OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore V 6.0 FixPak Brazilian : 30B9102 ====================================================================== FixPaks are provided as diskette images, with the FixPak number as the file name and the extension .DKn For example, the only file needed for 30B9102 is 30B9102.DK1 NOTE : This FixPak uses the new version 1.39 of the service tool, which is also provided for download. WARNING : Once you use this version of the FixTool you will not be able to use previous versions of the FixTool to install other FixPaks on the same machine. 3009012.INF, located on the first FixPak diskette, contains installation, and other useful information about this FixPak. Please review before installation of service. In order to make diskettes from the image files the utility program LOADDSKF.EXE is provided. You should download the image files for the FixPak and service tool and create diskettes by running LOADDSKF. Executing this program with no parameters will give you help on how to use it.