NTS/2 LAPS ServicePak WRF7060 5.25" (FRENCH) Version.2.20.5 This Package will service LAPS V2.11 or higher for users that do not have LAN Server 3.0. (WRF7020A or WRF7045A should be applied if below V2.11). This Package will service LAPS V2.11 or higher. If your LAPS or or NTS/2 is below V2.11 you must apply the WRF7020, or WRF7045 ServicePak. It is not necessary to apply this package if IPF7060A has been applied, this package is essentially the same level. See the BonusPak.INF for additional information about BonusPak content and installation. The following versions of LAPS can be serviced with ServicePak; o LAPS V2.11 LAN Server 3.0 NTS/2 V1.0 o LAPS V2.20 NTS/2 ServicePak WRx7020 LAN Distance V10 CM/2 V1.1 o LAPS V2.20.1 LAN Server 3.00.1 LAN Distance V1.1 LAN Distance V1.1 ServicePak IPx7050 o LAPS V2.20.2 NTS/2 ServicePak WRx7045 CM/2 V1.1 ServicePak LAN Distance V1.1 (CD-ROM) View the WRF7060.INF for a list of all APAR's included in the package The INF file also contains other useful information regarding install procedures, known problems, and updates. different from previous ServicePaks. Please retain this ServicePak diskette for future service. Read LSESSERV NEWS for information on other LS and ES service current and future. Request WRF7060A for 3.50 - Inch media. Diskettes can be created using the LOADDSKF utility, this utility may be obtained from PCTOOLS. There are 5 files/images included in this package. ******************************************************************** LSESSERV.NEW * OS/2 EE, ES, and LS news and updates WRF7060.LAB * Label file FRSVTOD1.DSK * CRC=X'8CF2' Service Tool diskette #1 1.2MG FR7060D1.DSK * CRC=X'69C6' ServicePak diskette #1 1.2MG FR7060D2.DSK * CRC=X'931E' BonusPak diskette #1 1.2MG ********************************************************************