* LAN Server 3.0 FixPak List ************************************************************************ * THIS IS ONLY A LIST OF THE FixPaks THAT ARE AVAILABLE for LS 3.0. * INSTRUCTIONS ARE LISTED BELOW ON HOW TO OBTAIN A FixPak: * * These Fixpaks are broken down by components and features included * in the LAN Server 3.0 product (ie.. Server, Requester, UPM, etc..) * * These FixPak's include APAR's that have been fixed for LAN Server * 3.0. It is advisable to let the LAN Server support team make a * decision, based on your problem description, to determine what you * need in the way of fixes. * * NOTE: THESE FIXES HAVE NOT BEEN REGRESSION TESTED AND ARE ONLY * AVAILABLE IN FIXTEST STATUS; If you are experiencing a problem * related to one or more of the individual component areas, contact * the Software Solutions Center at 1-800-992-4777. * * Some of the FixPak's will have duplicate APAR's that have hit two * or more modules, thus are included in each FixPak affected; * * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material * as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. ************************************************************************* * LANPTF LIST * List of current LAN Server 3.0 FixPak's * * IP07072 - LAN Server 3.0 Advanced Server (LS40HPFS) * APAR/s - IC09109 I096981 IC10701 IC10906 IC10907 IC10953 * * IP07073 - LAN Server 3.0 Entry Server (LS40ESRV) * APAR/s - IC10760 IC10287 IC09858 * * IP07075 - LAN Server 3.0 Requester (LS30REQ) * APAR/s - IC09277 IC09333 IC10268 IC10287 IC10431 IC10564 * IC10765 IC10878 IC10879 IC10880 * * IP07076 - LAN Server 3.0 Full Screen Interface (LS30FSI) * APAR/s - IC11128 * * WR07064 - LAN Server 3.0 User Profile Manager (LS30UPM) * APAR/s - JR08445 JR08554 * ************************************************************************** * LAN Server MPTS and NTS/2 FixPaks * * WR07063 - NTS/2 NETBIOS (NTS2_NETB) * APAR/s IC08621 IC10408 * Superseded PTF/s - WR07061 *