------------------- IBM* NetWork Door/2 ------------------- ************************************************************************* * Diskettes can be created using the LOADDSKF utility, this utility * * may be obtained from the /ps/tools directory. * * There are 7 files/diskette images included in this package. * * The first 5 diskettes images are the CSD related to the OS/2 part, * * the 6th and the 7th are the Windows Client support. * ************************************************************************* * The diskettes contained in this package may be distributed to * * IBM customers who are already licensed owners of NetDoor/2. * ************************************************************************* * Following are the 7 CSD diskettes images. To recrete the diskettes * * from the images, download the images using the binary option and then * * use LOADDSKF. * ************************************************************************* IP200731.DSK 1st CSD Diskette (to be installed on OS/2 systems) IP200732.DSK 2nd CSD Diskette (to be installed on OS/2 systems) IP200733.DSK 3rd CSD Diskette (to be installed on OS/2 systems) IP200734.DSK 4th CSD Diskette (to be installed on OS/2 systems) IP200735.DSK 5th CSD Diskette (to be installed on OS/2 systems) IP200736.DSK 1st NetDoor Windows Client Diskette IP200737.DSK 2nd NetDoor Windows Client Diskette ************************************************************************* * Documentation for IP20073 * ************************************************************************* Memorandum To: Licensees of IBM Software Subject: Corrective Service Support Enclosed is the Corrective Service you requested. ************************************************************************* * IP20073 IBM NETWORK DOOR/2 SERVICEPACK * ************************************************************************* This ServicePack applies to IBM* Network Door/2 (NetDoor*) 560447200 at General Availability (GA) level IP00000 and at IP00876 level. This ServicePack is composed of 7 diskettes: - the first five diskettes are the CSD to be applied to the OS/2 NetDoor server and client - the last two diskettes are the Windows Support of NetDoor. Note: The installation procedure for this ServicePack is different from previous corrective service because the changes introduced in IBM LAN Server 3.0 Advanced. Please read this document before installing the ServicePack. -------------------------------- IP20073 ServicePack enhancements -------------------------------- --------------- WINDOWS Support --------------- This ServicePack introduces the NetDoor support for client workstations running Windows 3.1. - Capability to define different catalogs for different users groups in a NetBIOS environment. - Support for software inventory of products installed on the workstations in the NetDoor environment. - Enhanced administrator's interface. In order to install the Windows Support for NetDoor, refer to the following documentation: - NetDoor User's Guide for Windows (SH19-4059): - the file READMEW.1ST in the diskette labeled "Windows Client VOL 01 of 02". ----------- TERMINOLOGY ----------- For more information on the terms used in this document, refer to the NetDoor Administrator's Guide (SH19-5023-01). NETDOOR MASTER SERVER: is the first NetDoor server you install in the NetDoor network. It is both a NetDoor image and a NetDoor data server. In this server is recorded the topology of the NetDoor network. NETDOOR IMAGE SERVER: is a NetDoor server that provides the base set of NetDoor applications used by NetDoor users. VENDOR SERVER: is an additional server that contains the NetDoor Vendor program and all the licensed applications. This server can also be NetDoor image server. SYNCSERV: is an utility provided with NetDoor to propagate changes between image servers. -------------------------- INSTALLING THE SERVICEPACK -------------------------- This ServicePack introduces changes to both server and client workstations. Install this ServicePack on the NetDoor image servers, and on the Vendor servers in your environment. To enable your NetDoor image servers to support MDOS-WINDOWS NetDoor clients, follow these steps : - As soon as the Service completes on your MASTER or IMAGE server, select the COUIMAGE directory and type: "WINIMAGE" - The WINIMAGE program creates the MDOS directory to prepare the NetDoor image for WINDOWS support To update your Vendor servers, as soon as the Service completes on the Vendor servers, follow these steps: - Insert in your diskette drive the diskette number 5 of this service. - From an OS/2 command prompt type: "A:\VENDUPD.CMD" where A is your diskette drive. To install the ServicePack on client workstations, you can use one of the methods described below, or you can automatically install the fixes starting MAINT on client workstations. See "Using Maint to Install Fixes on Client Systems". Select one of the following methods to replace system files with those provided on this ServicePack: - Full installation - Selective installation. A full installation applies the fixes to all partitions and directories on the workstation being installed. This kind of installation is recommended if you do not have multiple versions of NetDoor on the server. A selective installation allows you to select the partitions and directories to which service can be applied. If you perform a full installation, the ServicePack can be installed from diskettes, or can be set up for redirected (CID) installation. If you have multiple NetDoor image servers and you are using the NetDoor SYNCSERV utility to synchronize the image servers from your NetDoor master server, you need only apply the ServicePack to the Master server. Otherwise, the ServicePack should be installed on each image server. ------------------------------ PERFORMING A FULL INSTALLATION ------------------------------ A full installation applies all fixes to all partitions and directories, and is the recommended method to use if you do not have multiple versions of NetDoor installed on the server being installed. To perform a full installation, follow these steps: - Start the system from a set of bootable diskettes. See the following section for details. - Insert the first ServicePack diskette into the drive A:. - Make the drive A: the current drive. - Enter the command: FSERVICE and press Enter. - The "Updating Default Directories" window is displayed. Press Enter to continue. - Follow the prompts provided by the service program. - When the installation is successfully completed, a message indicates this event. - Restart the workstation to implement the changes. -------------------------------- CREATING OS/2 BOOTABLE DISKETTES -------------------------------- The method you need to use to create the bootable OS/2 diskettes depends on the system software you are using. Depending on the OS/2 version and the network software you are using, follow the related instructions: OS/2 2.x - LAN Server 3.0 Advanced with HPFS386 ----------------------------------------------- To be sure you are using LAN Server 3.0 Advanced with HPFS386, check the CONFIG.SYS file on the server to see if the HPFS386.IFS driver is being loaded. NOTE: You will need to create a set of boot diskettes for each HPFS386 server in your environment. HPFS386 boot diskettes are customized for each server. LAN Server 3.0 provides the MAKEDISK utility to create bootable diskettes for an HPFS386 system. For complete details on MAKEDISK, refer to Appendix H in OS/2 LAN Server 3.0 Network Administrator Reference - Volume 1: Planning and Installation (S96F-8428). The following instructions describe how to use MAKEDISK: - Make copies of the Install disk and Disk 1 from the OS/2 installation diskettes. Label the copy of the install disk "Boot Disk 0" and the copy of disk 1 "Boot Disk 1". - Put Boot Disk 1 in the diskette drive. - Delete a:\SYSINST2.EXE from the diskette (where "a" is the letter of the diskette drive you are using). - If you are using OS/2 2.1, delete a:\BUNDLE. - Enter the command: MAKEDISK /BOOTDRIVE: x For "x", substitute the letter of the drive that OS/2 boots from, such as "C". - If you are using the Fault Tolerance for Fixed Disk feature of OS/2 LAN Server, do the following: - Copy the following files from the NetDoor ServicePack disk 1 to your Boot Disk 1: DISKFT.SYS FTD.MSG FTATTRIB.EXE FTCOPY.CMD - Edit the CONFIG.SYS file on Boot Disk 1 and add the following line to the end of the file: DEVICE=DISKFT.SYS. Save the modified file. - With Boot Disk 1 in drive A, type the commands: A: FTCOPY This will copy the customized fault tolerance configuration from your server to the diskette. - Verify that the boot diskettes work by shutting down the server and restarting the system with Boot Disk 0 in drive A:. After starting the system from the Boot Disks, run FSERVICE as described above and restart the system. OS/2 2.x, TCP/IP 1.2.1, NFS OS/2 2.x, TCP/IP 2.0, NFS OS/2 2.x, LAN Server 3.0 Entry OS/2 2.x, LAN Server 3.0 Advanced WITHOUT HPFS386 ------------------------------------------------- You will need the install diskette and disk 1 from the OS/2 installation diskettes. - Restart the system with the OS/2 installation diskette in drive A:. - When prompted to do so, insert OS/2 diskette 1 in the drive and press Enter. - When the Welcome screen appears, press Esc to exit the installation. To OS/2 A:\ prompt will appear. Run FSERVICE as described above and restart the system. ----------------------------------- PERFORMING A SELECTIVE INSTALLATION ----------------------------------- A selective installation applies fixes to disk partitions and directories that you select. You do not need to create boot diskettes for this procedure, but you should reboot the server with NETDOOR inactive before installing the ServicePack, as follows: - Rename the STARTUP.CMD file on the OS/2 boot drive so that NetDoor will not initialize when the server is re- started. - Shutdown the system and restart it. - Insert the ServicePack disk 1 in drive A. - Open an OS/2 prompt and enter the following commands: A: SERVICE - Follow the instructions provided by the service program. - When service is complete, restore your STARTUP.CMD and reboot the system. ------------------------------------------ PERFORMING A REDIRECTED (CID) INSTALLATION ------------------------------------------ The ServicePack, full installation only, can be installed on your servers from via a network (LAN Server or TCP/IP NFS) connection. - Create a directory on a server to store the image of the ServicePack diskettes. The directory should be accessible in READ and EXECUTE mode. - Copy the ServicePack diskettes to the server directory using the XCOPY /S command. For example: XCOPY A:\* C:\NDCSD\* /S XCOPY both diskettes to the same directory. To install the ServicePack on a NetDoor server via the net- work, do the following: - Rename the STARTUP.CMD file on the OS/2 boot drive so that NetDoor will not initialize when the server is restarted. - Shutdown the system and restart it. - Open a full-screen OS/2 prompt. - Start the network software (LAN Requester or TCP/IP and NFSC) if needed. - Attach the server resource where the ServicePack has been stored, and change to the attached drive. - From the full-screen prompt, change the current directory to the directory where resides the ServicePack image. From the command prompt, type the command: FSERVICE /L1: logfile where: logfile is the full path and name of the file to record the installation log. - Select the first option, and follow the instructions provided by the service program. - When service is complete, restore your STARTUP.CMD and reboot the system. ---------------------------------------------- USING MAINT TO INSTALL FIXES ON CLIENT SYSTEMS ---------------------------------------------- After installing the ServicePack on your NetDoor image servers, you can define a fix that will apply the necessary changes to your OS/2 NetDoor client systems using this procedure. You should make these changes to your NetDoor Master server and propagate them from there: - On the Master server, switch to the directory \COUIMAGE\LOCAL\COMPLEX on the NetDoor image. - Create the MAINT directory in this directory if it does not already exist. - Copy the fix program CFSYSL.CMD from ServicePack disk 1 to the \COUIMAGE\LOCAL\COMPLEX\MAINT directory. - Copy the file \NETDDIR\SYSTEM\SYSLEVEL.COU to the \COUIMAGE directory, where NETDDIR is the directory where you installed NetDoor. - Start the NetDoor/2 Control Panel (DOORADM). Click on the "Maintenance" icon. The "Define Fixes" window appears. - In the "Define Fixes" window, from the 'File' pull-down menu select 'Open...'. The "Open" window appears. - Open the FIXLIST.COR maintenace file: Select COMPLEX as scope: - Select the arrow on the right side of the Scope entry field. A drop-down list appears. - Select COMPLEX in the list. Select COR as file name extension: - Click on Find.... The "Find List" window appears. - Select COR if is in the list. Otherwise, click on OK and type COR in the File name field. Select the OS/2 radio button in the NetDoor image group box. Click on OK. - The FIXLIST.COR maintenance file is displayed in the "Define Fixes" window. To create a fix, from the Edit pull down menu select New Fix. The "Fix item" notebook appears. - Enter the following information in the notebook pages: Fix page: - Fix program: CFSYSL.CMD - Abstract: Install NetDoor ServicePack fixes. - Description: The NetDoor ServicePack fixes will be installed. Attributes page: - Actions: Enable defer - Fix state: Enable - Class: Both To save your settings, double-click on the Control-menu box in the upper left corner of the notebook. - To save your data in the FIXLIST.COR file, double-click on the Control-menu box in the upper left corner of the "Define Fixes" window. The fix is now available for use. The changes should be propagated to all NetDoor image servers in your environment. This can be done with SYNCSERV, or you can copy the SYSLEVEL.COU file and the COMPLEX\MAINT directory to your other image servers by hand. - Start MAINT on the OS/2 client workstations, if it is not running. - Reboot the client workstations and start MAINT, if it does not start automatically when Open NetDoor runs. ------- CAVEATS ------- If you use the above procedure to define a NetDoor fix, be aware that it is possible for a NetDoor client to disable Maint from running, by starting OPENDOOR.EXE with the /NOMAINT option. Users that do not normally run Maint should manually start it by clicking on the "NetDoor Mainte- nance" object in the NetDoor folder so that the fixes can be installed. After installing the ServicePack, the NetDoor SYSLEVEL file, SYSLEVEL.COU, will be set as read-only. If you attempt to reinstall NetDoor 1.0 on a system with a read-only SYSLEVEL file, the installation will fail. The CFSYSL.CMD fix, if activated with the above procedure, will turn off the read- only bit on this file. If the fix is not used and you need to reinstall NetDoor, you must first manually turn off the read-only bit with the OS/2 ATTRIB command: ATTRIB -R \NETDOOR\SYSTEM\SYSLEVEL.COU Future versions of the NetDoor installation will correct this problem. ----------------- TECHNICAL SUPPORT ----------------- Support for IBM Network Door/2 provided through the standard service procedures via RETAIN. The NetDoor customer support RETAIN queue is DOOR2,206. --------------------------------------- LIST OF APARS FIXED IN THIS SERVICEPACK --------------------------------------- This ServicePack includes fixes for the following problems: IC08927 - SYNCSERV DOES NOT WORK IF THE ADMLOG ALIAS IS SPECIFIED. TIMEXEC, LUSACCT AND MAINT PROBLEMS ARE ALSO INCLUDED. - Syncserv program returns a Syntax error 40 if its log file is redirected in the alias pointed in the SERVERS.COR file. This apar addresses the following items , as well: - Maint applies fixes even if the "Sunset Date and Time" has been already expired. - Any time Maint program starts, Timexec program is always been started. - Timexec program returns a SYS2070 when it is started for the second time. - Balancing users across Servers (LUSACCT) program fails if within a couplet three domains are defined. IC08915 - NEW FUNCTIONS: DOORADM, QSOFT AND USER'S GROUPS - IBM NetDoor Control Panel has been changed to improve its graphical user interface (according to the characteristics of the OS/2 Workplace Shell), and to offer new functionalities always maintaining the backward compatibilty. - A new function called QSOFT which allows to make an inventory of the software installed o a workstation has been introduced. - IBM NetDoor Catalog has been changed to support definition (by means of DOORADM) of an access list to the applications on the basis of LAN Server User's Groups. IC08924 - OS/2 VENDOR PROBLEMS - VNDSRVR program returns sys0006 error when monitor the usage of large license count. - Vendor server can't create alias in a remote server - Vendor Client is unable to change drive for a package IC08910 - IBM NETDOOR WINDOWS CLIENT IBM Netdoor Client now supports DOS Windows Client running on top of IBM LAN Server (NETBIOS protocol). It provides the following functions: - End user's catalog interface for DOS Windows Clients - Capability to define different catalogs for different users groups in a LAN Server (NETBIOS) environment - Support for software inventory and software discovery of the programs and customers' applications on clients and servers. - Support for Licensing Metering tool (VENDOR) IC06736 - LOGSNET PROGRAM WORKS IMPROPERLY Logsnet program is never started at Netdoor Client start-up. It should be run during OPENDOOR processing in order to collect Client data, if the collecting facility is enabled on the "IMAGE" server a given Client workstation connects to. It neither works properly even if it is launched via an OS/2 Full Screen command line. IC07473 - ITL CHANGEPATH COMMAND MAY FAILS - If the PATH or DPATH were specified as paths to be modified, the ITL interpreter failed in processing their lines. The error does not occur if in the CONFIG.SYS or Batch or REXX programs the mentioned paths are found in the form of "SET PATH" or "SET DPATH". - ITL interpreter ignores the directory specified for deletion if it is found in lower case in the CONFIG.SYS or Batch or REXX programs . The fixes for the following problems were included in the previous CSD IP00876: IC06091 - TIMEXEC DOES NOT READ TIMEXEC.ADM FILES The TIMEXEC program allows you to schedule commands for exe- cution on a regular basis. TIMEXEC reads lists of commands from the TIMEXEC.ADM file which should be located along the DPATH environment variable. In the shipped version, TIMEXEC would fail to locate any copies of the TIMEXEC.ADM file, so scheduled programs were not executed. IC06337 - AUTHORIZATION ERROR FROM OPENDOOR DURING LOGON In a LAN Server environment, if OPENDOOR's stored password support was enabled by the NetDoor administrator, some users would receive an authorization error when the network logon was attempted. The last character of the password was get- ting corrupted in some cases before it was presented to LAN Server, causing the logon to fail. IC06385 - DOORADM DOESN'T ALLOW EDITING OF SUNRISE/SUNSET DATES The shipped version of DOORADM.EXE doesn't allow the NetDoor Administrator to enter a sunrise or sunset date for a fix program. IC06387 - VARIOUS FIXES This APAR covers a variety of fixes: - MAINT.EXE should accept values of 1-24 hours for its re- try interval. The shipped version would not accept some valid values and would accept some invalid values. - In a LAN Server environment, SYNCSERV might not be able to copy locked files to the target server. - No online help is available from the OS/2 command line for NetDoor error messages. HELP COUxxxx will now work for many NetDoor error messages. - Catalog was unable to recover properly if the NetDoor folder was deleted from the system. Catalog now recre- ates the folder if needed. - COUCOPY would not remove the temporary call to COUUPDTF from CONFIG.SYS when it was no longer needed in some cases. - COUCOPY would return ERROR:21 when the destination was a root directory. - Catalog would pass incorrect folder information to a configuration back-end program under some circumstances when programs were recursively added by the back-end. - If a Catalog back-end called a second back-end which subsequently failed, Catalog would not return the fail- ure code to the caller. - REPALL would report that its source file could not be found if the command line contained extra blank spaces. - Vendor would not allow a client to make use of another Vendor server if the one defined in the VENDOR.CTL file was not available. - IMPIT could fail with a REXX error if its arguments were entered incorrectly. - Maint would display strange characters in the Affected Programs field if the length of the data exceeded that of its internal buffer. - The text for message COU3534 was omitted from the SRVINIT.MSG file. - NEWPW suffered from the same password problem as OPENDOOR, described in APAR IC06337. - CHKPSWD would not read OpenDoor's domain list. - Incorrect examples are referred to section "RxCouInfo REXX Interface" in the IBM Network Door/2 Programming Guide Chapter 2, Writing NetDoor Aware Programs. In the NetDoor User's Guide (SH19-5022), on page 9 the statement number 2 has been changed as follows: If your LAN access method is NetBIOS, in the "Domain Set" field type the domains names using a blank as separator. You can specify up to four sets of domains. A LAN Server domain name can be up to eight characters long. Open Netoor attempts to log on first to a domain in 'Set 1'. If logon fails for all attempts within 'Set 1', then it tries logging on to a domain in 'Set 2, and so on. Open NetDoor randomly picks domains from within a set, to optimize performance. ---------------------------- TRADEMARKS AND SERVICE MARKS ---------------------------- The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*) in this doc- ument, are trademarks or registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries: - IBM - NETDOOR If, after applying this PTF, you experience problems, please contact the IBM Support Center (ISC) or an authorized IBM Personal Computer Dealer, whichever is applicable. Sincerely, Service Delivery Manager