSTALL-DISKETTE MUST BE REMOVED PROBLEM SUMMARY : Scenario: DOS Pristine with boot diskettes. After receiving ANX1317 message which said <You can remove the boot diskette and leave the workstation unattended>, User may: - remove the boot diskette, but NOT hit ENTER; - not remove the diskette, nor hit ENTER. The result was different than expected. The blue screen does not disappear, and the install never starts. Thus user should be WARNED that It has to remove the diskette, and hit ENTER. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANX.MSG ANXDXCPY.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The message ANX1317 is be substituted with ANX1325 <You should remove the boot diskette and press enter. Then you can leave the workstation unattended>. PTRNBR: 5001452 APARNBR: PJ17720 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NOSTARTUP=YES IS NOT VALID IN RESPONSE FILE PROBLEM SUMMARY : If the customer uses NOSTARTUP = YES in the installation response file, It gets an error that says that it is NOT a valid keyword. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: NVDMINST.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: NVDMINST response file has been enhanced with the key NOSTARTUP. PTRNBR: 5001454 APARNBR: PJ16219 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: CDM DELETE_REQ DOESN'T DELETE SCHEDULED ENTRIES FOR LISTS Reference : PMR 2X411 - Customer BARRY DEANS PROBLEM SUMMARY : Assume to delete a Request by CDM Dialogs when associated with multiple clients. The DELETEREQ command works for the first and last workstation while leaves the request in SCHED for the Clients in the middle. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXEFAPI.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem was due to bad building of the workstation list in the API code. Now the build of this list is create correctly. PTRNBR: 5001455 APARNBR: PJ17720 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: # IS NOT ACCEPTED AS CLIENT NAME PROBLEM SUMMARY : The command NVDMCLT ( from version 2.1 ) doesn't accept the character # (ascii 0x23 ) as first character in the client name and returns the following message: ANX8212 (E) Invalid value for ClientName keyword. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: BODY.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: It is possible to use the char 0x23 as part of a ClientName in the way to pass this last between quotes (i.e. ClientName = '#CLIENT1') PTRNBR: 5001457 APARNBR: PJ17721 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: CANNOT DELETE INSTALL HISTORY IN THE CATALOG PROBLEM SUMMARY : Trying to delete the install history on CC Server from its DIALOG, the task fails with: ANXE5101 - The operation failed because of an internal error. Please contact your Product Administrator. rc='0', reason='11'. Tried CDM STOP and brought down the Dialog, but after the restart, still getting the same error, and can not delete the install history on CC Server. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCSCD9.BND ANXEFAPI.DLL ANXCMSRV.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem, now fixed, was due to incorrect managing of a status returned from a catalog service. PTRNBR: 5001459 APARNBR: PJ17721 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NVDMINST ACCEPTS SERVERNAME PARAMETER BY COMMAND LINE WHILE FAILS IF THE SAME IS SPECIFIED IN THE PASSED RESPONSE FILE (THIS SHOULD BE THE CORRECT BEHAVIOR). PROBLEM SUMMARY : NVDMINST accepts ServerName in the command line if installing an interconnected LAN environment while fails inserting ServerName in the response file COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: NVDMINST.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The installation fails if inserting the ServerName both in the command line and in the response file. In fact in an interconnected LAN Servername it is not an allowed parameter PTRNBR: 5001463 APARNBR: PJ17721 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: CDM DELETE_REQ DOESN'T MANAGE REQUESTS COMPLETED WITH .ERR FILES. Reference: PMR 8x533 - Customer SPRINT Communication. PROBLEM SUMMARY : If a request addressed to the CC Server is completed successfully but the focal point is not properly configured in the Transmission Controller files the Change Controller ends because of errors and a CMFxxxxx.ERR file is created for that request. If at this point the request is deleted: - the CMFxxxxx.ERR file is left under the \CMREQ dir - When the TC configuration is restored, the CMFxxxxx.ERR is renamed as CMFxxxxx and the Change Controller is restarted, the Change Controller ends because of errors again and module ANXACCI6 logs an error in ERROR.DAT. - No report is sent to the focal point. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE ANXEFAPI.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Correct the CM request management in order to prevent CDM Agent to end. PTRNBR: 5001479 APARNBR: PJ17721 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: ERROR MSG ANX0110 (E) HAS MISSPELLED WORD PROBLEM SUMMARY : In ANX0110 (E) message, the word 'dipendent' is misspelled: It should be 'dependent'. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANH.MSG PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Corrected. PTRNBR: 5001480 APARNBR: PJ17721 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: CHANGE CONTROLLER ENDS WITH .ERR FILES IN \CMREQ PROBLEM SUMMARY: When installing an object to a list of clients and the request fails for some of the clients the Change Controller ends because of errors and in the ERROR.DAT a log is made by ANXAPCUC module. The CMFnnnnn files are renamed as CMFnnnnn.ERR. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXDBSRV.DLL. PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Change Controller does not end if some of the Clients addressed by a CM request fail to process. PTRNBR: 4U00375 APARNBR: PJ17721 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: DEVICE NOT READY ON CD DRIVE AFTER ACTIVATE Reference: problem reported by Customer by Royal Bank. PROBLEM SUMMARY : After an ACTIVATE on a machine with a CD Rom drive installed, after the reboot, the CDM agent access the CD rom and issue the message SYS0039 device not ready. To continue the process the user have to insert a disk in the CD drive or select the action 'return the error to the program'. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMCLC.EXE ANXCMCLP.EXE ANXCMCLS.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The Agent checks all the disks from Z trough C in order to delete the Service area from all the partitions before to complete the Activate. . The failing event is solved by disabling the message error during this process. PTRNBR: 4U00389 APARNBR: PJ17721 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: CDM DIALOGS HANG WHEN 'TRANSMISSION QUEUE' IS REQUESTED Reference: PMR 20209, Customer VOLKSFUERSORGE DEUTSCHE related. PROBLEM SUMMARY : Customer starts CDM Catalog and clicks on Engine and Transmission Queues before the Catalog window and Remote Destination window are filled with lines. The window for transmission queues appears and then the dialog hangs. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: CDMD.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: When the product is started and the CMD Catalog, CDM CC Domain and CDM Remote Destinations window are opened automatically, for each window a query to the database is performed in order to have the list of objects, the list of WS, and the list of remote destinations. When clicking on Engine -> Transmission Queue, before these queries were completed, results as another query to the database, probably when one of the above query was issued too, and this caused a resource contention problem. As solution of this problem, these items are disabled until all the windows are displayed with the objects in. PTRNBR: 5001481 APARNBR: PJ16219 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NVDMPMS FAILS FOR LONG SOURCE DIR PATH PROBLEM SUMMARY : When installing the CC Server using NVDMPMS with source directory such as D:/IBMNVDM2/SHARE_A/IMG/NVDMV21 the PM-dialog comes up with source path showing /......./ in the middle and the installation fails because of invalid source directory. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: PMSBODY.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Now, NVDMPMS can install the CC Server from a directory path up to 255 bytes PTRNBR: 1000092 APARNBR: PJ17698 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: WRONG MANAGEMENT OF OS2 ERROR WHEN CREATING DIRS PROBLEM SUMMARY : In case an error is found in setting Extended Attributes during a creation of a directory, the OS/2 operating system gives back a return code that unfortunately is not saved. Thus the OS/2 error that is logged is without meaning. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: LDSR.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem has been fixed. It was due to an uncorrect saving of the return code. PTRNBR: 1000093 APARNBR: PJ17698 PTFNBR: XR20466 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: EAS WRONG MANAGEMENT IN CREATING NEW DIRS PROBLEM SUMMARY : When creating a dir that is a root or that does not exist on the server that follows a directory creation with EAs, an error in setting the EAS on the receiver may happen. This is due to the fact that the receiver asks to set EAs for the new dir and at the same time the distributor cannot find and send these EAs. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: LDS.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem has been fixed. ************************************************************************ * The following information provides details about the APARs fixed by * * previous CSDs (XR20460) cumulated in this current CSD issue * * * * Netview Distribution Manager/2 Version 2.1 * * * ************************************************************************ PTRNBR: A001056 APARNBR: PJ16087 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: REMU WITH SNACR=100D0002 WHEN LINK FAILS PROBLEM SUMMARY : Assume to attempt a SEND of a resource from HOST to node. After sending data,the link fails. When the link restarts the transmission terminated with 100D0000 error at host, because the phase requested by node during the restart process was not in pending status at host. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXSNADS.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: In the scenario described above, when the host doesn't found the phase in pending status, it sends to node a REMU with RC=100D0002 (new SNACR: Request temporarily inconsistent). This new SNACR setting is the fix required a t NvDM. NVDM HOST COREQUISITE: ====================== This fix requires APAR No. PN55403 to be implemented on NvDM/MVS R5, COMPID 568501601 PTRNBR: 2M04096 APARNBR: PJ16087 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: SPECIFIC SERVER NOT CONSIDER '0A'(LF) AS END OF A RECORD PROBLEM SUMMARY : Assume the following scenario: SEND from NvDM/2 to HOST of a TXT file. The text file contains only '0A' (LF) at end of some records instead of '0D'(CR) '0A'(LF). The Send operation fails with: ANX1262: Send failed because it could not transform the object between fixed and variable formats. ANX0698: SNA/FS Server ended with 085A 0000. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXLBFS.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Now, the Specific Server considers also '0A' character without 'CR' one as end of record. PTRNBR: 2M04098 APARNBR: PJ16087 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: TRAP IN ANXLUSER.DLL WHEN HANDLING MESSAGES ORIGINATED BY TRANSMISSION CONTROLLER PROBLEM SUMMARY : The ANXLUSER.DLL traps when referencing the message variables of messages originated by the Transmission Controller.The trap is originated because the ANXLUSER parameters are reversed in the call. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXBASE.DLL ANXSNADS.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The Transmission Controller (TC) now call the ANXLUSER with the correct pascal convention. The Message services now doesn't call the ANXLUSER any more when the msgid is 0 (this means that the message was originated by the TC) PTRNBR: 2M04104 APARNBR: PJ16087 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: RECORDS LOST DURING TXT COMPRESSED FIXED FILE PROBLEM SUMMARY : Assume the following scenario: SEND from HOST to NvDM/2 node of a resource with the following characteristics: * The resource is sent compressed with NVDMLZW algorithm * The resource is a text file with fixed record length * The resource decompressed at node is small than 64K bytes but it is very close to 64K bytes. * The resource translated in ASCII at node is more than 64K bytes. . In the above conditions,during the node transform operation some bytes are lost. The SEND operation terminates with OK return code. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXBFTH.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: When a fixed record length file is translated by node, the translated file size is larger than the origin one. If a file is close to 64K bytes (one buffer), when it is translated, the Transform Handler component needs two buffers to put more of 64K translated bytes. The problem is due to wrong EOF handling. In fact, when the buffer with about 64K bytes to translate is the last or the only buffer,a wrong test on EOF terminates the translation process. The bytes that aren't put into the buffer, results as lost. File handling corrected. PTRNBR: 2M04110 APARNBR: PJ16087 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: POLLING FROM SERVER TO CLIENT WHEN SERVER IS STARTED PROBLEM SUMMARY : When a Server is started all the clients are polled in the network even if they have nothing to do. In a customer environment this cause many problem. For instance in an environment where the Customer is using a bridge that automatically Dial In the client that is signaled. In this way a congestion of the network is caused by the polling from Server to Client. Moreover in all environment this polling cause an extra work in the Server Workstation and generally in the network. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE ANXCMCLS.EXE ANXCMCLC.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Improved the signaling mechanism at startup time. PTRNBR: 2M04113 APARNBR: PJ16087 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: RESOURCE WITH EAs SENT TO TARGET NODE BECOMES CORRUPTS PROBLEM SUMMARY : Assume the following scenario: - SEND a file with Extended Attributes from NvDM to NvDM/2. - The EAs length is bigger than 4096 bytes (4K). The SEND task ended successfully even if the sent resource results as corrupted because of text overwritten by some EA characters. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXLBFS.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Corrected resource with EAs handling. PTRNBR: 2M04114 APARNBR: PJ16087 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NVDMWCAM FAILS WITH GRP WITH SPECIAL CHARACTERS PROBLEM SUMMARY : In case a group name of a Group to install is a name with not standard characters (range 32-126 in the character set), NVDMWCAM does not work but fails with message ANX1771. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXWATCM.EXE ANXWWTCM.EXE NVDMWUPD.EXE NVDMUPD.EXE ANXIDMCF.BKC PROBLEM CONCLUSION: A change of character set was necessary (OEM to ANSI). To be fully effective, this fix requires the End User to compare its own ANXIDMCF.CNF file against ANXIDMCF.BKC one and in particular It should add in its file the statement INSTALL=%p«NLSFUNC.EXE %** PTRNBR: 2M04126 APARNBR: PJ16087 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: PMR4656X, ACTIVATE WITH DEVICE A: DISABLED AT BOOT TIME PROBLEM SUMMARY : This problem has been opened to give a quick solution to the Customer POSTGIRO (PMR 4656X,B180,C846). The purpose is to allow the ACTIVATE also in case there is a diskette inserted in drive A: or B: . This to support the case for which the drive A: has been disabled, via hardware, at boot time. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMCLS.EXE ANXCMCLC.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The solution consist of setting an environment variable by adding in the config.sys the statement: SET ANXCHECKBOOT=NO This allow the End User to prevent check on the drives A: and B: before to activate the workstation. PTRNBR: 2M04128 APARNBR: PJ16138 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: ANX0203 MESSAGE WHEN INSTALLING TABLE MORE THAN 8 CHARS PROBLEM SUMMARY : When installing a Database Table with a name longer than 8 characters, NetView DM/2 issues message ANX0203 and ends unsuccessfully. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Now the End User can specify up to 16 characters. PTRNBR: 2M04141 APARNBR: PJ16138 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: FILES NOT MOVED BY AN ACTIVATE IF NVDM2 IFS IS IN LOWER CASE. PROBLEM SUMMARY : If in the CONFIG.SYS file of a machine the only IFS statement is the statement added by the NVDM2 installation (ANXIFCOM.SYS) and this statement is written in lower case, the Activate does not move the files from the service to the active area. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMCLC.EXE ANXCMCLS.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The cause of the problem is that the check to verify if the only IFS statement in config.sys is the ANXIFCOM.SYS did not consider both, upper and lower case but only the upper case. PTRNBR: 2M04144 APARNBR: PJ16138 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: INSTALL FAILS FOR GLOBAL NAME WITH TOKEN .GRPTEST PROBLEM SUMMARY : Installing an object whose global name contains a token beginning with GRP string, if the install fails, a 'dirty' entry remains in the NvDM/2 Catalog. In this situation the correct message with the explanation of the reason of the failure of the the install should be issued and the object should remain in CATALOGED status. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXDBSRV.DLL ANXCSCDL.BND PROBLEM CONCLUSION: After any INSTALL that fails, the NvDM/2 Product now update correctly the Change Management data corresponding to the failing object. PTRNBR: 2M04145 APARNBR: PJ16138 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: EMPTY SUBDIR DELETED AFTER REMOVE IN SERVICE+ACTIVATE PROBLEM SUMMARY : After a Remove in service area and an Activate all the empty directories under the path were the package was installed are deleted. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMCLC.EXE ANXCMCLS.EXE ANXACTVF.EXE ANXACTVF.SYS ANXACTVF.DLL ANXCMSRV.EXE ANX.MSG PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem was due to a not correct management for empty directories after a remove in service and the activate. Now, only the empty directories that belong to the package to be removed are deleted. PTRNBR: 2M04148 APARNBR: PJ16138 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: AS/400 - NvDM/2 DISTRIBUTION. BAD TOKEN ATTRIBUTE FOR PROBLEM_ID WHEN &DATETIME PROBLEM SUMMARY : FIX objects catalogued at a NetView DM/2 workstation and sent to a AS/400 node not correctly received. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXEFAPI.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Fixed. FIX object sent with correct attribute to an AS/400 in the way this last can store the object in its repository. PTRNBR: 2M04150 APARNBR: PJ16138 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: PMR 2X908, IN A LARGE WAN NETWORK,SOMETIMES CLIENTS ARE NOT CONTACTED FROM THE SERVER. PROBLEM SUMMARY : In a large WAN network with about 80 clients connected to the Server via multiple bridges (local and remote),it happened that sometimes many clients are not contacted from the server when a request is submitted to them. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE ANXCMCLC.EXE ANXCMCLS.EXE ANXCMCLP.EXE ANXCSCNS.DLL ANXCSCNN.DLL ANXCSCNP.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: A Sniffer Trace reveled that at Start Up time the Server was not able to connect all the clients that were waiting for it. The Startup and Signaling logic of both Server and Client were redesigned in order to avoid the useless connection and to avoid the possibility of waking up all clients simultaneously to let these connect. The solution has enhanced the signaling strength and reduced the network traffic at StartUp time. PTRNBR: 2M04153 APARNBR: PJ16138 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: FILES NOT MOVED BY ACTIVATE DUE TO EMPTY ACTIVATION LIST FILE PROBLEM SUMMARY : If an install on service (or a remove on service) is performed and before the activate is issued the machine is powered off, when the system restarts the IBMNVDM2.ALS file is empty notwithstanding the CHKDSK has been started. The result is that when the activate is issued the files in the Service area are not moved in the Active area because of the missed info. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMCLS.EXE ANXCMCLC.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem is due to the fact that the IBMNVDM2.ALS is kept always opened while the CDM agent is active. When the system restarts the CHKDSK encounter an allocation problem for the file IBMNVDM2.ALS but the file is not restored. Now the problem is solved by changing the open close of this file. PTRNBR: 2M04154 APARNBR: PJ16138 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: ACTIVATE DOES NOT CREATE SOME DIRECTORIES IN ACTIVE AREA PROBLEM SUMMARY : If the package to be installed has a directory structure for which some directories have a name included in another name,for example: D:«DB D:«DBUPDATE The install on Service Area is ok but the Activate fails because the shorter dir is not created and the files contained in it are not moved. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMCLS.EXE ANXCMCLC.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem is due to the way to check the directories names. This condition is now correctly managed. PTRNBR: 2M04161 APARNBR: PJ16139 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: INITIATE DOESN'T WORK WITH DBCS CODEPAGES. PROBLEM SUMMARY : Since the conversion routine for INITIATE parms has been changed in order to call the GET_CP_CONVERT_TABLE API of the Comm.Mgr. The problem arises when the Target code page of the conversion (i.e.: the code page of the machine target of the INITIATE) is not supported by this API, as for DBCS code pages. In this situation the Comm. Mgr. returns an error to the Change Controller which ends because of errors. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: When a DBCS code page is found (i.e. 932,942,934,944,938,948 or 949) the conversion is made into a SBCS code page: the first one prepared for that machine or, by default, 850. PTRNBR: 2M04163 APARNBR: PJ16139 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: DOS PRISTINE HAS TO GO ON EVEN IF IBM NETBIOS NOT FOUND PROBLEM SUMMARY : The DOS client installation checks config.sys for IBM NetBIOS in case the target installation boot drive is different than the actual one. In case no DXM* files are found the installation is stopped exiting with the error NETBIOS NOT FOUND. On the contrary only a warning should be done not to prevent the use of other kinds of NetBIOS protocol. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: NVDMIDOS.EXE ANXIDNST.MSG PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Now, in case no DXM* file is found a new message is shown: ANX7280(W) IBM Netbios results not installed querying installation boot drive. Please be sure that a supported NetBIOS is actually installed. The installation is completed normally and return FE00 . At the same time the statement in startup.bat are located after PATH, NETBEUI and NETBIND statements if they are found. PTRNBR: 2M04165 APARNBR: PJ16139 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: CC ENDED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DURING HOST SEND WITH REPLACE OPERATION PROBLEM SUMMARY : Assume to submit a SEND from HOST to NvDM/2 specifying destruction allowed and having the global name to be stored different than that to be deleted. At NvDM/2 node the global name to store is not cataloged while that to delete is in INRU status. The above task ends with both SNA/FS Server and Change Controller errors logged at NvDM/2. At the HOST site, the task is reported ended with RC=8 and sense data 085C0001. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXLBFS.DLL ANXBFTH.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Transform Handler (TH) calls the DB service to delete the entry in the File Service (FS) catalog. DB, when attempting to delete an INRU entry,returns that catalog global name could be not deleted while related local file did. The TH did not handle this condition and ended with unexpected condition error. Now, the TH handle this event. PTRNBR: 2M04172 APARNBR: PJ16139 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: LOG FILE OF AN EXT. INST. IS NOT CATALOGED AS UNIFORM TEXT FILE PROBLEM SUMMARY : The log file generated by an external install and automatically cataloged is in binary data instead of uniform text file. This does not allow the file to be read at host when retrieved. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The automatic log file is now cataloged as uniform text file. PTRNBR: 5001208 APARNBR: PJ16139 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NvDM/2 V2.1 OS/2 CC CLIENT INSTALL. FAILS AND HANGS ON REBOOT PROBLEM SUMMARY : Scenario: from a CC Server, install a NvDM/2 V2.1 OS/2 CC Client on a workstation. This works fine for the first attempt and the first three reinstall, for instance to refresh code or to reconfigure. The external symptoms is the installation completed, then the CC Client reboot and then hangs on IPL. The cause of the hang is a lack of NvDM/2 statements in CONFIG.SYS. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: BODY.EXE SBODY.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Fixed. PTRNBR: 5001281 APARNBR: PJ16139 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: DOS CLIENT USES 512 BYTES FRAMES WHEN UNPACKING PROBLEM SUMMARY : It has been noted that a DOS Client that performs CM operations uses 512 bytes NetBIOS frames.This behavior is not present when it performs external installation and may greatly impact the DOS Client's performances. The problem seems to be related to two thinks: 1) The unpack routine at the DOS Clients uses 1000 bytes as buffer area. 2) During a remote read the C-library routine 'fread' splits the request for 1000 bytes in two 512 bytes requests. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCKPUQ.LIB (ALL MODULES THAT USE IT HAVE BEEN RE-LINKED) PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem is due to the fact that the unpack used a statically allocated buffer of 1000 bytes for its operations and that each read request of 1000 bytes is split in two requests of 512 bytes by the C-library functions. This small buffer is inadequate to serve the unpack operations, but has been chosen in order to support the low level versions of DOS. The buffering is useless when a remote file is read thought that the real buffering is performed at the Server. We changed the unpack routines in order to dynamically allocate the aforementioned buffer. In this way the available memory will be better used. The dynamic allocation procedure does not allocate the whole available memory, but reserves 4K bytes free for any other resident application may need them. Moreover, the buffering of the C-library functions has been disabled when reading a file from remote. PTRNBR: 5001334 APARNBR: PJ16139 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NVDM/6000 - NVDM/2 DISTRIBUTION PROBLEM SUMMARY : NvDM/2 node send a resource to NvDM/6000 node. The send fails with return code 08120011 (lack of memory on receiver), then NvDM/2 node retries the SEND infinitely until space/memory becomes available. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXSNADS.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Since NvDM/2 is not designed to manage a determined number of retries, when the sense code 08120011 is returned,upon a SEND task and to prevent looping with remote node, no retries are attempted. . NOTE: the aforementioned retries do not matter to those customizable, via user exit routine, for LU-LU allocation. There is not way to customize retries upon the above failing scenario. . PTRNBR: 5001348 APARNBR: PJ16139 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: RUNTIME ERROR ATTEMPTING TO BRING UP REPORT PROBLEM SUMMARY : Assume the following scenario: a - CIDA097 is defined as a Remote Admin & a CC Server. b - CIDA032 is defined as a CC Server with CIDA097 as its Dept. RA. c - CIDA052 is a client of CIDA032. . From CIDA097, invoke an INSTALL of a COREQ group to CIDA032 that was already installed. . It failed at CIDA032 due to previous install history on CIDA032. . The error was reported back to CIDA097 as expected. . Looking at the request status window, it showed up as Completed/Unsuccessful. . Attempting to look from the DIALOG at the report from the OPEN REQUEST window, the following message is displayed: . Runtime Error: Argument must be a Collection. See file VRtError.log. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXEFAPI.DLL ANXEDTSN.DLL CDMD.EXE CDM.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem is caused by the Global Name field that is passed to the dialog with a NULL value. . Now Global names (primary and corequisites) will be displayed in the CDM QUERY_REP command only if details (/D) parameter is specified. . They are retrieved from the .REP file. . From the dialog report panel Global names will be displayed only if the .REP file exists. PTRNBR: 5001352 APARNBR: PJ16140 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: CANNOT DELETE A CC CLIENT OR ITS REQUESTS PROBLEM SUMMARY : After using the CDM CHANGE_DEST on a client for which all requests are in a COMPLETED status, in a particular condition some .REN files may be created on the CMREQ directory. . Then, when attempting to delete the workstation from dialog or from command line the operation fails with the following messages (the example that follows refers to DIALOG): ANXE5424 Error(s) occurred while Deleting Workstations. ANXE5806 Delete failed because it can not delete the Request files. . When attempting to delete all requests from the Request Status window,those associated with the client, also this task failed with the following error messages (the example that follows refers to DIALOG): ANXE5836 Error(s) occurred while "Deleting" one or more Requests. ANXE5794 Delete failed because the Request INS00017 is in use by another process. . REMARK: The requests that could not be deleted were all completed. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXEFAPI.DLL CDM.EXE CDMD.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The .REN files are not left anymore under the CMREQ dir. Problem fixed. PTRNBR: 5001357 APARNBR: PJ16140 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: INCONSISTENT DEFAULTS ON DISKCOPY PROGRAMS PROBLEM SUMMARY : It appears that the various diskcopy programs have different defaults for the source drive: . NVDMCOPY default, NVDMCOPY drive NVDMDCPY default, A: drive NVDMDOC default, NVDMDOC drive COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: NVDMDCPY.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The NVDMDCPY has been changed according to the others. PTRNBR: 5001358 APARNBR: PJ16140 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NVDMENV PROGRAMS IS NOT ENABLE TO OS/2 WINDOWS. PROBLEM SUMMARY : Suggested to enable NVDMENV. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: NVDMENV.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The suggestion has been implemented. PTRNBR: 5001369 APARNBR: PJ16140 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: CHANGE THE SZ PARAMETER OF THE QUERYREQ IN USZ PROBLEM SUMMARY : In the CDM QUERYREQ /D from the command line the parameter SZ should be changed in USZ to align it with the related parameter of the CDM INSTALL, i.e. /USZ, otherwise it should confuse the End User with the /SZ parameter of the CDM CATALOG. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANX.TXT PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The suggestion has been implemented. PTRNBR: 5001377 APARNBR: PJ16140 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: REPORT MESSAGES DETECTING ERRORS ARE MARKED AS INFORMATIONAL (I) PROBLEM SUMMARY : Report messages detecting errors are marked as informational (I) instead of as error (E). Like in the following example: . ** NetView DM/2 logged at 12:46:20 (PM) 07-08-1994 ** ANX1856: (I) Sense code '089e0001' has been detected by destination 'USIBMWZV.GBG2LU00' for the SEND operation started at '12:44:47 (PM) 07-08-1994' of the object with Global Name 'CMD.OS2V21.REF.2.0'. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANX.MSG ANXCMSRV.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: When a report is received, an info message "(I)" is logged if the sense code is '00000000' otherwise an error message "(E)" is logged. PTRNBR: 5001378 APARNBR: PJ16140 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: MESSAGE INCORRECT,VALID COMMANDs IN STANDALONE LAN ENVIRONMENT. PROBLEM SUMMARY : Scenario: running NvDM/2 V2.1 in a standalone LAN, incorrect valid commands for this environment are prompted when invoking CDM HELP that could raise mess to the End User. . In fact, commands such as for instance CHANGE_DEST, HOLD_REQ, RELEASE_REQ, and CHANGE_REQ are only valid either in workstation or LAN host attached. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: CDMSRV.EXE ANX.MSG PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Corrected discrepancy. PTRNBR: 5001380 APARNBR: PJ16140 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: WRONG INSTALLATION OCCURS FOR PREDEFINED INSTALLATION TARGET LONGER THAN 130 CHARACTERS. PROBLEM SUMMARY : If an Installation target is already defined with a path longer then 130,an install of a global name matching this Installation target cause the software to be installed on a wrong path. The actual installation path is the real path truncated at the 130th character and concatenated with the 'GRP' string. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXDBSRV.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Problem fixed. PTRNBR: 5001384 APARNBR: PJ16141 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: SUGGESTION TO REDUCE MESSAGE.DAT SIZE PROBLEM SUMMARY : Suggestion to prevent logging on Client MESSAGE.DAT file of messages such as: ** NetView DM/2 logged at 03:16:31 (PM) 07-14-1994 ** ANX1398: (I) CM Activity started. . ** NetView DM/2 logged at 03:16:38 (PM) 07-14-1994 ** ANX1399: (I) CM Activity ended. to prevent undesired growth of the mentioned file. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXBASE.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The suggestion has been implemented. PTRNBR: 5001388 APARNBR: PJ16141 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: CHANGE IN THE CODE MESSAGE ANX0178I IN ANX0178E PROBLEM SUMMARY : Message ANX0178 issued at NvDM/2 node as INFORMATIONAL (I) while should be ERROR (E) one as described on the product manuals. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANX.TXT PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Corrected product messages file. PTRNBR: 5001391 APARNBR: PJ16141 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: SNA SENSE CODE 100B0001 LOGGED ON NvDM/6000 WHEN RECEIVE AN INSTALL REPORT FROM NvDM/2. PROBLEM SUMMARY : Scenario: from NvDM/6000 focal point issue an install request to a NvDM/2 target of a object that doesn't exist at the target. The install correctly fails but the report sent from the NvDM/2 node creates a format exception on the NvDM/6000. The same error occurs when trying to install on an object as IRA if this object is already installed as INRA. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Changed report structure and code to correctly set it. PTRNBR: 5001392 APARNBR: PJ16141 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: SNA SENSE CODE 100B0006 LOGGED ON NvDM/6000 WHEN RECEIVE A REMOVE REPORT FROM NvDM/2. PROBLEM SUMMARY : Assume to execute a remove (from the R.A.) of a global name that doesn't exist at the NvDM/2 target node. The NvDM/2 node send a report with invalid 88 structure (the length is bigger then the limit one).This causes a format exception at the NvDM/6000 node. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Changed report structure and code to correctly set it. PTRNBR: 5001394 APARNBR: PJ16141 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: CDM ADDDEST WITH A LIST FILE INSERT WRONG DESCRIPTION PROBLEM SUMMARY : Assume to define remote destinations and clients using a list file as input to CDM_ADD_DEST command. . After successful completion of this command,the CDM LIST_DEST command displays wrong descriptions of the workstations. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: CDM.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: If the length of the description is shorter than the description of a previous line in the input file, then the shorter description was concatenated with the end of the longer one. Description field was not cleaned for every workstation. Now fixed. PTRNBR: 5001404 APARNBR: PJ16141 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NVDMPMS FAILS WITH RC 1013 PROBLEM SUMMARY : Installing the NvDM/2 CC Server by NVDMPMS command, return code 1013 is displayed when NvDM/2 installation accesses the database. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: NVDMPMS.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Problem corrected. PTRNBR: 5001405 APARNBR: PJ16141 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: ADD OBJECT STATUS AND DATETIME IN DELETE INSTALL HISTORY PROBLEM SUMMARY : A requirement to add the following information in the Delete Install History panel: - Object Status at Workstation - Data and time These information are already displayed from Command Line, using the command CDM LIST. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: CDMD.EXE ANXDLG.DLG PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The Object status and DateTime information are now available on the Delete Install History dialog. PTRNBR: 5001406 APARNBR: PJ16141 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: INCORRECT REPORT FROM NvDM/2 TO NvDM/6000 PROBLEM SUMMARY : Incorrect report from NvDM/2 to NvDM/6000 performing a remote REMOVE. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Fixed. PTRNBR: 5001407 APARNBR: PJ16142 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: THE MESSAGE ANX0253 DIDN'T POINT THE USER TO THE RIGHT ACTION PROBLEM SUMMARY : This PTR to receipt a suggestion from Level 2 of Support to improve ANX0253 message text and its related help to reach better usability by Customers. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: README.TXT ANX.MSG ANXH.MSG PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The message has been modified and the help enriched. PTRNBR: 5001415 APARNBR: PJ16142 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NVDMBDSK PUT INVALID VALUE IN ADAPTER FIELD PROBLEM SUMMARY : When using the NVDMBDSK utility to create a NvDM/2 client boot diskette,the AdapterNum field is incorrectly set to a tilde,'~', instead of the assigned 0 value. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: NVDMBDSK.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Fixed PTRNBR: 5001420 APARNBR: PJ16142 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NVDMINST, DELETE OPTIONS MUST BE ACCEPTED PROBLEM SUMMARY : The DeleteCM, DeleteFS, DeleteTR and DeleteWS should accepted, to be compatible with NvDM/2 V2.0 (for instance to use the old response files ) but should be ignored during the process. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: NVDMINST.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The suggestion has been implemented. PTRNBR: 5001422 APARNBR: PJ16142 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: INSTALLATION FAILS WITH VALID PARAMETER. PROBLEM SUMMARY : Assume to install a NvDM/2 V2.1 CC Server + RA, specifying CDM Connection definition of W (i.e. connected via APPC to other NVDM/2 workstations),by invoking the following command from OS/2 command prompt: NVDMINST /CDM:W /R:C:\TEST\RA.RSP /S:Z:\IMG\NVDM21 . The above installation task results to fail with message ANX8351. . The ANX8351 error message advices the following: <The command issued is invalid. There is a bad combination of parameters>. . Reviewed the installation response file parameters and noted that the following three keywords are defined as(all are default values): FILESONLY=NO CONFIGURATIONONLY=NO MAINTENANCE=NO . The NVDMINST proceeded to normal successful completion only after both FILESONLY=NO and CONFIGURATIONONLY=NO are commented out (i.e. not included). . If either remained defined in the response file, NVDMINST would fail. . The installation of NetView DM/2 V2.0 succeeded if these keywords (and values were present),and the NetView DM/2 V2.1 documentation still indicates that they are valid. . A similar problem also appears when having the following combination: CDM=C SERVER=YES The installation fails too. By commenting the SERVER=YES keyword, the installation succeeds. This is different behavior than NetView DM/2 2.0. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: NVDMINST.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The NVDMINST of NvDM/2 V2.1 now has the same logic of V2.0 one. and then the same behavior. PTRNBR: 2M04060 APARNBR: PJ16142 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: 090 COUNTRY CODE NOT SUPPORTED BY NVDM2 PROBLEM SUMMARY : If a Turkish operation system is installed and in the config.sys the country code field is set to 090,NvDM2 is not able to start. In fact, when invoking a CDM START from command line the following message is prompted: <The command is in progress. Check Transmission Controller status later>. Then, the message 'ANX0181 Transmission is not active' is prompted. Using CDM DIALOG and clicking the mouse button to activate CDM MANAGER now get 'ANXI5703,Transmission Controller is in process of being started' and then get 'ANXE5101 RC=0,Reason=6013'. Hereafter an abstract for the error.dat that is logged: . Error detected in NetView DM/2 CM component. The error was generated in module ANXBIP01. Additional Data : 41 4e 58 42 49 50 30 31 30 30 30 34 88 05 00 08 ANXBIP010004.... 41 4e 58 43 52 30 47 42 41 4e 58 42 49 50 30 31 ANXCR0GBANXBIP01 41 4e 58 43 52 50 47 32 10 00 14 00 00 00 00 00 ANXCRPG2........ 00 00 00 00 0a 14 20 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...... ........ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXBASE.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The country code 090 is now supported. PTRNBR: 2M04047 APARNBR: PJ16142 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: CORRUPTED TXT FILE WHEN COMPRESSED WITH NVDMLZW. PROBLEM SUMMARY : Assume the following scenario: . - SEND a TXT file with NVDMLZW compress algorithm from NvDM/2. - This file is larger than 64K bytes . The SEND task ends successfully but the file at the target node results different from the origin file. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXLBFS.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem is found in TXT file handling, now fixed. PTRNBR: 2M04155 APARNBR: PJ15025 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: RUNNING ANXWCLOA DECREASES WINDOWS PERFORMANCE PROBLEM SUMMARY : After having installed NVDM/2 CC Client on a DOS machine with MS Windows, ANXWCLOA is installed and run any time that windows starts. This program make all Windows applications much slower. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXWCLOA.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: A loop was found in the way in which ANXWCLOA enquiries the network. Once the loop is eliminated better performances are measured. PTRNBR: 2M04156 APARNBR: PJ15025 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: WINDOWS AGENT DOES NOT MANAGE CORRECTLY MS NETBIOS PROBLEM SUMMARY : If Microsoft (MS) Netbios has been loaded,when Windows started, a message is shown by ANXWCLOA saying that there has been a SUBSYSTEM NETWORK ERROR :RC 0x:8400 COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXWCCOM.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The return code from Netbios was not correctly managed, now corrected. PTRNBR: 5001354 APARNBR: PJ15025 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: INVALID CHECK DURING NvDM/2 V2.0 CC SERVER MIGRATION TO V2.1 PROBLEM SUMMARY : Scenario: attempting to migrate a NvDM/2 V2.0 CC Server to NvDM/2 V2.1 one (GA level, syslevel XR00000),a warning message appears about a keyword in the IBMNVDM2.INI file such as: ANX8266:(W) The mandatory Key AutomaticPurgeReport has not been found in the old CC Server IBMNVDM2.INI file. All the keys in the file are ignored. At this point all the old keys are deleted in the next panel and the End User has to fill all fields again. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: NVDMPMS.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Fixed. PTRNBR: 5001368 APARNBR: PJ15025 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: WRONG DISPLAY OF DASD CHECKING PARMs ON CC SERVER PROBLEM SUMMARY : Performing an Install Function from a NvDM/MVS or a Remote Administrator towards a CC Server 2.1 ,specifying the 'Dasd Space Checking' and the 'User Defined Processing Size', the following errors are shown in the QUERYREQ from both Command Line and Dialog,because the Agent does not provide the correct values: - In the Details dialog: Dasd Space checking : no User Defined Size : 32768016 - In the Cdm Queryreq: CHK=No SZ=32768016 while in the Install function has been required 'Dasd Space checking: yes' and 'User Defined Size: 500 KBytes'. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXSAQ3S,ANXCMSRV.EXE for WS HOST attached environment (Q3) ANXSAQ4S,ANXCMSRV.EXE for LAN HOST attached environment (Q4) PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem was due to a misalignment of an internal layout used to exchange data between the External Interface and the Change Controller, now fixed. NVDM HOST COREQUISITE: This fix requires APAR No. PN58771 to be implemented on NvDM/MVS R5, COMPID 568501601; related NvDM/MVS PTF is UN65679 PTRNBR: 5001370 APARNBR: PJ15025 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: ANX0074 AFTER ISSUING CDM DELETE_REQ /F PROBLEM SUMMARY : When a CM function failed and a CMFxxxxx.ERR file was created a DELETE_REQ /F needed. In this case this function failed with the message ANX0074. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMSRV.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Fixed. PTRNBR: 5001372 APARNBR: PJ15025 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: TRAP OCCURS IF DPATH IS LONGER THEN 254 PROBLEM SUMMARY : A trap (doscall1.dll) occurrs every time the DPATH in the CONFIG.SYS is longer than 254 COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: NVDMINST.EXE NVDMCLT.EXE NVDMFPIN.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Fixed. PTRNBR: 5001376 APARNBR: PJ15025 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NVDMCOMM.RSP INCORRECT SETTING PROBLEM SUMMARY : NVDMCOMM.RSP file was created with a bad set of the PARALLEL_SESSION_SUPPORT: set to 1 (YES) while should be 0 (NO). COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: SBODY.EXE PMSBODY.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Fixed. PTRNBR: 5001387 APARNBR: PJ15025 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NVDMCOPY,WRONG DESCRIPTION OF /DOSCLT AND /RA PROBLEM SUMMARY : On the installation guide page 140 'Copying Files Prior to Installation' the description for /DOSCLT and /RA options says that, if specified, these options install ONLY dos client or RA code. The right wording should be like: /DOSCLT If this option is specified NVDMCOPY copies also DOS CC Client image files. /RA If this option is specified NVDMCOPY copies also Remote Administrator feature image files. On page 372 of the User's Guide is used /FP instead of /RA COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: README.TXT PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The corrections are available on README.TXT file of the CSD XR20460. PTRNBR: 2M04152 APARNBR: PJ15356 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: SEINST INVOCATION FAILS IF FORMAT C DRIVE IS REQUESTED PROBLEM SUMMARY : Failing scenario . 1st step: ========= The maintenance system on the D drive is installed successfully (OS/2 2.1, NTS/2 and NvDM/2 CC Client). . 2nd step: ======== The production installation starts (OS/2 2.1 with format partition option, NTS/2 and NvDM/2 CC Client). on the C During the format of C drive, SEINST fails because of the C drive is locked. . COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: BODY.EXE SBODY.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Fixed PTRNBR: 5001344 APARNBR: PJ15356 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: ANX0262 MESSAGE VARIABLES NOT DISPLAYED PROBLEM SUMMARY : The message ANX0262 with no valid values in the various fields, only the %1,%2,%3,%4, appeared when NCBS was setted to 13 or less. Reference: PMR 1X467 B468 C000 COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXCMCLS.EXE ANXCMCLC.EXE ANXPULAG.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Fixed. PTRNBR: 5001359 APARNBR: PJ15356 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NVDMCLT,INCORRECT DRIVELETTERS SETTING IN IBMNVDM2.INI FILE PROBLEM SUMMARY : Invoking NVDMCLT from a pristine boot diskette,it set Driveletters=UTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED. It appears that since the Pristine Client Agent is using X - Z, the NVDMCLT install ignores these drives: suggested to use. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: BODY.EXE ANXBASE.EXE NVDMCLT.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The suggestion has been implemented. PTRNBR: 5001381 APARNBR: PJ15356 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: DIALOG FAILURE HAVING A LARGE SWAPPER.DAT FILE PROBLEM SUMMARY : The response time gets a bit slow when the NetView DM/2 dialogs up. Having a swapper.dat file around 20 - 25 MB this impacts NetView DM/2 response time and the End User perceives it as slower. At this time, if click, by accident, on a menu entry while NetView DM/2 is still thinking about the first could cause the dialogs to get messed up. In this case, whenever trying to select a meny option (from any of the NetView DM/2 Dialogs), receive an error pop-up that said something about <asLowerCase> not understood . COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: CDMD.EXE PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Problem corrected. PTRNBR: 5001398 APARNBR: PJ15356 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: CDM DIALOG HANGS ON OS/2 3.0 PROBLEM SUMMARY : When attempting to start the CDM Dialog on an OS/2 WARP workstation (WARP is the new OS/2 3.0), the workstation hangs. Repeated Ctl-Esc's will bring up a panel reporting that CDMD is not responding and then allow you to kill it and restore your workstation. The CDM agent and CDM Change controller are active when you do a CDM STATUS before and after trying to start CDMD. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: VPMVM20.DLL under product «DLL directory. PROBLEM CONCLUSION: This DLL is the fix 2.0.11 of Digitalk SmallTalk. When applied the problem is solved. PTRNBR: 5001399 APARNBR: PJ15356 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: NVDMINS, NVDMUPD.EXE IS NOT LOADED PROBLEM SUMMARY : It appears that when we install a NetView DM/2 CC Server via response file on top of a running NetView DM/2 system (CC Server or CC Client) the file NVDMUPD.EXE is left out. This causes the NVDMBDSK function,that to create DOS diskettes, to fail. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXIILUI.TXT PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Fixed PTRNBR: 5001408 APARNBR: PJ15356 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: MIGRATION, CLIENTS ARE NOT MIGRATED IN Q2 PROBLEM SUMMARY : Migrating from 2.0 to 2.1 a Standalone-Lan Server the local clients are not correctly migrated. At this point the old clients cannot be neither seen nor deleted. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXBASE.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Fixed PTRNBR: 5001432 APARNBR: PJ15356 PTFNBR: XR20460 EXTERNAL SYMPTOM: LOCAL CLIENTS CANNOT BE ACCESSED ON CC SERVER AFTER MIGRATION FROM A 2.1 STANDALONE LAN ENVIRONMENT PROBLEM SUMMARY : Migrating NetView DM/2 2.1 Standalone LAN environment to any other environment,previously defined clients cannot be accessed. The symptom is that the local clients defined before product migration are displayed by CDM LIST_WS and CDM LIST_DEST and in the CC Domain window, but they cannot be deleted or addressed by Change management operations. COMPONENTS CHANGED OR ENHANCED: ANXDBSRV.DLL ANXCSCDN.BND ANXCLNUP.DLL PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The problem is fixed by this CSD, XR20460. However to make the old local clients accessible after migration with NetView DM/2 2.1 GA (without this fix applied), use the restore tool contained in package PTR1408F under DM2TOOLS. The Customers have refer to their local IBM Support Centre to collect the aforementioned tool.