======================================================================== * * * Advanced Digital Delivery - ADD Version 2, Release 1.2 * * * Last update to this file on 05/16/2000. ======================================================================== Welcome to the README.TXT file for Advanced Digital Delivery ( ADD ). This file contains information about requirements, installation and support of ADD. After installation, this ReadMe.txt file is located in : ADD_Installation_Directory\com\ibm\sms\ADD This file is formatted for use with a monospaced font. ======================================================================== CONTENTS 1.0 Requirements 2.0 Install / Uninstall 2.1 Installing Java 2.1.1 Java on Windows 95/NT 2.2 Installing ADD 2.2.1 Before Installing ADD Installing using 'setup.exe' (only for Windows platforms) ** Important NOTE for Windows NT ** Installing using 'setup.class' (for all platforms) 2.2.2 After Installing ADD 2.2.3 Uninstalling ADD 2.2.4 Upgrading ADD 2.2.5 ADD Package Contents 2.3 Migrating ADD from Version 1.1 3.0 Running ADD 4.0 Help / Support 4.1 On-line Help 4.2 Website Help ======================================================================== 1.0 Requirements - A minimum of the Java 1.1.6 Runtime Environment (JRE). The Jave 1.1.6 Development Kit (JDK) is also acceptable. ADD installation will verify that you have the correct level of Java. - An operating system (or installation drive/partition) that supports long filenames. - An HTML browser (Netscape, Internet Explorer, etc.) to view online help/documentation. - TCP/IP correctly installed and configured. - Hughes DirecPC Package Delivery program correctly configured and running. ======================================================================== 2.0 Install / Uninstall 2.1 Installing Java 2.1.1 Java on Windows 95/NT The installation process for Java ( JRE or JDK ) does not update the PATH environment variable that makes it easier to invoke java programs, like ADD. To make it easier to install and run ADD, we recommend following these steps. ** NOTE ** This information was copied from the JDK README file, currently located at the Sun website : http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.1/README Please read the entire README file before installing Java. -------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROSOFT WINDOWS PATH -------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows NT only - If you are using Windows NT, it is preferable to make the following environment variable changes in the Control Panel. Start the Control Panel, select System, then edit the environment variables. 1. PATH - Add the absolute path of the "jdk1.1.6\bin" directory to your PATH statement as follows. The PATH statement enables Windows to find the executables (javac, java, javadoc, etc.) from any current directory. To find out the current value of your PATH, at the DOS prompt type: C:\> path To change the PATH, open the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and make the change to the PATH statement. To edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file in Windows 95: i. Start a text editor by choosing "Start", "Programs", "Accessories", and choosing WordPad or NotePad. ii. Choose Open from the File menu and type "c:\autoexec.bat" for the filename This will open the file for editing. iii. Look for the PATH statement. Notice that the PATH statement is a series of directories separated by semi-colons (;). Windows looks for programs in the PATH directories in order, from left to right. Look for other JDK versions in the PATH. There should only be one path to a classes.zip file. When in doubt, put the java directory at the end of the path statement. For example, in the following PATH statement, we have added the java directory at the end: PATH C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND;C:\;C:\DOS;C:\JDK1.1.6\BIN To make the path take effect, execute the following: C:\> autoexec.bat You may want to reboot the system to make the updated path available to all Windows processes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 Installing ADD 2.2.1 Before Installing ADD The ADD installation package consists of these files: ReadMe.txt - this file setup.class - java installation program ( for all platforms ) OR setup.exe - executable installation program ( only for Windows platforms ) ADD uses InstallShield to create a simple, easy-to-use installation procedure. Since ADD is intended for use on many operating systems (the main reason for and benefit of using Java), the installation procedure is also built / executed using Java. ** NOTE ** You MUST have Java installed on your machine before you attempt to install ADD. Download one of the two installation programs, depending on the platform you plan on running ADD. Then, from inside the directory (this does not have to be the final installation directory) that contains either of the ADD package installation programs, begin the installation as below depending on the file you downloaded. During installation you will be prompted for a fully qualified directory name to install ADD into. Installing using 'setup.exe' (only for Windows platforms) This is the easiest way to install ADD on Windows platforms. Begin the installation simply by typing setup on the command line and follow the simple instructions. ** NOTE ** For Windows NT with the Java Development Kit ( JDK ) : ==> Icons (shortcuts) will NOT be added to the Start menu or the Startup folder. You can either : 1) Create shortcuts by dragging the icon for the IBMADD.BAT file (in the ADD install directory) to the Start menu and the Startup folder and clicking 'Create Shortcut(s) here.' 2) Install ADD using the 'setup.class' file as described below in section Installing using 'setup.class' (for all platforms) You must invoke 'java' with this installation program name. Begin the installation by typing jre -cp . setup OR java setup on the command line and follow the simple instructions. ** NOTE ** Java is case-sensative, so this command must be typed exactly as shown. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.2 After Installing ADD After invoking the installation procedure as described above and following the simple instructions, installation will be complete, and you may delete the install program - setup.class OR setup.exe. After installation the ADD directory structure looks like this: InstallDir\install.idb ---> Installation file \uninstall.class ---> Program file to uninstall ADD Windows files : InstallDir\IBMADD.bat ---> Executable file \IBMADD.ini ---> Used for shortcuts \launcher.exe ---> Used for shortcuts \Receive.bat ---> Internal executable \Rexec.bat ---> Internal executable \trace.bat ---> Internal executable InstallDir\com\ibm\sms\ADD\... ---> Directories for ADD's programs InstallDir\com\ibm\sms\ADD\doc ---> ADD documentation / \doc\images Users Guide and images \ReadMe.txt ---> This 'Read Me' file \ADDwin.ico ---> An ADD icon for Windows InstallDir\com\ibm\sms\awt\... ---> Directories for utility ftp\... packages used by ADD trace\... ** NOTE ** While we intend this to be the complete and accurate file list, it may be different from your installation. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.3 Uninstalling ADD When ADD is installed, an uninstallation program - uninstall.class - is also installed. It is just like the install program in that you must invoke Java with this class name. From inside the directory that ADD was installed into, begin the uninstallation by typing: jre -cp . uninstall OR java uninstall This will completely remove the ADD installation. However, it will not remove the original install program - setup.class OR setup.exe, the directory ADD was installed into, any program objects/shortcuts that you may have made to invoke ADD or any temporary files or files you created within the ADD directory structure. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.4 Upgrading ADD If you downloaded a newer version of ADD and want to install it, it is recommended that you go through the 'Uninstall' procedure described in section 2.2.3. Then use the 'Install' procedure described in section 2.2.1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.5 ADD Package Contents ** NOTE ** This information is not needed for general users. This release of ADD contains the following versions of these packages. Java Package Name Version/Release/Modification ----------------- ---------------------------- com.ibm.sms.awt 1.1.A com.ibm.sms.ftp 1.1.8 com.ibm.sms.trace 1.1.4 com.ibm.sms.ADD 2.1.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3 Migrating ADD from Version 1.1 If you are a user of ADD version 1 for OS/2, you can migrate your settings, including your target definitions, to your new installation of ADD version 2 for Windows, using the following steps: 1) Download ADDPORT.EXE (a self-extracting zip file) and copy it to a diskette from: FIX ftp://service.boulder.ibm.com/ps/products/ibmadd/r2 2) Insert the diskette into a diskette drive on your OS/2 receiving workstation. 3) Enter A: to change your current directory to your diskette drive (assuming your diskette drive is your A drive). 4) Enter ADDPORT to extract the migration program. 5) Enter ADDPORT.CMD to run the migration program. It will ask you to enter the drive letter of your diskette drive and will create a new IBMADD.INI file on the diskette. 6) Remove the diskette from your OS/2 system and insert it into a diskette drive on your Windows receiving workstation. 7) Make sure ADD version 2 for Windows is not running. 8) Copy IBMADD.INI from the diskette to same directory on your Windows receiving workstation in which you installed Java (either the JRE or JDK). Frequently this is the root directory on your C drive. In this directory you should see the top level Java directory (either JDK1.1.x or JRE1.1.x). ** NOTE ** We recommend following these step before starting ADD version 2 for Windows the first time, since these steps will overwrite the IBMADD.INI file that it creates. ======================================================================== 3.0 Running ADD ** NOTE ** ADD is meant to be running all the time on the receiving workstation. If it is ever stopped, it should be restarted as soon as possible. On Windows platforms a shortcut for ADD is created in the Startup folder to ensure that every time the system is booted, ADD begins executing. * Windows NT users MUST carefully read section ** NOTE ** ADD is meant to to be running only ONCE on the machine. Before invoking ADD look at the task bar to ensure ADD is not already running. Having 2 copies of ADD executing on the same machine can have unknown and undesired effects. The installation procedure creates an execution 'script', which is either a command file, a batch file or something appropriate for your operating system. To invoke ADD should be as simple as typing IBMADD from inside the directory where you chose to install ADD. On Windows platforms, the installation procedure created a shortcut which was placed under the Programs tab of the Start menu. Simply click on this to invoke ADD. You may create your own shortcuts or desktop objects to more easily invoke ADD. Just be sure to set the current directory for the object to the directory where you installed ADD. The following icon is included with ADD for you to attach to your ADD program objects: InstallDir\com\ibm\sms\ADD\ADDwin.ico ---> An ADD icon for Windows ======================================================================== 4.0 Help / Support 4.1 On-line Help All of ADD's documentation and help are on-line. The following is the main entry point into the documentation. Just load this file into your favorite browser: ADD_Installation_Directory\com\ibm\sms\ADD\doc\UsersGuide.html While executing ADD, there are HELP buttons on the dialogs which will attempt to open your favorite browser with the appropriate Users Guide page. Before using this you must tell ADD which browser to use by clicking Help->Choose browser... on the menu bar. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 Website Help More information and help is available at the (internal IBM) ADD Website: http://w3sdf.boulder.ibm.com/ott