OS/2 APAR Extract CONTENTS ________ OS2APAR SEARCH processed on 05/04/1995 at 14:22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 hit from search 'II08454' in PC/AC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 II08454 (Hit 1 of 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 II08454 Summary Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 II08454 Submitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 II08454 Responder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 OS2APAR 1 OS/2 APAR Extract OS2APAR SEARCH PROCESSED ON 05/04/1995 AT 14:22 _______________________________________________ 1 HIT FROM SEARCH 'II08454' IN PC/AC. _____________________________________ 1 II08454 CLOSED INFOPCLIB SB95/03/08 AI SEV4 CAN I OS2APAR 2 OS/2 APAR Extract II08454 (HIT 1 OF 1) ____________________ II08454 SUMMARY TEXT APAR= II08454 SER= AI ADDINFORMAT NVDM/2 V2.1 CDM DIALOGS HANG ON OS/2 V3 WARP FULLPACK (NVDM/2 V2.1 COMPID 562143900 RETAIN RELEASE R220) STAT= CLOSED CAN FESN5NFO000-000 CTID= II0000 ISEV= 4 SB95/03/08 RC95/03/08 CL95/03/29 PD SEV= 4 HIPER/Y PE= TYPE= I RCOMP= INFOPCLIB PC LIB INFO ITE RREL= R001 FCOMP= PFREL= F TREL= T ACTION= SEC/INT= DUP/ USPTF= PDPTF= DUPS 0 DW95/03/08 RT95/03/08 SC FT RE PT UP LP PV AP EN FL LC95/03/31 RU95/03/29 OT CT FR TD TYPE OF SOLUTION= PROJECTED CLOSE CODE= CUST INST LVL/SU= FAILING MODULE: FAILING LVL/SU= SYSROUTE OF: RET APAR= PS= STATUS DETAIL= RELIEF AVAILABLE= COMP OPER ENV= SCP : PLATFORM : FORCED IPL : N LOSS OF DATA: N MAJOR LOSS OF FUNCTION: N II08454 SUBMITTER SYSRES= SYSIN= SYSOUT= CPU= RE-IPL= OPTYPE= SPECIAL ACTIVITY= REGRESSION= PRE-SCREEN NO.= RSCP= RS000 ERROR DESCRIPTION: A User that operates with NvDM/2 V2.1 CDM Dialogs over OS/2 V3 Warp FullPack may experience WS hanging. . In particular, if this happens after having attempted an INSTALL, this CM request is not sent to the Client until NvDM/2 shutdown and restart is performed or the machine is rebooted. . Sometimes, the hang is solid and querying the OS to return the control (by pressing continuously Ctrl-Esc keys) a pop-up is prompted advising that CDM Dialogs are not responding: this symptom force OS2APAR 3 OS/2 APAR Extract you to kill CDM or reboot the machine. . This failing event was not reported on OS/2 2.x or 3.0 releases even if Boca is concerning about its version 3.0 GA. . More, the aforementioned failing events take place on the following HW and SW: . Hardware - the failing event seems to take place, prevalently, on fast machines like Pentium or 486 100Mhz based processors using a mix of the below listed software. . Software - OS/2 V3 Warp FullPack (8b213) CM/2 1.11 (with warpfix applied) DB2/2 1.2 (with warpfix applied) MPTS WR08000 LAPS CSD 7045 LS 3.01 or 4.0 NvDM/2 V2.1 at CSD XR20460 . PROBLEM STATUS AT 08/03/95 From a kernel debug session carried out by OS/2 Development came up a possible cause of the problem in a wrong value passed back by Digitalk SmallTalk VPMVM20.DLL to the PM shell, but could be, instead, the WARP FP to fail. . The problem is still under analysis and any develops will be posted here (this APAR). . PROBLEM STATUS AT 23/03/95 Received and successfully tested a fixed VPMVM20.DLL from SmallTalk Company. . The fixed VPMVM20.DLL will be distributed with the next CSD XR20466 being processed. LOCAL FIX: Apply CSD XR20466 once available. . Meanwhile,Pull FIXWARP package from DM2TOOLS repository invoking the following command: TOOLS SENDTO ROMEPPC TOOLS DM2TOOLS GET FIXWARP PACKAGE . NOTE: FIXWARP PACKAGE REFRESHED ON 03/29/1995 TO REPLACE VPMVM20.DLL. OS2APAR 4 OS/2 APAR Extract II08454 RESPONDER PROBLEM SUMMARY: PROBLEM CONCLUSION: TEMPORARY FIX: COMMENTS: This INFO APAR was opened to inform about known failing events when running NvDM/2 V2.1 CDM Dialogs over OS/2 V3 Warp FullPack. MODULES/MACROS: SRLS: RTN CODES: APPLICABLE COMPONENT LEVEL/SU: CIRCUMVENTION: MESSAGE TO SUBMITTER: OS2APAR 5