Intelligent Decision Server 1.0.1 Windows Workstation Fixes Problems that are fixed by the "gw74e" fix level: 41364- A Spreadsheet with just row headings and no data rows fails when transferring the data into a query in the capsule environment. The error states that the data type is a mismatch in the SS. This is causing capsules that ran to completion in 1.3 to stop in 2.11. If this process is done by manual steps there is no error. 41515- The file server console (fscnsl) may take up the entire CPU on some systems causing a slow down of processes. This problem had been introduced in the 1.0 version because the fscnsl logs on as a super user during initialization to perform a new function. 41564- Empty rows in Spreadsheet creates extra tabs in Text tool. For example, a SS with a region of 1000 rows, but only 350 rows have data in them with 10 columns. The rows with data have 9 tabs and a carriage return, rows without data have 10 tabs then a carriage return. 41571- SA Tool displays debug buttons. 41574- Allowed more than one SA Tool to open. 41575- Displaying users in the Asset Manager will reset IDS. (SA Tool) 41583- IDS resets when deleting an asset in Asset Manager. 41588- SA Tool does not free memory upon exit. 41615- Realm number in the Show Realm Information window displays garbled. (SA Tool) 41621- A constrained column in the Browser tool does not reset correctly. 41638- Text to Spreadsheet transformer is not retaining format. Numeric data is aligning incorrectly and not rounding when it should be.