IBM LAN Server 3.0 ServicePak - IPF7060 FRENCH (5.25") Version.3.0 This ServicePak services French LS 3.0 Users. Also included is the NTS/2 service for LS 3.0 users. This ServicePak is cumulative and will bring LS 3.0 users that are at Golden code IPF7000, or at a service level of IPF7001, IPF7003, or IPF7005, IPF7045, or Manufacturing Refresh 3.00.1 (IPF7040) to the a current level of fixes. The LAN Server, LAN Requester, UPM, Fault, Tolerance, DOS LAN Requester (DLR), and RIPL for LS 3.0 components are serviced, as well as providing service for the LAN Support Program v1.38 (LSP). RIPL support has also been incorporated for the WARP v3 (which enhances existing DOS and Windows), and WARP v3 (which includes DOS and Windows application support). Fixes for NTS/2 for LS 3.0 are also shipped with this package. (NOTE:WRF7060 is a separate package that includes the latest LAPs and NTS/2 support for users that are at service level V2.11 or higher and do not need to service LAN Server 3.0). It is available on this disk as WRF7060 for 5.25-inch media or WRF7060A for the 3.50-inch media. The IPF7060.INF, located on the first ServicePak diskette, contains installation, and other useful information about this ServicePak. Please review before installation of service. The CSF2-B is used for installation of this ServicePak and is considerably different from previous ServicePaks. Please retain the ServicePak Diskette for future service. Read LSESSERV NEWS for information on current, or upcoming service for LAN Server, Extended Services, and other PSP products. See IPF7060A for 3.50" package. The files contained in this package are for use only by licensed users of LAN Server 3.0 and may be applied only to machines for which a LAN Server 3.0 Entry Server, LAN Server 3.0 Advanced Server, or a LAN Server Distributed Client Feature license is held. Using the files for any purpose other than providing service to LAN Server 3.0 is unlawful. ********************************************************************* IPF7060.LAB * LABEL FILE LSESSERV.NEW * OS/2 EE, ES, and LS news FRSVTOD1.DSK * CRC=X'8CF2' ServicePak Tool Diskette 5.25" IF7060D1.DSK * CRC=X'5BA0' DISKETTE #1 5.25 1.2MB IF7060D2.DSK * CRC=X'614F' DISKETTE #2 5.25 1.2MB IF7060D3.DSK * CRC=X'7241' DISKETTE #3 5.25 1.2MB IF7060D4.DSK * CRC=X'0F33' DISKETTE #4 5.25 1.2MB IF7060D5.DSK * CRC=X'7B9C' DISKETTE #5 5.25 1.2MB IF7060D6.DSK * CRC=X'BB05' DISKETTE #6 5.25 1.2MB FLS138D1.DSK * CRC=X'47A5' 1.38 LSP #1 5.25 1.2MB *******************************************************************