=========================================================================================================================================== H O U R G L A S S 5 . 2 A C C U M M A I N T E N A N C E 5 7 This accumulated maintenance package contains all published fixes as described in the included documentation. This maintenance package consists of the following files: * H520ACCUM57_README.TXT (This readme text file.) * H520ACCUM57.DOC (Description of maintenance supplied in this accum level.) * H520ACCUM57_LOADLIB.BIN (Binary file containing the replacement files to be installed into the HG 5.2 loadlib library.) * H520ACCUM57_SAMPLIB.BIN (Binary file containing the replacement files to be installed into the HG 5.2 Samplib library.) * H520ACCUM57_MODLIB.BIN (Binary file containing the replacement files to be installed into the HG 5.2 Modlib library.) =========================================================================================================================================== To install this accumulative maintenance package, follow these steps: 1. Back up the LOADLIB, SAMPLIB, and MODLIB product libraries. 2. Pre-allocate a sequential file on the mainframe with the following attributes: Organization = PS Record format = FB Record length = 80 Block size = 3120 Primary allocation = 25 tracks Secondary allocation = 10 tracks 3. Follow these steps to install the LOADLIB library modules: a) Ensure that the sequential file allocated in step 2 is empty. b) Upload the H520ACCUM57_LOADLIB.BIN file into the pre-allocated sequential file. Be sure to use binary mode when file transferring. c) Go to ISPF option 6 ("ISPF Command Shell" panel) and enter the following command: RECEIVE INDSN('sequential.file') where "sequential.file" is the file created in step 2 above You will then be prompted for additional information. Press <>. The receive process will create a library named "tsoid.HG52.ACCUM57.LOADLIB" where "tsoid" is your tso signon. d) Move the modules from the newly created LOADLIB library into the HG 5.2 LOADLIB replacing the existing modules. e) The temporary "tsoid.HG52.ACCUM57.LOADLIB" library will now be empty. It can be deleted. 4. Follow these steps to install the SAMPLIB library modules: a) Ensure that the sequential file allocated in step 2 is empty. b) Upload the H520ACCUM57_SAMPLIB.BIN file into the pre-allocated sequential file. Be sure to use binary mode when file transferring. c) Go to ISPF option 6 ("ISPF Command Shell" panel) and enter the following command: RECEIVE INDSN('sequential.file') where "sequential.file" is the file created in step 2 above You will then be prompted for additional information. Press <>. The receive process will create a library named "tsoid.HG52.ACCUM57.SAMPLIB" where "tsoid" is your tso signon. d) Move the modules from the newly created SAMPLIB library into the HG 5.2 SAMPLIB replacing the existing modules. e) The temporary "tsoid.HG52.ACCUM57.SAMPLIB" library will now be empty. It can be deleted. 5. Follow these steps to install the MODLIB library modules: a) Ensure that the sequential file allocated in step 2 is empty. b) Upload the H520ACCUM57_MODLIB.BIN file into the pre-allocated sequential file. Be sure to use binary mode when file transferring. c) Go to ISPF option 6 ("ISPF Command Shell" panel) and enter the following command: RECEIVE INDSN('sequential.file') where "sequential.file" is the file created in step 2 above You will then be prompted for additional information. Press <>. The receive process will create a library named "tsoid.HG52.ACCUM57.MODLIB" where "tsoid" is your tso signon. d) Move the modules from the newly created MODLIB library into the HG 5.2 MODLIB replacing the existing modules. e) The temporary "tsoid.HG52.ACCUM57.MODLIB" library will now be empty. It can be deleted. 6. After applying this accumulative maintenance: a) You must reapply your HourGlass product settings and activation password. Run your customized copy of the supplied HGCUSTOM job. The HourGlass installation provides a base version of the HGCUSTOM job in the SAMPLIB library. b) Restart HourGlass (run HGOFF/HGON). c) Restart any CICS regions that use HourGlass services. =========================================================================================================================================== This accum maintenance will replace the following modules: In the LOADLIB library (28 modules): HGBLMRU HGCCGX4 HGCC4 HGCOBLE HGCOBLE1 HGCUST HGDDST HGEXIT24 HGFORMT HGFRONT HGIMSLI HGINSTL HGLILW5 HGLILW6 HGLSARR HGLSPC HGLSSTC HGOPTS HGPINS HGRRC00 HGRRC01 HGSCHED HGSC4 HGTSUA HGUC4 HGXPCF HGXTRUE MWINIT In the MODLIB library (4 members): $DB2 CPPA##AE DB2B81AA DB2B91AA In the SAMPLIB library (3 members): @INDEX52 HGBLMRU$ HGGETDT$ =========================================================================================================================================== If you have any questions about or problems with this procedure, please contact Princeton Softech Support by calling (800)457-7060 or by emailing Support@Princetonsoftech.com ===========================================================================================================================================