This file library contains a downloadable PTF (Program Temporary Fixes) for IBM MERVA USE and Branch for Windows 2000 Version 4.2.0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IBM MERVA USE and Branch for Windows 2000 Version 4.2.0 * * PTF UK21002 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This directory contains : * * UK21002.TXT - A copy of this file * * UK21002.EXE - Self extracting file containing all files from PTF * * UK21002 (download this file in binary format and call * * the UK21002.exe to start the PTF Instalation. Ensure * * that you have about 30 MB free space for this action.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IMPORTANT * * * * PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING DISCLAIMER. DOWNLOADING A PTF INDICATES * * YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING DISCLAIMER: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IBM MERVA USE and Branch for Windows 2000 Version 4.2.0 - DISCLAIMER * * * * PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY AND ENSURE THAT YOU UNDERSTAND * * THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BEFORE DOWNLOADING OR USING ANY FILE HELD * * ON THIS LIBRARY. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH OR UNDERSTAND THE * * DISCLAIMER THEN PLEASE DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANY FILE FROM THIS LIBRARY. * * * * You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of * * downloading any file from this library and assume all risks associated * * with the use of this downloaded file, including but not limited to the * * interruption of operations resulting from incomplete or faulty download. * * * * IBM accepts no liability for damages you may suffer as a result of your * * download and/or use of the downloaded file. * * * * Except as required by law, IBM will NOT be liable for any indirect, * * special or consequential damages, even if IBM has been advised of * * the possibility of their occurrence. * * * * Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of * * incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion or * * limitation may not apply to you. * * * * Your use of the downloaded file(s) will be governed by the provisions * * of the applicable IBM license for IBM MERVA USE and Branch for Windows * * 2000 Version 4.2.0 . * * * * IBM warranty is as specified in the applicable IBM license. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If you choose not to download the files, you can always obtain the IBM MERVA USE and Branch for Windows 2000 Version 4.2.0 PTF on CD ROM through your local IBM software support group. NOTE: It is very important that you read CAREFULLY the README.TXT file before you start with the PTF installation. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Readme of PTF UK21002: ====================== README - IBM MERVA ESA Components Version 4, Release 2 ____________________________________________ Licensed materials - Property of IBM MERVA ESA Components (5648-B30) (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999,2002 All rights reserved US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ____________________________________________ Welcome to Service Package (PTF) UK21002 for IBM MERVA* USE and Branch for Windows 2000** - Version 4.20 Important: - This MERVA USE and Branch PTF (UK21002) contains the support to stop Automatic Bilateral Key Exchange (BKE). See Step 1.4 'MERVA Manuals' and MERVA USE Administration Guide, Appendix F, for more information. PTF UK21002 is a summary PTF and contains all changes from previous MERVA USE and Branch PTFs. The S.W.I.F.T. Standard Release 2006 (SR2006) changes are implemented by the MERVA Message Processing Client PTF UK18113. For a consistent MERVA USE and Branch installation we recommend to install both PTFs UK21002 and UK18113. - DB2 UDB Version 8.1 requires at minimum Fix Pack 4a (WR21338). - MERVA USE and Branch for Windows 2000 can also be installed on Microsoft Windows XP Professional** or Microsoft Windows Server 2003. Before you start, read carefully Step '1.3 This PTF has been tested on', Step '2. PTF Installation' and Step '3. PTF changes'. Notes: - To read this README file more easily, set your font to monospace. - During installation, this README file will be copied to the '\service\' subdirectory and renamed to UK21002.TXT, where denotes the directory specified by the environment variable ENM_PATH, e.g. 'D:\MERVA\USE_Branch'. ------------------ Table of Contents: ------------------ 1. General PTF Information 2. PTF Installation 3. PTF changes 4. General Information regarding MERVA -------------------------- 1. General PTF Information -------------------------- 1.1 This PTF (UK21002) requires a successful installation of: MERVA USE and Branch for Windows 2000 - Version 4.20 PTF UK21002 is a summary PTF and can be installed on top of the MERVA basic installation or on top of: UK07778, UK02173, UQ95595, UQ91079 or UQ76245. See section 2 for PTF Installations details. 1.2 To install this PTF, 30 MB free disk space are required. 1.3 This PTF has been tested on: Microsoft Windows 2000 with: - Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP 4) - DB2* UDB Personal Edition, Version 8.1 with FixPak 14 (WR21377) - MQSeries for Windows Version 5.3, CSD level CSD11 Microsoft Windows XP Professional with: - Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP 2) - DB2* UDB Personal Edition, Version 8.1 with FixPak 14 (WR21377) - WebSphere MQ for Windows Version 5.3, CSD level CSD11 and WebSphere MQ for Windows Version (Client) Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition with: - Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with or without Service Pack 1 (SP1) - DB2* UDB Personal Edition, Version 8.1 with FixPak 14 (WR21377) - WebSphere MQ for Windows Version 5.3, CSD level CSD11 and WebSphere MQ for Windows Version (Server) Notes for DB2: - The installation of DB2 UDB V8.2 (equivalent to DB2 UDB V8.1 plus FixPak 7) creates the following: - Two new local user groups, DB2ADMNS and DB2USERS - The new registry variable DB2_EXTSECURITY When DB2_EXTSECURITY=YES (this is the default setting), only users who are members of DB2ADMNS or DB2USERS can use DB2; that is, only they have access to the DB2 system files, registry keys, network shares, and DB2 services on the machine where DB2 runs. This prevents unauthorized access to DB2. When DB2_EXTSECURITY=NO, all users can use DB2. To avoid problems accessing the MERVA databases, do one of the following: - Add all MERVA users to the DB2USERS group - Set DB2_EXTSECURITY=NO (enter 'db2set DB2_EXTSECURITY=NO' in a Command Prompt window) - As documented in DB2 UDB APAR IY41998, DB2 UDB V8.1 and V8.2 both require a TCP/IP setup. How to create such a setup is described in the step "Creating the MERVA Databases" in Chapter 2 of "MERVA USE & Branch for Windows 2000: Installation and Customization Guide". - Up-to-date information about installing MERVA with DB2 UDB V8.1 and V8.2 is contained in the Preventive Service Planning (PSP) bucket in RETAIN. Ask your software support team for a copy of the MERVA PSP information (UPGRADE: MERVAV420, SUBSET ID: MERVA/2K/USE) before installing MERVA. Notes for Windows: - After creating MERVA users, you must check the permissions of their home directories. Each MERVA user must have 'Full Control' permission for his or her own home directory. - MERVA does not support the Fast User Switching feature of Windows XP. Users must log off from Windows XP instead of using the 'Switch User' function. - Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) We recommend License Use Management (LUM) Version 4.6.8 for the "Windows Server 2003" environment. Before you start the PTF UK21002 installation please check (i4cfg -list) your installed LUM Version. If you are not on LUM 4.6.8, download from: the LUM 4.6.8 Runtime Component. You may also contact your IBM local software support team and ask for a runtime copy of LUM 4.6.8. 1.4 MERVA Manuals The following MERVA Version 4.20 manuals have been updated: With this UK21002 PTF: - MERVA USE Administration Guide - new Appendix F: Stopping Automatic Bilateral Key Exchange SWIFT has defined three milestones that mark various stages of the implementation of SWIFTNet FIN Phase 2. These milestones have the names T1, T2, and T3. T2 is the time after which only PKI digests are used; even though a sending destination might still generate MAC and PAC trailers, these are not passed to the receiving destination. After T2, SWIFT will no longer accept BKE messages (for example, MT96x and MT075). Instead, it will flag all such messages with a negative acknowledgement (NAK). Currently, if a pre-agreement indicates that BKE is to be initiated automatically for a current bilateral key that is about to expire, the MERVA USE and Branch USE Background process (ENNCBAT) does so. In order to avoid NAKs from SWIFT and to avoid the additional work associated with updating and approving each pre-agreement, MERVA USE provides a new system environment variable with the name ENM_AUTOBKEND. Use this variable to set the date on which, immediately after midnight GMT, ENNCBAT is to stop automatically initiating BKE for all pre-agreements. The value of ENM_AUTOBKEND is a date in the form YYYY-MM-DD. SWIFT will announce a date for T2 only when all BICs have reached the necessary migration level. Until T2 is reached, the UKMO must maintain the full BKE processes including the availability of the necessary equipment such as card readers with valid CVs and ICCs. On your production systems, set the ENM_AUTOBKEND variable only to a date close to T2. On your test systems, you can set, reset, or remove this variable at any time. See MERVA USE Administration Guide, 'Appendix F' for more information. - MERVA USE & Branch for Windows 2000 - User's Guide Chapter 9, Displaying the Message Console Window With previous PTFs: - MERVA USE & Branch for Windows 2000 - Installation and Customization Guide - MERVA Automatic Message Import/Export Facility - User's Guide - MERVA USE Administration Guide - MERVA ESA Workstation Based Functions - MERVA MQI Attachment Guide During PTF installation, the MERVA manuals are copied to the '\DOC\' directory, where denotes the directory specified by the environment variable ENM_PATH. e.g. 'D:\MERVA\USE_Branch'. The MERVA manuals are also available online, as PDF files, at the Internet address: To get a list of the available MERVA manuals, Click on 'Library' (left side in blue). It is recommended that you download manuals in binary format. ------------------- 2. PTF Installation ------------------- 2.1 PTF Distribution Media This PTF will be distributed via CD-ROM. It can also be downloaded from our FTP server, which is accessible from the MERVA homepage: Click on "Support" (left side in blue). Under "Solve a Problem", click on "APAR and PTF Lists". Click on "MERVA USE & Branch for Windows 2000". Click on the "mrv42ptf.HTML" file shown. Click on UK21002 to get to the files to download. It is recommended that you download PTFs in binary format. 2.2 Installation Hints This PTF overwrites all sample files in the samples directory and its subdirectories. If you have changed any of these files, rename them or save them to a different directory before applying this PTF. As soon as the PTF installation has started transferring files, any interruption of the installation will result in an inconsistent state. If for any reason the PTF installation is interrupted or stopped, the PTF installation must be restarted. 2.2.1 MERVA PTF UK21002 Installation on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 If LUM 4.6.8 is not installed, you will get, during the MERVA PTF installation, the warning message "Installation requirements are not met." In the "Result of MERVA Requirements Checking" windows you will see " >>> LUM Version 4.6.8 is recommended ! <<< " ... message. After Clicking on the [ Next ] button the message: "Do you want to continue the installation although some installation requirements are not met?" Click on the [ No ] button to terminate the PTF installation and install LUM 4.6.8 first. Note: Do NOT use the reglum.cmd file from the MERVA CD-ROM, use the reglum.cmd file coming with LUM 4.6.8 instead. Under some circumstances, the LUM 4.6.8 installation does NOT overwrite the reglum.cmd file. To avoid problems, please rename reglum.cmd in C:\WINDOWS\Application Compatibility Scripts\Install directory, before you start the LUM 4.6.8 installation. e.g: on a Windows "Command Prompt" enter c: cd %SystemRoot%\Application Compatibility Scripts\Install ren reglum.cmd reglumOld.cmd 2.3 Installation Steps Note: You need Windows administration authorization for this task. 2.3.1 If MERVA is already installed (with or without a PTF): a. If MERVA is running, stop MERVA from the Control Center and close the Control Center. A MERVA Administrator UserID is needed to stop MERVA. b. Log on with a UserID that has Windows and MERVA administration authorization (for example, a MERVA System Administrator UserID, e.g. mervaadm). c. If you received the PTF on CD-ROM, run the SETUP.EXE. If you downloaded the PTF from the Internet, run the UK21002.EXE d. Start MERVA Control Center and bind all databases. Note: Use a valid DB2 UDB UserID for this step, (for example, a MERVA System Administrator UserID, e.g. mervaadm). e. Restart the PC. 2.3.2 If MERVA is NOT installed (for a new MERVA installation): This PTF can also be installed as part of the basic installation. The following steps have to be followed exactly. Installing the PTF during any other installation step is not possible. a. Install the MERVA USE and Branch program files as described in the Installation and Customization Guide (Chapter 2). After the Step 'Installing the Program Files' and before the 'Creating a MERVA Instance' step, restart your system. b. If you received the PTF on CD-ROM, run the SETUP.EXE. If you downloaded the PTF from the Internet, run the UK21002.EXE c. After the PTF is installed, restart the PC. d. Continue the MERVA installation with the step "Creating a MERVA instance" as described in the Installation and Customization Guide (Chapter 2). 2.4 Uninstalling a PTF Removing a PTF without uninstalling MERVA USE and Branch is not possible. Uninstall MERVA USE and Branch and all PTFs, then re- install MERVA USE and Branch with the PTFs you need, and reuse your MERVA instance and all MERVA databases, as follows: a) Uninstall MERVA program files (Chapter 2, section 'Uninstalling MERVA' in the Installation and Customization Guide). Note: Do NOT delete your existing MERVA instance and do NOT drop any of your databases. b) Install the MERVA USE and Branch program files as described in the Installation and Customization Guide (Chapter 2). After the Step 'Installing the Program Files' and before the 'Creating a MERVA Instance' step, restart your system. c) To install a previous PTF, continue with the PTF installation now. Remember to restart your system before you continue with the next step. d) Start the MERVA Control Center using a valid DB2 UDB UserID, and bind all databases. -------------- 3. PTF changes -------------- Changes in PTF UK21002 APAR PK17240 MQIA SHOULD ACCEPT THE 2391 REASON CODE AND CONTINUE WITH NORMAL PROCESSING. APAR PK21678 MT964 IS GENERATED WITH AN INCORRECT BRANCH CODE APAR PK26889 MT999 IS NOT CORRECTLY FILLED APAR PK37070 SUPPORT TO STOP AUTOMATIC BILATERAL KEY EXCHANGE (BKE) APAR PK38447 FIELD SW79 OF MT999 CONTAINS NON-SWIFT CHARACTER APAR PK40575 NO ACK CORRELATION AFTER MERVA ESA PKI PTF INSTALLATION APAR PK42445 THE MERVA MESSAGE PROCESSING CLIENT TERMINATES Changes in PTF UK07778 APAR PK12808 Can't start MERVA after Service Pack 1 (SP1) installation on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with enabled Terminal Server Role. At minimum PTF UK07778 is required to run MERVA on Microsoft Windows Server 2003**, installed Service Pack 1 (SP1) and enabled Terminal Server Role. Changes in PTF UK02173 APAR PK05976 ENMCQPUR (purge messages) gets message "Your MERVA password was rejected" APAR PK03740 Development changes: - Implementation of MERVA Requirement "MR0204055158" "MQIAErrQName" - a new stanza in MQIA configuration file may specify a MQIA application error queue. see MQI Attachment Guide (SH12671400) for more info - Protection, on the MERVA USE and Branch site, if a MERVA Message Processing Client tries to Log-on with an incorrect password. MIE DOC APAR PK01269 MQ sample in "MERVA Automatic Message Import/Export Facility - User's Guide" (SH12-6389-04) for the MQ Series configuration on MERVA/ESA is incorrect. Changes in PTF UQ95595 APAR PQ97900 MT074 and MT094 changes for MERVA USE and Branch. see "MERVA Use Administration Guide, Chapter 3, Heading: Revoking CVs" for details APAR PQ95580 MSG CME2020 CMENMMES.DLL cannot be found Changes in PTF UQ91079 APAR PQ90454 Terminate MQ series connection gets CSQX599E MSG APAR PQ92700 MERVA USE & BRANCH FOR WINDOWS 2000 R420 DEVELOPMENT APAR - Concurrent use of USOF, UKMO, and SLS functions see "MERVA USE Administration Guide, Appendix E" for details Changes in PTF UQ76245 APAR PQ73640 MESSAGE GETS STUCK IN THE MERVA LINK SEND QUEUE APAR PQ73641 MSG CME4647E WITH DIFFERENT CODEPAGES ON MERVA ESA AND WINDOWS APAR PQ76197 MERVA USE & BRANCH FOR WINDOWS 2000 R420 DEVELOPMENT APAR - No Euro Sign in Default Font - Restore Pos/size of MCC after closing minimized - 'Pipe error' after close of BKE because of missing QM detach - (re-)disable OK button in logon-panel after login failed - Better Msg for ERROR_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT - 'Import Currencies' should handle new format of BICDUCUx.DOS - KMA Address corrupted - Set heap size (MON_HEAP_SZ) to 128 - Changes to support DB2* UDB Version 8.1, Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server. APAR PQ77668 SELECTING MERVA CONTROL CENTER DURING INSTALLATION RETURNS ERROR COULD NOT DETECT USER, YOUR CURRENT STATE COULD NOT BE DETECTED -------------------------------------- 4. General Information regarding MERVA -------------------------------------- 4.1 MERVA Homepage For up-to-date information concerning MERVA products, features, support and documentation updates, refer to the MERVA internet homepage: 4.2 Multiple installations Do not duplicate your entire PC with the MERVA installation on a second PC. All MERVA installations must be done using the official MERVA installation procedure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trademarks Terms marked with asterisk (*) are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM DB2 MERVA MQSeries Other terms, which might be denoted by a double asterisk(**), are trademarks or service marks of others. Windows, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------