This file library contains downloadable PTFs (Program Temporary Fixes) for the IBM licensed program product "MERVA Message Processing Client for Windows NT" 4.10 . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MERVA Message Processing Client for Windows NT 410 PTF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Note: * * You must already have the MERVA Windows NT Client PTF UQ20635 installed * * to be able to apply this MERVA Message Processing Client for Windows NT * * 410 PTF UK24845 ! * * * * The UK24845 PTF supersedes (replaces) the PTFs UQ24873,UQ30384,UQ34965, * * UQ40414,UQ44274,UQ49371,UQ52005,UQ53660,UQ58417,UQ65272,UQ70032,UQ74543, * * UQ81171,UQ82260,UQ84150,UQ95592, UK02297, UK03636, UK12767 and UK18113 * * So it does not matter whether the UQ24873, UQ30384, UQ34965, UQ40414 * * UQ44274,UQ49371,UQ52005,UQ53660,UQ58417,UQ65272,UQ70032,UQ74543,UQ81171, * * UQ82260, UQ84150, UQ95592, UK02297, UK03636, UK12767 and UK18113 * * has been already applied or not. * * * * * * Important: * * * * This MERVA Message Processing Client PTF "UK24845" contains the * * support for the "S.W.I.F.T. Standard Release 2007" (SR2007) changes. * * We strongly recommend, do NOT Install this PTF on your production * * (live) system before the S.W.I.F.T. live date (27 October 2007). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This PTF contains : * * UK24845.TXT - A copy of this file * * UK24845.EXE - Self extracting file containing all files from * * PTF UK24845 (download this file in binary format and * * start this self extracting exe to get all PTF files * * extracted on your local disk and to start the PTF * * Installation. Ensure that you have about * * 30 MB free space for this action.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IMPORTANT PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING DISCLAIMER. DOWNLOADING A PTF INDICATES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING DISCLAIMER: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MERVA Message Processing Client for Windows NT - DISCLAIMER * * * * PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY AND ENSURE THAT YOU UNDERSTAND * * THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BEFORE DOWNLOADING OR USING ANY FILE HELD * * ON THIS LIBRARY. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH OR UNDERSTAND THE * * DISCLAIMER THEN PLEASE DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANY FILE FROM THIS LIBRARY. * * * * You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of * * downloading any file from this library and assume all risks associated * * with the use of this downloaded file, including but not limited to the * * interruption of operations resulting from incomplete or faulty download. * * * * IBM accepts no liability for damages you may suffer as a result of your * * download and/or use of the downloaded file. * * * * Except as required by law, IBM will NOT be liable for any indirect, * * special or consequential damages, even if IBM has been advised of * * the possibility of their occurrence. * * * * Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of * * incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion or * * limitation may not apply to you. * * * * Your use of the downloaded file(s) will be governed by the provisions * * of the applicable IBM license for MERVA Windows NT Client 110 or the * * MERVA Message Processing Client for Windows NT 410 . * * * * IBM warranty is as specified in the applicable IBM license. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If you choose not to download the files, you can always obtain the PTF through your local IBM support group. NOTE: It is very important that you read CAREFULLY the READ.ME file, before you start with the PTF installation. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Readme of PTF UK24845: ====================== __________________________________________________________ Licensed materials - Property of IBM MERVA ESA Components V4 (5648-B30) PTF UK24845 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2007 All rights reserved US government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp __________________________________________________________ IBM MERVA Message Processing Client for Windows NT 2007 __________________________________________________________ Read this first! __________________________________________________________ Welcome to MERVA Message Processing Client for Windows NT* Corrective Service (PTF UK24845). This file contains information you need to update "MERVA Message Processing Client" from its PTF level UQ20635 (required) or UQ24873 (superseded) or UQ30384 (superseded) or UQ34965 (superseded) or UQ40414 (superseded) or UQ44274 (superseded) or UQ49371 (superseded) or UQ52005 (superseded) or UQ53660 (superseded) or UQ58417 (superseded) or UQ65272 (superseded) or UQ70032 (superseded) or UQ74543 (superseded) or UQ81171 (superseded) or UQ82260 (superseded) or UQ84150 (superseded) or UQ95592 (superseded) or UK02297 (superseded) or UK03636 (superseded) or UK12767 (superseded) or UK18113 (superseded) to this Service Level and additional information not included in the product documentation. N o t e: - This MERVA Message Processing Client PTF UK24845 contains the S.W.I.F.T. Standard Release 2007 (SR2007) changes. Since the S.W.I.F.T. live date is currently planned for 27 October 2007, this PTF must not be installed in a production environment prior that date. A t t e n t i o n : - Stop all running clients on the workstation before installing this PTF. If "MERVA USE & Branch for Windows 2000" is running on the workstation, we strongly recommend to shutdown MERVA before the installation of this PTF. Please visit the official MERVA Internet homepage for up-to-date information concerning all MERVA products and features: This READ.ME file is divided into the following sections: 1. What's new 1.1 What's new within PTF UQ20635 1.2 What's new within PTF UQ44274 1.3 What's new within PTF UQ49371 1.4 What's new within PTF UQ52005 1.5 What's new within PTF UQ53660 1.6 What's new within PTF UQ58417 1.7 What's new within PTF UQ65272 1.8 What's new within PTF UQ70032 1.9 What's new within PTF UQ74543 1.10 What's new within PTF UQ81171 1.11 What's new within PTF UQ82260 1.12 What's new within PTF UQ84150 1.13 What's new within PTF UQ95592 1.14 What's new within PTF UK02297 1.15 What's new within PTF UK03636 1.16 What's new within PTF UK12767 1.17 What's new within PTF UK18113 1.18 What's new within this PTF (UK24845) 2. Before You Update MERVA Message Processing Client 2.1 Software Requirements 2.2 Hardware Requirements 3. Getting Help 4. Updating MERVA Message Processing Client 5. Known problems 6. Trademarks 7. MERVA Homepage -------------------------------------------------- 1. What's new 1.1 What's new within PTF UQ20635 APAR PQ20428 Now also network printers on NT are enabled. APAR PQ20495 Wrong Autofill value for field 22 problem fixed. APAR PQ20670 The Receive PDU Error of the Data Transfer Service was fixed. APAR PQ21654 Unformatted messages now can be rejected also in text view. For Retype queues the message text is hidden. APAR PQ22476 - All client message boxes have been provided with title bar in order to make them moveable. - The settings notebook of the client was extended by 2 additional "Style" pages and 1 new "Key" page in order to enable the customization of message processing enhancements. - The client was enabled to provide manual authentication. - Now printing of messages by selecting them from the message list is possible. - Now print flag is affected even as result of local message printing. See the updated User's Guide for the changed treatment of print flag. APAR PQ24252 Message processing enhancements: - Special check for SW62 'Closing Balance' for MT 608, 940, 950, 970, 972 was introduced: Checking whether the amount in SW62 is equal to the amount in SW61 plus the sum of all amounts in repeatable sequence fields SW61. The check can be disabled by setting the environment variable ENC_CHECK_SW62 to "NO". - New option filling styles enabling automatic changes of option fields - New display styles of repeatable sequences - New tabbing styles enabling automatic cursor movement from one field to the other - New control check styles enabling defered message checking - New action-key short cuts - New text-key short cuts - New layout of MP prompt dialog including code word explanation - MT950 print layout changed - Imbedded Messages are displayed formatted APAR PQ24254 Mapping error in MT G056 problem fixed. APAR PQ27092 The DLL load error with module ENCWOU3I.DLL of PTF UQ24873 was resolved. APAR PQ27656 S.W.I.F.T. Tables incorrect, added User-Header to MT096 and restored MT020 from S.W.I.F.T. 98 tables V7. APAR PQ29010 Printout error in MT950, resize linewidth to 78 characters. APAR PQ28841 Abend SYS3171 in encoou3.dll when starting AUTOMATIC-PRINT. APAR PQ30819 Message Processing enhancements and improvements: -Extension for the error message ENC1230 to check also the license -Improvement for message processing -Imbedded TIC messages Codeword check fixed -Cannot map S.W.I.F.T. messages below nested message level 2, ie. 192, 192 100 fails -Only "=" is allowed as operator in the Find function for the key type "TRN" -Client Memory Leak (Print) APAR PQ35640 - Client traps in create from template if template inacessible - if install path includes õ ('ae'), ... client does not start (See chapter 5 - Late Breaking News) - Mistakable msg on S.W.I.F.T. Man.Aut. on displ. msg - Product information updated (Help->Product Information) - ENC_DIR and PATH environment variable may not be set at installation Documentation The "MERVA Message Processing Client for Windows NT User's Guide" has been updated. Enhancements A new tool enccfg.exe is provided in the installation directory that generates a report of the current installation and configuration status of the product (see updated User's Guide). 1.2 What's new within PTF UQ44274 APAR PQ33525 - MT094 Does not accept "-". APAR PQ39128 - Enhancements for S.W.I.F.T. 1999 and 2000 changes APAR PQ39564 - Unsufficient message for max. num. of client licenses reached - Sometimes no 'exit' panel shows up when installation has finished - If installation is canceled during file copy the installation is in an inconsistent state ( See chapter 4. "Updating MERVA Message Processing Client" ) - Accelerator keys for "Check" and "Switching to text view" - Maintain templates hangs - Message processing: Field SW118 in system messages ( Can be tested after availibility of S.W.I.F.T. testbed, approximately October 2000 ) 1.3 What's new within PTF UQ49371 APAR PQ41090 - Duplicate printouts in "copy to print" option when client is connected against MERVA ESA APAR PQ43722 - Mapping error for CR/LF at end of Free Format and Telex Message (Data area expected) APAR PQ43667 - Field SW15H must not be the only field in sequence H APAR PQ44081 - SW12 incorrect checking APAR PQ44935 - Syntax check for Telex to Send does not work for incomplete msg - Printing of multiple selected messages aborts - Select all/deselect all hard to find - ESA Telex msg. could not be displayed - MT075 Field VER Optional - Correct Network for Loaded MTs - S.W.I.F.T. NAK Codes 2000 1.4 What's new within PTF UQ52005 APAR PQ46634 - Unexpected general error when authentication on MERVA ESA fails. This problem is releated to APAR PQ40117 for MERVA ESA 4.1. - S.W.I.F.T. special check E76 for EURO national currencies (DEM, ITL, FRF, ...) Activated on 31.07.2001. The check can be activated for the client by setting the environment variable "ENC_CHECK_E76=YES" (otherwise no check is performed). 1.5 What's new within PTF UQ53660 APAR PQ47570 - Checking error in S.W.I.F.T. READY TO SEND QUEUE. - Print Multiple selected messages fails, if the first selected message is incorrect. - Server Error 51, if Routing Error occured the current message window hangs. APAR PQ48159 - Enhancements S.W.I.F.T. changes 2001 N o t e: If you want to use the new MT207 the user rights has to be changed on MERVA server system. 1.6 What's new within PTF UQ58417 APAR PQ53173 - S.W.I.F.T. Error Codes for 2001 - Special checks for MT300 (see S.W.I.F.T. Error Codes G07 - G12) - Corrected Rule E17 for MT103 and removed Rule E60 for MT509 - If a message is saved as incomplete then opened again for edit, the fields with fixed code word are not prefilled and are unprotected - Message disappears from message list in incomplete queue after it is saved - No "Select Print File" dialog after this was canceled before - If a string is inserted into the field "string that is inserted" in "user settings /keys" and that string contains CRLF, all previously defined settings will be lost (even colors) and the default settings are displayed. 1.7 What's new within PTF UQ65272 APAR PQ60269 - S.W.I.F.T. changes 2002 Test and Training APAR PQ62697 - SW41D Mapping fails 1.8 What's new within PTF UQ70032 APAR PQ66572 - S.W.I.F.T. changes 2002 live APAR PQ66804 - A misleading error message is displayed on templates for messages the user is not allowed when the client is connected against MERVA ESA 1.9 What's new within PTF UQ74543 APAR PQ71711 - S.W.I.F.T. changes 2003 APAR PQ68466 - Change Checking for S.W.I.F.T. Z Character Set APAR PQ72760 - MT101 SW32B became Retype Field 1.10 What's new within PTF UQ81171 APAR PQ79859 - S.W.I.F.T. changes 2003 live 1.11 What's new within PTF UQ82260 APAR PQ81362 - Delivery subset updates 1.12 What's new within PTF UQ84150 APAR PQ83392 - S.W.I.F.T. 2004 Code Word Validation 1.13 What's new within PTF UQ95592 APAR PQ97893 - S.W.I.F.T. 2005 MESSAGE (SR2005) CHANGES 1.14 What's new within PTF UK02297 APAR PK04047 - S.W.I.F.T. 2005 NAK Codes - S.W.I.F.T. changes 2005 live 1.15 What's new within PTF UK03636 APAR PK05452 - Incorrect checking MT524 SW93 APAR PK05737 - Field 134 in MT094 and MT074 can be 8 or 11 Characters APAR PK06019 (Development APAR) - MT074 and MT094 Field SW312 allows empty lines Field SW312 allows more than 19 lines 1.16 What's new within PTF UK12767 APAR PK21816 - S.W.I.F.T. 2006 MESSAGE (SR2006) CHANGES Note: Slovenia will introduce the Euro as legal tender as of 1 January 2007. Any message carrying SIT as settlement currency for value dates after 31 December 2006 will be rejected by SWIFT with error code E76. The checking for E76 can be disabled by setting the Environment Variable ENC_CHECK_E76=NO. (If the Environment Variable is not set, the checking for E76 will be performed). 1.17 What's new within PTF UK18113 APAR PK31645 - S.W.I.F.T. 2006 NAK Codes 1.18 What's new within this PTF (UK24845) APAR PK44680 - S.W.I.F.T. 2007 MESSAGE CHANGES (SR2007) -------------------------------------------------- 2. Before You Update MERVA Message Processing Client 2.1. Software Requirements Operating System: Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4 or a subsequent release. For Remote Connection: The connection to a MERVA remote server can take place either via CPIC or TCP/IP. For CPIC: - Personal Communications for NT 4.11, program number 5622-972 or a subsequent release. For TCP/IP: - The TCP/IP support is already incorporated in Windows NT. MERVA Server: The used MERVA Server system can be: - MERVA ESA Version 4 Release 1 The applicable PTF for the S.W.I.F.T. changes 2007 is recommended - MERVA ESA Components MERVA USE & Branch for Windows 2000 Version 4 Release 2 PTF UK21002 MERVA Client: The MERVA Message Processing Client requires one of the following PTF's: UQ20635, UQ24873, UQ30384, UQ34965, UQ40414, UQ44274, UQ49371, UQ52005, UQ53660, UQ65272, UQ70032, UQ74543, UQ81171, UQ82260, UQ84150, UQ95592, UK02297, UK03636, UK12767 or UK18113 2.2. Hardware Requirements Processor: Any workstation that runs Windows NT Version 4.0 or a subsequent release. At least a Pentium* 133 MHz or equivalent is recommended. RAM: 32MB or more. Disk Space: The program files of this PTF require approximately 30 MB of disk space. Monitor: For message processing a monitor with SVGA screen resolution 1024 * 768 . Printer (optional): Any printer supported by Windows NT. Communication Equipment (for remote connections): Any interface device supported by the used communication software (for example, Token Ring Card or SDLC Adapter). -------------------------------------------------- 3. Getting Help Documentation Refer to the "MERVA Message Processing Client for Windows NT User's Guide", SH12-6341. The MERVA manuals are available online, as PDF files, at the Internet address: Please select 'Library' to see the available MERVA manuals. It is recommended that you download manuals in binary format. Defect Reporting Use the IBM* Service channels for the feature "MERVA Message Processing Client for Windows NT" with Component Id: 5648B3003 -------------------------------------------------- 4. Updating MERVA Message Processing Client Note: To ensure that all users of the workstation can operate the updated MERVA Message Processing Client the updating must be performed by an administrator. A t t e n t i o n : - Stop all running clients on the workstation before installing this PTF. If "MERVA USE & Branch for Windows 2000" is running on the workstation, we strongly recommend to shutdown MERVA before the installation of this PTF. Refer to the "MERVA Message Processing Client for Windows NT User's Guide", SH12-6341. Start SETUP.EXE of the installation medium and follow the instructions on the screen. PTF installation from hard disk or LAN drive is supported. To prepare this installation type copy all PTF CD (diskettes) into a directory of the hard disk or of the LAN drive (installation source directory). To start with the installation from the hard disk or LAN drive make your installation source directory the current directory and start SETUP.EXE. Installation recovery: Since PTF UQ44274 the installation is able to recover from a canceled PTF installation. This feature enables the setup procedure to restore the previous applied PTF files, if setup is canceled while the new files are copied into the MERVA Message Processing Client's installation directory. The Setup program will now prompt for a drive name, where all files and information of the currently applied PTF will be stored. No directory can be choosen at this prompt, because the setup program extracts the drive name from the prompt and uses a temporary directory for the backup. No additonal steps have to be performed in order to install the MERVA Message Processing Client. In case of cancelling the installation while the new PTF files are copied, a recovery procedure is started that will restore the currently applied service level. Between cancelling the installation and starting the recovery will be a delay of some seconds. A log file for the installation recovery is written to the directory where the backup for the recovery was saved, it is named as "recovery.log" (See ":\tmp\enccli"). Installation under Windwos XP: Since the security concept under Windows XP has changed, it is necessary that users/groups running the MERVA Message Processing Client must have full access to the installation directory (e.g. "c:\Merva\Message_Processing") and all subdirectories. -------------------------------------------------- 5. Known problems: - Within the MERVA Message Processing Client you will find "prompt" and "mandatory" message fields. These fields are indicated by different light colors. The appearance of the default color settings depends on the resolution of the graphic device and the desktop display settings. If the default colors don't appear on your workstation adapt them in the Settings dialog of the MERVA Message Processing Client. - If the installation path includes non-alhpa- numerical characters like "ä", "ü", "ö", "ß", ... the MERVA Message Processing Client will not start. - The refresh of any message or queue list via key does not work, while any modal dialog box (modal to it's parent window) is active somewhere in the client. After this dialog is closed the refresh via will be available again. Note: The refresh via the view menu is still available, if does not work !!! - If switching back from text-view to formatted-view by using does not work, use instead !!! -------------------------------------------------- 6. Trademarks Windows XP Windows 2000 Windows NT Pentium PostScript IBM, MERVA are trademarks of IBM Corporation. -------------------------------------------------- 7. MERVA Homepage Please observe the MERVA internet homepage for up-to-date information concerning MERVA products, features, and support issues: