OS/2 APAR Extract CONTENTS ________ OS2APAR SEARCH processed on 05/04/1995 at 14:21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 hits from search 'II08317' in PC/AC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 II08317 (Hit 1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 II08317 Summary Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 II08317 Submitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 II08317 Responder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 PJ17718 (Hit 2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 PJ17718 Summary Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 PJ17718 Submitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 PJ17718 Responder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 OS2APAR 1 OS/2 APAR Extract OS2APAR SEARCH PROCESSED ON 05/04/1995 AT 14:21 _______________________________________________ 2 HITS FROM SEARCH 'II08317' IN PC/AC. ______________________________________ 1 II08317 CLOSED INFOPCLIB SB94/12/16 AB SEV4 CAN I 2 PJ17718 CLOSED 562143900 SB95/03/22 IN SEV4 PER D OS2APAR 2 OS/2 APAR Extract II08317 (HIT 1 OF 2) ____________________ II08317 SUMMARY TEXT APAR= II08317 SER= AB ABEND3175 REXX PROCEDURE INVOCATION FAILURE AT CSD XR20460 (NVDM/2 V2.1 COMPID 562143900 RETAIN RELEASE R220) STAT= CLOSED CAN FESN5NFO000-000 CTID= II0000 ISEV= 4 SB94/12/16 RC CL94/12/16 PD SEV= 4 HIPER/Y PE= TYPE= I RCOMP= INFOPCLIB PC LIB INFO ITE RREL= R001 FCOMP= PFREL= F TREL= T ACTION= SEC/INT= DUP/ USPTF= PDPTF= DUPS 0 DW94/12/16 RT SC FT RE PT UP LP PV AP EN FL LC95/02/09 RU94/12/16 OT CT FR TD TYPE OF SOLUTION= PROJECTED CLOSE CODE= CUST INST LVL/SU= FAILING MODULE: FAILING LVL/SU= SYSROUTE OF: RET APAR= PS= STATUS DETAIL= RELIEF AVAILABLE= COMP OPER ENV= SCP : PLATFORM : FORCED IPL : N LOSS OF DATA: N MAJOR LOSS OF FUNCTION: N II08317 SUBMITTER SYSRES= SYSIN= SYSOUT= CPU= RE-IPL= OPTYPE= SPECIAL ACTIVITY= REGRESSION= PRE-SCREEN NO.= RSCP= RS000 ERROR DESCRIPTION: Invoking REXX procedures via NvDM/2 V2.1 upgraded at CSD XR20460 could result in one of the following failing cases: . 1) SYS3175 in the Maintenance and Pristine environments. . Description: ============ Invoking REXX procedures that executes Operating System commands like 'CD','DIR', 'x:' etc result in SYS3175 exception because REXX looks for CMD.EXE location as specified in the global variable COMSPEC. However, COMPSEC is not specified in the CONFIG.SYS used on PRISTINE boot OS2APAR 3 OS/2 APAR Extract diskette or maintenance directory (SERVICE), so REXX TRAPS with a SYS3175. . 2) SYS0039 (prompting for a Diskette) in the Pristine Environment. . Description: ============ When certain REXX procedures are run in the pristine environment, they reactivate the OS/2 Hard Error Pop-Up, which NetView DM/2 deactivated in the Pristine Environment to avoid prompts for the A: drive. After the REXX procedure completes the NetView DM/2 agent checks for the presence of the Boot Diskette (so it can optionally log the completion of the command) and a SYS0039 occurs because of the reactivated Hard Error Pop-Up . 3) Failure to execute certain System Commands in all Environments (Pristine, Maintenance, Production) . Description: ============ REXX procedures that are initiated via REXX SAA do not inherit the changes made by calls to the OS/2 command processor such as 'CD', 'D:' and 'SET'. As a result, the changes made by these calls are not evident to subsequent calls made in the REXX procedure. For example, the action of the 'CD' command is effectively ignored. . The above failing events result from problems with the OS/2 API call REXXSAA (see APAR PJ16645 opened upon PMR 6X877 B019 C000 and PMR 2055X B758 C758), that NetView DM/2 implemented since CSD XR20460 to solve the following concerns related to the execution of CID programs: . 1 - discrimination of OS/2 R.C. returned by CMD.EXE from those CID returned by a procedure. For example OS/2 decimal R.C.'s 4,8,18 overlap those CID x0004,x0008 and x0012. . 2 - discrimination of REXX syntax errors from CID ones to prevent infinite WS rebooting loop. . LOCAL FIX: To prevent from one of the above listed failing cases you could act as described to follow or to apply the RREXXSAA package, available on DM2TOOLS repository, that regresses the NvDM/2 V2.1 from REXXSAA API implementation. . **NOTE******************************************************** . To retrieve RREXXSAA package from DM2TOOLS repository OS2APAR 4 OS/2 APAR Extract invoke the following command from your home VM: . TOOLS SENDTO ROMEPPC TOOLS DM2TOOLS GET RREXXSAA PACKAGE . or . OMNIDISK DM2TOOLS GET RREXXSAA PACKAGE . ************************************************************** . CASE 1 : SYS3175 in the Maintenance and Pristine environments. ======== . The TRAP is addressed by APAR PJ16645 however, the use of REXX in Pristine and/or Maintenance environment MUST be modified as follows: . PRISTINE: ********* Add a statement similar to the following to CONFIG.SYS of the Pristine boot diskettes: . SET COMSPEC=Z:‡REXX212‡CMD.EXE . MAINTENANCE: ************ Add a statement similar to the following to CONFIG.SYS resident under SERVICE directory: . SET COMSPEC=C:‡SERVICE‡CMD.EXE . You could also create an object,such per the below shown Change File profile, to be included in the process to create the Maintenance environment just after the object that invoke the SEMAINT. . TARGETDIR=C: SERVICE SECTION CATALOG BEGIN OBJECTTYPE=SOFTWARE GLOBALNAME=NVDM21.SEMAINT.FIXUP.REF.1.0 END SECTION INSTALL BEGIN PROGRAM=SB: CMD MAINTFIX.CMD END . The MAINTFIX.CMD referenced in the above Change File profile should be an OS/2 batch file and should contain a statement such as: . ECHO SET COMSPEC=C: SERVICE CMD.EXE>>C: CONFIG.SYS . OS2APAR 5 OS/2 APAR Extract . CASE 2 : SYS0039 (prompting for a Diskette) in the Pristine ======== Environment. . To prevent from this occurrence, the workaround is to indirectly invoke the REXX procedure via a batch file as per the following example that is supposed to invoke a REXX procedure named TOBIN.CMD: . Section Install Begin Program = Z: REXX211 CMD.EXE Parms = /C $(SB) TOBIN.CMD $(ResponseFile) $(LogFile1) WorkingDir= SA: IMG OS2V211 DISK_1 ResponseFile=SB: RSP FDISK $(workStatname).rsp Logfile1=SB: LOG FDISK $(WorkStatName).log End . CASE 3 : Failure to execute certain System Commands in all ======== Environments (Pristine, Maintenance, Production) . To prevent this occurrence you could act in two ways: . 1 - Invoke indirectly the REXX procedure by specifying CMD.EXE as PROGRAM and the REXX procedure and its associated parameters as PARMS in your Change File profile (the method is equivalent to that described in CASE 2) . 2 - Change your REXX procedure to use DIRECTORY function of REXX to execute command such as Change Directory or Change Drive. Here is some example: . rc=DIRECTORY('C:') instead of 'C:' rc=DIRECTORY('CD ‡UTILITY') instead of 'CD ‡UTILITY' . II08317 RESPONDER PROBLEM SUMMARY: PROBLEM CONCLUSION: TEMPORARY FIX: COMMENTS: This INFO APAR was opened to inform a about potential TRAP when invoking REXX procedure on NvDM/2 Pristine machine and how to prevent this failing event. MODULES/MACROS: SRLS: OS2APAR 6 OS/2 APAR Extract RTN CODES: APPLICABLE COMPONENT LEVEL/SU: CIRCUMVENTION: MESSAGE TO SUBMITTER: OS2APAR 7 OS/2 APAR Extract PJ17718 (HIT 2 OF 2) ____________________ PJ17718 SUMMARY TEXT APAR= PJ17718 SER= IN INCORROUT CDM MISCELLANEOUS APAR ON NVDM/2 VERSION 2.1 4 OF 7 CONTINUED FROM APAR PJ17717 CONTINUES ON APAR PJ17719 STAT= CLOSED PER FESN0966237- CTID= RM0804 ISEV= 4 SB95/03/22 RC95/04/27 CL95/04/27 PD SEV= 4 PE= TYPE= D RCOMP= 562143900 NETVIEW DM/2 RREL= R220 FCOMP= 562143900 NETVIEW DM/2 PFREL= F999 TREL= T ACTION= SEC/INT= DUP/ USPTF= XR20466 PDPTF= XR20466 DUPS 0 DW95/03/22 RT95/04/27 SC FT RE PT UP LP PV95/04/27 AP EN FL LC95/04/27 RU95/04/27 OT95/05/31 CT95/05/31 FR95/05/31 TD95/05/31 TYPE OF SOLUTION= N PROJECTED CLOSE CODE= PER CUST INST LVL/SU= 220 FAILING MODULE: ANXACTVF FAILING LVL/SU= 220 SYSROUTE OF: RET APAR= PS= S STATUS DETAIL= TESTPACKAGE RELIEF AVAILABLE= N COMP OPER ENV= 220 SCP : OS/2 PLATFORM : OS/2 FORCED IPL : N LOSS OF DATA: N MAJOR LOSS OF FUNCTION: N PJ17718 SUBMITTER SYSRES= SYSIN= SYSOUT= CPU= RE-IPL= OPTYPE= SPECIAL ACTIVITY= REGRESSION= PRE-SCREEN NO.= RSCP= RS220 ERROR DESCRIPTION: This is a miscellaneous APAR to distribute fixes, internally detected, that don't have a RETAIN APAR associated. Hereafter a list of symptom that are fixed by this APAR: . Internal---> SYMPTOMS <-------------------------------------- Problem Number (PTR_Nbr) ! V 31- 2M04204 HANG PROBLEM WHEN BOTH LS LOCKED FILE DD AND NETVIEW DM/2 ACTIVATE DD ARE INSTALLED IN CONFIG.SYS OS2APAR 8 OS/2 APAR Extract . 32- 2M04206 INFINITE REBOOT LOOPING WHEN REINSTALLING DOS CC CLT . 33- 2M04207 CLIENT AGENT FAILURE IN STRESS CONDITIONS WITH CDM LISTREQ Reference: PMR 3361X B200 C838, Customer La Caixa. . 34- 2M04209 ACTIVATE MESSAGES IMPROVEMENT . 35- 4U00035 LET NVDM/2 DOS CLIENT WORK ON DOS HIGHER THAN V6.0 (SUPPORT FOR IBM PC DOS V7.0) . 36- 4U00077 VERY EXPENSIVE CONNECTION TIME WHEN 'CC DOMAIN' WINDOW IS OPENED . 37- 4U00096 DOS AND WINDOWS PROGRAM ARE NOT EXECUTED PROPERLY . 38- 4U00119 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE NOT SET CORRECTLY ON CC CLIENT Reference: solves failing events as described over RETAIN INFO APAR II08317 . 39- 4U00148 MSS/400 COMPATIBILITY,CHANGE ACTIVATION USE FIELD INCORRECT SET. . 40- 4U00162 LOCATE ERROR MESSAGES IN CDM MESSAGE LOG MAY BE EXPENSIVE IN TIME . LOCAL FIX: None. PJ17718 RESPONDER PROBLEM SUMMARY: . PTRNBR 2M04204 - When both the DD are installed the WS hangs. This is a possible scenario to reproduce the problem 1. Install LANServer (either REQ or SERVER) 2. Copy the Config.sys to config.lse before reboot. 3. After reboot: copy config.lse to config.sys Now you have the situation of installing a Lock DD without boot. 4. Issue a Activate=YES either from a CC-Server or from Host. Now you have 2 times Lock DD in config.sys 5. After the boot, the PC will never finish processing the first Lock DD. . PTRNBR 2M04206 - Reinstalling DOS CC Client, from product images located on CC Server, while changing DOS CC Client product dir OS2APAR 9 OS/2 APAR Extract results as infinite reboot loop. The possible cause could be the lack of swapping of the production system files (AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS). . PTRNBR 2M04207 - The scenario is the following: 1. issue an install for a Client (clientname), 2. issue simultaneously, from two different OS/2 sessions a procedure that continuously invoked the command CDM LISTREQ /WS: In this condition the Agent at the Client ends with the following error.log: . ** NetView DM/2 logged at 10:21:53 20/02/1995 ** Error detected in NetView DM/2 CM component. The error was generated in module ANXCCPSS. Return codes were: Primary=20, Secondary=28, Auxiliary=0. Additional Data : 41 4e 58 43 43 50 53 53 30 30 30 31 41 4e 58 43 ANXCCPSS0001ANXC 43 50 53 53 46 53 4d 20 53 54 41 54 45 20 43 48 CPSSFSM STATE CH 45 43 4b 20 14 00 1c 00 00 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ECK ...... 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 . NOTE: issuing other tests to recreate in the lab this condition we found that in the same scenario sometimes the Agent ends with a different error log: ** NetView DM/2 logged at 16:49:11 23/02/1995 ** Error detected in NetView DM/2 CM component. The error was generated in module ANXCCPEC. Return codes were: Primary=20, Secondary=28, Auxiliary=0. Additional Data : 41 4e 58 43 43 50 45 43 30 30 30 31 41 4e 58 43 ANXCCPEC0001ANXC 43 50 45 43 46 53 4d 20 53 54 41 54 45 20 43 48 CPECFSM STATE CH 45 43 4b 20 14 00 1c 00 00 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ECK ...... 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 . PTRNBR 2M04209 - This PTR has been opened in order to insert three changes in the Agent and Activate messaging: 1. A warning message on the message.dat when you start the agent saying: <(I) The CDM Agent is ready to process requests>. This improvement is not directly related with the activate problems but it can be useful to understand if the Agent is correctly started. 2. A second warning message is stored when, at the activation time,the list of the files to be moved (ibmnvdm2.als) is empty. The message is: <(I) The Activation Process detected an empty Activation List File>. This message will be normally issued at the activate time when there are not files to be moved and it will be also OS2APAR 10 OS/2 APAR Extract useful to understand if the files are not moved because the .als file has size 0. 3. the ANXACTVD.DLL improves the creation of the IBMNVDM2.LOG containing list of the files that are not moved by the activate in case of problems. In particular, after the move of the object, a check is inserted to verify if the file is deleted from the service area. If not,the .als statement is inserted in IBMNVDM2.LOG. When this file is stored the Activate fails with an unsuccessfull message. In case the problem occurs on the server the IBMNVDM2.LOG will be stored in the directory IBMNVDM2 CMREQ of the Server. If the activate is for a Client this file is in the directory BIN of the client itself or in the directory IBMNVDM2 CMREQ . This according to when the activate is stopped. . PTRNBR 4U00035 - Getting error when trying to use NvDM/2 DOS Client on a DOS V7.0. The log into ERROR.DAT is the following: . Error detected in NetView DM/2 CM component. The error was generated in module ANXCCCSR. Return codes were: Primary=20, Secondary=0, Auxiliary=101. Additional Data : 41 4e 58 43 43 43 53 52 30 30 30 31 41 4e 58 43 ANXCCCSR0001ANXC 43 43 53 52 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 CCSR .... 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 65 00 49 66 73 53 74 61 ........e.IfsSta 72 74 52 65 71 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 rtReq........... . PTRNBR 4U00077 - Today NVDM/2 tries to contact all its clients when the 'CC Domain' Window is opened. Since connection time is very expensive, there must be an option to contact each client separately. . PTRNBR 4U00096 - With NetView DM/2 2.1 CSD Level XR20460 was introduced the management of DOS and Windows program execution by the OS/2 CDM Agent. Three items were identified to improve/change: ITEM 1: In the ANX1331 Message the TSR Name is Wrong. It should be ANXCCTSR instead of ANXCCTRS ITEM 2: The batch file created to execute the DOS/Windows program point to the DOS TSR without fully qualifying the file name this cause the message ANX1331 to be issued and the installation could fails ITEM 3: NetView DM/2 issues ANX1332 when executing a non-CID DOS or DOS Windows EXE. Moreover the ANX1332 Warning message is actually managed as an Error one and the installation fails. . OS2APAR 11 OS/2 APAR Extract PTRNBR 4U00119 - All failing events advised via RETAIN INFO APAR II08317 (i.e. mis-processing of REXX cmd with imbedded call to OS). . PTRNBR 4U00148 - The problem was in the report of an Activate that ends with success.In fact in the report the field CM_activation_use status had a value of '20'x. In the architecture the only value accepted is '10'x.So the MSS/400 give an error in the case of an Activate successfully executed at the node when the report is sent for this operation. . PTRNBR 4U00162 - Today when the CDM Message Log is opened, the list of messages is displayed according to the chronological order. If a user wants to see only the messages related to errors, It must scroll through the window and scan all the messages. A method to have displayed only the error messages list is requested. . PROBLEM CONCLUSION: . PTRNBR 2M04204 - The Hang was due to a Name Mismatch in the two DD. Modules changed: ANXACTVF.SYS . PTRNBR 2M04206 - After having stored all files, installation program asks for a reboot. Minimal configuration is prepared and normal system files are saved to the oldtargetdir-bin directory. After the reboot the ANXLOCKF make active new directory, and the vision of normal system files is lost. Now, a new step is added to anxlockf.acl in order to copy saved system files from old targetdir to new product dir. In this way the process ends correctly. Modules changed: NVDMIDOS.EXE . PTRNBR 2M04207 - The two error logs are due to the fact that in this stress scenario the LISTREQ continuously access the CMF file so that, sometimes, it is not available for the Agent. In both the cases the problem is solved improving the way to access this file by the CDM Agent. Modules changed: ANXCMCLC.EXE,ANXCMCLS.EXE . PTRNBR 2M04209 - Improved NvDM/2 messaging and logging. OS2APAR 12 OS/2 APAR Extract Modules changed: ANX.MSG,ANXACTVD.DLL,ANXCMCLC.EXE ANXCMCLS.EXE,ANXCMSRV.EXE . PTRNBR 4U00035 - The problem was due unsupported DOS version by NvDM/2 that now does. Modules changed: ANXCMCLC.EXE,ANXCMEXE.EXE . PTRNBR 4U00077 - Performance problem has been resolved giving the user the possibility to choose if the workstation status must be retrieved when the 'CC Domain' window is opened through the environment variable ANX_WS_STATUS. When ANX_WS_STATUS=N and the Local CC Domain dialog is opened, the connection with clients will not be established and the Local CC Domain will display the list of clients with a bitmap indicating that the status for the client(s) is unknown. The status for the client(s) may be retrieved through the 'Selected/Show Status' function. The function 'Selected/Show Status' may be used as a partial refresh of the workstations status also when the environment variable ANX_WS_STATUS is not set to 'N'. Modules changed: ANXEDTCL.HLP,ANXEFAPI.DLL,ANXDLG.DLL ANXEDTSN.DLL,ANXNLS.DLL,CDMD.EXE CDM.EXE . PTRNBR 4U00096 - Item 1. The Message ANX1331 was changed. Item 2. The Batch File now have the fully qualified name of the TSR. Item 3. Any non CID DOS Program now returns correctly its exit code to the CDM Agent. For Windows program not following the CID architecture for their exit codes, the message ANX1332 is issued and is considered as a real warning. Moreover the CDM Agent does a preliminary check to see if the DOS and Windows environment is available on the WS. Modules changed: ANXCMCLC.EXE,ANXCMCLS.EXE,ANXCMCLP.EXE . PTRNBR 4U00119 - The mis-processing was due to a broken OS/2 API, REXXSAA, implemented by XR20460 CSD to process REXX CMD, now removed by this CSD. Modules changed: ANXCMCLC.EXE,ANXCMCLS.EXE,ANXCMCLP.EXE . PTRNBR 4U00148 - Now this field will be correctly sent to the MSS/400 in the OS2APAR 13 OS/2 APAR Extract Activate report. Modules changed: ANXCMSRV.EXE . PTRNBR 4U00162 - In the CDM Message Log window the 'View/Include' function has been added in order to filter the messages according to the severity. The 'View/Include' function causes the display of the 'Include Messages' dialog, from which it is possible to choose the severity of the messages to have displayed in the window. Modules changed: ANXEDTML.HLP,ANXDLG.DLL,ANXNLS.DLL CDMD.EXE . TEMPORARY FIX: None COMMENTS: MODULES/MACROS: ANXACTVF NVDMIDOS ANXCMCLC ANXCMCLS ANX ANXACTVD ANXCMCLC ANXCMCLS ANXCMSRV ANXCMCLC ANXCMEXE ANXEDTCL ANXEFAPI ANXDLG ANXEDTSN ANXNLS CDMD CDM ANXCMCLC ANXCMCLS ANXCMCLP ANXCMCLC ANXCMCLS ANXCMCLP ANXCMSRV ANXEDTML ANXDLG ANXNLS CDMD SRLS: NONE RTN CODES: APPLICABLE COMPONENT LEVEL/SU: R220 PSY XR20466 UP A CIRCUMVENTION: None MESSAGE TO SUBMITTER: OS2APAR 14