README for IBM Network Dispatcher v3.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- This README describes new features available for Network Dispatcher =================================================================== Network Dispatcher v3.6 includes the following new features: Java 1.3 Support Gigabit Ethernet Support Multi-port Ethernet Support Solaris Version 8 (32-bit mode) Support Red Hat Linux v6.2 Support Collocated Server Support for Red Hat Linux Capacity Utilization and Bandwidth Rules Server Evaluation Option GRE Support Advisor Fast-Failure Detection Quiesce Enhancement for Sticky Connections Enhanced ISS Load Balancing of Network Dispatchers SSL Proxy-to-Server Support Usability Enhancements Java 1.3 Support ---------------- Network Dispatcher requires Java 1.3 on all supported platforms: AIX, Red Hat Linux, Solaris, Windows NT, and Windows 2000. There will no longer be support for Java 1.1.x. The following are the Java 1.3 requirements by platform: AIX: IMPORTANT: AIX plus apars is required to support Java 1.3. Refer to the README for the IBM AIX Developer Kit for a list of required AIX apars. IBM AIX Developer Kit, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3.0 for the Java Runtime Environment -Note: You must download both the Developer Kit installable package and the Runtime Environment installable package prior to running the InstallShield program. Red Hat Linux: IBM Runtime Environment for Linux, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3.0 -Assign to your JAVA_HOME environment variable the directory where Java is installed, for example: /opt/IBMJava2-13/jre -Add to your PATH environment variable: $JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH Solaris: Java 2 JRE, Standard Edition, Version 1.3.0 -Add to your PATH environment variable: /usr/j2se/bin Windows NT and Windows 2000: IBM Cross Platform Technologies for Windows v2.0 (SDK 1.3) -Note: You must download both the Developer Kit installable package and the Runtime Environment installable package prior to running the InstallShield program. -Note: For ISS component only, if Network Dispatcher is unable to find where Java 1.3 is installed from the Registry, then define an environment variable IBMND_JRE_LOCATION which should be set to the fully qualified path for the jvm.dll file. For example: IBMND_JRE_LOCATION="c:\Progra~1\IBM\Java13\jre\bin\classic\jvm.dll" To configure WTE for Java 1.3 (if using CBR with HTTP or SSL), the following updates are required by platform. (For general information on configuring WTE for CBR refer to Chapter 7 of the "IBM Network Dispatcher User's Guide" Version 3.0 for Multiplatforms): AIX: -Add to your LIBPATH environment variable: /usr/java130/jre/bin:/usr/java130/jre/bin/classic Red Hat Linux: -Assign to your JAVA_HOME environment variable the directory where Java is installed, for example: /opt/IBMJava2-13/jre -Add to your PATH environment variable: $JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH -Add to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable: /opt/IBMJava2-13/jre/bin;/opt/IBMJava2-13/jre/bin/classic -In the CBR configuration file (ibmproxy.conf), replace the directory to Java (in the class path) to the following: /opt/IBMJava2-13/jre/bin/classic Solaris: -Add to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable: /usr/j2se/jre/lib/sparc Windows NT and Windows 2000: Add to your PATH environment variable: c:\Progra~1\IBM\Java13\jre\bin;c:\Progra~1\IBM\Java13\jre\bin\classic Compile command for Custom advisors using Java 1.3: Custom advisors are written in Java language. These files are referenced during compilation: - the custom advisor file - the base classes file, ibmnd.jar, found in the dispatcher\lib directory where Network Dispatcher is installed. Your classpath must point to both the custom advisor file and the base classes file during the compile. For Windows, a compile command might look like this: javac -classpath \nd\dispatcher\lib\ibmnd.jar where: - your advisor file is named - your advisor file is stored in the current directory The output for the compilation is a class file, for example: ADV_fred.class Before starting the advisor, copy the class file to the dispatcher\lib or cbr\lib directory where Network Dispatcher is installed. Gigabit Ethernet Support ------------------------ Network Dispatcher now supports 1 Gb (gigabit) Ethernet NICs (Network Interface Cards) on all supported platforms: AIX, Red Hat Linux, Solaris, Windows NT, and Windows 2000. Note for Solaris: Hardware requirement - Ultra 60 servers support 1 GB Ethernet NICs. (SPARC does not support 1 Gb Ethernet NICs.) You need to edit the /opt/nd/dispatcher/ibmnd.conf file as follows - substitute "ge -1 0 ibmnd" (1 Gb Ethernet) to replace "hme -1 0 ibmnd" (default for 100 Mb Ethernet). Multi-port Ethernet Support --------------------------- Network Dispatcher now supports multi-port Ethernet NICs on all platforms: AIX, Red Hat Linux, Solaris, Windows NT, and Windows 2000. Note 1: The implementation of the multi-port NICs vary from vendor to vendor. Therefore, given that a subset were tested, support for some multi-port NICs may be limited. Note 2: The link-level fault tolerance feature of multi-port NICs is not supported. Note 3: The trunking feature of multi-port NICs is not supported. For Solaris only, you must edit the /opt/nd/dispatcher/ibmnd.conf file. In the ibmnd.conf file, substitute "qfe -1 0 ibmnd" (multi-port Ethernet) to replace "hme -1 0 ibmnd" (default for 100 Mb Ethernet). For Windows 2000 only, when using the Adaptec Quartet64 Fast Ethernet card, you must disable the "Transmit Checksum Offload" option for each multi-port adapter. To disable this option, do the following: 1)Start->Settings->Network and Dial-up Connections 2)Right click the quad-port adapter 3)Select properties 4)Under General tab, click Configure 5)Under Advanced tab, select Transmit Checksum Offload and then select Disable 6)Click OK For Windows NT only, when using a multi-port adapter, it may be necessary to install Network Dispatcher first, prior to installing the mult-port adapter device driver. Failure to do so, may result in a Windows NT blue screen and kernel memory dump. If blue screen occurs, contact your operating system vendor for analysis of the memory dump. Solaris Version 8 (32-bit mode) Support --------------------------------------- In addition to supporting Solaris Version 2.6 and Solaris Version 7 (32-bit mode), Network Dispatcher now also supports Solaris Version 8 (32-bit mode). For Solaris 8, there is a new ifconfig command to add an alias to the loopback device: ifconfig lo0:1 plumb netmask up To remove an alias from the loopback device: ifconfig lo0:1 unplumb For Solaris requirements, refer to Chapter 2 of the "IBM Network Dispatcher User's Guide" Version 3.0 for Multiplatforms. Red Hat Linux v6.2 Support -------------------------- In addition to supporting Red Hat Linux v6.1 (Linux kernel version 2.2.12-20, as well as any additional fixes to 2.2.12), Network Dispatcher now also supports Red Hat Linux v6.2 (Linux kernel version 2.2.16-3, as well as any additional fixes to 2.2.16). For Red Hat Linux v6.2, when configuring a collocated server, you must issue the following echo commands: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/lo/hidden echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/hidden Note: Red Hat Linux v6.2 (Linux kernel version 2.2.16-3) does NOT require a patch in order to support both collocation and high availability at the same time. For Red Hat Linux requirements, refer to Chapter 2 of the "IBM Network Dispatcher User's Guide" Version 3.0 for Multiplatforms. Collocated Server Support for Red Hat Linux ------------------------------------------- Collocated server support for Red Hat Linux v6.1 is available for the Dispatcher component. Collocation refers to installing Network Dispatcher on a server machine that it is also load balancing. With this release, Network Dispatcher now fully supports collocation and high availability at the same time for Red Hat Linux v6.1 (Linux kernel version 2.2.12-20). In earlier releases, Network Dispatcher could support collocation for Red Hat Linux but could not support both collocation and a high availability configuration at the same time. In order to configure both collocation and high availability at the same time, you must install a Linux kernel patch. For information to install the patch, see "IBM Network Dispatcher User's Guide" Version 3.0, Chapter 5, section "Installing the Linux kernel patch (for aliasing the loopback adapter)." However, when following these instructions, skip the step to alias the loopback adapter. You should add the ifconfig instruction to alias the loopback adapter in the goStandby high-availability script file that gets executed when a Dispatcher goes into standby state. Note: Red Hat Linux v6.2 (Linux kernel version 2.2.16-3) does NOT require a patch in order to support both collocation and high availability at the same time. Capacity Utilization and Bandwidth Rules ---------------------------------------- Capacity utilization and bandwidth rules are available for the Dispatcher component. Using the capacity utilization feature, Dispatcher measures the amount of data delivered by each of its servers. Dispatcher tracks capacity at the server, rule, port, cluster, and executor levels. For each of these levels, there is a new byte counter value: kilobytes transferred per second. The rate value (kilobytes transferred per second) is calculated over a 60 second interval. You can view these capacity values from the GUI or from the output of a command line report. Dispatcher allows you to allocate a specified bandwidth to sets of servers within your configuration using the "reserved bandwidth" rule. When traffic exceeds the reserved bandwidth threshold, you can do either of the following: -- Send the traffic to another server, using an always true rule, that responds with a "site busy" type response. -- Or, share a specified amount of bandwidth at the cluster level or executor level using the "shared bandwidth" rule. And, when the overall shared bandwidth threshold is approached, you can then direct traffic to another server, using an always true rule, that responds with a "site busy" type response. By using the shared bandwidth rule in conjunction with the reserved bandwidth rule, as described above, you can provide preferred clients with increased server access and optimal performance for their transactions. For example, using the shared bandwidth rule to recruit unused bandwidth, you can allow online trading customers executing trades on server clusters to receive greater access than customers using other server clusters for investment research. Note the following to determine whether bandwidth rules can help you manage the volume of response traffic that flows from servers to clients: -- Bandwidth rules can help to manage the volume of response traffic that flows from a set of server machines, based upon the client requests, that flow through Network Dispatcher. If some client traffic goes directly to the server machines and is unseen by Network Dispatcher, then results may be unpredictable. -- Bandwidth rules can help to manage the volume of response traffic flowing on a link from a set of server machines to the network when all servers use the same link to the network. If servers use different links, or multiple links, to access the network, then results for each individual link may be unpredictable. -- Bandwidth rules are helpful only when all servers are local to the Network Dispatcher machine. If some servers are remote, having different paths to the network, then results may be unpredictable. How to configure the two new rules associated with capacity utilization (the reserved bandwidth rule and the shared bandwidth rule): Reserved Bandwidth rule -- The reserved bandwidth rule allows you to load-balance based on the number of kilobytes per second being delivered by a set of servers. By setting a threshold (allocating a specified bandwidth range) for each set of servers throughout the configuration, you can control and guarantee the amount of bandwidth being used by each cluster-port combination. An example of the new rule type, reservedbandwidth, for the ndcontrol rule command follows: ndcontrol rule [add] :: type reservedbandwidth beginrange endrange (The low beginrange is an integer that defaults to 0, and the high endrange is an integer value that defaults to 2 to the 32nd power minus 1.) Shared Bandwidth rule -- If the amount of data transferred exceeds the limit for the reserved bandwidth rule, the shared bandwidth rule provides you the ability to recruit unused bandwidth available at the site. You can configure this rule to share bandwidth at either the cluster or the executor level. Sharing bandwidth at the cluster level allows a port (or ports) to share a maximum amount of bandwidth across several ports (applications/ protocols) within the same cluster. Sharing bandwidth at the executor level allows a cluster (or clusters) within the entire Dispatcher configuration to share a maximum amount of bandwidth. Prior to configuring the shared bandwidth rule, you must specify the maximum amount of bandwidth (kilobytes per second) that can be shared at the executor or cluster level using ndcontrol executor or ndcontrol cluster command with the sharedbandwidth option. The following are examples of the command syntax: ndcontrol executor [set] sharedbandwidth ndcontrol cluster [add | set] sharedbandwidth (The value for sharedbandwidth is an integer value. The default is zero. If the value is zero, then bandwidth cannot be shared.) Note: You should specify a maximum shared bandwidth value that does not exceed the total bandwidth (total server capacity) available. The following are examples of command syntax for the new rule type, sharedbandwidth: ndcontrol rule [add] :: type sharedbandwidth sharelevel ndcontrol rule [set] :: sharelevel (The value for sharelevel is either executor or cluster. Sharelevel is a required parameter on the sharebandwidth rule.) Server Evaluation Option ------------------------ The server evaluation option is available for Dispatcher component. In addition to the bandwidth rules, there is a new rule option "evaluate" on the ndcontrol rule command. Use the "evaluate" keyword to choose to evaluate the rule's condition across all the servers within the port or to evaluate the rule's condition across just the servers within the rule. Note: In earlier versions of Network Dispatcher, you could only measure each rule's condition across all servers within the port. The option to measure the rule's condition across the servers within the rule allows you to configure two rules with the following characteristics: The first rule that gets evaluated contains all the servers maintaining the content, and the evaluate option is set to "rule" (evaluate rule's condition across the servers within the rule). The second rule is an always true rule that contains a single server that responds with a "site busy" type response. The result is that when traffic exceeds the threshold of the servers within the first rule, traffic will be sent to the "site busy" server within the second rule. When traffic falls below the threshold of the servers within the first rule, new traffic continues once again to the servers in the first rule. On the other hand, if you set the evaluate option to "port" for the first rule (evaluate rule's condition across all servers within the port), when traffic exceeds the threshold of that rule, traffic is sent to the "site busy" server associated to the second rule. Since the first rule measures all server traffic (including the "site busy" server) within the port to determine whether the traffic exceeds the threshold, as congestion decreases for the servers associated to the first rule, an unintentional result may occur where traffic continues to the "site busy" server because traffic within the port still exceeds the threshold of the first rule. The server evaluation option is only valid for the following rules that make their decisions based upon the characteristics of the servers: total connections (per second) rule, active connections rule, and reserved bandwidth rule. The following are examples of the command syntax for the server evaluation option (evaluate): ndcontrol rule [add] :: type reservedbandwidth evaluate ndcontrol rule [set] :: evaluate (The value for evaluate is either port or rule. The default is port.) GRE Support ----------- This feature is available for the Dispatcher component. Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) is an internet protocol specified in RFC 1701 and RFC 1702. Using GRE support, Network Dispatcher encapsulates client IP packets inside IP/GRE packets and forwards them to server platforms such as OS/390 that support GRE. GRE support allows Network Dispatcher to load balance packets to multiple server addresses associated with one MAC address. Earlier releases of Network Dispatcher required one-to-one correspondence between MAC address and server address. Network Dispatcher implements GRE as part of its WAND (Wide Area Network Dispatcher) feature. This allows Network Dispatcher to provide wide area load balancing directly to any server systems that can unwrap the GRE packets. Network Dispatcher does not need to be installed at the remote site if the remote servers support the encapsulated GRE packets. Network Dispatcher encapsulates WAND packets with the GRE key field set to decimal value 3735928559. For example, to add an OS/390 machine that supports GRE, define the OS/390 server within your Network Dispatcher configuration as if you are defining a WAND server in the cluster:port:server hierarchy. See "Configure wide area Dispatcher support" section in Chapter 8 of the "IBM Network Dispatcher User's Guide" Version 3.0 for Multiplatforms. No new ndcontrol commands are required to enable GRE support. Advisor Fast-Failure Detection ------------------------------ This feature is available for the Dispatcher and CBR components. With this enhancement, you have the ability to set the advisor's timeout values at which it detects a server has failed. The new failed-server timeout values (for connecttimeout and receivetimeout keywords) determine how long an advisor waits before reporting that either a connect or receive has failed. To obtain the fastest failed-server detection, set the new advisor timeouts to the smallest value (one second), and set the advisor and manager interval time to the smallest value (one second). Note: If your environment experiences a moderate to high volume of traffic such that server response time increases, be careful not to set the timeout values too small, or the advisor may prematurely mark a busy server as failed. The timeout values can be set from either the GUI or the command line. The following is the command syntax for connecttimeout and receivetimeout: ndcontrol advisor connecttimeout ndcontrol advisor receivetimeout For example: ndcontrol advisor connecttimeout http 80 1 ndcontrol advisor receivetimeout http 80 1 (Valid values for timeoutseconds are integers greater than zero. The default for timeoutseconds is 3 times the value specified for the advisor interval time.) Quiesce Enhancement for Sticky Connections ------------------------------------------ This feature is available for the Dispatcher and Content Based Routing (CBR) components. To remove a server from the Network Dispatcher configuration for any reason (updates, upgrades, service, etc.), you can use the ndcontrol manager quiesce command that has the effect of allowing existing connections to complete (without being severed) while disallowing all new connections to the quiesced server. The quiesce enhancement extends the server quiesce function to recognize existing connections that have the affinity/sticky feature. For example, if you quiesce a server, and an existing connection has affinity to the server, then Network Dispatcher can forward subsequent new connections from that client to the quiesced server as long as the subsequent new connections arrive before the stickytime expires. This enhancement provides a graceful, less abrupt, handling of sticky connections when quiescing servers. For instance, you can "gracefully" quiesce a server and then wait for the time where there is the least amount of traffic (perhaps early morning) to completely remove the server from the configuration. A new optional keyword "now" has been added to the ndcontrol manager quiesce command: ndcontrol manager quiesce
now Only use quiesce "now" if you have stickytime set, and you want new connections sent to another server before stickytime expires. The now option determines how sticky connections will be handled as follows: If you don't specify "now," you allow existing connections to complete as well as forward subsequent new connections to the quiesced server from those clients with existing connections that are designated as sticky, as long as the quiesced server receives the new request before stickytime expires. (However, if you have not enabled the sticky/ affinity feature, the quiesced server cannot receive any new connections.) This is the more graceful way to quiesce servers. By specifying "now," you quiesce the server so it allows existing connections to complete but disallows all new connections including subsequent new connections from those clients with existing connections that are designated as sticky. This is the more abrupt way to quiesce servers, which was the only way it was handled in earlier releases. You can view the quiesce status of the server from the GUI. Or, you can view it from the command line by issuing ndcontrol server status command. Enhanced ISS Load Balancing of Network Dispatchers -------------------------------------------------- This feature is available for Dispatcher and ISS component. The ISS enhancement provides improved ISS DNS load balancing of Network Dispatchers in a two-tiered ISS configuration where an ISS DNS monitor determines how to load balance across a lower tier of Network Dispatchers. Previously for this type of load balancing (across a wide area network), Network Dispatcher ran script files to furnish the ISS monitor with measurements based on the CPU load and memory of the Network Dispatcher machine, which is more a measure of a particular machine rather than the pool of servers behind it. With this enhancement, Dispatcher provides a "self" advisor that collects load status information on backend servers. The self advisor specifically measures the connections per second rate on backend servers of the Network Dispatcher at the executor level. The self advisor writes the results to the ndloadstat file. Network Dispatcher also provides an external metric called ndload, which you add to the ISS configuration file when defining a ResourceType. The ISS agent on each Network Dispatcher machine runs its configuration that calls the external metric ndload. The ndload script extracts a string from the ndloadstat file and returns it to the ISS agent. Subsequently, each of the ISS agents (from each of the Network Dispatchers) returns the load status value to the ISS monitor for use in determining which Network Dispatcher to forward client requests. The ndload executable resides in the /dispatcher directory for Network Dispatcher. For example, you could write the executable filename including path name in the ISS configuration file as follows: ResourceType NTScript Metric External "C:\Progra~1\IBM\nd\dispatcher\ndload.exe" For this feature, ndcontrol report command displays a new statistic, connections per second rate, for the executor and cluster. You can view connections per second rate from the GUI, as well. SSL Proxy-to-Server Support --------------------------- This feature is available for CBR with WTE (Caching Proxy). Network Dispatcher extends CBR to support SSL from the proxy to the server, which will allow for complete SSL connections from the client to the server. In previous releases, CBR supported SSL from the client-to-proxy side, but not from the proxy-to-server side. CBR would receive an SSL transmission from the client and then decrypt the SSL request before proxying the request to an HTTP server. With SSL proxy-to-server support, you can define an SSL server in the CBR configuration to receive the SSL request from the client. This feature provides you the ability to maintain a secure site, using CBR to load balance across secure (SSL) servers. CBR will continue to support client-to-proxy in SSL and proxy-to-server in HTTP. To support this function, there is a new optional keyword "serverport" on the cbrcontrol port command. Use this keyword when you need to indicate that the port on the server is different from the incoming port from the client. You can view serverport value from the Port Status GUI panel ("Server(s) listening on port" field) or from the cbrcontrol port status command. An example of the cbrcontrol port command for serverport follows, where the client's port is 443 and the server port is 80: cbrcontrol port [add | set] :443 serverport 80 (The port number for serverport can be any positive integer value. The default is the port number value of the incoming port from the client.) Since CBR must be able to advise on an HTTP request for a server configured on SSL port 443, a special advisor "ssl2http" is provided. This advisor starts on port 443 (incoming port from the client) and advises on the server(s) configured for that port. If there are two clusters configured and each has port 443 configured, each with a different serverport, then a single instance of the advisor should open the appropriate port accordingly. The following is an example of this configuration: Executor Cluster 1 Port:443 serverport 80 Server 1 Server 2 Cluster 2 Port:443 serverport 8080 Server 3 Server 4 Manager Advisor ssl2http 443 Usability Enhancements ---------------------- > Display ndserver log status: This feature is available for the Dispatcher and CBR components. A new keyword (logstatus) has been added to the ndcontrol/ cbrcontrol set command to display the server log settings (logging level and log size). An example of this command follows: ndcontrol set logstatus > Display cluster configuration status: This feature is available for the Dispatcher component. The ndcontrol cluster status command returns an additional value: cluster configuration status. Cluster configuration status has information on whether the cluster is aliased (configured) on the NIC. Possible status results are: configured, unconfigured, or unavailable. A return status of unavailable results if the cluster did not respond. This information is also available from the GUI, under the Current Statistics tab within the Cluster panel. > Port-specific manager proportion enhancement: This feature is available for Dispatcher and CBR components. If the port-specific manager proportion is zero, when adding an advisor, the manager will subtract 1 each from the active and total connections proportions and set the port-specific proportion to 2. If the system metric proportion is set to 100, when adding an advisor, the manager will subtract 2 from the system metric proportion, and add 2 to the port-specific proportion. Note: Each of the manager proportion values -- active connections, new connections, port, system metrics -- is expressed as a percentage of the total and therefore must always total 100. > New optional parameter for the ndload ISS external metric: This feature is available for the ISS component on Windows NT and Windows 2000. In the ISS configuration file, you can now specify the directory for the ndloadstat file as a parameter to the ndload ISS external metric. You only need to specify the directory if you start ISS from some other directory than the ISS directory (progra~1/ibm/nd/iss). An example of specifying the directory for the ndloadstat file on the external metric follows: Metric EXTERNAL \progra~1\ibm\nd\dispatcher\ndload \\progra~1\\ibm\\nd\\dispatcher Note: The first directory listed is for ndload. The second directory listed is to the ndloadstat file. The double back-slashes are required as separators for the directory to the ndloadstat file. Also, the fully qualified path is necessary up to, but not including the ndloadstat file. > For Solaris, ibmnd configuration file enhancement This feature is available for the Dispatcher component only on the Solaris platform. When removing an installed version of Network Dispatcher, the ibmnd.conf file will be renamed ibmnd.conf.bak to preserve configuration information. After re-installing Network Dispatcher, you can rename ibmnd.conf.bak to ibmnd.conf. Note: The ibmnd.conf file resides in the /opt/nd/dispatcher directory. For more information on the ibmnd.conf file, see "Setting up the Dispatcher machine" section in Chapter 5 of the "IBM Network Dispatcher User's Guide" Version 3.0 for Multiplatforms.