************************************************************************** ICPF CORRECTIVE SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS FILE ************************************************************************** This package was generated to provide the current service for ICPF Version 1.2. Following are the fixes and design changes provided with this service and instructions for applying the code: DCR 27330 - Provide function to have VisualInfo history events logged for various actions. DCR 27331 - Provide function to allow limited mapping of scanner data fields with TARGFUNC=11 batches. DCR 27332 - Provide function to disable the message M340: user already logged on message for Collectors and Store-to-Host. DCR 27333 - Provide function to authorize document deletion without authorizing batch deletion. APAR IR32769 - Fix for SYS3175 occurring with Data Stream Converter. APAR IR32768 - Fix Store-to-Host memory creep with VisualInfo. APAR IR33221 - Resolve field length mismatch with VisualInfo due to NULL terminated strings. APAR IR34217 - Fix ICPF collector problem (SQL -803 Function Code 8) when multiple high speed scanners storing to the same ICPF server. APAR IR35347 - Allow TIFF images to be stored in VisualInfo with the corresponding CONTENTCLASS. APAR IR35348 - Allow INDX to pass User Exit Area that was returned from the DFLT transaction. See Step 11 below for implementation. APAR IR36548 - Fix ICPF Indexing problem of overwriting a scanned image. When an image is scanned, it creates a file based on a time stamp. On occasion, the index can save a modified document that will have the same file name as the scanned image. This causes the scanned image to be "lost" when the indexer tries to display the scanned image. ************************************************************************** To install this package: 1) ICPF must be at the Version 1.2 Level 2) Backup the following, where P: is the drive that the ICPF code was previously installed on - P:\DDLADSC.EXE - P:\DDLA.EXE - P:\DDLAVI.DLL - P:\DB\DDLAVIDB.BND - P:\DB\DDLADB.BND - P:\DB\DDLADSC.BND - P:\DB\DSCFUNC.BND - P:\DB\DSCTHRED.BND 3) Download the package from the bulletin board or FTP site 4) PKUNZIP the package by issuing: PKZUNIP ICPF1205.ZIP 5) Create the CSD diskette by issuing: (Note: to ensure the proper level of LOADRAM2 is used it has been provided with this package) LOADRAM2 ICPF1205.DSK A: 6) Issue the following command from the drive and directory where the ICPF code was previously installed (ie, P: or C:\ICPF): A:SERVICE C:\ICPF < Where C:\ICPF is the code drive 7) DCR 27330: To implement VisualInfo history event logging you must add three new parameters to your DDLASTOR.INI file. Sample entries are provided in the DDLASTOR.330 file. The parameters are 56, 57 and 58. If the parameters are present in the DDLATSOR.INI file the events will be logged. The parameters in addition to activating the logging it allows you to enter the event data text to be logged. Parameter 56, when present, will cause an event code 556 entry to be made each time a folder is created. Parameter 57, when present, will cause an event code 557 entry to be made each time a document is stored. And, parameter 58, when present, will cause an event code 558 entry to be made each time a document is put in workflow. Any or all three of these parameters can be used. If you only want event codes 557 logged when documents are stored, and not event codes 556 and 558, just add parameter 57, with the event data text, to the DDLASTOR.INI file. 8) DCR 27331: To implement scanner data field mapping for TARGFUNC=11 batches you must add four new parameters to the DDLAINDX.INI file. Sample entries are provided in the DDLAINDX.331 file. Parameter 24, when present with a value of 1, will activate this function. If this parameter is not provided, or is NULL, or is set to 0, default mapping will be performed as provided with the base function. When the new function is activated parameters 21, 22 and 23 will be used to specify the IPFAF digraph which represents the index field to map a scanner data field to. Parameter 21 is provided for scanner data field 0003 or the first barcode. Parameter 22 is provided for scanner data 0004 or the second barcode. Parameter 23 is provided for scanner data field 0005 or the third barcode. The valid digraphs are: FI = FolderID FO = Form Number UE = User Exit Data No new error messages will be generated. If the digraph provided is invalid the field will not be mapped. 9) DCR 27332: When starting an ICPF function, such as Store-to-Host, if the userID is already logged on (which may happen when the function terminates outside of ICPF control in cases such as power hits) a prompt panel is displayed for the user to specify whether or not to reset the user. When the function is a Collector or Store-to-Host it may have been initialized remotely, therefore a user is not present to respond to the prompt and the function cannot start. The processing for parameter 8 in the DDLASTOR.INI and DDLACOLx.INI files has been modified to provide an additional option, which will allow the administrator to disable the prompt panel. When using this option it is very important to ensure that all Collector and Store-to-Host INI files reference different userIDs. With this enhancement the following values apply for parameter 8 in the DDLASTOR.INI and DDLACOLx.INI files: 0 = Do not prompt for logon 1 = Prompt for logon 99 = Do not prompt for logon and if user logged on RESET 10) DCR 27333: Prior to this change users that were authorized to delete documents by specifying a value of '1' for AUTH03 in the DDLATUPR table were inherently authorized to delete batches. With this change a value of '2' is permitted for AUTH03 in the DDLATUPR table. When AUTH03 is set to '2' the user will have authority to delete documents, but the Delete push-button on batch list panels will be greyed-out, thereby not permitting batch deletion. 11) APAR IR35348: Prior to this change, if a user exit was used on the host that modified data in the User Exit Area, the information placed in this field from the DFLT response was overwritten when the INDX transaction was issued. A new parameter was added to the DDLAINDX.INI file that will the user to determine whether or not to overwrite this information. This parameter was added in an effort to not impact customers who are using this function as it currently works. Parameter 79 can be added to the DDLAINDX.INI file with the following values: 0 - Do not use User Exit Area information 1 - Keeps the User Exit Area information returned from the DLFT transaction and passes it on to the INDX transation No change needs to be made if your current setup works as desired. **************************************************************************