******************************************************************************* WRAPI CORRECTIVE SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS FILE ******************************************************************************* This package was generated to provide the current service for the IPFAF Workstation APIs (WRAPI) as of 01/22/2001. Enhancements included in this service are - 1) Capability to send binary data for GOODTRAN in the ODMCOMPLETE structure. This allows the caller to pass whatever he desires to the GOODTRAN transaction - this is similar to FafCustomerConduit(). Previously only ascii text (converted to ebcdic by wrapi) was premitted. 2) Capability for callers to use AsciiToEbcdic conversion routines. 3) Internal TCPIP processing changes to match WinSock 2 processing. In addition, the following Host APARs/PTFs must be applied. for IODM Dynamic TCPIP support (prereq the IODM Annotation) - PQ18457/UQ21705 PQ18173/UQ21707 for IODM Annotation support - PQ21304/UQ26053 PQ21305 PQ21306/UQ26058 for Host RAPI - PQ26467/UQ34317 PQ14116/UQ17752 PQ35233/UQ39932 (for CICS) PQ35247/UQ44360 (for IMS) for Host API BASE - PQ23295/UQ26248 for Host API FEATURE - PQ21377/UQ26247 PQ27166/UQ31077 PQ28539/UQ32307 for Host IMS buffer update - PQ41458/UQ50348 ******************************************************************************* The following are the instructions for applying the code: To install this package: 1) IPFAF and IODM must be at the Version 3.1 Level with Annotation Support and Dynamic TCPIP Support fixes installed on IODM. 2) This fix is simply a replacement of the WRAPI files which are ON OS/2 ------- EYP.H (Header file in INCLUDE path) EYPAPI.INI (Not changed for this update) EYPOAPI.LIB (Library file in LIB path) EYPOAPI.DLL (Executable in LIBPATH) ON WINDOWS ---------- EYP.H (Header file in INCLUDE path) EYPAPI.INI (Not changed for this update) EYPWAPI.LIB (Library file in LIB path) EYPWAPI.DLL (Executable in PATH setting) 3) Download the package from the bulletin board or FTP site into a temporary directory 4) PKUNZIP the package by issuing: PKUNZIP2 EYPOAPI.ZIP (on OS/2) PKUNZIP EYPWAPI.ZIP (on WINDOWS) 5) Replace the original WRAPI files with the new ones by simply copying the new files into the directories where the old files were stored. NOTE - there is no need to replace the EYPAPI.INI file. This file is provided for completeness - for users who have not been regularly updating Wrapi. 6) Recompile any programs which were written to the old WRAPI. NOTE the annotation update changed the FafSessionConnect() call to include the additional IODM connection information parameters. Also the FAFCONNECTPARMS structure was changed and appropriate changes must be made when referencing it. ******************************************************************************* New WRAPI functions (see EYP.H) ------------------------------- AsciiToEbcdic( PSZ pszString ); /* IO String converted (chngd)*/ EbcdicToAscii( PSZ pszString ); /* IO String converted (chngd)*/ Actually the function names are misleading. These functions take as input characters from one code page and convert them to another code page using the Locale conversion files which must be present on the machine. The input character string is CHANGED to a string representing the other code page. The codepage representing "Ascii" is defined in the EYPAPI.INI file with the variable name - WkStCodePage = IBM-437 (default is codepage 437, i.e. ascii) The codepage representing "Ebcdic" is defined in the EYPAPI.INI file with the variable name - HostCodePage = IBM-037 (default is codepage 037, i.e. ebcdic) Some notes about this conversion - 1) The input string is changed. 2) The return from these functions is a pointer to the input string. It is the same pointer that the user supplied (basically useless). 3) The only error indication will be a Log entry in the WRAPI Logs. There really shouldn't ever be an error doing this. 4) These functions ONLY WORK WHILE WRAPI IS CONNECTED. That is a successful FafSessionConnect() must be done before these functions will work, and after a FafSessionDisconnect(), they will cease to work. This requires you to establish a connection with a Host for it to work. Without a valid session connection, the input string is returned unchanged. NOTE -- these quirks are because there never was an intent to expose these functions externally - however do to customer request, we are now making them available. New ODMCOMPLETE Structure (see EYP.H) ------------------------------------- The following is the new ODMCOMPLETE structure in eyp.h - typedef struct _ODMCOMPLETE { ULONG ulStruct; // Size of this data structure BOOL fInterest; // Interest in IODM Outcome TRUE/FALSE char szHostProcess[8+1]; // Opt: trigger this process on Host char szInputData[253+1]; // Opt: GOODTRAN Input Data USHORT usInputBinaryLen; // GOODTRAN Input Data length if Binary } ODMCOMPLETE, *PODMCOMPLETE; The change is the usInputBinaryLen parameter. This parameter MUST be set - 0 - The szInputData field is an Ascii string to be converted. # - The szInputData field contains binary data of "#" bytes. If usInputBinaryLen is non-zero, it will be assumed that it represents the size of the szInputData in binary. ******************************************************************************* The following is a list of the cumulative APARs that are also included: PQ44249 The PAGERANGE definition in the EYP.H file conflicted with the PAGERANGE definition in the DOCOBJ.H file in Microsoft Visual C++. PQ44229 IMS RAPI didn't connect to the IMS TOC and OTMA Server because WRAPI sending buffers need IRM and related security data. PQ39467 FafGetDocument bypasses the host return/reason code 0 FFFF 0001 and returns WRAPI client warning code 1500 to application for the case that document stored in Optical Storage Device and not received by WRAPI. PQ39466 FafQueryOutcome ten items were not returned to the OUTCOMEINFO structure, but did exist on the host. PQ39465 Host Session index was above upper bound MAX_HOST_SESSIONS of the table. PQ35232 FafGetWorkItems cursors didn't work because the information of Assigned and Processing Employee was NULL, but required by host GETWORK IPFAF API. PQ35231 FafSessionConnect Application ID code (ApplidCD) includes number 0 now to keep consistent with the host setting. PQ31238 (1) FafDefineDocument UserData field was not copied to DB2 table. (2) FafStoreDocument returned DOCID had the StoreSite and TimeStamp values reversed. (3) FafDefineStoredDoc DOCNAME was used to define new document, but really should use the DOCID instead. Add INI option in EYPAPI.INI file to use DOCID instead of DOCNAME. (4) FafFindNotes cursors failed with NULL StartTime and EndTime. PQ31198 (1) FafFindWqAsgnsByUser continuing search criterion was incorrectly changed when further issuing UASGNACT Host call. (2) FafFindWqAsgnsByUser cursor failed with missing QPTYSRCH. PQ29873 FafFindWorkByUnit cursors failed with NULL ASGNEMPL and PROCEMPL. ******************************** end of file **********************************