APAR IC25350 Description: Can not send Internet e-mail with Lotus Domino Summary: When sending Lotus Notes messages to an Internet e-mail address the receiver of the message only receives the Subject Line and no body of the message. Conclusion: These are the steps to fix the problem for Domino 4.6.3a. 1. Start-> Programs-> Lotus Applications-> Domino Server Administrator. 2. Click on "Servers" then go to "Configure Servers." 3. In the Public Address Book go to Server -> Servers. 4. Double-click on your Server name, click on "Edit Server." 5. Click on the twisty next to "Internet Message Transfer Agent (SMTP MATA)." 6. Under "Conversion Options," click on the button next to "Message content." 7. From the pop-up menu select "Users with and without Lotus Notes" and click OK. 8. Click "Save and Close." 9. Restart the Domino Server.