Intelligent Decision Server 1.0.2 Web Open Client Service README This document provides instructions for applying fix levels for Intelligent Decision Server (IDS) Web Open Client components. Overview All Web Open Client fixpacks of a particular type are cumulative; they contain every fix from previous levels as well as new ones. Each fixpack is a self-contained install. You can do a brand new install, or replace an existing installation. If you have an existing installation and you have modified the sample HTML files (ids*.html) in the HTML directory or the REPORTS.TXT in the CGI-BIN directory, you should backup these files. They will be overwritten during the new installation. The REPORTS.DIS file and other HTML files will remain unchanged. Should you have any problems applying a fixpack or if you have questions, please contact IBM Software Support at 1-800-992-4777. Applying Fix levels for OS/2 and Windows Fixes for OS/2 and Windows components are contained in self-extracting ZIP files. There is one self-extracting file for each language. The last two letters of the file name indicate the language: de = German, en = English, es = Spanish, fr = French, ja = Japanese, ko = Korean For example, j37b3fr.exe is the French version of the j37b3 fix level. To apply an update: Download the desired ZIP files. Each one should be downloaded into a separate directory. (For Windows fixpacks, the directory name should be eight characters or less.) Extract the files in the ZIP file by typing its filename. For example, type "j27b3en". For OS/2, the files will be extracted into the current directory. For Windows, a directory named "disk1" is created in your current directory. For OS/2, type "install" at the command prompt. For Windows NT, go to the "disk1" directory and type "setup" at the command prompt. Applying Fix levels for Unix Fixes for Unix components are contained in a TAR file with a separate INSTALL script. Download all files for a given fix level to a temporary directory. Type "install" at the command prompt. Available fix levels Each fix level is located in a directory with the same name as the fix level. Within each directory, the FIXES.TXT file lists the problems that are fixed in that level. For IDS 1.0.2 Web Open Client for OS/2: j27b3 For IDS 1.0.2 Web Open Client for Windows NT: j37b3 For IDS 1.0.2 Web Open Client for Unix: (none)