******************************************************************* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5655-039 IBM MERVA ESA for MVS/CICS Version 3 Release 3 5655-040 IBM MERVA ESA for MVS/IMS Version 3 Release 3 5686-063 IBM MERVA ESA for VSE/CICS Version 3 Release 3 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1997, 2002 All Rights Reserved. 5765-449 IBM MERVA for AIX Version 1 Release 2 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 1997, 2002 All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ******************************************************************* MERVA NT Client PQ68466 FixPack ------------------------------- Please download the PQ68466.ZIP file ( binary ) and UNZIP the files MERVASON.MRT fixed message processing table PQ68466.TXT (this file) to a temporary directory. Please read carefully the PQ68466.TXT file. ******************************************************************************* PQ68466.TXT ******************************************************************************* This file contains information you need to update the MERVA NT Client, PTF UQ70032 to correct the error reported with APAR PQ68466. Problem description: -------------------- Field 70F gives error 'ENC2166I Must be 1 to 8000 SWIFT Z characters.' if field contains empty lines. The checking for empty components was removed for this APAR. Notes: ------ This fix contains all message table changes since PTF UQ70032 - SW59a Subfield 1 (Account) became mandatory. (S.W.I.F.T. RULE210 - (E10)) - Remove checking for empty components for Fields SW77S, SW77T. Since these fields also use the SWIFT Z character set. MERVA NT Client Requirements: ----------------------------- It is very important to have the MERVA NT Client PTF UQ70032 installed ! Updating MERVA NT Client: ------------------------- (1) Make sure that no process of the MERVA NT Client is running. (2) Create a copy of mervason.mrt ( copy mervason.mrt mervason.bak ). (3) Replace the file mervason.mrt in the tables subdirectory of the client's installation directory by the new file. Note: 'SET ENC_DIR' gives the client installation directory.