IBM LAN Distance V1.1/V1.11 ServicePak IPF8205 French Version.1.1 This Package is intended to service LAN Distance V1.1 and V1.11 OS/2 Connection Servers, and remotes, and LAN Distance Remote for Windows. (WARP Server enablement has been added) NOTE:syslevel will be LDF8205 This ServicePak provides service for the following versions of LAN Distance: IBM LAN Distance Connection Server for OS/2, 8 port V1.1 and 1.11 For use with OS/2 2.0 or higher. IBM LAN Distance Connection Server for OS/2, V1.1 and V1.11 For use with OS/2 2.0 or higher. IBM LAN Distance Remote for OS/2, V1.1 and V1.11 For use with OS/2 2.0 or higher. IBM LAN Distance Remote for Windows, V1.1 and V1.11 For use with OS/2 2.0 or higher. View the IPF8205.INF for a list of all APAR's, in addition it contains useful information regarding installation and enhancements in this ServicePak. If you are a Windows remote user please review 8205WIN. RME. Both files are located on the first diskette of this ServicePak Read LSESSERV NEWS for information on other PSP service offerings. Diskettes can be created using the LOADDSKF utility, this utility is available at ps/products/os2/tools. ********************************************************************** LSESSERV.NEW * PSP service offering, news, and updates IPF8205.LAB * Label file LDFRTOB1.DSK * CRC=X'D556' Service Tool Disk 3.50" 1.44MG LF8205B1.DSK * CRC=X'BD0A' Service diskette #1 3.50" 1.44MG LF8205B2.DSK * CRC=X'1A79' Service diskette #2 3.50" 1.44MG LF8205B3.DSK * CRC=X'5CDD' Service diskette #3 3.50" 1.44MG LF8205B4.DSK * CRC=X'27A7' Service diskette #4 3.50" 1.44MG LF8205B5.DSK * CRC=X'BB99' Service diskette #5 3.50" 1.44MG **********************************************************************