***************************************************************************** * Licensed materials - Property of IBM * * (5648-B30) IBM MERVA ESA Components * * * * © Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2007 * * * * All rights reserved. * * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, * * or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract * * with IBM Corp. * ***************************************************************************** Readme for BK_rel_check.cmd REXX command procedure. BK_rel_check Version 1.0 ========================== Abstract: --------- BK_rel_check.cmd is an REXX command procedure to list all BK relationships for which the corresponding record in the MERVA USE database has an approved record start, end or suspend date that is greater than the specified date. Installation: ------------- Download the BK_rel_check.cmd to your MERVA USE and Branch Rel. 4.2 workstation and copy it to the directory \misc where represents the drive and path in which Merva is installed (for example, d:\merva\use_branch ) Usage: ------ Open a command prompt and enter: d:\merva\use_branch\misc\BK_rel_check [ | ] A date in the form YYYYMMDD. Only BK relationships with an approved record start, end, or suspend date that is later than this date are listed. The default is the current date. The name of the output file into which the list of BK relationships is to be written. If the file with this name already exists the list is appended to the contents of that file. The default is a name of the form BK_rel_YYYYMMDD.lst , where YYYYMMDD represents the current date. Examples: --------- On 15 July 2008, enter: d:\merva\use_branch\misc\BK_rel_check 20080928 rels.lst This creates a list of all BK relationships that contain record start, end, or suspend date that are greater than 28 Sept 2008, and stores it in the file rels.lst On 15 July 2008, enter d:\merva\use_branch\misc\BK_rel_check This creates a list of all BK relationships that contain record start, end, or suspend date that are greater than 15 July 2008, and stores it in the file BK_rel_20080715.lst