Intelligent Decision Server 1.0.1 Windows Workstation Fixes Problems that are fixed by the "gw86m" fix level: 38073- Run, Skip, Clear functions not working correctly in Capsule. In particular, when the Clear function executed, the output displayed the value of 'nothing' when the output should be empty (blank). 40099- When opening a computed options window in Query tool, the cursor focus is not on the label text field. 41415- Need DS.EXE to check volumes sequentially. Primary File Server is extremely slow during initialization sequence. This occurs when bringing up three large volume drives on the Primary File Service at the same time. 41587- Spreadsheet, move row function not working correctly. Select an empty row and "move" that row to a row with data, an empty row should be placed below that row of data, but nothing happens. Repeatedly doing the above steps will eventually cause an IDS reset. 41677- In the Query expert functions, under the box for the General Qualifyer is another box for Query strategy. This box is obsolete and needs to be removed. 42120- Reporter tool SQL fails against MVS/DB2 because there is no space between the comma and the order by values. This problem is most likely due to the DB2 preference for Spain which allows the use of a comma as a decimal separator. 42322- Joins defined by the Query tool are being dropped when a read of the DBA category is executed. 42540- Migration-blank @variables for Query constraints. A Spreadsheet, has a calculation done on a blank field, a 0 (zero) would be the result of that calculation in 1.3.6. The Spreadsheet then sets the @variable with that 0. In IDS, the calculation still results in a 0, but that zero is not being set to the @variable. Thus causing the Query tool to retrieve everything from the database because the @variable is blank. 42570- DBA tool not using WTDD Owner as specified in it's Option window. 42577- Data Entry tool accessing Oracle database, not using 4 digit years. 42651- DB2 MVS from a native host services gateway is incorrectly handling timestamp date. 42716- Data Entry not using the WTTDOWNER name defined in it's Option window. 42723- A reset of IDS occurs when retrieving data in a Data Entry tool. 42732- Converting a WK1 file includes the Print Range Record. The fix will be to not include this information. 42739- In a Capsule, have Control Database Connections set to Reuse, Retry=2. When the option Run and Log off desktop is used, a reset occurs in IDS. 42752- Iterrating Capsule set for 28 iterrations, resets IDS. 42775- A Pivot transformer with 15, 775 rows and 11 columns resets IDS. 42790- Data Entry with choice fields generate incorrect SQL. 42798- Data Format transformer, in the controls the 'Character string append' parameter has a value defined, but that value is not displayed in the final results. 42811- Data Entry, @FIELD functions fails to update when blanks are present in data row. 42833- IDS resets when trying to open a 1.3M Text document. 42837- When submitting a capsule to a Capsule Server very soon after you already sent one (less then 2 minutes), the second Capsule will go into the DXS file drawer and never run. 42847- The NONE date separator does not work with the CONCAT formula in Spreadsheet. 42874- Reporter tool resets IDS when in the Computed Options window, a user selects 'Some in the Headings to Excelude Box', then selects 'None in the Headings to Exclude Box'. 42888- Capsule error causes a GPF on Capsule Server Execution Engines. 42899- FSCNSL backup choice is misspelled, Displays BACUPLISTING when it should be BACKUPLISTING. 42903- In the Capsule Server, the run time alias rescheduled jobs incorrectly due to the New Year. 42904- Spreadsheet to Query fails to insert rows when titles/headers are present in the Spreadsheet. 42924- Closing a Query before it is done retrieving data, resets IDS. 42943- Copying a row of data from one Spreadsheet to another Spreadsheet, resets IDS. 43131- Iterate Until Capsule fails with message: Incorrect number of rows in controls. 43132- A query that is setting the Controls for an embedded Iterrating Capsule, is adding an extra row of data. 43159- Memory leaks were found in variable.c for IDS workstation. 43164- M4DBSESS hangs on a UNIX gateway when an error has been encountered that does not free the cmSID semaphore. 43284- Memory leaks were found in Attribute Manager. 43285- Memory leaks were found in Forms Manager. Problems that are fixed by the "gw786" fix level: 37858- Spreadsheet titles not printing correctly when multiple rows and columns are defined. For example, if rows 1-9 & columns A-H are defined, the title set prints 1/2 inch off. So the title starts in the middle of cell A1 instead of at the left margin. 37937- DB2/2 DRDA connect to database limited to bind userid. DB2/2 DRDA gateways are not providing a mechanism to arrive into destination database as various userids. 38069- Changing the password to the Database Gateway services console (SA Tool), becomes the only password available for the console. The realm password can no longer be used to obtain the Database Gateway console. 41301- ITERATION Spreadsheet does not fail with an error when there are no values defined for the Iteration. (The Query tool does give an error message: Too few row [controls] for ITERATION..correct controls or keyword.) This same error message should be displayed when the Spreadsheet has no values for the Iteration. 41449- Set Disk Quota transformer resets IDS when there is no data present in the Input Data region 41523- Data Entry with Post Entry SQL will reset IDS when it is moved out of the capsule and double clicked to open. 41579- When a blank row is copied to another blank row in a Spreadsheet, a reset occurs. 41586- Data Format transformer not aligning 1st column of data correctly. 41638- Text to Spreadsheet transformer is not retaining format. Numeric data is aligning incorrectly and not rounding when it should be. 41659- Clear function in Spreadsheet ends with an error: 'Cannot transfer data from capsule'. 41665- Data Entry tool inserting incorrect decimal data. 41691- Reporters with Indented Sub-Row option will transfer only Column and Row heading only. The data will not transfer over. 41692- Data Entry using Post Entry SQL generates error: 'Data type retrieved by colval function is not supported by SQL Tool'. Post Entry SQL does &SET @X=colval (1), subsequent to a select of a date field receives above error message. 41747- In Set Preferences on desktop, no error message is given when both the thousands and decimal separators are the same. 41809- Calculator does not accept comma as a decimal separator. 41916- Footers 64+ characters long in a Spreadsheet resets IDS. 41924- Layout calculated columns transferred incorrectly to Spreadsheet. 42049- Graphic for comma separator in Calculator looks to much like a "/". 42107- A Data Entry with a very large Post Entry SQL receives an error: "SQL-198, the PREPARE or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement is blank or empty". 42342- Copying Find Icon list over to a Text icon resets IDS. 42410- Deleting all in a Text window resets IDS. Problems that are fixed by the "gw74e" fix level: 41364- A Spreadsheet with just row headings and no data rows fails when transferring the data into a query in the capsule environment. The error states that the data type is a mismatch in the SS. This is causing capsules that ran to completion in 1.3 to stop in 2.11. If this process is done by manual steps there is no error. 41515- The file server console (fscnsl) may take up the entire CPU on some systems causing a slow down of processes. This problem had been introduced in the 1.0 version because the fscnsl logs on as a super user during initialization to perform a new function. 41564- Empty rows in Spreadsheet creates extra tabs in Text tool. For example, a SS with a region of 1000 rows, but only 350 rows have data in them with 10 columns. The rows with data have 9 tabs and a carriage return, rows without data have 10 tabs then a carriage return. 41571- SA Tool displays debug buttons. 41574- Allowed more than one SA Tool to open. 41575- Displaying users in the Asset Manager will reset IDS. (SA Tool) 41583- IDS resets when deleting an asset in Asset Manager. 41588- SA Tool does not free memory upon exit. 41615- Realm number in the Show Realm Information window displays garbled. (SA Tool) 41621- A constrained column in the Browser tool does not reset correctly. 41638- Text to Spreadsheet transformer is not retaining format. Numeric data is aligning incorrectly and not rounding when it should be.