Guide to installing OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore Corrective Service Package 30J9014 : JAPANESE ====================================================================== Corrective service diskettes (CSDs) are provided here as diskette images. The diskette image file names are the CSD names, with an extension of DK1 for the first diskette and DK2 for the second. For example, the files for CSD 30J9014 are 30J9014.DK1 and 30J9014.DK2. To install a CSD you will need a service tool diskette. This is also provided as a diskette image, in file SERVICE.DSK. In order to make diskettes from these image files, the utility program LOADDSKF.EXE is provided. You should download the image files for the CSD you require and, if you do not already have them, the files SERVICE.DSK and LOADDSKF.EXE. Then create diskettes from the images by running LOADDSKF. Executing this program with no parameters will give you help on how to use it.