[IBM Books] Readme File ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents Introduction * Text Versions of the Suite License Located in ibmnt\license * System Requirements Update * Ignore Message That HTML File Cannot Be Found * DB2 UDB o Considerations When Installing DB2 UDB on a Windows NT PDC or BDC o Installing the DB2 Clients o Installing DB2 UDB Extenders o Accessing DB2 UDB from a Remote Client o Accessing the DB2 Documentation o Correct DB2 Extenders Documentation Shortcuts * Lotus Domino o Special Characters and Blanks Not Supported for Administrator's First and Last Name During Domino Configuration o Accessing Administrator's Mail from the Server Machine o Ignore Message Concerning Domino Failure to Authenticate Message * IBM HTTP Server Configured on Port 8080 or Higher * Integrated Installation Pack (IIP) o Incorrect Path Name Messages o Status Indicators o Image Builder May Prompt More Than Once for the Same CD-ROM o Windows Display Properties o IIP Installation Failure Messages o Remove Components Before Installing with IIP o Missing MFC42.dll File Error Message o Creating the DB2 UDB Image o Hard Drive Space Requirement When Installing SmartSuite Using IIP o SmartSuite Install Does Not Recognize Partition Greater Than 4 GB o Update Phone Book Address Properties After Installing FAXport * Configuration Information Needed After Installing LANSource, Domino, or the Solution Templates * LANSource FAXport and WINport o Accessing the LANSource Documentation o Configure the RASport Server Section Not Needed in Getting Started Manual o Ignore Message Concerning LANSource Server Failed to Start o Step Missing in Documentation for Synchronizing User IDs o FAXport Not Supported Through Web Browser o SmartSuite File Extension Support * Solution Templates o Stop FTP Publishing and World Wide Web Publishing Services Prior to Installing Solution Templates o Migrating From Version 1.1 to Version 1.5 o Ignore DOS Window with Corrupted Characters o Accessing the Templates o Ignore Error Message When Accessing Templates From Browser o Directory Template Considerations o Adding Users to Access the Solution Templates o Accessing the Solution Templates Documentation o Delete Domino Directory Before Reinstalling Solution Templates * Easy SiteArchitek o Add Machine Name to Home Page Directory Structure o Update Path Statement for "Visit Now" Link * National Language Considerations o Client Software Install Failure on Japanese and Simplified Chinese Windows 98 Workstation o SmartSuite Support o Simplified Chinese Version of Netscape Navigator o Installation of Netscape Communicator on DBCS Versions of Windows NT May Hang o Italian Version of IIP Displays in Multiple Languages o Use Microsoft Internet Explorer to Access Solution Templates on Traditional Chinese Machine o DBCS Character Restriction When Modifying Easy SiteArchitek Chapter Titles on a Japanese Machine o For CHS, JPN, and KOR Versions Only: Modify notes.ini File to Correct Display Fonts o Mixed Languages Appear After Installing Lotus Domino * Copyright Information * Trademarks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction This Readme file applies to licensed program IBM Small Business Suite for Windows NT Version 1 Release 5, Program Number 5697-E03. To see the latest information about the suite, hints and tips, workarounds, code fixes and white papers, see web site: * www.software.ibm.com/is/mp/nt/sbsuite/index.html To access the suite support page, see: * www.ibm.com/support/wwsup30e.nsf * ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/ibmsbs An HTML version of the suite Getting Started manual is located on CD number 1 in directory \info\\, where indicates the language code for the version of the software you are installing. You can also access an HTML version of the book by doing one of the following: * During installation, from most installation windows, select Documentation. * After installing the suite, select Start, Programs, IBM Suite for Windows NT, and then Getting Started. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Text Versions of the Suite License Located in ibmnt\license After you install the suite, you can find translated text versions of the suite license agreement in directory ibmnt\license. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ System Requirements Update * To install the suite components, you need Windows 95 (OSR2), Windows 98, or a Windows NT Workstation or Server 4.0 with Service Pack 5. For information about the latest service packs and Year 2000 fixes, see web site: o http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q175/0/93.asp. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ignore Message That HTML File Cannot Be Found If you receive a message that a shortcut to an HTML file cannot be found, for example a message similar to the following: "cannot find 'C:\\INDEX.HTML' (or config file) file. Click OK to proceed. Even though the message displays, the requested HTML file displays. To avoid getting this message, you can change the name of the program that opens the HTML shortcut file. 1. From Windows Explorer, select View, Options, File Types. 2. Click Netscape Hypertext Document in the list. 3. Change the name of the program that opens an HTML file from Netscape to NSSHELL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DB2 UDB The following hints and tips relate to DB2 UDB. Considerations When Installing DB2 UDB on a Windows NT PDC or BDC * You cannot use the suite installation program to install DB2 UDB on a primary domain controller (PDC) or backup domain controller (BDC) in a trusted domain. If you are installing DB2 UDB on either of these machines, you must install it directly from CD number 2. * You cannot use the Integrated Installation Pack (IIP) to install DB2 UDB on a backup domain controller (BDC). * When requested, you can enter a user ID in either form: userid or domain_name\userid. If you are installing DB2 UDB on a Windows NT Backup Domain Controller (BDC), specify the user ID in the form, domain_name\userid, then enter the password. Installing the DB2 Clients You cannot install the DB2 Clients (Administration and Run-Time) on the same machine. Installing DB2 UDB Extenders The DB2 UDB Extenders are automatically installed when you install DB2 UDB. They are not installed when you use the installation program to install the DB2 clients (Administration and Run-Time). You can also install the Extenders when you install DB2 using IIP and CD number 2. Accessing DB2 UDB from a Remote Client If you receive a message referring to a binding error when trying to access DB2 UDB from a machine where DB2 Run-Time Client is installed, complete the following steps on the client machine: 1. From the Client Configuration Assistant window, click Bind. 2. Select Bind DB2 Utilities and click Continue. 3. Enter the DB2 administration user ID and password. 4. On the Bind Utilities window, click Deselect all. 5. Select Command Line Processor. Click OK and then click Close. Accessing the DB2 Documentation After you install DB2, you have access to the following information from the DB2 For Windows NT entry: * First Steps * Information o DB2 Online Books o DB2 Release Notes Correct DB2 Extenders Documentation Shortcuts To access two of the DB2 Extenders documentation files, correct the shortcut definitions by doing the following: * Select Start, Settings, Taskbar. * Click on Start Menu Programs and then click Advanced. * Double-click All Users, Start Menu, Programs, DB2 Extenders. * Select one of the following documents: o AIV Extenders Administration and Programming o Text Extenders Administration and Programming * Right-click on the document and from the drop-down menu, select Properties. * Select Internet Shortcut. * In the Target URL field, remove the two forward slashes (//) that appear before the file name. * Click OK. You should now be able to access the documents. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lotus Domino The following hints and tips relate to Lotus Domino. Special Characters and Blanks Not Supported for Administrator's First and Last Name During Domino Configuration When providing information for the Domino server configuration, keep in mind that special characters and blanks are not supported in the administrator first and last name fields. Accessing Administrator's Mail from the Server Machine If you install the administrator's desktop on the same machine as the Domino server, you cannot open the Mail folder using the normal shortcuts. To open the administrator's mail on the server machine, open the Notes desktop by selecting the database icon on the left hand side and select Workspace. You can then access the mail database. Ignore Message Concerning Domino Failure to Authenticate Message During the configuration of Domino, if you give the domain the same name as your machine name, you may receive a "failure to authenticate" error message. You can ignore this message. Enter the Domino server administrator's user ID and password as requested. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IBM HTTP Server Configured on Port 8080 or Higher When you install the WebSphere Application Server and select IBM HTTP Server to be the web server, it is configured as a web server on port 8080 or the next available port number. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Integrated Installation Pack (IIP) The following hints and tips relate to the IBM Integrated Installation Pack (IIP). Incorrect Path Name Messages If you receive an invalid path name message or a message that the system tried to remember a previous device when running install.exe, a persistent device was not connected at log on and the system listed that device as the first available disk device. To correct this error, disconnect from any persistent shared drive that did not get connected. If you receive invalid path name messages (references to magic.iip) when starting the IIP Image Builder, one of the following errors may have occurred: * The network is down. * The Image Builder server is down. * You do not have the proper authority to access the file. * The shared path specified is incorrect. Check to see if any of these conditions exist, correct if possible, and then retry. Status Indicators When you are using the Image Builder subcomponent of IIP, it may take longer or shorter than indicated to copy the files, or the status indicator may not appear at all for some components. When using the Control Center subcomponent, the status indicator for software you are installing may change from Not Installed to Installed without indicating intermediate progress. Image Builder May Prompt More Than Once for the Same CD-ROM In some cases, the Image Builder subcomponent of IIP may prompt for the same CD more than once. This multiple prompt for the same CD occurs if the profile you created includes products or components that reside on the same CD. For example, if you define a single profile to install DB2 UDB and the DB2 Run-Time Client, the Image Builder will prompt twice for the DB2 CD. Windows Display Properties For machines on which you will install software using IIP, it is recommended that you set the energy saving features of the monitor so that Windows does not shut off the monitor, or allow the monitor to go into low-power standby. IIP Installation Failure Messages When you run an IIP remote install with a profile that was defined to include multiple server and client applications, you may see install failure messages. This may be caused by a high traffic load or congestion in the network. You can find detailed messages in the application install logs. Remove Components Before Installing with IIP If you use IIP to install FAXport, DB2 Administration client, and DB2 Extenders on a machine where these components are already installed, the installation fails. Remove the components and run IIP again. Missing MFC42.dll File Error Message If you get an error message stating that the MFC42.dll file is missing when running the Profiler for IIP, do the following: * From the system32 directory, rename MFC42.dll. * Go to CD1:ntsuite\mfcdll directory and copy the MFC42.dll into the system32 dirctory. * Run the IIP Profiler again. Creating the DB2 UDB Image If you create a profile and the image to install DB2 Administration client and then create a new profile to install DB2 UDB, you will not be asked to create a new image and the install will fail. To create the image for DB2 UDB, delete the udb directory from the Sectool\images\ibmsbs directory before starting the Image Builder for the profile containing DB2 UDB. Hard Drive Space Requirement When Installing SmartSuite Using IIP If you plan to install Lotus SmartSuite using IIP, ensure that a minimum of 200 MB of hard disk space is available on the hard drive partition where Windows is installed. SmartSuite Install Does Not Recognize Partition Greater Than 4 GB If you receive a message that the target install drive does not have enough disk space or may be compressed, it may be that the partition is greater than 4 GB. SmartSuite install does not recognize a partition greater than 4 GB. Click Yes to continue. Update Phone Book Address Properties After Installing FAXport If you use IIP to install the FAXport component, you must update the FAXport phone book address properties after the installation completes. To update these properties, do the following: 1. After restarting the machine, ensure that the Communications Server (LANSource) and FAXport Connector for Notes services are started (select Start, Control Panel, Services). 2. Select Start, Programs, LANSource Technologies, Server Administration. 3. The FAXport window appears. Select the FAXport server to which you want to connect and click Connect. 4. Enter the password for the administrator's user ID on this server and click OK. 5. If the User's Phonebook Entry window appears, enter the requested information and click OK. 6. If the User's Phonebook Entry window does not appear immediately, do the following: a. Click Setup Security. b. Select Change, Properties, and then click Phone book Details. c. Enter the requested information and click OK. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Configuration Information Needed After Installing LANSource, Domino, or the Solution Templates After installing Lotus Domino server and LANSource FAXport and WINport using either custom install or the Solution Templates install, you need to consider the following configuration information. The suite adds the FAXport Users to the Domino server. If you are installing via the Solution Templates, the suite also adds the IBM Small Business Suite Editors group to the Domino server. To add new users, use the Windows User Manager and ensure that the Notes Synchronization Option is enabled. For detailed instructions on adding Lotus Notes users to groups, see the Lotus Domino documentation. For configuration information for LANSource FAXport/WINport, see the server.pdf file located on the machine where you installed LANSource FAXport. For example: e:\FAXport\Language\\server.pdf (where e: is the drive where FAXport was installed and indicates the language code for the version of the software you are installing. Complete the following steps for both custom install and Solution Templates install: 1. Log on to the Windows NT server using the DB2 UDB administrator user ID and password. 2. Define the Domino administrator as a member of the IBM Small Business Suite Editors group within Domino server. 3. If installing the Solution Templates, define the users as members of the IBM Small Business Suite Editors group. 4. To allow users access to FAXport/WINport, define the users as members of the FAXport Users group. 5. Double-click on the Administrator's mail database. 6. To access the Inbox, double-click on the FAXport note to open it. 7. Click 1.) Do It once. (Multiple clicks will possibly cause errors.) 8. Wait for the mail design refresh to complete. 9. On the Domino server, do NOT click 2.) Do It. (This is reserved for the remote client machines.) To configure the FAXport client machine, do the following: 1. On a remote machine, install Lotus Notes client. 2. Configure the Lotus Notes to connect to the first Domino server. 3. Make sure the remote Lotus Notes client and the Domino server system clocks are synchronized. 4. Log into Lotus Notes using the client user name and password. 5. After successfully connecting to the Domino server, go into the Lotus workspace. Double-click the mail database icon. 6. A FAXport note appears in the inbox of the Lotus Notes client. If the note does not readily appear, select View, Refresh (or F9). Open this note. 7. Click 1.) Do it and click Yes. 8. Click 2.) Do it. 9. If you get the message Form has been deleted, exit and then reopen the Inbox. 10. When the FAXport Connector for Notes installation completes on the client, close the note. 11. Click New Memo. Fax To: should appear in the Notes memo. 12. Close Lotus Notes and restart the client machine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LANSource FAXport and WINport The following hints and tips relate to the LANSource FAXport and WINport components. Accessing the LANSource Documentation Before you install LANSource FAXport and WINport, read the information on setup and configuration in the LANSource documentation. This information is located on CD number 6 in the \faxport\language\\ directory, where indicates the language code. After you install WINport and FAXport, you have access to the online help from the following program entries: * FAXport Connector for Lotus Notes Help * Communication Server Help The organization of this help information follows the sequence of the tasks you need to accomplish. You can also access online help by selecting Help from any dialog box. Configure the RASport Server Section Not Needed in Getting Started Manual The section titled Configure the RASport Server in Chapter 4 of the suite Getting Started manual is not needed for this release of the suite. You can ignore this section. Ignore Message Concerning LANSource Server Failed to Start If you install all of the suite server components using Custom Install or install Solution Templates, you may receive a message that the LANSource Server service failure to start. If you check this service (by selecting Start, Settings, Control Panel, Services), the service is started. You can ignore this message. Step Missing in Documentation for Synchronizing User IDs When adding new users in the Windows NT domain and synchronizing those IDs to the Lotus Domino server, you need to click Add after selecting the groups or group memberships for which the new user will be a member. These steps are documented in the suite Getting Started manual, in the Post Installation and Configuration Hints and Tips chapter. FAXport Not Supported Through Web Browser LANSource FAXport is not supported through the Web interface to Lotus Notes. SmartSuite File Extension Support LANSource FAXport/WINport supports faxing of the following Lotus SmartSuite Millennium files types as Notes mail attachments: * Lotus 1-2-3 * Lotus WordPro * Lotus Freelance Graphics * Approach In addition, you can fax Lotus Organizer entries by doing the following: 1. Open Lotus Organizer. 2. Highlight the appointment/item you want to fax. 3. Click Send email. The Organizer TeamMail window appears. 4. Select the fax recipient and click Send. See the FAXport for Lotus Notes Getting Started Guide provided with this suite for additional information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Solution Templates The following hints and tips relate to the Solution Templates. Stop FTP Publishing and World Wide Web Publishing Services Prior to Installing Solution Templates Before installing the Solution Templates, stop the FTP Publishing and World Wide Web Publishing Services by selecting Start, Settings, Control Panel, Services. Select the service and click Stop. Migrating From Version 1.1 to Version 1.5 Notes: 1. If you plan to run the installation program from a network drive, ensure that the drive is available when the machine restarts (for example, check Reconnect at logon from the Map Network Drive window in Windows Explorer). 2. You can use the suite installation program to migrate the Solution Templates from IBM Small Business Suite Version 1.1 to IBM Small Business Suite Version 1.5 only. Migration from Version 1.0 is not supported. If you have Version 1.0 Solution Templates and want to migrate to Version 1.5, contact your local IBM Customer Service and Support Center. 3. You cannot use IIP to migrate the Solution Templates. To migrate the Solution Templates from IBM Small Business Suite Version 1.1 to IBM Small Business Suite Version 1.5, do the following: On the server machine: 1. Start the suite installation program and select Solution Templates Install. 2. A message appears indicating that the templates are installed on the machine and asking if you want to migrate to the latest version. Click Yes. 3. The suite uninstall window appears. 4. Select all components to remove except Lotus Notes and follow the prompts. 5. Restart the machine. 6. After the machine restarts, the suite installation program starts automatically. Do not change any of the defaults for folders as the new components need to install into the folders that were used by the Version 1.1 installation in order to recover user data. 7. Provide all requested information, such as the Domino administrator password and the fax cover sheet properties. 8. Restart the machine. 9. When requested, indicate that you want to upgrade the Domino address book design. 10. Manually restore the FAXport user data by doing the following: a. Stop the FAXport Connector for Notes and Communications Server (LANSource) services. b. Issue the following command to copy the saved FAXport data to the new FAXport server. xcopy ibmnt\FxptTmp\Server\*.* Faxport\Server /s The suite installation program saved the FAXport users data in ibmnt\FxptTmp\Server directory. c. Edit the FAXport\server\wfaxport.ini file and change all server6 strings to server. d. Use Notes administration to add the Notes user IDs for FAXport into a group named FAXport Users. e. Restart the FAXport Connector for Notes and Communications Server (LANSource) services. f. Complete the FAXport configuration steps in Configuration Information Needed After Installing LANSource, Domino, or the Solution Templates. 11. From the Notes administration, open the Mail folder, double-click to open the note, and click 1. Refresh design of your mail box.. 12. Forward this note to all FAXport users. On the client machine: 1. Uninstall the previous version of Lotus Notes for FAXport client. 2. Follow the Notes client upgrade document to install Notes Version 5. In addition, remove the following key from the registry. a. Edit the registry using the regedit command. b. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE, LOTUS. c. Delete the 4.6 key entry. 3. Restart the machine. 4. From the Notes mail, double-click on the note to open it. 5. Click button 2. Run the FAXport client installation program. Ignore DOS Window with Corrupted Characters If you select Solution Templates install, a DOS window with corrupted characters might appear after DB2 installs. The window closes after a few minutes. Accessing the Templates You can access the Solution Templates from the following interfaces: Mail Lotus Notes or Web browser Directory Lotus Notes or Web browser Library Lotus Notes or Web browser Discussion Lotus Notes or Web browser ISV catalog Lotus Notes or Web browser to start the applications that have been defined. To manage the catalog (add/remove applications), you must run from Lotus Notes. Easy SiteArchitek Lotus Notes to modify the sample web site or create your own web site. From a Web browser, you can access the sample web site, view the initial sample web site, and any changes you make. Hit Reporter Web browser only when logged on using a Domino administrator's user ID. Ignore Error Message When Accessing Templates From Browser After you install the Solution Templates and access the home page (Start, Programs, IBM Small Business Suite, Solution Templates, IBM Small Business Suite Home Page), an error message may appear similar to the following: Cannot find C:\lotus\domino\startup.htm (or one of its component) You can ignore this message. Click OK and the log in process continues. Directory Template Considerations Directory Template Dependency on DB2 Sample Database The Directory Template sample database is built on the DB2 sample database. Any data you enter must conform to the English version of this sample database. For example, when you open the Directory Template on the Lotus Domino server and select to Add a New Contact, the Job Title field is limited to eight characters. You can enter more than eight characters, but when you save and close the field, only the first eight characters are saved. For more information, see the DB2 UDB documentation. "RunOnServer must be used with a remote database" Message If you receive the following message when you attempt to update the History Summary for a contact, click OK and the update will complete normally. "RunOnServer must be used with a remote database" The message only appears when running the Directory application from the Lotus Notes client on the Domino server machine. The message will not appear when running the Directory application from a Lotus Notes client installed on another computer. To avoid getting this message, you can do the following: * Click File, Database, Open. * Replace Local in the Server field with the name of your server. * In the Database window, double-click the IBMSBS folder. * Select Directory and click Add Icon. An icon will added to your Lotus Notes desktop titled Directory on nnnn, where nnnn is the name of your Domino server. Use this icon instead of the Directory on Local icon to access the Directory application. Adding Users to Access the Solution Templates To add users to access the Solution Templates via a Web browser, do the following: 1. Select Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, User Manager for Domains. 2. Select Notes. 3. Select Notes Synchronization Options and provide Domino Administrator's password when prompted. 4. Select Enable all synchronization options. 5. Click OK. 6. Select User, New User. 7. Fill in User ID and Full Name, and Password fields. Click Add. 8. The Enter Notes User Information window displays. 9. Provide the Common Password. 10. Select Use common password and Set internet password in Notes. Click OK. 11. Close the New User window. In the Notes User Registration window, click Begin Registration. You can use the Notes client on the server (use shortcut in IBM Small Business Suite folder) to verify that the users have been added to Domino. If the user names do not appear in a few minutes after they are added in Windows NT User Manager for Domains, enter the following command in the Domino server command window: l updall names.nsf -r Accessing the Solution Templates Documentation After you install the Solution Templates, select Start, Programs, IBM Suite for Windows NT, IBM Solution Templates, Lotus Notes. Click the Databases icon, and then click the Notes Documentation tab to access the following information: * Notes Help on Local * Domino Administration Help on Local * Release Notes: Domino/Notes on Local * DECS Documentation on Local These instructions are incomplete in the suite Getting Started manual. Delete Domino Directory Before Reinstalling Solution Templates If you need to reinstall the Solution Templates after uninstalling them, you must first remove all DB2 directories and the Domino directory that remain on the drive where the templates were installed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy SiteArchitek Easy SiteArchitek is a Domino application. It consists of a predefined internet site template consisting of two Domino databases, Site and Content. The Content database is an end-user application dedicated to help manage a web site's content. It includes several powerful, easy to use publishing features: * A three-step built-in workflow * Automatic document life cycle management: publishing date, expiration date * Document version management * Security management The Site database is used by the server administrator to customize the web site. Customizing the site requires no specific technical skills. The following functions are provided: * Add the company logo * Select navigation between several predefined graphic themes * Manage toolbar look * Change welcome text Note:The Easy SiteArchitek database is for administrators only and can only be accessed with the administrator's workstation on the server. When placing an image into a document, place the image in the document's body. (You cannot use the Image option on the New document template.) Hit Reporter is integrated into the Easy SiteArchitek sample web site. Hit Reporter is a powerful statistic tool for tracking web visits. The Hit Reporter uses the power of Domino, DB2 and WebSphere to gather data from which comprehensive site visit reports can be produced. When using Hit Reporter to obtain count reports, adhere to the following rules when entering search arguments: * If you search on specific dates or ranges of dates, the dates must be entered in the form: YYYY-MM-DD, where YYYY=year, MM=month, and DD=Day. * If you search "By User", the user name entered must be the Notes Full Name, and the entire name must be entered in lower case. (Hint: Search on "All Users", then cut and paste the desired name from the all users report into the "Selected User" search field.) * If you search "By Application", you need to specify the name of the page as shown in an "All Applications" report. Enter the name exactly as shown in the "All Applications" report, including upper and lowercase. For more information, see the Easy SiteArchitek documentation provided with the samples. Add Machine Name to Home Page Directory Structure When you select the Open home page with your browser option after clicking Home Page within the Easy SiteArchitek database, you need to add the name of your machine at the beginning of the path in the browser. For example: http://xxxxx/peritek/easysitearchitek.nsf where xxxxx is your machine name. Update Path Statement for "Visit Now" Link If you select the Visit Now link located in the Lotus France Web site page within the Easy SiteArchitek Content database and the page does not open, remove everything after fr\ from the path statement. The page should open at this time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ National Language Considerations This section defines national language considerations for the suite components. Client Software Install Failure on Japanese and Simplified Chinese Windows 98 Workstation If you experience problems when installing the DB2 Client or Lotus Notes on a Japanese Windows 98 or Simplified Chinese Window 98 machine through the Custom Install option, install these components directly from CD number 2 or CD number 3. SmartSuite Support SmartSuite for Simplified Chinese and SuperOffice for Japanese are not supported. Simplified Chinese Version of Netscape Navigator If you use the Simplified Chinese (CHS) version of Netscape Navigator 4.51, you may find the fonts too small for productive use. To correct this problem, you can do one of the following: * Use Internet Explorer to open the home page. * Set the variable width and fixed width font size from the Netscape Navigator dialogs by selecting Edit, Preferences, open the Appearance category, and click Fonts. Installation of Netscape Communicator on DBCS Versions of Windows NT May Hang In some cases, when you install Netscape Communicator on DBCS language versions of the Windows NT operating system, the installation may stop or hang during the installation of the RealPlayer component. If this occurs, cancel the suite installation, uninstall Netscape Communicator using Add/Remove Programs, and reinstall Netscape Communicator. When the Netscape Setup Type window appears, select Custom and then click Next. On the Netscape Communicator 4.51 Options window, deselect the RealPlayer 5.0 component. Click Next and then proceed normally through the remaining installation panels. Italian Version of IIP Displays in Multiple Languages Because the Windows NT Server 4.0 operating system is not translated into Italian and the IBM Integrated Installation Pack uses some of the system buttons and prompts, you may see buttons in both English and Italian when using this component. Use Microsoft Internet Explorer to Access Solution Templates on Traditional Chinese Machine If you install the Solution Templates on a Traditional Chinese machine and plan to access the templates using a web browser, we recommend that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer. You may experience errors when displaying the templates using Netscape. DBCS Character Restriction When Modifying Easy SiteArchitek Chapter Titles on a Japanese Machine When you install the Solutions Templates on a Japanese machine and access the Easy SiteArchitek database, you can enter up to 17 DBCS characters for the chapter titles under the Customer or Products selections. If you enter more than the allowed number of characters in this field and then attempt to open the page using a web browser, a blank page displays with the following error message: JavaScript error: Type 'javascript:' into location for details. For CHS, JPN, and KOR Versions Only: Modify notes.ini File to Correct Display Fonts If you install Lotus Domino using Custom Install or install the Solutions Templates on a Simplified Chinese, Japanese, or Korean machine, you will see options incorrectly displayed when viewing mail. To correct the display fonts, edit the notes.ini file and change the following line from: DominoNoFace=Helv to: DominoNoFace= where is the name of a local country font available on this machine. Mixed Languages Appear After Installing Lotus Domino After installing Lotus Domino and Lotus Notes, the Views list and the Calendar view in the user's mail box may appear in a different language when viewed from a web browser. In addition, the template language may be mixed with some English text. To work around this problem, add the following parameter to the NOTES.INI file: DominoResLang=CountryCode where CountryCode is one of the language abbreviations: Fr for France, Es for Spain, and so on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright Information (C) Copyright IBM Corporation and others 1985, 1999. All rights reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. This page may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information, the terms of which must be observed and followed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trademarks The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries: * DATABASE 2 * DB2 * DB2 Universal Database * eNetwork * IBM * WebSphere The following terms are trademarks of other companies: * Domino, Lotus, and Lotus Notes are trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. * InstallShield is a trademark of InstallShield Corporation. * Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows 98, the Windows 95 logo, and/or other Microsoft products referenced herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. * Netscape, Netscape Communicator, and Netscape Navigator are registered trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation in the United States and other countries. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.