This document is to explain the inconsistency of the naming of Korean FixPaks. Some Korean FxPaks are IPHnnnn, some are IPKnnnn, and some will be IPQnnnn. The goal is to have the letter in the FixPak name indicate the language of the FixPak, be unique, and be consistent with the syslevel of the GA product. This has not worked out for our Korean FixPaks. Some Korean GA LAN products were shipped with a syslevel file using the letter H to indicate Korean. Therefore, some of the FixPaks were issued as IPHnnnn (ie IPH8227 and IPH8196). Unfortunately, the letter H had also been assigned to Dutch products. To further complicate the matter, when some of the FixPaks were distributed the decision was made to post them as IPKnnnn, even though the internal syslevel files of these FixPak do indicate the original IPH designation or else they would not install. Some examples of this are IPK8260 and WRK8210. However, this was still a problem, for 2 reasons : - Greek products and FixPaks had been shipping with the letter K, so it still was not unique - The internal syslevel file and the FixPak name were not consistent The letter Q has now been officially designated for Korea, and so in the future this is the letter that should be used for new Korean products and FixPaks. However, you will still see Korean FixPaks going out with H's where necessary to match the syslevel file of the GA product. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.