************************************************************************** WRAPI CORRECTIVE SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS FILE ************************************************************************** This package was generated to provide the current service for the IPFAF Workstation APIs (WRAPI) associated with the fix for using the supplied new password on subsequent API invocations. Previously the old password was used even though a new password was specified via a call to the FafSessionConnect() api. In addition, the Userid and Password are now sent in the Reserved data field to the CICS TCPIP Listener on the FAF host. This fix also includes the updates for the IODM Annotation support and the IODM Dynamic TCPIP support. Hence neither of those fixes should be applied after this fix, In addition you must apply the appropriate Host PTFs for IODM Annotation support. PTF - PQ21304, PQ21305, PQ21306. These PTFs prereq the IODM Dynamic TCPIP PTFs - PQ18457, PQ18173. Following are the instructions for applying the code: ************************************************************************** To install this package: 1) IPFAF and IODM must be at the Version 3.1 Level with Annotation Support fix installed on IODM. 2) This fix is simply a replacement of the WRAPI DLL file. However for completeness, all the files which have been updated by previous fixes are included, however only the DLL file is changed from the IODM Annotation fix. The files are ON OS/2 ------- EYP.H (Header file in INCLUDE path) EYPAPI.INI (Customization file in EYPINIFILE setting) EYPOAPI.LIB (Library file in LIB path) EYPOAPI.DLL (Executeable in LIBPATH) ** Changed from annotation ON WINDOWS ---------- EYP.H (Header file in INCLUDE path) EYPAPI.INI (Customization file in EYPINIFILE setting) EYPWAPI.LIB (Library file in LIB path) EYPWAPI.DLL (Executeable in LIBPATH) ** Changed from annotation 3) Download the package from the bulletin board or FTP site into a temporary directory 4) PKUNZIP the package by issuing: PKUNZIP2 EYPOAPI.ZIP (on OS/2) PKUNZIP EYPWAPI.ZIP (on WINDOWS) 5) Replace the original WRAPI files with the new ones by simply copying the new files into the directories where the old files were stored. ======================================================================== Steps needed only if you did not have the Annotation update already applied on the workstation. ======================================================================== 6) Recompile any programs which were written to the old WRAPI. NOTE the annotation update changed the FafSessionConnect() call to include the additional IODM connection information parameters. Also the FAFCONNECTPARMS structure was changed and appropriate changes must be made when referencing it. 7) If desired, instead of replacing the EYPAPI.INI file, simply add the new INI parameter(s) to the old EYPAPI.INI file currently installed. The new INI parameters are - RequireIPFAF = 1 (if IPFAF connection not required) IodmLOCK = LOCK,01 (IODM CICS Tran name for Lock) IodmSTOROBJU = STOU,01 (IODM CICS Tran name for StorObjU) ************************************************************************** New details of the CICS TCPIP Listener data The following describes the data which is sent to the host CICS TCPIP Listener program by the WRAPI calls. The IODM information has not been changed by this update, but is included for completeness. This information is needed for those customers who are supplying a security exit for the CICS TCPIP Listener. IODM ---- Bytes 0 - 3 Host Transaction name to start (i.e. "SRET") Byte 4 A comma (i.e. ",") Bytes 5 - 6 A flag to indicate WRAPI ("01) versus IWP ("00") (i.e. "01") Bytes 7 - 14 The IODM Terminal Id (max 8 characters) padded with blanks (i.e. "TERMID ") Bytes 15 - 23 The IODM User Id (max 8 characters) padded with blanks (i.e. "USERID ") Bytes 24 - 31 The IODM Password (max 8 characters) padded with blanks (i.e. "PASSWORD") Bytes 32 - 39 The New IODM Password (max 8 characters) padded with blanks. This will only be sent on the "STAT" transaction which is sent when a FafSessionConnect() api is called. In all other cases, these bytes are not sent. (i.e. "NEWPSWD ") IPFAF ----- Bytes 0 - 3 Host Transaction name to start (i.e. "RAP1") Byte 4 A comma (i.e. ",") Bytes 5 - 6 The FAF Application Id as a number (NOT EBCDIC) (i.e. 01) Bytes 7 - 14 The FAF User Id (max 8 characters) padded with blanks (i.e. "USERID ") Bytes 15 - 34 The FAF Password (max 20 characters) padded with blanks (i.e. "PASSWORD ") Note - on IODM, the new password is specified on the "STAT" transaction and provided to the CICS TCPIP Listener security exit. If successful, this new password will be sent in the password field on subsequent transactions. on IPFAF, the new password is not sent to the CICS TCPIP Listener security exit, but instead can be changed via the exit called by the "RAP1" transaction. If successful, the new password will be sent in the password field to the CICS TCPIP Listener. Hence the "RAP1" user exit must also update the password security field checked by the CICS TCPIP Listener security exit.