********************************************************************** * * * LANDP version 4 MAINTENANCE PACKAGE II10946 * * _______________________________________________ * * * * ALL PRODUCT EXECUTABLES OF REFRESH CODE HAVE A * * VERSION LEVEL (VL=) OF RH0nn, XA0nn, PO0nn, PX0nn, RP0nn * * * * This package contains the latest fixes packaged in zip format. * * Download the files to your PC and execute them, the fixes * * will be self-extracted from the EXE file. * * * * LANDP Service, Hursley (LANDP at IBMGB, LANDP@UK.IBM.COM) * * * * * * II10946A.EXE * * II10946B.EXE * * II10946C.EXE * * II10946D.EXE * * II10946E.EXE * * II10946F.EXE * * README.TXT (copy of this file) * * * ********************************************************************** 1 LANDP v4 (Maintenance Package II10946) __________________ Previous version at 09/Jan/01 Current version at 07/Feb/01 . APAR's Other APAR's included __________________________________ _____________________ ID=ACSRDECR VL=RH001 HC28409B . ID=ACSRENCR VL=RH001 HC28409A . EHCPLN.001 at 30/06/98 (1) . ID=BIWP VL=10031 HC51471 HC24070 . ID=BPP VL=10005 HC35085 . ID=DDTB VL=XA001 HC55519B . ID=DDTS VL=XA001 HC55519 . ID=EHCCSP VL=RH001 HC39655H (12) . ID=EHCDB18 VL=XA001 HC43918A . ID=EHCDB65 VL=XA001 HC43918B . ID=EHCDB68 VL=XA001 HC43918C . ID=EHCDBTR VL=XA002 HC43921 HC41940 . ID=EHCGRCO0 VL=RH002 HC22796A HC22635A . ID=EHCGRCO0 VL=XA002 HC22796B HC22635B . ID=EHCGRCO1 VL=RH001 HC39655D (12) . ID=EHCGRCO1 VL=XA001 HC39655C (12) . ID=EHCGRLA0 VL=RH003 HC53678B HC46265I HC37135E . ID=EHCGRLA0 VL=XA003 HC53678A HC46265H HC37135A . ID=EHCGRLA1 VL=RH002 HC46265K HC37135F . ID=EHCGRLA1 VL=XA002 HC46265J HC37135B . ID=EHCGRLA2 VL=RH004 HC53678D HC46265M HC43757A HC34172A . ID=EHCGRLA2 VL=XA004 HC53678C HC46265L HC43757B HC34172B . ID=EHCGRLA3 VL=XA001 HC34772A . ID=EHCGRTI0 VL=RH001 HC53678F . ID=EHCGRTI0 VL=XA001 HC53678E . ID=EHCLAD VL=RH001 HC46704A . ID=EHCLIP VL=PO001 HC38803B . ID=EHCLIP VL=RH001 HC38803A . ID=EHCLIP VL=XA003 HC63384B HC46265A (15) HC38803C . ID=EHCLIP VL=XA003 HC63384A HC46265N (16) . * ID=EHCMAP VL=PO009 HC68836D (4) HC63943 HC63939 HC50228 HC49796 HC45122 HC30537C ID=EHCMIDEF VL=PX001 HC22796C (7) HC22639B ID=EHCMIDF1 VL=PX001 HC39655E (12) . ID=EHCMILIM VL=PX002 HC34772B (6) HC31493 . * ID=EHCOS2 VL=RH015 HC76130B (5) HC75742B HC68177B HC55479B HC52072B HC44037B HC27528B HC40610B HC34739B HC34633B HC33182B HC32546B HC24852D * ID=EHCPARM VL=PX005 HC73455C HC49636J HC49256C HC46265C HC37135J ID=EHCPDT VL=PO001 HC61037 . ID=EHCPDT VL=RH002 HC56541A HC47847A . ID=EHCPDTDL VL=RH002 HC47847 HC44385 . ID=EHCPLN VL=PO001 HC65920 (4) HC30537B . ID=EHCPLN VL=RH002 HC65920 (4) HC22638A . ID=EHCPLN VL=XA002 HC65920 (4) HC22638B . ID=EHCR400 VL=RH001 HC39655K (12) . ID=EHCR400 VL=XA001 HC39655J (12) . ID=EHCSQL## VL=RH002 HC40611 HC35831A . ID=EHCSQLRQ VL=RH001 HC35831B (11) . * ID=EHCTRACW VL=PO002 HC68836E HC43470M . ID=EHCTRACW VL=RH001 HC49418 . ID=EHCVAL VL=XA004 HC48077C HC43723A HC40708C HC23936A . ID=EHCVAL VL=PO003 HC48077B HC40708B HC23936B . ID=EHCVAL VL=RH003 HC48077A HC40708A HC23936C . ID=EHCVDSPV VL=PO002 HC59482 HC52674 . ID=EHCVSLC1 VL=RH004 HC52654H HC49636H HC46265E HC37135G . ID=EHCVSLC1 VL=XA004 HC52654G HC49636G HC46265D HC37135C . ID=EHCVSLC2 VL=RH001 HC49636B . ID=EHCVSLC2 VL=XA001 HC49636A . ID=EHCVSLIM VL=RH001 HC41815B . ID=EHCVSLIM VL=XA001 HC41815A . ID=EHCVSMCL VL=RH004 HC52654F HC49636F HC46265G HC37135H . ID=EHCVSMCL VL=XA004 HC52654E HC49636E HC46265F HC37135D . ID=EHCVSMCW VL=RH002 HC52654D HC49636D . ID=EHCVSMCW VL=XA002 HC52654C HC49636C . ID=EHCVSPE0 VL=RH001 HC53678H . ID=EHCVSPE0 VL=XA001 HC53678G . * ID=EHCVSVG0 VL=RH004 HC73455B HC72125 HC49256B HC43757C . * ID=EHCVSVG0 VL=XA004 HC73455A HC72125 HC49256A HC43757D . ID=EHCVSVG1 VL=RH001 HC39655B (12) . ID=EHCVSVG1 VL=XA001 HC39655A (12) . * ID=EHCWINNT VL=PO027 HC76130B HC75742B HC70287B HC68177B HC32546D HC27528B HC24852F HC22639A HC68836B HC67454B HC63837B HC55479B HC54617B HC52072B HC50445B HC49986B HC49768B ID=EHCXLATE VL=PO001 HC39655L (12) HC47199B HC45108B HC40610B HC35832B HC34739D HC34633D . ID=EMU3270 VL=PX006 HC60688 HC55519 HC52981 HC51841 HC37021 HC35084 HC33182D . ID=EMU3270C VL=PX006 HC60688C HC55519C HC52981C HC51841C HC37021C HC35084C . ID=EMU3270D VL=PX006 HC60688D HC55519D HC52981D HC51841D HC37021D HC35084D . ID=EMU3287 VL=PX002 HC59627 HC45456 . ID=EMU3287R VL=PX001 HC59627 . ID=FBHLLAPI VL=PX002 HC37021H (10) HC35084H . ID=FBHLLAPI VL=PX002 HC37021O (9) HC35084K . ID=FBHLLAPI VL=PX002 HC37021L (8) HC35084N . ID=GENLOG VL=PO001 HC43358 . ID=GENLOG VL=XR001 HC43358 . ID=LAN VL=RH005 HC37354A HC29215 HC29301 HC24852D HC22795A . ID=LAN VL=PO005 HC37354B HC29215 HC29301 HC24852G HC22795B . LICDEF.H HC43472 (14) . LNF.001 at 30/06/98 (1) . ID=LNFEDIT VL=XR001 HC30537D (4) . * ID=LOADER VL=PO002 HC68836C HC63839 . ID=LSI VL=RP001 HC22812 . ID=MSRE47## VL=PO001 HC22755M . ID=PINP47## VL=PO002 HC57458 HC22755P . ID=PINP47## VL=XA001 HC31095 . ID=PPC VL=RH003 HC54632 HC38829 HC27899 . ID=PR4748## VL=RH004 HC40940 HC32945 HC32733 HC31551 . ID=PR4748## VL=XA005 HC40940 HC36900 HC32946 HC32734 HC31551 . ID=PR47X2## VL=PO020 HC57180 (2) HC52170 HC51406 HC48749 HC46436 HC42315 HC40050 HC37148 HC36153 HC35295 HC33780 HC32046 HC31068 HC30570 HC30014 HC27541 HC26412 HC24079 HC22302 . ID=PR47X2## VL=RH001 HC42316 . ID=PROPRIN VL=XA001 HC27233 . RCME.001 at 30/06/98 (1) . ID=RCMS VL=PO004 HC63004 (4) HC59485 HC52356 HC30537A . ID=RCMS VL=RH003 HC59485 HC52356 HC47372 . SERVERS.LST VL=PO002 HC53678 (13) HC44545 . ID=SERVFBSS VL=PX006 HC53678I (3) HC49636I HC44426 HC37135I HC32193 HC30554 . ID=SHFILE## VL=PO000 HC61421 . ID=SHFILE## VL=RH000 HC61421 . ID=SMGR VL=RH001 HC39655F (12) . ID=SMGR VL=XA002 HC39655G (12) HC22632 . * ID=SNA## VL=RH013 HC70858A HC52790A HC49801A HC48489A HC41971A HC40941A HC38144A HC35613A HC32896B HC29451 HC26728 HC24896A HC22805A . * ID=SNA## VL=PO013 HC70858B HC52790B HC49801B HC48489B HC41971B HC40941B HC38144B HC35613B HC32896C HC29451 HC26728 HC24896B HC22805B . ID=SNA## VL=XA003 HC46450 HC43359 HC32896A . * ID=SPV VL=PO026 HC76130A (5) HC70287A HC68177A HC68836A HC63837A HC55479A HC54617A HC52072A HC50445A HC49986A HC49768A HC47199A HC45108A HC40610A HC35832A HC34739C HC34633C HC33182C HC32546C HC27528A HC24852E . * ID=SPV VL=RH015 HC76130A (5) HC75742A HC68177A HC55479A HC52072A HC44037A HC27528A HC40610A HC34739A HC34633A HC33182A HC32546A HC24852B ID=SPV VL=XA001 HC24852A (5) . ID=SVPCPRB VL=XR001 HC39655I (10) . ID=SVPCPRB VL=XR001 HC39655N (8) . ID=SVPCPRB VL=XR001 HC39655P (9) . ID=SVPCPRBN VL=PO002 HC40724M HC39655M . ID=TYPELOG VL=PO000 HC63908 . ID=TYPELOG VL=XR000 HC63908 . ID=VALLIST VL=PX001 HC46265B . ID=VERSION VL=PO001 HC53678J . ID=VERSION VL=XR001 HC53678K . ID=X25DLC2 VL=XA002 HC52552 HC44289 . ID=X25NAT## VL=RH001 HC55636 . ID=X25NAT## VL=XA001 HC50743 (*) Latest module changed. (1) This file has to be copied into \EHCN400 subdirectory. (2) Due to enhancements in printer server and device driver code you must update the WNTSFPRT.DLL and WNT47X2.DLL file. The latest code is FPRTDDD V2.04 and is available from VM using: TOOLS SENDTO YMTVM1 TOOLS PS55CSD GET FPRTDDD PACKAGE Files: 02/06/98 01:20 53,248 WNT47X2.DLL & 02/06/98 01:20 18,944 WNTSFPRT.DLL Additional fix included to support a code page problem. (3) You should ensure that APAR HC23936 has also been installed in order for EHCVAL to process the RCMS files. APAR HC30537 is required to enable the RCMS server to run on a workstation running LANDP for Windows NT. After installing this fix, you should rerun your Customisation GENRUN and GETTING programs. (4) Apar HC30554 and HC23936 are co-requisites of this apar THE FILES EHCPLN.001, RCME.001 AND LNF.001 NEED COPYING FROM THE MAINTENANCE PACKAGE TO DIRECTORY EHCN400 (5) Both new versions of SPV.EXE and EHCOS2.DLL should be applied. (6) Apply this corrective fix, and rerun the MIGRATE utility. (7) This corrects an inconsistency between the code and the LANDP Installation and Customisation manual. SHFLDBD key classes of 'M' or 'D' were not correctly supported by the GENRUN utility. (8) Apply this fix for OS2 (9) Apply this fix for NT (10) Apply this fix for DOS (11) The file EHCSQLRQ.BND must be copied from the maintenance package to DIRECTORY EHCO400 (12) Copy miscellaneous file MISCEURO.EXE to a temporary directory. This is a self-executing package of additional files required for Euro support. Then type "INSTEURO X" (X is the drive where LANDP is installed) to install remaining non-executable files to the correct directories. (13) Copy servers.lst to \ehcmaint and re-run getting to copy workstation files for each workstation (14) The header file was changed to only include os2.h when being compiled on OS/2. For Dos and NT the required variables are defined in licdef.h itself. Make sure that the new licdef.h replaces the current version in your include path. Copy to ...\ehco400 for OS/2, ...\ehcd400 for DOS and ...\ehcn400 for NT (15) This file is EHCLIP.IBM (16) This file is EHCLIP.PCT ========================================================================= 07/Feb/01 BRIEF APAR DESCRIPTION ========================================================================= ID=ACSRDECR VL=RH001 HC28409B -------------------------------------------------------- HC28409 - LANDP V4 - Errors with encyption of multiple sessions. =============================================================================== ID=ACSRENCR VL=RH001 HC28409A -------------------------------------------------------- HC28409 - LANDP V4 - Errors with encyption of multiple sessions. =============================================================================== ID=BIWP VL=10031 HC51471 -------------------------------------------------------- HC51471 - LANDP V4 - Changes relate to reconnection to 4702 when running over PCOM/NT, giving improved recovery when session disconnection occurs. HC24070 - LANDP V4 - APAR to ensure that a CN request is re-flowed to a 4700 when the SNA server disconnects or goes down. When the new CN request is received the session is restarted successfully, else the emulator does not restart and the client must be re-IPLed. =============================================================================== ID=BPP VL=10005 HC35085 -------------------------------------------------------- HC35085 - LANDP V4 - APAR to ensure that a CN request is re-flowed to a 4700 when the SNA server disconnects or goes down. When the new CN request is received the session is restarted successfully, else the emulator does not restart and the client must be re-IPLed. =============================================================================== ID=DDTB VL=XA001 HC55519B -------------------------------------------------------- HC55519 - LANDP V4 - 1)3270 Emulator caused system to revert to ROM-based character font after emulating 132 character screen 2)DDT reset any unrecognised video modes to mode 3 on exit, reverting to ROM-based character font. =============================================================================== ID=DDTS VL=XA001 HC55519 -------------------------------------------------------- HC55519 - LANDP V4 - 1)3270 Emulator caused system to revert to ROM-based character font after emulating 132 character screen 2)DDT reset any unrecognised video modes to mode 3 on exit, reverting to ROM-based character font. =============================================================================== ID=EHCCSP VL=RH001 HC39655H -------------------------------------------------------- HC39655 - LANDP V4 - This fix delivers LANDP support for the Euro currency symbol. As a middleware product running on several software platforms, LANDP cannot achieve Euro-enablement in isolation. Related products also need to be updated to support the Euro. Other products that coexist with LANDP will continue to implement Euro symbol support, and this is likely to have an ongoing effect on LANDP. A Web page is provided to keep customers informed of the present situation, and will be updated when changes occur. See http://www.software.ibm.com/ts/landp =============================================================================== ID=EHCDB18 VL=XA001 HC43918A -------------------------------------------------------- HC43918 - LANDP V4 - GETTING for DOS workstation fails to find Simplified Chinese files EHCDB18.086, EHCDB65.086, EHCDB68.086 =============================================================================== ID=EHCDB65 VL=XA001 HC43918B -------------------------------------------------------- HC43918 - LANDP V4 - GETTING for DOS workstation fails to find Simplified Chinese files EHCDB18.086, EHCDB65.086, EHCDB68.086 =============================================================================== ID=EHCDB68 VL=XA001 HC43918C -------------------------------------------------------- HC43918 - LANDP V4 - GETTING for DOS workstation fails to find Simplified Chinese files EHCDB18.086, EHCDB65.086, EHCDB68.086 =============================================================================== ID=EHCDBTR VL=XA002 HC43921 -------------------------------------------------------- HC43921 - LANDP V4 - After installing APAR HC41490, on Taiwanese DOS, the AE function of EHCDBTR does not handle Big-5 codepoints xxFD or xxFE correctly. It wrongly translates them to FEFE (indicating an error) HC41940 - LANDP V4 - 1)Taiwanese translation server is too big 2)DOS GETTING fails to find S.Chinese files =============================================================================== ID=EHCGRCO0 VL=RH002 HC22796A ------------------------------------------------------- HC22796 LANDP V4 - Define a shared file database using the SHFLDBD vector, and specify a key with a key class of 'M' or 'D'. Although these values are accepted by VALSPEC, GENRUN uses the default value of 'S' instead. HC22635 LANDP V4 - System Manager Sign-On command initialises sign-on control block incorrectly. For SN command, offset 80 should be blank, not '0' For SO command, offset 82 should be blank, not '0' ========================================================================== ID=EHCGRCO0 VL=XA002 HC22796B -------------------------------------------------------- HC22796 LANDP V4 - Define a shared file database using the SHFLDBD vector, and specify a key with a key class of 'M' or 'D'. Although these values are accepted by VALSPEC, GENRUN uses the default value of 'S' instead. HC22635 LANDP V4 - System Manager Sign-On command initialises sign-on control block incorrectly. For SN command, offset 80 should be blank, not '0' For SO command, offset 82 should be blank, not '0' ========================================================================== ID=EHCGRCO1 VL=XA001 HC39655C -------------------------------------------------------- HC39655 - LANDP V4 - This fix delivers LANDP support for the Euro currency symbol. As a middleware product running on several software platforms, LANDP cannot achieve Euro-enablement in isolation. Related products also need to be updated to support the Euro. Other products that coexist with LANDP will continue to implement Euro symbol support, and this is likely to have an ongoing effect on LANDP. A Web page is provided to keep customers informed of the present situation, and will be updated when changes occur. See http://www.software.ibm.com/ts/landp =============================================================================== ID=EHCGRCO1 VL=RH001 HC39655D -------------------------------------------------------- HC39655 - LANDP V4 - This fix delivers LANDP support for the Euro currency symbol. As a middleware product running on several software platforms, LANDP cannot achieve Euro-enablement in isolation. Related products also need to be updated to support the Euro. Other products that coexist with LANDP will continue to implement Euro symbol support, and this is likely to have an ongoing effect on LANDP. A Web page is provided to keep customers informed of the present situation, and will be updated when changes occur. See http://www.software.ibm.com/ts/landp =============================================================================== ID=EHCGRLA0 VL=XA003 HC53678A -------------------------------------------------------- HC53678 - LANDP V4 - Corrects Customisation problems related to FBSI support HC46265 - LANDP V4 - This delivers the LANDP Customization support for the PC/TCP implementation of TCP/IP (PC/TCP Network Software V5) as a transport protocol. HC37135 - LANDP V4 - This fix relaxes the previously applied limits within LANDP Customisation that restricted the number of SHFILE clients + sessions. The new limit is 243. The limit on the number of SHFILE clients has been increased from 150 to 240. However, it is necessary to be very cautious about the performance capabilities of the Shared File server. The previous Customisation limits were imposed in view of the performance limitation of Shared File server. Clearly the number of clients supported will depend upon the nature of the access usage. The above maximum applies to the number of sessions using SHFILE services, (there could be multiple sessions per workstation). This maximum number of supported clients may be further reduced if Store For Forwarder or Electronic Journal are used since these use SHFILE resources. Additionally since applications and other servers may allocate SHFILE resources dynamically, there is no easy way to determine an upper limit to the number of workstations that can be supported, and that is why no upper limit has been specified - since it depends on the configuration. Even though LANDP Customisation relaxes the limits on the number of SHFILE clients + sessions, you could subsequently encounter an NS error at run-time which will indicate that the number of SHFILE logical units of work have been exceeded. =============================================================================== ID=EHCGRLA0 VL=RH003 HC53678B -------------------------------------------------------- HC53678 - LANDP V4 - Corrects Customisation problems related to FBSI support HC46265 - LANDP V4 - This delivers the LANDP Customization support for the PC/TCP implementation of TCP/IP (PC/TCP Network Software V5) as a transport protocol. HC37135 - LANDP V4 - This fix relaxes the previously applied limits within LANDP Customisation that restricted the number of SHFILE clients + sessions. The new limit is 243. The limit on the number of SHFILE clients has been increased from 150 to 240. However, it is necessary to be very cautious about the performance capabilities of the Shared File server. The previous Customisation limits were imposed in view of the performance limitation of Shared File server. Clearly the number of clients supported will depend upon the nature of the access usage. The above maximum applies to the number of sessions using SHFILE services, (there could be multiple sessions per workstation). This maximum number of supported clients may be further reduced if Store For Forwarder or Electronic Journal are used since these use SHFILE resources. Additionally since applications and other servers may allocate SHFILE resources dynamically, there is no easy way to determine an upper limit to the number of workstations that can be supported, and that is why no upper limit has been specified - since it depends on the configuration. Even though LANDP Customisation relaxes the limits on the number of SHFILE clients + sessions, you could subsequently encounter an NS error at run-time which will indicate that the number of SHFILE logical units of work have been exceeded. =============================================================================== ID=EHCGRLA1 VL=XA002 HC46265J -------------------------------------------------------- HC46265 - LANDP V4 - This delivers the LANDP Customization support for the PC/TCP implementation of TCP/IP (PC/TCP Network Software V5) as a transport protocol. HC37135 - LANDP V4 - This fix relaxes the previously applied limits within LANDP Customisation that restricted the number of SHFILE clients + sessions. The new limit is 243. The limit on the number of SHFILE clients has been increased from 150 to 240. However, it is necessary to be very cautious about the performance capabilities of the Shared File server. The previous Customisation limits were imposed in view of the performance limitation of Shared File server. Clearly the number of clients supported will depend upon the nature of the access usage. The above maximum applies to the number of sessions using SHFILE services, (there could be multiple sessions per workstation). This maximum number of supported clients may be further reduced if Store For Forwarder or Electronic Journal are used since these use SHFILE resources. Additionally since applications and other servers may allocate SHFILE resources dynamically, there is no easy way to determine an upper limit to the number of workstations that can be supported, and that is why no upper limit has been specified - since it depends on the configuration. Even though LANDP Customisation relaxes the limits on the number of SHFILE clients + sessions, you could subsequently encounter an NS error at run-time which will indicate that the number of SHFILE logical units of work have been exceeded. =============================================================================== ID=EHCGRLA1 VL=RH002 HC46265K -------------------------------------------------------- HC46265 - LANDP V4 - This delivers the LANDP Customization support for the PC/TCP implementation of TCP/IP (PC/TCP Network Software V5) as a transport protocol. HC37135 - LANDP V4 - This fix relaxes the previously applied limits within LANDP Customisation that restricted the number of SHFILE clients + sessions. The new limit is 243. The limit on the number of SHFILE clients has been increased from 150 to 240. However, it is necessary to be very cautious about the performance capabilities of the Shared File server. The previous Customisation limits were imposed in view of the performance limitation of Shared File server. Clearly the number of clients supported will depend upon the nature of the access usage. The above maximum applies to the number of sessions using SHFILE services, (there could be multiple sessions per workstation). This maximum number of supported clients may be further reduced if Store For Forwarder or Electronic Journal are used since these use SHFILE resources. Additionally since applications and other servers may allocate SHFILE resources dynamically, there is no easy way to determine an upper limit to the number of workstations that can be supported, and that is why no upper limit has been specified - since it depends on the configuration. Even though LANDP Customisation relaxes the limits on the number of SHFILE clients + sessions, you could subsequently encounter an NS error at run-time which will indicate that the number of SHFILE logical units of work have been exceeded. =============================================================================== ID=EHCGRLA2 VL=RH004 HC53678D -------------------------------------------------------- HC53678 - LANDP V4 - Corrects Customisation problems related to FBSI support HC46265 - LANDP V4 - This delivers the LANDP Customization support for the PC/TCP implementation of TCP/IP (PC/TCP Network Software V5) as a transport protocol. HC43757 - LANDP V4 - On Taiwanese DOS, load of Big-5 translation server EHCDBTR gives loader error B1. HC34172 - LANDP V4 - In LANDP Customisation, for a target workstation of TYPE=NT, specify a 3270 emulator with High Level Language Application Programming Interface (HLLAPI) selected, using the first parameter of the PAR&3270 keyword set to Y. Genrun fails to generate an FBHLLAPI statement in AUTO_VDM.BAT =============================================================================== ID=EHCGRLA2 VL=XA004 HC53678C -------------------------------------------------------- HC53678 - LANDP V4 - Corrects Customisation problems related to FBSI support HC46265 - LANDP V4 - This delivers the LANDP Customization support for the PC/TCP implementation of TCP/IP (PC/TCP Network Software V5) as a transport protocol. HC43757 - LANDP V4 - On Taiwanese DOS, load of Big-5 translation server EHCDBTR gives loader error B1. HC34172 - LANDP V4 - In LANDP Customisation, for a target workstation of TYPE=NT, specify a 3270 emulator with High Level Language Application Programming Interface (HLLAPI) selected, using the first parameter of the PAR&3270 keyword set to Y. Genrun fails to generate an FBHLLAPI statement in AUTO_VDM.BAT =============================================================================== ID=EHCGRLA3 VL=XA001 HC34772A -------------------------------------------------------- HC34772 - LANDP V4 - In LANDP Customisation, when running in a Windows NT DOS box, against a DOS command prompt, GENRUN may '*EHC* - 00021 S The subdirectory cannot be created. It already exists, or there is insufficient disk space'. This problem seems prone to appear when using large disk partitions (>1GB), but may possibly occur more generally. =============================================================================== ID=EHCGRTI0 VL=XA001 HC53678E -------------------------------------------------------- HC53678 - LANDP V4 - Corrects Customisation problems related to FBSI support =============================================================================== ID=EHCGRTI0 VL=RH001 HC53678F -------------------------------------------------------- HC53678 - LANDP V4 - Corrects Customisation problems related to FBSI support =============================================================================== ID=EHCLAD VL=RH001 HC46704A -------------------------------------------------------- HC46704 - LANDP V4 - The DDE server EHCLAD fails to load, giving a load error of X'00081017' =============================================================================== ID=EHCLIP VL=RH001 HC38803A -------------------------------------------------------- HC38803 - LANDP V4 - DHCP support. =============================================================================== ID=EHCLIP VL=XA003 HC63384B -------------------------------------------------------- HC63384 - LANDP V4 - More memory used than is necessary. C language default is 64k. HC46265 - LANDP V4 - PC/TCP support. HC38803 - LANDP V4 - DHCP support. =============================================================================== ID=EHCLIP VL=PO001 HC38803B -------------------------------------------------------- HC38803 - LANDP V4 - DHCP support. =============================================================================== ID=EHCMAP VL=PO009 HC68836D -------------------------------------------------------- HC68836 - LANDP V4 - LDA7.EXE closed down randomly with L5 rc in branch HC63943 - LANDP V4 - An abending or killed LANDP process leaves an active queue in the system. The next time a process with the same PID is run the queue cannot be created and rc=42 is returned. The process fails to load. HC63939 - LANDP V4 - The supervisor cleanup routine is queued up to execute once for every IN issued. At exit this routine is run several times and may cause an abend HC50228 - LANDP V4 - RCMS retrieve by catalog does not work HC49796 - LANDP V4 - New TAIWAN country code is now 886 on NT HC45122 - LANDP V4 - Not enough LANDP MQ link servers can be loaded HC30537 - LANDP V4 - Add RCMS support to LANDP for NT HC22639 LANDP V4 - Supervisor function SP abends the Supervisor ========================================================================== ID=EHCMIDEF VL=PX001 HC22796C ------------------------------------------------------- HC22796 LANDP V4 - Define a shared file database using the SHFLDBD vector, and specify a key with a key class of 'M' or 'D'. Although these values are accepted by VALSPEC, GENRUN uses the default value of 'S' instead. ========================================================================== ID=EHCMIDF1 VL=PX001 HC39655E -------------------------------------------------------- HC39655 - LANDP V4 - This fix delivers LANDP support for the Euro currency symbol. As a middleware product running on several software platforms, LANDP cannot achieve Euro-enablement in isolation. Related products also need to be updated to support the Euro. Other products that coexist with LANDP will continue to implement Euro symbol support, and this is likely to have an ongoing effect on LANDP. A Web page is provided to keep customers informed of the present situation, and will be updated when changes occur. See http://www.software.ibm.com/ts/landp =============================================================================== ID=EHCMILIM VL=PX002 HC34772B -------------------------------------------------------- HC34772 - LANDP V4 - In LANDP Customisation, when running in a Windows NT DOS box, against a DOS command prompt, GENRUN may '*EHC* - 00021 S The subdirectory cannot be created. It already exists, or there is insufficient disk space'. This problem seems prone to appear when using large disk partitions (>1GB), but may possibly occur more generally. HC31493 - LANDP V4 - The Customisation MIGRATE utility fails with the FOLLOWING PROBLEMS: MIGRATE COMMON - PRODUCES MANY MESSAGES OF THE FORM: EHC00284 E User-written server xxxx is included in LANDP server NAME yyyy and it will not be migrated. MIGRATE LAN - produces incomplete server and client lists for the terminals in a workgroup. DESC.8 =============================================================================== ID=EHCOS2 VL=RH015 HC76130B -------------------------------------------------------- HC76130 - LANDP V4 - Memory leak in clients when remote machines join or leave Workgroup. The ** and && sent to the client are type 1 from SPV and cannot be read in so stay in memory. DESC.5 DESC.6 HC75742 - LANDP V4 - Remote messages that are replied to using RMTRPLY get the message type changed to type 2 instead of type 3.This is a regression caused by apar HC55479 HC68177 - LANDP V4 - If there is a timer tick message queued to be read in by an application and a previous message turns off the timer tick function then an abend occurs when the the queued timer tick message is read HC55479 - LANDP V4 - The Tracing routine did not trace requests on a remote machine and did not trace the reply parameters and data on the remote machine HC52072 - LANDP V4 - The Internal return code OC does not work HC44037 - LANDP V4 - The LANDP ehctracw tracing give no output HC27528 - LANDP V4 - Supervisor will not load returns error in LAN.CFG HC40610 - LANDP V4 - The WM call does not return a Server name in the Reply Parameter field Reported on X25 WM HC34739 - LANDP V4 - Missing Events on hidden Z1. Events are missed in multithreaded applications. Thread 1 does a GETREQ but Thread 2 gets a reply with a hidden Z1 which should have gone to Thread 1. HC34633 - LANDP V4 - Rc=LG from multi-threaded application. HC33182 - LANDP V4 - Rc=LB,Rc=87 loop during error recovery. HC32546 - LANDP V4 - Rc=333 followed by other errors. HC24852 - LANDP V4 - Excessive LAN traffic during LANDP start-up. =============================================================================== ID=EHCPARM VL=PX005 HC73455C -------------------------------------------------------- HC73455 - LANDP V4 - In LANDP Customization, incorrect database definition information is generated when segmented keys are defined like SHFLSGM SGMKEY=04 The leading '0' is a problem, and if you put SHFLSGM SGMKEY=4, then it works correctly. HC49636 - LANDP V4 - Corrects various Customisation problems related to the 4748 printer server HC49256 - LANDP V4 - Using VALSPEC with SHFLDBD, SFLPCB, and SHFLSGM vectors, message 'EHC02176 Total key length cannot be greater than 255' may be incorrectly issued. This should only apply to segmented keys, for which the total of all the segments cannot exceed 255. HC46265 - LANDP V4 - This delivers the LANDP Customization support for the PC/TCP implementation of TCP/IP (PC/TCP Network Software V5) as a transport protocol. HC37135 - LANDP V4 - This fix relaxes the previously applied limits within LANDP Customisation that restricted the number of SHFILE clients + sessions. The new limit is 243. The limit on the number of SHFILE clients has been increased from 150 to 240. However, it is necessary to be very cautious about the performance capabilities of the Shared File server. The previous Customisation limits were imposed in view of the performance limitation of Shared File server. Clearly the number of clients supported will depend upon the nature of the access usage. The above maximum applies to the number of sessions using SHFILE services, (there could be multiple sessions per workstation). This maximum number of supported clients may be further reduced if Store For Forwarder or Electronic Journal are used since these use SHFILE resources. Additionally since applications and other servers may allocate SHFILE resources dynamically, there is no easy way to determine an upper limit to the number of workstations that can be supported, and that is why no upper limit has been specified - since it depends on the configuration. Even though LANDP Customisation relaxes the limits on the number of SHFILE clients + sessions, you could subsequently encounter an NS error at run-time which will indicate that the number of SHFILE logical units of work have been exceeded. =============================================================================== ID=EHCPDT VL=RH002 HC56541A -------------------------------------------------------- HC56541 - LANDP V4 - EHCPDT font too big using Warp 4 GRADD video driver HC47847 - LANDP V4 - EHCPDT.EXE can't scroll files with over 32k records =============================================================================== ID=EHCPDT VL=PO001 HC61037 -------------------------------------------------------- HC61037 - LANDP V4 - Data fields in EHCPDT.EXE are badly misaligned =============================================================================== ID=EHCPDTDL VL=RH002 HC47847 -------------------------------------------------------- HC47847 - LANDP V4 - EHCPDT.EXE can't scroll files with over 32k records HC44385 - LANDP V4 - EHCPDT on LANDP for OS/2 shows the wrong LANDP version and product number during startup of the utility. =============================================================================== ID=EHCPLN VL=RH002 HC65920 ------------------------------------------------------- HC65920 - LANDP V4 - EHCPLN does not work remotely. EHCPLN is not a client of RCMS on the remote machine and so cannot sent it the PL message to get the new RCMSPLAN read. HC22638 LANDP V4 - EHCPLN stores a corrupted form of the YY (year) field supplied by a user in RCMSPLAN.xxx (where xxx is either NEW or a workstation ID) in the internal file RCMSPLAN.TXT. ========================================================================== ID=EHCPLN VL=XA002 HC65920 -------------------------------------------------------- HC65920 - LANDP V4 - EHCPLN does not work remotely. EHCPLN is not a client of RCMS on the remote machine and so cannot sent it the PL message to get the new RCMSPLAN read. HC22638 LANDP V4 - EHCPLN stores a corrupted form of the YY (year) field supplied by a user in RCMSPLAN.xxx (where xxx is either NEW or a workstation ID) in the internal file RCMSPLAN.TXT. ========================================================================== ID=EHCPLN VL=PO001 HC65920 -------------------------------------------------------- HC65920 - LANDP V4 - EHCPLN does not work remotely. EHCPLN is not a client of RCMS on the remote machine and so cannot sent it the PL message to get the new RCMSPLAN read. HC30537 - LANDP V4 - Add RCMS support to LANDP for NT =============================================================================== ID=EHCR400 VL=RH001 HC39655K -------------------------------------------------------- HC39655 - LANDP V4 - This fix delivers LANDP support for the Euro currency symbol. As a middleware product running on several software platforms, LANDP cannot achieve Euro-enablement in isolation. Related products also need to be updated to support the Euro. Other products that coexist with LANDP will continue to implement Euro symbol support, and this is likely to have an ongoing effect on LANDP. A Web page is provided to keep customers informed of the present situation, and will be updated when changes occur. See http://www.software.ibm.com/ts/landp =============================================================================== ID=EHCR400 VL=XA001 HC39655J -------------------------------------------------------- HC39655 - LANDP V4 - This fix delivers LANDP support for the Euro currency symbol. As a middleware product running on several software platforms, LANDP cannot achieve Euro-enablement in isolation. Related products also need to be updated to support the Euro. Other products that coexist with LANDP will continue to implement Euro symbol support, and this is likely to have an ongoing effect on LANDP. A Web page is provided to keep customers informed of the present situation, and will be updated when changes occur. See http://www.software.ibm.com/ts/landp =============================================================================== ID=EHCSQL## VL=RH002 HC40611 -------------------------------------------------------- HC40611 - LANDP V4 - The ehcsql##.exe abends HC35831 - LANDP V4 - The SQL server abends when used with UDB V5 =============================================================================== ID=EHCSQLRQ VL=RH001 HC35831B -------------------------------------------------------- HC35831 - LANDP V4 - The SQL server abends when used with UDB V5 =============================================================================== ID=EHCTRACW VL=PO002 HC68836E -------------------------------------------------------- HC68836 - LANDP V4 - LDA7.EXE closed down randomly with L5 rc in branch HC43470 - LANDP V4 - The WriteError procedure in EHCTRAC1.c allocates a buffer variable that is not freed at the end of the procedure, leading to a memory leak. =============================================================================== ID=EHCTRACW VL=RH001 HC49418 -------------------------------------------------------- HC49418 - LANDP V4 - An error message sent to the error log cannot be sequenced matched with the records in the trace log. =============================================================================== ID=EHCVAL VL=XA004 HC48077C -------------------------------------------------------- HC48077 - LANDP V4 - EHC0137 Error trying to copy files. EHCVAL may be invoked when running AUTOFBSS). HC43723 - LANDP V4 - On DOS workstations, the EHCVAL command, issued as part of the LANDP AUTOFBSS startup sequence, fails The file SM?.MSG does not exist. HC40708 - LANDP V4 - The EHCVAL command, issued as part of the LANDP AUTOFBSS startup sequence, does not copy all files required for running some LANDP servers on Windows NT HC23936 LANDP V4 - 1.EHCVAL can fail to copy all files required for RCMS 2.EHCVAL running on Windows NT fails with the EHC0132 - Error trying to read FBSSPATH.DAT file. ========================================================================== ID=EHCVAL VL=PO003 HC48077B -------------------------------------------------------- HC48077 - LANDP V4 - EHC0137 Error trying to copy files. EHCVAL may be invoked when running AUTOFBSS). HC40708 - LANDP V4 - The EHCVAL command, issued as part of the LANDP AUTOFBSS startup sequence, does not copy all files required for running some LANDP servers on Windows NT HC23936 LANDP V4 - 1.EHCVAL can fail to copy all files required for RCMS 2.EHCVAL running on Windows NT fails with the EHC0132 - Error trying to read FBSSPATH.DAT file. ========================================================================== ID=EHCVAL VL=RH003 HC48077A -------------------------------------------------------- HC48077 - LANDP V4 - EHC0137 Error trying to copy files. EHCVAL may be invoked when running AUTOFBSS). HC40708 - LANDP V4 - The EHCVAL command, issued as part of the LANDP AUTOFBSS startup sequence, does not copy all files required for running some LANDP servers on Windows NT HC23936 LANDP V4 - 1.EHCVAL can fail to copy all files required for RCMS 2.EHCVAL running on Windows NT fails with the EHC0132 - Error trying to read FBSSPATH.DAT file. ========================================================================== ID=EHCVDSPV VL=PO002 HC59482 -------------------------------------------------------- HC59482 - LANDP V4 - Repeated pressing of ENTER key during WM to Shared file from application in the Dosbox can give a GE return code from the supervisor (SPV). GE is a normal return code from Shared file but not from the Supervisor. DESC.6 DESC.7 DESC.8 HC52674 - LANDP V4 - WM handling of keystrokes slow for applications running in the NT DOS box. =============================================================================== ID=EHCVSLC1 VL=XA004 HC52654G -------------------------------------------------------- HC52654 - LANDP V4 - Corrects further Customisation problems related to the 4748 printer server HC49636 - LANDP V4 - Corrects various Customisation problems related to the 4748 printer server HC46265 - LANDP V4 - This delivers the LANDP Customization support for the PC/TCP implementation of TCP/IP (PC/TCP Network Software V5) as a transport protocol. HC37135 - LANDP V4 - This fix relaxes the previously applied limits within LANDP Customisation that restricted the number of SHFILE clients + sessions. The new limit is 243. The limit on the number of SHFILE clients has been increased from 150 to 240. However, it is necessary to be very cautious about the performance capabilities of the Shared File server. The previous Customisation limits were imposed in view of the performance limitation of Shared File server. Clearly the number of clients supported will depend upon the nature of the access usage. The above maximum applies to the number of sessions using SHFILE services, (there could be multiple sessions per workstation). This maximum number of supported clients may be further reduced if Store For Forwarder or Electronic Journal are used since these use SHFILE resources. Additionally since applications and other servers may allocate SHFILE resources dynamically, there is no easy way to determine an upper limit to the number of workstations that can be supported, and that is why no upper limit has been specified - since it depends on the configuration. Even though LANDP Customisation relaxes the limits on the number of SHFILE clients + sessions, you could subsequently encounter an NS error at run-time which will indicate that the number of SHFILE logical units of work have been exceeded. =============================================================================== ID=EHCVSLC1 VL=RH004 HC52654H -------------------------------------------------------- HC52654 - LANDP V4 - Corrects further Customisation problems related to the 4748 printer server HC49636 - LANDP V4 - Corrects various Customisation problems related to the 4748 printer server HC46265 - LANDP V4 - This delivers the LANDP Customization support for the PC/TCP implementation of TCP/IP (PC/TCP Network Software V5) as a transport protocol. HC37135 - LANDP V4 - This fix relaxes the previously applied limits within LANDP Customisation that restricted the number of SHFILE clients + sessions. The new limit is 243. The limit on the number of SHFILE clients has been increased from 150 to 240. However, it is necessary to be very cautious about the performance capabilities of the Shared File server. The previous Customisation limits were imposed in view of the performance limitation of Shared File server. Clearly the number of clients supported will depend upon the nature of the access usage. The above maximum applies to the number of sessions using SHFILE services, (there could be multiple sessions per workstation). This maximum number of supported clients may be further reduced if Store For Forwarder or Electronic Journal are used since these use SHFILE resources. Additionally since applications and other servers may allocate SHFILE resources dynamically, there is no easy way to determine an upper limit to the number of workstations that can be supported, and that is why no upper limit has been specified - since it depends on the configuration. Even though LANDP Customisation relaxes the limits on the number of SHFILE clients + sessions, you could subsequently encounter an NS error at run-time which will indicate that the number of SHFILE logical units of work have been exceeded. =============================================================================== ID=EHCVSLC2 VL=XA001 HC49636A -------------------------------------------------------- HC49636 - LANDP V4 - Corrects various Customisation problems related to the 4748 printer server =============================================================================== ID=EHCVSLC2 VL=RH001 HC49636B -------------------------------------------------------- HC49636 - LANDP V4 - Corrects various Customisation problems related to the 4748 printer server =============================================================================== ID=EHCVSLIM VL=RH001 HC41815B -------------------------------------------------------- HC41815 - LANDP V4 - Running VALSPEC LAN in Customisation, with SERVER=X25NAT defined in the specification file, resulted in EHC0717 (0 clients allowed) =============================================================================== ID=EHCVSLIM VL=XA001 HC41815A -------------------------------------------------------- HC41815 - LANDP V4 - Running VALSPEC LAN in Customisation, with SERVER=X25NAT defined in the specification file, resulted in EHC0717 (0 clients allowed) =============================================================================== ID=EHCVSMCL VL=XA004 HC52654E -------------------------------------------------------- HC52654 - LANDP V4 - Corrects further Customisation problems related to the 4748 printer server HC49636 - LANDP V4 - Corrects various Customisation problems related to the 4748 printer server HC46265 - LANDP V4 - This delivers the LANDP Customization support for the PC/TCP implementation of TCP/IP (PC/TCP Network Software V5) as a transport protocol. HC37135 - LANDP V4 - This fix relaxes the previously applied limits within LANDP Customisation that restricted the number of SHFILE clients + sessions. The new limit is 243. The limit on the number of SHFILE clients has been increased from 150 to 240. However, it is necessary to be very cautious about the performance capabilities of the Shared File server. The previous Customisation limits were imposed in view of the performance limitation of Shared File server. Clearly the number of clients supported will depend upon the nature of the access usage. The above maximum applies to the number of sessions using SHFILE services, (there could be multiple sessions per workstation). This maximum number of supported clients may be further reduced if Store For Forwarder or Electronic Journal are used since these use SHFILE resources. Additionally since applications and other servers may allocate SHFILE resources dynamically, there is no easy way to determine an upper limit to the number of workstations that can be supported, and that is why no upper limit has been specified - since it depends on the configuration. Even though LANDP Customisation relaxes the limits on the number of SHFILE clients + sessions, you could subsequently encounter an NS error at run-time which will indicate that the number of SHFILE logical units of work have been exceeded. =============================================================================== ID=EHCVSMCL VL=RH004 HC52654F -------------------------------------------------------- HC52654 - LANDP V4 - Corrects further Customisation problems related to the 4748 printer server HC49636 - LANDP V4 - Corrects various Customisation problems related to the 4748 printer server HC46265 - LANDP V4 - This delivers the LANDP Customization support for the PC/TCP implementation of TCP/IP (PC/TCP Network Software V5) as a transport protocol. HC37135 - LANDP V4 - This fix relaxes the previously applied limits within LANDP Customisation that restricted the number of SHFILE clients + sessions. The new limit is 243. The limit on the number of SHFILE clients has been increased from 150 to 240. However, it is necessary to be very cautious about the performance capabilities of the Shared File server. The previous Customisation limits were imposed in view of the performance limitation of Shared File server. Clearly the number of clients supported will depend upon the nature of the access usage. The above maximum applies to the number of sessions using SHFILE services, (there could be multiple sessions per workstation). This maximum number of supported clients may be further reduced if Store For Forwarder or Electronic Journal are used since these use SHFILE resources. Additionally since applications and other servers may allocate SHFILE resources dynamically, there is no easy way to determine an upper limit to the number of workstations that can be supported, and that is why no upper limit has been specified - since it depends on the configuration. Even though LANDP Customisation relaxes the limits on the number of SHFILE clients + sessions, you could subsequently encounter an NS error at run-time which will indicate that the number of SHFILE logical units of work have been exceeded. =============================================================================== ID=EHCVSMCW VL=XA002 HC52654C -------------------------------------------------------- HC52654 - LANDP V4 - Corrects further Customisation problems related to the 4748 printer server HC49636 - LANDP V4 - Corrects various Customisation problems related to the 4748 printer server =============================================================================== ID=EHCVSMCW VL=RH002 HC52654D -------------------------------------------------------- HC52654 - LANDP V4 - Corrects further Customisation problems related to the 4748 printer server HC49636 - LANDP V4 - Corrects various Customisation problems related to the 4748 printer server =============================================================================== ID=EHCVSPE0 VL=XA001 HC53678G -------------------------------------------------------- HC53678 - LANDP V4 - Corrects Customisation problems related to FBSI support =============================================================================== ID=EHCVSPE0 VL=RH001 HC53678H -------------------------------------------------------- HC53678 - LANDP V4 - Corrects Customisation problems related to FBSI support =============================================================================== ID=EHCVSVG0 VL=RH004 HC73455B -------------------------------------------------------- HC73455 - LANDP V4 - In LANDP Customization, incorrect database definition information is generated when segmented keys are defined like SHFLSGM SGMKEY=04 The leading '0' is a problem, and if you put SHFLSGM SGMKEY=4, then it works correctly. HC72125 - LANDP V4 - LANDP customisation does not handle segmented keys when RECNAME is specified in the SHFLDBD vector (USED TO REFERENCE A FIELD IN THE RECORD structure definition). HC49256 - LANDP V4 - Using VALSPEC with SHFLDBD, SFLPCB, and SHFLSGM vectors, message 'EHC02176 Total key length cannot be greater than 255' may be incorrectly issued. This should only apply to segmented keys, for which the total of all the segments cannot exceed 255. HC43757 - LANDP V4 - On Taiwanese DOS, load of Big-5 translation server EHCDBTR gives loader error B1. =============================================================================== ID=EHCVSVG0 VL=XA004 HC73455A -------------------------------------------------------- HC73455 - LANDP V4 - In LANDP Customization, incorrect database definition information is generated when segmented keys are defined like SHFLSGM SGMKEY=04 The leading '0' is a problem, and if you put SHFLSGM SGMKEY=4, then it works correctly. HC72125 - LANDP V4 - LANDP customisation does not handle segmented keys when RECNAME is specified in the SHFLDBD vector (USED TO REFERENCE A FIELD IN THE RECORD structure definition). HC49256 - LANDP V4 - Using VALSPEC with SHFLDBD, SFLPCB, and SHFLSGM vectors, message 'EHC02176 Total key length cannot be greater than 255' may be incorrectly issued. This should only apply to segmented keys, for which the total of all the segments cannot exceed 255. HC43757 - LANDP V4 - On Taiwanese DOS, load of Big-5 translation server EHCDBTR gives loader error B1. =============================================================================== ID=EHCVSVG1 VL=XA001 HC39655A -------------------------------------------------------- HC39655 - LANDP V4 - This fix delivers LANDP support for the Euro currency symbol. As a middleware product running on several software platforms, LANDP cannot achieve Euro-enablement in isolation. Related products also need to be updated to support the Euro. Other products that coexist with LANDP will continue to implement Euro symbol support, and this is likely to have an ongoing effect on LANDP. A Web page is provided to keep customers informed of the present situation, and will be updated when changes occur. See http://www.software.ibm.com/ts/landp =============================================================================== ID=EHCVSVG1 VL=RH001 HC39655B -------------------------------------------------------- HC39655 - LANDP V4 - This fix delivers LANDP support for the Euro currency symbol. As a middleware product running on several software platforms, LANDP cannot achieve Euro-enablement in isolation. Related products also need to be updated to support the Euro. Other products that coexist with LANDP will continue to implement Euro symbol support, and this is likely to have an ongoing effect on LANDP. A Web page is provided to keep customers informed of the present situation, and will be updated when changes occur. See http://www.software.ibm.com/ts/landp =============================================================================== ID=EHCWINNT VL=PO027 HC76130B -------------------------------------------------------- HC76130 - LANDP V4 - Memory leak in clients when remote machines join or leave Workgroup. The ** and && sent to the client are type 1 from SPV and cannot be read in so stay in memory. DESC.5 DESC.6 HC75742 - LANDP V4 - Remote messages that are replied to using RMTRPLY get the message type changed to type 2 instead of type 3.This is a regression caused by apar HC55479 HC70287 - LANDP V4 - If you continually stop and start your application you eventually run out of semaphores this results in a return code of 290. HC68177 - LANDP V4 - If there is a timer tick message queued to be read in by an application and a previous message turns off the timer tick function then an abend occurs when the the queued timer tick message is read HC68836 - LANDP V4 - LDA7.EXE closed down randomly with L5 rc in branch rollout HC67454 - LANDP V4 - The whole LANDP system would suddenly lock giving rc= 0x38 to any new task started eg ehcfree or ehcinfo would not work. Caused by the shared memory being full HC63837 - LANDP V4 - Customer experiences occasional SPV or LDA7 abends with event log entry rc = 0x156 Queue Empty error. DESC.3 HC55479 - LANDP V4 - The Tracing routine did not trace requests on a remote machine and did not trace the reply parameters and data on the remote machine HC54617 - LANDP V4 - Multiple IN's to the SPV from the same process which does not end with an EJ to the SPV causes a loadtable corruption in the SPV. This stops Z5 messages being delivered corectly despite the process being active HC52072 - LANDP V4 - The Internal return code OC does not work HC50445 - LANDP V4 - You must stop and start a landp application when the supervisor is stopped and restarted. HC49986 - LANDP V4 - SP goes into infinite loop when screensaver activates. HC49768 - LANDP V4 - EJ Abends Smalltalk Application if SPV ended HC47199 - LANDP V4 - Windows Applications Prematurely returning from RMTREQ() HC45108 - LANDP V4 - The LANDP Supervisor stops suddenly HC40610 - LANDP V4 - The WM call does not return a Server name in the Reply Parameter field Reported on X25 WM HC35832 - LANDP V4 - RC=290 (too many open handles) returned from the supervisor when running lots of short lived applications HC34739 - LANDP V4 - Missing Events on hidden Z1. Events are missed in multithreaded applications. Thread 1 does a GETREQ but Thread 2 gets a reply with a hidden Z1 which should have gone to Thread 1. HC34633 - LANDP V4 - Rc=LG from multi-threaded application. HC33182 - LANDP V4 - Rc=LB,Rc=87 loop during error recovery. HC32546 - LANDP V4 - Rc=333 followed by other errors. HC27528 - LANDP V4 - Supervisor will not load. It returns loader error 0x55 "LAN.CFG" format nt valid. HC22639 LANDP V4 - Supervisor function SP abends the Supervisor ========================================================================== ID=EHCXLATE VL=PO001 HC39655L -------------------------------------------------------- HC39655 - LANDP V4 - This fix delivers LANDP support for the Euro currency symbol. As a middleware product running on several software platforms, LANDP cannot achieve Euro-enablement in isolation. Related products also need to be updated to support the Euro. Other products that coexist with LANDP will continue to implement Euro symbol support, and this is likely to have an ongoing effect on LANDP. A Web page is provided to keep customers informed of the present situation, and will be updated when changes occur. See http://www.software.ibm.com/ts/landp =============================================================================== ID=EMU3270 VL=PX006 HC60688 -------------------------------------------------------- HC60688 - LANDP V4 - 3270 cursor positioned incorrectly by emulator when input stream contained program tab order. HC55519 - LANDP V4 - 1)3270 Emulator caused system to revert to ROM-based character font after emulating 132 character screen 2)DDT reset any unrecognised video modes to mode 3 on exit, reverting to ROM-based character font. HC52981 - LANDP V4 - In previous release, emulator connected to session at loading time, and there was no check on time delay between multiple key presses on print screen key. On IV4, connection made at hotkey time, and 3 second delay implemented on print screen key. Both these enhancements cause problems. DESC.5 HC51841 - LANDP V4 - Reentrancy issues, errors reported with cryptography modules Problems with AID key handling, error in reporting row/col position Repeat of last input character HC37021 - LANDP V4 - The 3270 emulator sometimes causes a system hang when the API interface is being used (typically by CT) on a busy system. The low-level interrupt handler code was not re-entrant, which caused API requests to become muddled up with SPV requests (usually timer ticks). HC35084 - LANDP V4 - Bind image from AS/400 host was being rejected. HLLAPI was returning incorrect return codes. =============================================================================== ID=EMU3270C VL=PX006 HC60688C -------------------------------------------------------- HC60688 - LANDP V4 - 3270 cursor positioned incorrectly by emulator when input stream contained program tab order. HC55519 - LANDP V4 - 1)3270 Emulator caused system to revert to ROM-based character font after emulating 132 character screen 2)DDT reset any unrecognised video modes to mode 3 on exit, reverting to ROM-based character font. HC52981 - LANDP V4 - In previous release, emulator connected to session at loading time, and there was no check on time delay between multiple key presses on print screen key. On IV4, connection made at hotkey time, and 3 second delay implemented on print screen key. Both these enhancements cause problems. HC51841 - LANDP V4 - Reentrancy issues, errors reported with cryptography modules Problems with AID key handling, error in reporting row/col position Repeat of last input character HC37021 - LANDP V4 - The 3270 emulator sometimes causes a system hang when the API interface is being used (typically by CT) on a busy system. The low-level interrupt handler code was not re-entrant, which caused API requests to become muddled up with SPV requests (usually timer ticks). HC35084 - LANDP V4 - Bind image from AS/400 host was being rejected. HLLAPI was returning incorrect return codes. =============================================================================== ID=EMU3270D VL=XA006 HC60688D -------------------------------------------------------- HC60688 - LANDP V4 - 3270 cursor positioned incorrectly by emulator when input stream contained program tab order. HC55519 - LANDP V4 - 1)3270 Emulator caused system to revert to ROM-based character font after emulating 132 character screen 2)DDT reset any unrecognised video modes to mode 3 on exit, reverting to ROM-based character font. HC51841 - LANDP V4 - Reentrancy issues, errors reported with cryptography modules Problems with AID key handling, error in reporting row/col position Repeat of last input character HC37021 - LANDP V4 - The 3270 emulator sometimes causes a system hang when the API interface is being used (typically by CT) on a busy system. The low-level interrupt handler code was not re-entrant, which caused API requests to become muddled up with SPV requests (usually timer ticks). HC35084 - LANDP V4 - Bind image from AS/400 host was being rejected. HLLAPI was returning incorrect return codes. =============================================================================== ID=EMU3287 VL=PX002 HC59627 -------------------------------------------------------- HC59627 - LANDP V4 - Loading the 3287 emulator server on a DOS workstation with certain WSID's caused the SPV to exit with DOS rc=02. HC45456 - LANDP V4 - Various DBCS fixes as a result of a site trip. Some DBCS charcaters not ooutput correctly =============================================================================== ID=EMU3287R VL=PX001 HC59627 -------------------------------------------------------- HC59627 - LANDP V4 - Loading the 3287 emulator server on a DOS workstation with certain WSID's caused the SPV to exit with DOS rc=02. =============================================================================== ID=FBHLLAPI VL=PX002 HC37021H -------------------------------------------------------- HC37021 - LANDP V4 - The 3270 emulator sometimes causes a system hang when the API interface is being used (typically by CT) on a busy system. The low-level interrupt handler code was not re-entrant, which caused API requests to become muddled up with SPV requests (usually timer ticks). HC35084 - LANDP V4 - Bind image from AS/400 host was being rejected. HLLAPI was returning incorrect return codes. =============================================================================== ID=GENLOG VL=XR001 HC43358 -------------------------------------------------------- HC43358 - LANDP V4 - 3) PROBLEM SUMMARY :OS2 WARP FIXPACK 32 CAUSES PROBLEMS WITH LOG DESC.2 =============================================================================== ID=GENLOG VL=PO001 HC43358 -------------------------------------------------------- HC43358 - LANDP V4 - 3) PROBLEM SUMMARY :OS2 WARP FIXPACK 32 CAUSES PROBLEMS WITH LOG DESC.2 =============================================================================== ID=LAN VL=RH005 HC37354A -------------------------------------------------------- HC37354 - LANDP V4 - Rc=56, mutiple adapters, not sure what's special. NCB.FIND.NAME returned only 4 bytes. HC29215 - LANDP V4 - Rc=56, mutiple adapters, one (claims to be) PC net. HC29301 - LANDP V4 - No recovery from NetBIOS send timeout on Windows/NT. Difference between OS/2 and Windows/NT NetBIOS. HC24852 - LANDP V4 - Excessive LAN traffic during LANDP start-up. HC22795 - LANDP V4 - Rc=56 with multiple adapters & locally administered address. ========================================================================== ID=LAN VL=PO005 HC37354B -------------------------------------------------------- HC37354 - LANDP V4 - Rc=56, mutiple adapters, not sure what's special. NCB.FIND.NAME returned only 4 bytes. HC29215 - LANDP V4 - Rc=56, mutiple adapters, one (claims to be) PC net. HC29301 - LANDP V4 - No recovery from NetBIOS send timeout on Windows/NT. Difference between OS/2 and Windows/NT NetBIOS. HC24852 - LANDP V4 - Excessive LAN traffic during LANDP start-up. HC22795 - LANDP V4 - Rc=56 with multiple adapters & locally administered address. ========================================================================== ID=LICDEF.H HC43472 -------------------------------------------------------- HC43472 - LANDP V4 - licdef.h causes compile errors for NT servers by trying to include os2.h ========================================================================== ID=LNFEDIT VL=XR001 HC30537D -------------------------------------------------------- HC30537 - LANDP V4 - Add RCMS support to LANDP for NT =============================================================================== ID=LOADER VL=PO002 HC68836C -------------------------------------------------------- HC68836 - LANDP V4 - LDA7.EXE closed down randomly with L5 rc in branch HC63839 - LANDP V4 - When either SNA##.EXE or SPV.EXE are run on an SMP workstation running Windows NT, if they are run in a separate processor from the other LANDP Services then LANDP Abends can occur. Although these timing problems can occur on a uniprocessor they are much more frequent on an SMP. =============================================================================== ID=LSI VL=RP001 HC22812 -------------------------------------------------------- HC22812 - LANDP V4 - Screen save/restore error if in 132 col video mode : and the following sequence is carried out:- LSI -> DDT -> EMU3270E -> DDT -> LSI Error occurs because both hot-keyed appls are using the system video buffer. ========================================================================== ID=MSRE47## VL=PO001 HC22755M -------------------------------------------------------- HC22755 - LANDP V4 - APAR to ensure that a WM request waiting on a RD or WR from a 4777 or a RD or RS from a 4778 is resolved correctly. LANDP/NT code does not currently byte-reverse the function code and so the async notification is not recognised. Problem is fully described in defect 2976. ========================================================================== ID=PINP47## VL=PO002 HC57458 -------------------------------------------------------- HC57458 - LANDP V4 - Z5 reset request is never sent to SPV HC22755 - LANDP V4 - APAR to ensure that a WM request waiting on a RD or WR from a 4777 or a RD or RS from a 4778 is resolved correctly. LANDP/NT code does not currently byte-reverse the function code and so the async notification is not recognised. Problem is fully described in defect 2976. ========================================================================== ID=PINP47## VL=XA001 HC31095 -------------------------------------------------------- HC31095 - LANDP V4 - EX and WM calls for PINPAD device fail to return. =============================================================================== ID=PPC VL=RH003 HC54632 -------------------------------------------------------- HC54632 - LANDP V4 - Receipt of RU with CONFIRM but not CD causes loop. HC38829 - LANDP V4 - Sessions don't connect after CM/2 re-cycle. CM/2 re-cycle not detected or allowed for. HC27899 - LANDP V4 - Unexpected P0 with 2 sessions from same process. =============================================================================== ID=PR4748## VL=RH004 HC40940 -------------------------------------------------------- HC40940 - LANDP V4 - Integration of UDC fixes for Taiwan HC32945 - LANDP V4 - Some TAiwan UDC codes return P6 HC31551 - LANDP V4 - DBCS problem from China. =============================================================================== ID=PR4748## VL=XA005 HC40940 -------------------------------------------------------- HC40940 - LANDP V4 - Integration of UDC fixes for Taiwan HC36900 - LANDP V4 - First UDC code not printed HC32946 - LANDP V4 - Some TAiwan UDC codes return P6 HC31551 - LANDP V4 - DBCS problem from China. =============================================================================== ID=PR47X2## VL=PO020 HC57180 -------------------------------------------------------- HC57180 - LANDP V4 - DEV47X2.TAB handling is different between NT and OS/2 versions of PR47X2##.EXE HC52170 - LANDP V4 - 4712 problem. doc exception and paper inserted at critcial time HC51406 - LANDP V4 - Paper low handling incorrect HC48749 - LANDP V4 - Return code 50a sent back to application HC46436 - LANDP V4 - DF commands not laying out print output correctly I5 not returned after stop key is pressed HC42315 - LANDP V4 - Start key ignored before OP. Unexpected I4 HC40050 - LANDP V4 - * Parallel attached printer will not accept certain ESC code HC37148 - LANDP V4 - * Two clients can open a parallel attached printer HC36153 - LANDP V4 - * code page support incorrect * First write after a change of DF from journal returned OK when no paper * Returned character count after synchro write incorrect HC35295 - LANDP V4 - Cut form feeding into printer after a DF command Async write with no paper giving OK rather than I7 after second write. HC33780 - LANDP V4 - DEFECT 3161. Invalid line offset after DF Process count incorrect when no paper P1 instead of L1 when printer not config HC32046 - LANDP V4 - DEFECT 3132. incorrect cutr form return code (I7 followed by I4) HC31068 - LANDP V4 - DEFECT 3123. DF not quite the same as on OS/2 HC30570 - LANDP V4 - DEFECT 3117. code changes to support YAMATO dll enhamcements for performance HC30014 - LANDP V4 - DEFECT 3094. 12CPI not honoured under ceratin circumstance HC27541 - LANDP V4 - Synchronous write returning too quickly HC26412 - LANDP V4 - DEFECT 3054. Page throw on a 4712 when a DF command issued HC24079 - LANDP V4 - I4 return code on long buffer HC22302 - LANDP V4 - a) Long Lines wrap when they shouldn't. This was due to embedded escape sequences in the text data stream not being counted correctly. b) Aborted app not allowed to reopen printer. If an application (such as SVPCPRB) was exited before a CLose command was sent then it would lock up the resources associated with it. Now the AS command (**) is handled correctly and associated resources are released when an app abends. c) Synchronous write returns too early. This was due to a to short time being allocated for the return status request. ========================================================================== ID=PR47X2## VL=RH001 HC42316 -------------------------------------------------------- HC42316 - LANDP V4 - 1st char of mag stripe dropped if in IBM mode =============================================================================== ID=PROPRIN VL=XA001 HC27233 -------------------------------------------------------- HC27233 - LANDP V4 - FBHLLAPI.EXE hangs the system when printing via the parallel port using PROPRIN.EXE =============================================================================== ID=RCMS VL=PO004 HC63004 -------------------------------------------------------- HC63004 - LANDP V4 - When downloading a file from the host you can copy the file to another file before download is complete, sometimes getting a truncated file. HC59485 - LANDP V4 - The DBCS translate function trnsdt does not work in Taiwan in os2. HC52356 - LANDP V4 - The DBCS translate function trnsdt does not work in Taiwan. HC30537 - LANDP V4 - Add RCMS support to LANDP for NT =============================================================================== ID=RCMS VL=RH003 HC59485 -------------------------------------------------------- HC59485 - LANDP V4 - The DBCS translate function trnsdt does not work in Taiwan in os2. HC52356 - LANDP V4 - The DBCS translate function trnsdt does not work in Taiwan. HC47372 - LANDP V4 - RCMS.EXE abends if file EHCRCMS.LOG does not exist. =============================================================================== ID=SERVERS VL=PO001 HC44545 -------------------------------------------------------- HC44545 - LANDP V4 - VERSION.EXE does not show version of BIWP.EXE =============================================================================== ID=SERVFBSS VL=PX006 HC53678I -------------------------------------------------------- HC53678 - LANDP V4 - Corrects Customisation problems related to FBSI support HC49636 - LANDP V4 - Corrects various Customisation problems related to the 4748 printer server HC44426 - LANDP V4 - Some implementations of BIWP running on DOS/Windows 3.1 or Windows 3.11 require LSI.EXE and EHCWBIWP.EXE to be distributed to the target workstation. HC37135 - LANDP V4 - This fix relaxes the previously applied limits within LANDP Customisation that restricted the number of SHFILE clients + sessions. The new limit is 243. The limit on the number of SHFILE clients has been increased from 150 to 240. However, it is necessary to be very cautious about the performance capabilities of the Shared File server. The previous Customisation limits were imposed in view of the performance limitation of Shared File server. Clearly the number of clients supported will depend upon the nature of the access usage. The above maximum applies to the number of sessions using SHFILE services, (there could be multiple sessions per workstation). This maximum number of supported clients may be further reduced if Store For Forwarder or Electronic Journal are used since these use SHFILE resources. Additionally since applications and other servers may allocate SHFILE resources dynamically, there is no easy way to determine an upper limit to the number of workstations that can be supported, and that is why no upper limit has been specified - since it depends on the configuration. Even though LANDP Customisation relaxes the limits on the number of SHFILE clients + sessions, you could subsequently encounter an NS error at run-time which will indicate that the number of SHFILE logical units of work have been exceeded. HC32193 - LANDP V4 - In LANDP Customisation, if a request is made to include a 4770 server on an OS/2 workstation, the GENRUN utility fails to include FIOPRT.DCP in the list of files to be later distributed to the OS/2 workstation by the GETTING utility. HC30554 - LANDP V4 - LANDP Customisation to support the RCMS server being specified to run on a workstation that is running LANDP for Windows NT. =============================================================================== ID=SHFILE## VL=RH000 HC61421 -------------------------------------------------------- HC61421 - LANDP V4 - Shared File Server Hold next and Keep next functions do not process correctly when collate keys greater than 7 bytes are used =============================================================================== ID=SHFILE## VL=PO000 HC61421 -------------------------------------------------------- HC61421 - LANDP V4 - Shared File Server Hold next and Keep next functions do not process correctly when collate keys greater than 7 bytes are used =============================================================================== ID=SMGR VL=XA002 HC39655G -------------------------------------------------------- HC39655 - LANDP V4 - This fix delivers LANDP support for the Euro currency symbol. As a middleware product running on several software platforms, LANDP cannot achieve Euro-enablement in isolation. Related products also need to be updated to support the Euro. Other products that coexist with LANDP will continue to implement Euro symbol support, and this is likely to have an ongoing effect on LANDP. A Web page is provided to keep customers informed of the present situation, and will be updated when changes occur. See http://www.software.ibm.com/ts/landp HC22632 - LANDP V4 - 1)SU call returns U5 error 2)Cannot mix year 2000 and non-year 2000 API calls which carry out the same function (eg UU and UX) =============================================================================== ID=SMGR VL=RH001 HC39655F -------------------------------------------------------- HC39655 - LANDP V4 - This fix delivers LANDP support for the Euro currency symbol. As a middleware product running on several software platforms, LANDP cannot achieve Euro-enablement in isolation. Related products also need to be updated to support the Euro. Other products that coexist with LANDP will continue to implement Euro symbol support, and this is likely to have an ongoing effect on LANDP. A Web page is provided to keep customers informed of the present situation, and will be updated when changes occur. See http://www.software.ibm.com/ts/landp =============================================================================== ID=SNA## VL=RH013 HC70858A -------------------------------------------------------- HC70858 - LANDP V4 - CN gives unexpected P5 return code. HC52790 - LANDP V4 - Pooling problems with > 9 sessions. Error converting ASCII to int. HC49801 - LANDP V4 - CN -> P5 and QC -> U8 problems with X25 sessions. CS/2 changes. HC48489 - LANDP V4 - Unable to re-connect sessions & failure to communicate. Various reasons, including some CS/2 problems. HC41971 - LANDP V4 - Disconnected SNA sessions are not re-connected. CN return code P5. HC40941 - LANDP V4 - RL does nothing when '}' queued HC38144 - LANDP V4 - SNA session stops responding after UNBIND from host. Due to arrival of DACTLU before UNBIND is processed. HC35613 - LANDP V4 - Lost responses or incorrect session status. HC32896 - LANDP V4 - EMU3270 issues CL and gets Rc=P2. HC29451 - LANDP V4 - Apparently no response to AID keys due to direction not being changed in response to BID. HC26728 - LANDP V4 - Brackets ended when they shouldn't be. HC24896 - LANDP V4 - Errors with encyption of multiple sessions. HC22805 - LANDP V4 - Invalid response to long cryptographic BIND. BIND truncated at invalid position. =============================================================================== ID=SNA## VL=PO013 HC70858B -------------------------------------------------------- HC70858 - LANDP V4 - CN gives unexpected P5 return code. HC52790 - LANDP V4 - Pooling problems with > 9 sessions. Error converting ASCII to int. HC49801 - LANDP V4 - CN -> P5 and QC -> U8 problems with X25 sessions. CS/2 changes. HC48489 - LANDP V4 - Unable to re-connect sessions & failure to communicate. Various reasons, including some CS/2 problems. HC41971 - LANDP V4 - Disconnected SNA sessions are not re-connected. CN return code P5. HC40941 - LANDP V4 - RL does nothing when '}' queued HC38144 - LANDP V4 - SNA session stops responding after UNBIND from host. Due to arrival of DACTLU before UNBIND is processed. HC35613 - LANDP V4 - Lost responses or incorrect session status. HC32896 - LANDP V4 - EMU3270 issues CL and gets Rc=P2. HC29451 - LANDP V4 - Apparently no response to AID keys due to direction not being changed in response to BID. HC26728 - LANDP V4 - Brackets ended when they shouldn't be. HC24896 - LANDP V4 - Errors with encyption of multiple sessions. HC22805 - LANDP V4 - Invalid response to long cryptographic BIND. BIND truncated at invalid position. =============================================================================== ID=SNA## VL=XA003 HC46450 -------------------------------------------------------- HC46450 - LANDP V4 - P7 on SH with flag8=R. HC43359 - LANDP V4 - P3 on SH with flag8=R. HC32896 - LANDP V4 - EMU3270 issues CL and gets Rc=P2. =============================================================================== ID=SPV VL=RH015 HC76130A -------------------------------------------------------- HC76130 - LANDP V4 - Memory leak in clients when remote machines join or leave Workgroup. The ** and && sent to the client are type 1 from SPV and cannot be read in so stay in memory. HC75742 - LANDP V4 - Remote messages that are replied to using RMTRPLY get the message type changed to type 2 instead of type 3.This is a regression caused by apar HC55479 HC68177 - LANDP V4 - If there is a timer tick message queued to be read in by an application and a previous message turns off the timer tick function then an abend occurs when the the queued timer tick message is read HC55479 - LANDP V4 - The Tracing routine did not trace requests on a remote machine and did not trace the reply parameters and data on the remote machine HC52072 - LANDP V4 - The Internal return code OC does not work HC44037 - LANDP V4 - The LANDP ehctracw tracing give no output HC27528 - LANDP V4 - Supervisor will not load returns error in LAN.CFG HC40610 - LANDP V4 - The WM call does not return a Server name in the Reply Parameter field Reported on X25 WM HC34739 - LANDP V4 - Missing Events on hidden Z1. Events are missed in multithreaded applications. Thread 1 does a GETREQ but Thread 2 gets a reply with a hidden Z1 which should have gone to Thread 1. HC34633 - LANDP V4 - Rc=LG from multi-threaded application. HC33182 - LANDP V4 - Rc=LB,Rc=87 loop during error recovery. HC32546 - LANDP V4 - Rc=333 followed by other errors. HC24852 - LANDP V4 - Excessive LAN traffic during LANDP start-up. =============================================================================== ID=SPV VL=XA001 HC24852A -------------------------------------------------------- HC24852 - LANDP V4 - Excessive LAN traffic during LANDP start-up. =============================================================================== ID=SPV VL=PO026 HC76130A -------------------------------------------------------- HC76130 - LANDP V4 - Memory leak in clients when remote machines join or leave Workgroup. The ** and && sent to the client are type 1 from SPV and cannot be read in so stay in memory. HC70287 - LANDP V4 - If you continually stop and start your application you eventually run out of semaphores this results in a return code of 290. HC68177 - LANDP V4 - If there is a timer tick message queued to be read in by an application and a previous message turns off the timer tick function then an abend occurs when the the queued timer tick message is read HC68836 - LANDP V4 - LDA7.EXE closed down randomly with L5 rc in branch HC63837 - LANDP V4 - Customer experiences occasional SPV or LDA7 abends with event log entry rc = 0x156 Queue Empty error. HC55479 - LANDP V4 - The Tracing routine did not trace requests on a remote machine and did not trace the reply parameters and data on the remote machine HC54617 - LANDP V4 - Multiple IN's to the SPV from the same process which does not end with an EJ to the SPV causes a loadtable corruption in the SPV. This stops Z5 messages being delivered correctly despite the process being active HC52072 - LANDP V4 - The Internal return code OC does not work HC50445 - LANDP V4 - You must stop and start a landp application when the supervisor is stopped and restarted. HC49986 - LANDP V4 - SP goes into infinite loop when screensaver activates. HC49768 - LANDP V4 - EJ Abends Smalltalk Application if SPV ended HC47199 - LANDP V4 - Windows Applications Prematurely returning from RMTREQ() HC45108 - LANDP V4 - The LANDP Supervisor stops suddenly HC40610 - LANDP V4 - The WM call does not return a Server name in the Reply Parameter field Reported on X25 WM HC35832 - LANDP V4 - RC=290 (too many open handles) returned from the supervisor when running lots of short lived applications HC34739 - LANDP V4 - Missing Events on hidden Z1. Events are missed in multithreaded applications. Thread 1 does a GETREQ but Thread 2 gets a reply with a hidden Z1 which should have gone to Thread 1. HC34633 - LANDP V4 - Rc=LG from multi-threaded application. HC33182 - LANDP V4 - Rc=LB,Rc=87 loop during error recovery. HC32546 - LANDP V4 - Rc=333 followed by other errors. HC27528 - LANDP V4 - Supervisor will not load. It returns loader error 0x55 "LAN.CFG" format nt valid. HC24852 - LANDP V4 - Excessive LAN traffic during LANDP start-up. =============================================================================== ID=TYPELOG VL=XR000 HC63908 -------------------------------------------------------- HC63908 - LANDP V4 - Windows 2000 Short Date Format (with 4 digit year) Causes Incorrect Year To Be Displayed By TYPELOG.EXE =============================================================================== ID=TYPELOG VL=PO000 HC63908 -------------------------------------------------------- HC63908 - LANDP V4 - Windows 2000 Short Date Format (with 4 digit year) Causes Incorrect Year To Be Displayed By TYPELOG.EXE =============================================================================== ID=VALLIST VL=PX001 HC46265B -------------------------------------------------------- HC46265 - LANDP V4 - This delivers the LANDP Customization support for the PC/TCP implementation of TCP/IP (PC/TCP Network Software V5) as a transport protocol. =============================================================================== ID=VERSION VL=PO001 HC53678J -------------------------------------------------------- HC53678 - LANDP V4 - Corrects Customisation problems related to FBSI support =============================================================================== ID=VERSION VL=XR001 HC53678K -------------------------------------------------------- HC53678 - LANDP V4 - Corrects Customisation problems related to FBSI support =============================================================================== ID=X25DLC2 VL=XA002 HC52552 -------------------------------------------------------- HC52552 - LANDP V4 - Various errors. HC44289 01 LANDP V4 - No connection after version 3 and version 4 migration. Caused by compiler differences. =============================================================================== ID=X25NAT## VL=RH001 HC55636 -------------------------------------------------------- HC55636 01 LANDP V4 - Missing '}' flag due to the following '{' flag arriving before '}' flag read. =============================================================================== ID=X25NAT## VL=XA001 HC50743 -------------------------------------------------------- HC50743 01 LANDP V4 - Problem varies with application and data. ********************************************************************** * * * END OF FILE * * * ********************************************************************** IMPORTANT PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS. DOWNLOADING THE SERVICE FIX THAT FOLLOWS, INDICATES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: - YOU MUST BE, AND YOU AGREE THAT YOU ARE, A PRIOR LICENSEE OF LANDP VERSION 4. - YOU MAY ONLY USE THIS SERVICE FIX FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES - ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF YOUR LANDP VERSION 4 LICENSE AGREEMENT APPLY TO THIS SERVICE FIX; HOWEVER, THIS DOES NOT EXTEND ANY WARRANTY OUTLINED IN SUCH AGREEMENT.